Disclaimers: I do not own the characters of Gundam Wing. This story is from my head and there is no way that they would even think of doing this with their characters, and I'm not making any money out of this story or any other story I write.

Genre: AU Fantasy Romance

Warning: Yaoi, male x male loving, limey, angst, could be some violence but no raping, there is far too much of that going on for my liking. There will be male pregnancy.

Pairing: Heero x Duo and various other pairings

Rating: R

Author: Shaeric Draconis

Authors Note: Thank you everyone for the reviews and comment once again and letting me know that it was better than alright. Hope you like this chapter.

Summary: Prince Duo grows up with the name unwanted always tagged with his name. He even becomes the unwanted bride to Prince Heero but there is something special about the unwanted…the four winds is only the beginning…


a. The act of revealing or disclosing

b. Something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realised

Chapter 2 seventh day Revelation

The cold grey walls in the dining hall of the castle was covered with heavy cloths, woven, rich and varicoloured tapestries each telling a story of a brave king from ancients past, starting from when he was a boy then as he grew in to a fine young man. His many adventures and bravery unfolded in chronological order, his magic glowing around him in his later years.

It was rumoured that this kings gift had grown to such a powerful extent that it was said that he could control many things but the written words of what he was capable of was lost as the scrolls that his deeds were recorded on were stolen or lost. Nobody really knew; the tapestries the only thing remaining of this great kings life.

Lingering smells of eggs, bacon, and fresh bread wafted pass the tapestries in the dining hall, the sounds of scraping plates the only sound heard in the room. In the centre stood a long wooden table that has seen many generations of Maxwell's, it was covered with many varieties of fruit, silver goblets set out with exact precision along with silver plates and matching utensils. The wooden chairs surrounding the heirloom were covered with royal blue velvet, the thickness making one sink into the softness.

Six people surrounded the table, five eyes looking down as they silently ate. Amongst the six was the small form of a boy dressed in black. He sat, his amethyst orbs fascinated by the tapestries on the wall, his heart beating a little faster as he had made up his mind to come in here when no one else was around. The pictures intrigued him and he had no idea why.

Duo shook his head, his chestnut ponytail swinging with his movements against the shoulder of his black velvet long sleeved tunic, the same tunic that added mystique to the boy of five, even to the other eyes in the dining hall. Sighing Duo willed himself to ignore the tension in the air, he knew why it was like this. He rarely ate in the dining hall with the king, not that he wished to, he knew that the horrible man couldn't stand him but he was unclear on why.

Humming Duo carefully dug his spoon into his porridge, his favourite breakfast and briefly stopped humming as he felt the warmth filling his mouth, savouring the taste of porridge, fresh cream and honey. He swung his legs and froze as a voice cut through his private world of happiness.

"Can you not keep him quiet, his humming is giving me a headache!"

Duo swallowed hard as he felt a sharp pain in his chest, the tastes in his mouth turning sour. He refused to look up and made his hand move mechanically to his plate, his full concentration on digging his spoon once again into his porridge.

He would not let that horrible man get to him and knew he had to be on his best behaviour. He was the king after all but as far as Duo was concerned he hated him and wished him far from here. He looked up as Helly answered the king.

"Sire he is only five and full of life, it is hard for any child to keep quiet for too long."

Duo was surprised at the anger he could feel coming from his Helly and he frowned and looked towards the king, his amethyst orbs glaring as his hand that was holding the spoon clenched tightly. Duo could handle what the king did to him but he wouldn't let anyone ever hurt his Helly…ever!

The king had golden blond hair that fell silkily to his shoulders, his cold green eyes that looked back at him with an emotion that Duo couldn't understand. It was a bad emotion that darkened only when the kings stare alighted on him. "I'm not interested in what a five year old is like; just make him be quiet until G gets here!"

Helen just nodded not bothering to answer, for she feared she would say more than she should and get herself removed from the castle. The last thing she wanted to happen was for Duo to be alone, and besides her Angel-bug needed her protection. Helen wished her aunty was here she would soon put the king in his place.

