AN: I don't own the characters, they belong to Tamora Pierce. I was really sad when I wrote flames please...

Kel stared out her window, not really seeing the rain-drenched world before her. Hearing a knock on her door, Kel turned around as Neal entered. Crossing the room, he hugged his best friend, glad to see her after the war.

"Kel, what's wrong?" Even though her Yamani mask was on, Neal could sense something was bothering her.

"Oh, Neal! Why?" She exclaimed, tears flashing down her face. "Why?"

"Kel, what are you talking about?"

"Why did he have to die?" Kel sobbed into Neal's shirt.

"Who?" Neal asked, wrapping comforting arms around Kel.

"Dom" was the one word Kel said before completely dissolving into tears. It wasn't like her to cry like this, but Gods, why Dom?