When Stars Fell : A Final Fantasy X-2 Fanfiction

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A/N : I've been wanting to start a Lenne/Shuyin fanfic for so long... n.n; I got the idea for this one while writing Dancing All Around Me, which isn't finished yet, but y'know. When you get new ideas, you just wanna work on 'em before anything else, and that's what happened to me. But don't worry—I'm still gonna work on Dancing All Around Me. Again, this idea isn't fully developed yet; I'll most likely end up writing it as I go along, like how I'm doing with DAAM. You guys'll live with it, I guess. :D

Disclaimer : I do not claim ownership of Final Fantasy X-2 or any of its characters, concepts, etc.; they belong to Square-Enix. However, any original characters that I have created belong to me.

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PROLOGUE : A Strange Discovery

"Hey! Look what I found!" The sound of something metallic colliding with something else ensued the exclamation. The man rummaged through the heap of discarded machina parts before lifting a glowing sphere from the trash.

"A sphere! Here, of all places..."

"Well!" Another man approached the one who had found the sphere. "What a treasure. And it appears fine and undamaged, doesn't it? Think we could activate it and see what's on it?"

"I guess we could try..." The man with the sphere turned the cool, shining object in his dirtied, callused hands before finding the switch. With a resounding click, the sphere glowed brighter and revealed its contents.

At first, they could see nothing but could hear sounds and voices. "There. See her?" "Yeah. What the hell is she doing?" "I don't know... but we're supposed to kill her." Then there was a flash of light, and the sphere revealed a beautiful young woman who seemed to be in her mid-twenties standing in the middle of a circle formed by about ten motionless machina drones. The two men had never seen these drones before. They were old models. Very old. Ancient, in fact.

They watched as the woman in the sphere raised her arms to the sky, lifting her head as if to chant some sort of incantation to the heavens above. The flowing robes she wore seemed to be made of silk and fluttered around her body as the wind grew stronger.

"What the—?!" "The fuck is she doing?!" The image in the sphere shook and tumbled from side to side as the recorder at the time had tried to keep it straight in the confusing situation.

There was a glimpse of a dark sky, broken by streaks of lightning. Then one of the voices again. "Kill her! Shoot that bitch!" The sound of gunfire quickly followed, then a woman's deafening scream pierced the air as everything in the sphere went black.

The man holding the sphere blinked and stared at the now-dark object in his hands. After a moment, he spoke. "Um... that was really..."

"Weird," the other man finished for him.

Another second passed when the man holding the sphere suddenly dropped it and jumped back. The sphere hit the ground unscathed and rolled a little bit away from the two men. The second man looked from the sphere to the man who had just dropped it.

"What's up wit' you?"

"It was burning...! Right after the clip ended, the sphere grew hot and I had to drop it..."

The two men stared at the sphere, which had begun to glow again, but instead of the usual, mellow peach color, it glowed a dark green.

"Damn..." the second man said. "Why's it doin' that?" The man who had previously held the sphere shrugged.

"Should we get near it?"

Silence. Then...

"Nah. Forget it. It's garbage anyway. We don't know exactly what it is that's on it, and if it was thrown in the dump, then it's not useful."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

They eyed the green sphere for another drawn-out minute before turning back to the tedious task of digging through the machina heap for more spare parts.

A couple hours later, as their shift came to an end, the two men prepared to leave. But they didn't forget about the sphere. They spared another glance back to the dull, green sphere just before stepping out of the factory's automatic, metal door.

"You think we should leave it there?"

"Yeah... it'll probably end up gettin' thrown into the Shredder Pile tomorrow. Then it'll be gone."


The factory's lights clicked off, and the establishment fell into darkness but for the glowing dark-green sphere. The two men had left. The factory had been vacated.

If they had stayed a few minutes longer, they might have been able to hear a woman's hideous laughter that now reverberated through the empty factory.

"Thank you... thank you, thank you."

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A/N : I know, this is extremely short, but it's all I can do, sadly. ;( I'll try to make the chapters much longer than the ones for Dancing All Around Me, though. Anyways, please review and tell me what you think so far! Thank you!