Duo could only watch as the king turned to talk to the boy on his right, the kings' son, Solo, who was the spitting image of his father. He bit his lip at the way the king looked at the Prince softly, warmth shining out of the older mans eye, the pride he held for his son. Duo swallowed hard, not understanding the feeling churning deep in the pit of his stomach.

The prince was three years older than he was and Duo didn't really know him, only because Prince Solo had duties to attend to, and G, the High Counsellor was in charge of the Princes education, especially with weaponry and magic.

What Duo found strange was why G bothered with him as well. If G was for the royal family, how did it include him? He would have to ask Helly later because somehow he knew that some things were not what they seemed…

The peace was broken by the giant wooden door opening with a clang to let in the high counsellor. Duo snickered and cast his eyes down; G was so strange looking that Duo couldn't help but laugh to the anger of the high counsellor. But Duo reasoned who wouldn't, besides being short, G had the longest pointiest nose in the whole kingdom and his hair was so strange, like someone plonked a bowl on his head and just cut around the edge. He coughed and spooned more porridge in his mouth before G snorted at him and gave him the evil eye, he snickered again and cleared his throat when he felt Helly nudge his arm.

He looked at her with wide eyed innocence, nibbling on his bottom lip; he knew that look always got him out of trouble with Helly. And it had worked again so he smiled at her, love shining in his orbs.

Helen smiled back at her Angel-bug and shook her head looking towards G and the king, wondering why she was here with Duo. She couldn't understand it; the king would never let Duo join the rest of the royal family for breakfast unless he was up to something. Dread tingled up her spine, her hands clasped tightly together. She didn't like it and for her aunty to be away…god knows where…

The king stood up, his figure still fine even for a man his age and everyone in the room could see the relief on his face when G entered. They all knew he couldn't stand being in the same room as his son, the unwanted. "G where have you been, I have things to attend to that is of high importance."

G had to stop himself from frowning, the king was a terrible liar but he shrugged his shoulder and looked sternly at Prince Duo. At least the boy was honest with his reactions and he could sense the strength and power in the boy. Stronger than any Maxwell he has ever had the privilege to serve, he just wasn't sure in what direction the boys' magic was heading towards. He had thought the healing arts like everyone else, but from what he had discerned from the old lady there was more. She wouldn't enlighten him; her excuse was she didn't know either…

He didn't believe her but that wasn't his concern. His concern for now was to join the Maxwell kingdom with the Yuy kingdom, that's where the unwanted came in. G would never let it be known but he had a lot of time for the poor kid and Duo's intelligence excelled all his expectations, even though he was only five. He suspected the unwanted knew even more but held himself back.

G turned once again towards the king, "I'm sorry sire but word has arrived back from Yuy household and I needed to relay a message back to J."

The king nodded, beckoning G to sit, as he sat down himself. "Have they agreed to the arrangement?"

G nodded, "yes they have sire. J said when he turned thirteen; that would be a good age for the marriage between Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell."

Helen could only watch in shocked silence, her Duo married to a Yuy. It was renowned that the Maxwell's and Yuy's had a long standing feud dating back six generations, maybe longer.

Duo heard his name mentioned and wasn't really sure what a marriage was and what a Heero Yuy had to do with it. He shrugged not really caring, his breakfast was getting cold and as far as he was concerned this was grownup talk.

As for the king he shook his head, he had made a promise to his beloved Amber and he was not about to break it even if he was eager to get rid of the unwanted. "I'm afraid that's impossible, the marriage will take place when he turns fifteen. You have to remember he is a Draen male; there are certain responsibilities in regards to what that entails. The old woman will advise you on this matter, I'm not really interested."

King Aiden turned towards the bane of his life and shuddered as the hatred he felt for the unwanted consumed him like a ball of fire. "He means nothing to me but the queen made me promise before she…" he swallowed not able to look at the boy who looked so much like his mother any longer, "just let the Yuy Kingdom know, I will not discuss this any further."

