Legolas had a hand placed over his eyes as Aragorn and Nanaylia stood on the other side of the room. They were talking to one of the healers, who was slightly concerned about the whole situation.

"I am unsure what is happening with him. This most recent incident was only brief compared to the other major one not too long ago but I am still concerned about it," the elf told the two.

"Do you think we should be concerned about it any further?" wondered Aragorn, slightly concerned about the quest.

"Though I feel he should be fine for the rest of your quest. It seems it is only active when he is around Nanaylia. If he leaves and she stays here, I believe that everything will indeed be alright and there will be no futher incidents like these," the elf replied as he looked between them.

Aragorn sighed as he gave a nod of the head. He glanced over at Nanaylia to see that she also agreed with what the elf had said, although not liking it very much that she had to stay behind.

"I will head back to the others and tell them that we will be leaving soon, if Legolas feels he is alright enough to head out," Aragorn quietly said before he started to head over to the worried elf.

Aragorn arrived at the side of the Mirkwood elf and knelt down enough to catch his attention.

"What now?" Legolas wondered.

"Are you going to feel alright enough to continue out on the quest soon?" Aragorn asked.

Legolas thought about his answer for a moment before nodding his head.

"Yes, I will be," he quietly replied before he managed to stand on his two feet. "We should leave. The others are probably wondering where we are."

He walked out of the room, leaving an obviously worried Aragorn behind.

"I don't know why I'm going to do this," he quietly said to himself.

"What?" wondered the elven healer.

"I'm going to let him continue, with or without what's happening. I don't know. Maybe he will get better because of it," Aragorn replied as he started to follow the elf out of the room.

"Though be very careful. For all we know, it just might be coincidental that it just so happened when he was around his sister. He couldeasilyhave another attack," the elf called after Aragorn.

Aragorn acknowledged the statement as Nanaylia watched them and sighed as the elf standing next gave a glance over at her.

'Maybe he's right. Maybe if he's away from me, whatever is happening to him will get better. All I want for him at the moment is to get better,' she thought to herself.


Galadriel gave each member of the Fellowship their gift just before they prepared themselves for the trip down the river.

She carefully watched Legolas as he placed the bags into boats. She sensed something different in the air around him but she couldn't place what it was as Celeborn walked up behind her.

"What is the matter?" he asked her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Something is very different about him. I cannot place it but there is," she replied.

She glanced over to a nearby tree to see that Nanaylia was standing behind it. Celeborn followed her gaze.

"We shall talk later. I have to talk to a certain young princess," Galadriel replied. "She is going to be very upset about this."

Celeborn watched her head back inside as he stayed behind to moniter what was going on with the Fellowship before they left. He soon walked over to Aragorn to tell him something.


Nanaylia looked out the window as a knock came to the door. She heard the door open as soon as she said 'come in'. She didn't have to turn around to know it was Galadriel.

"Nanaylia, I have sent a messenger out to contact your father. I feel that he should know where you are right now. He will probably want to take you back home. Haldir has expressed concern about your brother but I fear that if anything should appear, it will be soon," Galadriel told her.

The younger elf nodded, half not paying attention.

"I worry about him so. I am also expressing my concern over Legolas. Something is definitely wrong with him. I have this nagging feeling that I should know what it is but I cannot place it and it worried me more than usual," she quietly replied.

Galadriel nodded, deciding to allow her to have some privacy. Galadriel walked out of the room and turned to the guard outside the door. She told the elf to remember what she told him. The elf lowered his head, indicating that he understood his duty.

'You probably know that Legolas worried for you Nanaylia. As you do for him. But I worry more for you both at the moment,' Galadriel thought to herself as she hurried away from the room.


Galadriel walked into her room to meet up with her husband, who lowered the book he was reading as he glanced over at her.

"Something bothers you my dear," he told her in a 'matter-of-factly' sounding voice.

"More than you realize Celeborn," Galadriel sighed.

Celeborn placed the book on a nearby table, carefully watching her as he stood up and walked over to her, a worried look on his face.

"What concerns you?" he demanded to know.

"Legolas. Outwardly, he is fine but something burns dim inside his body, unseen to all others. As he and the rest of the Fellowship head forward in their quest to destroy the Ring, another battle rages on, unknown to all, including me. What it is, I cannot tell yet. Nanaylia, in the back of her mind, has an unknown fear that something will happen to her brother because of Shentree and I fear that she is correct. She detests the gargoyles and so does he but that cannot help them against anything they do," Galadriel replied.

"Legolas is not a child anymore..." Celeborn started as he walked up behind her.

"I know he isn't and neither is Nanaylia. But we all know the gargoyles are still a threat, whether they be together or even apart. After what happened to Haldir a few months ago in Mirkwood with Banside and now this with Shentree, I fear that someday, they will reunite and attack Thranduil and his children if they survive this war," Galadriel explained.

"What are you fearing?" Celeborn asked.

"I fear that whatever is taking over Legolas, that it will come soon and it will not be nice at all. He will not be prepared for it. No one will be. I feel that when the time comes, it will simply take him over so quickly that he will not understand what is happening. I fear that Legolas, son of Thranduil, is in terrible danger," Galadriel replied as she looked out the window at the trees. "And there's nothing we can do to stop it."

The End (For now...)

Yeah, I know. Shorter chapter than some of the others. I also know that I left a few unanswered questions. In time, they will be explained. Most likely in the story that follows this called 'Sisterly Love'. (Don't know when it's going to be up now. Actually, I have no idea what I want to put up next. I've got a few stories I want to put up. But if any of you want me to put up 'Sisterly Love' next, let me know.)