Sighing G nodded. "Of course sire." He made his way towards Helen, anger radiating from the women but it couldn't be helped. "Follow me Helen…Duo."

Duo was only glad to leave, he ignored the king but the kings' words circled in his head like vultures and he shook his head as if to get rid of them but certain words just wouldn't go away. He smiled a big grin to hide what he was truly feeling; he wouldn't let that horrible man see that he affected him. He grabbed Helly's hand and they both followed G towards the west wing. It was Duo's sanctuary, and not many ventured there.

The stairway to the West wing curved around the wall of the circular part of the castle, it was austere and unwelcoming but Duo loved it. There was a hidden door halfway up that no one knew about, and it was one secret he was not about to tell anyone, not even Helly. Duo wanted some thing that was only his.

When they finally reached the landing, a massive arch door made of metal that G had said was very rare and had admitted that he wasn't sure what kind of metal type it was. Duo watched as G waved his hand a simple word spoken, and it shimmered turning into liquid, opened like a curtain and all three entered, the door once again solid as they moved further down the cold hallway of stone with many doors leading to different rooms.

G was deep in thought. The boy would have to be told who he was; they couldn't put it of any longer. If Helen didn't do it then he would. It wasn't fair on the unwanted and he had a right to know. Better if the prince faced it now then later, not that it made any difference but the marriage would go through as planned and Duo would be Heero's life mate.

They finally reached the princes personal library and entered. G turned to the unwanted. "Duo you have studies, finish the last assignment I gave you, the puzzle of the labyrinth." G watched as the boys eyes lit up with excitement and smirked. J was a fool if he thought he could do as he pleased with Prince Duo, his mind was as intricate as a labyrinth; his movements were those of a feline, and G knew that when the boy grew older he was going to be master of stealth, oh he had his weaknesses, who didn't, but that will be worked on later.

He watched as Duo waved excitedly at Helen then made his way to his study room, opening then closing the massive door behind him. G braced himself, because he knew that Helen was very angry, that being the understatement.

"How could you!" He watched as she paced the room, and realised how very attractive she was. It was sad considering she had devoted her life to the prince, but really it was time that the young lady found her self her own life mate. She should have children of her own; he was suddenly brought back out of his thoughts when she banged her fists down on the round table.

"Listen to me damn it G!"

"Helen, it couldn't be helped. The king has to protect his people, his kingdom; the alliance with the Yuy's strengthen this."

"Liar! The Yuy's are our enemy!" Helen couldn't help herself; they were sending an innocent to the cold household of the Yuy's.

G shook his head, his face hardening, "they won't be once they are married and besides you know its more than this. The alliance with the Yuy's and Maxwell's need to be in place, if it isn't then who knows what the outcome will be. Strange things have been happening and even stranger sightings, we need to prepare ourselves now!"

Helen cursed beneath her breath, her pale eyes glaring, "so Duo is to be the lamb to the slaughter?!"

Frowning G moved towards the young girl, ice breathing all around him, "I hardly think Duo is the lamb. Don't underestimate him Helen that will be the first mistake anyone will make where he is concerned and I think that I will have to start spending more time with him in his training."

Helen froze, "No! He's too young."

"I'm sorry but you have just proven to me that he needs to learn his place and I will let nothing stand in my way. He is mine every second day from this day forth," he snapped and then staggered backwards as he felt the sting of her hand across his cheek. G was shocked and hardened himself, "Duo is still a prince and as such he has responsibilities and it is my job to make sure he is prepared and ready to handle them!"

G leaned heavily on the round table, and he could see Helen regretted hitting him but he was determined to get his way, "you will have to tell him who he is, it is time."

Shaking her head Helen pleaded with the high counsellor. "No…please let him have one more year…please?"

Smiling sadly G shook his head, "I'm sorry Helen he has to be told now. In two years time Prince Heero Yuy will be ten, when he turns ten he will be making a special trip to our kingdom to meet his life mate…Duo will need to be prepared and I am placing that responsibility on you." He took a deep breath, "if you don't tell him now…I will."

Sighing Helen closed her eyes bowing her head. She was afraid of Duo's response, would he hate her…would he forgive her. And the pain when he realises…she shivered at this whispering, "I will tell him."

G smiled, "Good. It's best if he learns it from us than someone who tells him out of spite."

Helen mentally agreed with G but she wasn't going to tell him that, she looked at G when he suddenly tensed up and looked behind her and gasped, "Duo!"

Duo loved his studies, it was so simple and what made it even better, it was a lot of fun. G may look strange but he knew what kept his interest, Duo was easily distracted if the assignments were too boring.

He looked within the box that G had placed on his writing desk covering it completely, inside there were many miniature hallways turning in different directions like a maze. At first glance it looks confusing but the more you studied it, the more pathways opened up leading the eye to different doorways. G said this taught the mind discipline, concentration and sharp focus.

Breathing slowly he lost himself in the labyrinth, his sight blurring as he felt his deep consciousness being pulled towards the box. Long brown eyelashes fluttered and closed, yet he could still see the pathway he was following with his minds eye. Silently he walked through the maze like he was actually there, his instincts telling him which way to go. It seemed like ages but it was only mere seconds when he finally came to a door that would have his special symbol on it. He stared mesmerised with the unusual symbol and frowned, recording it into his memory and he suddenly heard Helly shout…


His breath hitched and his eyes opened breaking his concentration, he felt his body hurl forward so he grabbed hold of the box to steady himself. His chest heaved rising and falling fast, he shook his head and tried to focus back to the room he was sitting in. "Damn came back to fast."

He frowned when he thought he heard Helly yell but shook his head, "must be hearing things." His head hurt and he was only glad G wasn't here; he would have been disappointed with him. But the symbol…he had never seen anything like it before. It was…

"No he's too young!"


Standing up shakily he walked towards the door, his symbol locked away for now. His foster mother sounded angry…and sad. Silently he opened the door not making a sound, the voices of G and Helly getting louder. He could hear them and wasn't sure what it was he was hearing but it had to do with him, and that Heero Yuy again.

He stepped into the library and just stood there like a shadow listening to what was being said.

"You will have to tell him who he is, it is time."

"No…please let him have one more year…please?"

"I'm sorry Helen he has to be told now. In two years time Prince Heero Yuy will be ten, when he turns ten he will be making a special trip to our kingdom to meet his life mate…Duo will need to be prepared and I am placing that responsibility on you."

"If you don't tell him now…I will."

Biting his lip Duo looked from one to the other, life mate…responsibility but the words he kept repeating, you will have to tell him who he is, it is time. He dreaded what that meant, it had upset his Helly.

He was startled when Helly said his name, "Duo!"

His wide eyes looked at her as he tried to ignore the tightening of his chest. He felt strange and wondered why his eyes were burning. "Who am I?" He watched as Helly moved towards him slowly, her hands outstretched in front of her. Duo shook his head and stepped backwards panicking, "who am I?"

"Angel-bug you have to know that I never meant for you to find out this way but G thinks it best that you know." She looked at the counsellor; she couldn't do it, not to her Angel-bug.

Duo just stood there waiting not saying anything.

G stepped forward but Duo glared at him. It was his fault. G continued towards him and Duo saw pity in his eyes, which was not like G at all. "You are Prince Duo Dracon-Maxwell."

"No…" He may be five but he wasn't stupid. If he was a prince then that made the horrible man…Shaking his head Duo moved backwards, "No…you lie…I can't be a prince…the king…"

G had to be blunt, the boy had to face who he was, "is your father." There it's done and one look at the unwanted made G look away.

Helen could only watch as the prince digested the revelation, "Duo?"

He screamed, "No, no, no, NO!" he turned around and ran out of the library, through his study room, down the hall towards his bed chamber. He opened his door and slammed it shut, locking it and sobbed as the tears made a track down his cherub cheeks. He ran to the darkest corner of his room sitting down and curling his body hugging his legs as tried to stop the tears.

He replayed the way the king looked at prince Solo, softly, pride, love…and then the way the king always looked at him…with hatred…disgust…

He cried out and could hear Helly banging on his door but the pain in his chest hurt so badly and he couldn't stop the tears…he didn't want to deal with this he was far too young…

I'm the unwanted….Son…

Yuy Kingdom – Tenth day

The sun glared outside, the heat stifling with a slight breeze. The wooden panels were opened letting the light into the dark bedchamber of the Prince. Stone walls with the heraldry of the Yuy family placed in precise order, red was the main colour, with two golden dragons facing each other, black and blue weaving in and out like fancy curls around them.

Glaring from his window at the scenery outside stood the prince who was wearing brown trousers of suede, and a white silk shirt that billowed around him when he moved. It hid the well toned muscle beneath which was surprising for the age of the young boy who was only eight. His dark wild hair blew in the slight breeze, his handsome face set off by the intense blue eyes that glared.

Frowning Heero needed to be alone with his thoughts. It was now official, he was marrying a Maxwell and what made matters worse he was told by J it was the Unwanted Maxwell. Heero was furious when he found this out, he growled angrily!

He turned from the view and walked towards his writing desk and grabbed his beloved sword Dragon song, his strong slender hands tight around the hilt as he struggled to control his emotions. He wished he could refuse the king but he loved his father and wanted him to be proud of him.

He respected J and was pleased with the way the older man trained him personally but that didn't mean he was controlled by the high counsellor. He knew that to put all your trust into one person was the worse thing you could do…it gave the other person power over you. Heero Yuy would never let that happen, his father, he loved him but he let J make too many decisions for his liking.

Heero kept silent and made sure no one knew what he was thinking or feeling, giving them a false sense of security about him. He was biding his time and besides J was highly intelligent, especially with tactical manoeuvres, weaponry strategies and knowledge that went far beyond any scholar here at the Yuy kingdom.

Smirking he gripped Dragon song with both his hands feeling the power, the strength that the magic of the blade held within. He would learn all that he could from J, why not, so far he has surpassed his ancestors with his weaponry skill, knowledge and he could anticipate movements that went far beyond the physical form. As for his so called life mate, he didn't give a damn about him. He would use him so that the feud between them would end and the alliance would strengthen his kingdom…

He would be meeting the unwanted when he turned ten. His father wasn't happy about it but he didn't do anything to stop it either. J said that it had to be done because the two kingdoms needed to make the partnership solid and unbreakable. J never said why but Heero figured that the high counsellor didn't know himself.

Heero knew about the scout ranger that J had sent one full moon ago. The fox with green eyes. He was in his late thirties and a great mystery. He had no friends or family but he was loyal to his father and Heero supposed he wouldn't betray them…but that didn't mean he would let his guard down…

Growing tired of his own company and thoughts he nimbly dressed so he could spar with his cousin and friend Chang Wufei. He was the only challenge for Heero and besides he learned a new technique and he wanted to try it on someone. His cousin Wufei would be perfect and he understood Heero and how his mind work.

Chuckling Heero slid Dragon Song in to the intricate sheath of sterling silver, symbols and hieroglyphics of an ancient language etched deeply in to the metal, the pommel of his sword carrying the golden eye of the dragon that glowed at certain angles.

Brushing his strong hand through his hair he straightened his brown sleeveless tunic, schooling his features into its stoic mask, his favourite mask. The one that scared people, the one that showed no emotions…the one that was unforgiving…


The tracker sensed he was being followed but every time he turned around there was nothing…it was friendly…testing him.

Shaking his head he moved forward, he could hear the river that he would be crossing and he could smell blood of fresh meat. Curious. He knew where he was heading and he hoped he would get to see him…he hasn't seen the child for eight years…

The old lady said he would be safe with the warrior sentinels…he had agreed…he just hoped they were both right…