"I got it! I got it!" Mimi ran screaming into the office, clutching a piece of paper as if her life depended on it.

Sweatdropping, Kari turned to stare as Mimi ran into a trash can in her excitement.

Turning red in embarassment, Mimi tried to regain her posture gracefully, only to fall over again. Before crashing to the floor, she was stopped and turned to gaze into amazingly deep blue eyes.

"Hiya Mimi! You really should look where you're going."

"Yeah, thanks T.K...." Blushing a little, she wiggled out of his arms.

Kari, trying to get over her laughing fit, calmed down enough to ask Mimi what was so important.

"I got my next piece! It's about the new fashion designs from that new rising star...umm..what's her name?" Checks her piece again. "Oh, right, Sora Takenouchi!"

T.K. thinks about it, before replying brightly, "I've never heard of her!"

Rubbing her temples, Kari nodded her head. " I'm sorry, Mimi, but fashion just isn't getting the hits we want. You're a great writer, I know but..even if you were to write the most entertaining thing since ..."

"Power Rangers!" T.K. put in.

"Yes, Power..." Raising an eyebrow, she turned to stare at him.

"What? It's not like I watch it everyday and pretend to fight bad guys in my underwear!"

Falling over, Kari shaked her head sadly. " I don't know why you're even my boyfriend."

"Cause I'm cute?" T.K. smiled.

"Yeah..I guess..."

This resulted in a huge make-out session between the two. With Mimi sweatdropping near by.

Finally, running out of patience, Mimi screamed as loud as she could, " TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY PIECE!!!!!!" The ground shaking from the sound waves, she gasped for breath glaring at the stunned couple.

"Hehe..sorry, Mimi. It's not your piece it's just that..fashion? Nobody wants that anymore!" Kari said, straightening her shirt.

"Oh, really? Then what do the readers want now! I thought they rallied a week ago for more fashion articles."

"In news time, a week is forever! Now, since most of our readers are female, they want something so unique that even I'm not too sure how to do it." Kari fidgeted slightly, she had always prided herself on knowing what to do for the company, what was important, and knowing how to rake in money but now...

"Why? What..is it?"

"How the male mind works." Kari muttered.

"..How the..male..mind..works?! How are we supposed to get that kind of information?!" Mimi screamed again.

"Calm down! I have a plan!" T.K. was jumping up and down in excitement.

"What is it?" Mimi and Kari chorused.

"Well, you know my brother?"


"Yeah, Matt, he attends an all-boys school and I was thinking...we could send somebody down there and 'study' the guys. Of course, it'd have to be a girl!"

"What?! T.K...that's..."

"Brilliant! When did you get so smart??? We could give Mimi a make-over and turn her into a boy! And then she can take notes on how they act!"

"Why does it have to be me? Why can't we just interview a few guys?"

"It has to be you because you're the reporter, and don't you want an earth-shattering story?"

"I guess..."

"Also, if we just interview them we'll never know they're true side, or what they're really thinking. This way we'll get accurate information." Kari explained.

"So, will you do it? The office might promote you. I could phone up Matt so that the transition won't be so hard on you, he's really nice, he can help."

Mimi sighed. "Do I have a choice?"

"Of course! But, just remember who gives out the paychecks."

"Fine, I'll do it."

"Good! Now we'll just have to get you the uniform, cut your hair, get some straps for your..umm..boobies and-"

"C-Cut my hair?" Mimi stuttered, eyes as wide as saucers.

"Well, yes. You're going to have to look like a male."

"My..My hair??" Sniffling, she started crying a little.

"Er, we don't have to cut it too short!" T.K. cut in hastily, not wanting to see his friend cry. "Just about shoulder length should do it. Most guys these days have it that long..."

"Not really, T.K...But, I don't want to see all that pink hair cut off either."

Wiping away her tears, Mimi smiled. " I can live with shoulder-length hair!"

"...Oh! Mimi, you're going to have to get rid of that pink hair too!"


Dragging a screaming Mimi to the Beauty Salon, Kari and T.K. had to practically tie Mimi to the chair.

"Just think Mimi, you'll be in the Hall Of Fame after this article I promise! You're hair will grow back!"

Mimi still sobbed as she watched her precious hair snipped away...going shorter than her shoulder.

-Few hours later, school district-

A young boy turned his head up, the sun glinting off his sunglasses as he stared at the school he would be spending the next month in. Cautiously, brushing against his brown hair, he sighed. Upon closer examination, you would have noticed his rosy cheeks and uneasiness. His name? Jason Tachikawa, or in his female form, Mimi Tachikawa.

Mimi shouldered her bag, gripping her schedule and room number so hard that her fingertips turned white, she trudged up towards and into the gate.


"Hey, and welcome to Mahora All-Boys Academy. I'm sure you'll like it here, Jason." Yamato greeted Mimi a second after she had stepped into the dorms.

"Umm..yeah, thanks!" She couldn't help but let a little blush creep into her face. It had been a while since she had last seen Yamato and he had filled out rather nicely.

Checking some file sheets, he lead Mimi towards her room.

"Okay, you'll be bunking with Tai Kamiya. In room 120."

"Oh, okay, thank you, Yamato."

"No problem! T.K. told me all about you. How's Mimi?"

"Er...she's fine!" In order to protect her real identity, T.K. had called Yamato a few hours before she arrived, explaining that she was Mimi's older brother.

"That's good to hear, still really cute?"

Mimi had to blush again at this remark. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...

Finally, they reached 120 and Yamato after having escorted her there, left explaining about being late for band practice.

Taking a deep breath, Mimi turned the door knob, swinging it open to reveal two beds against opposite walls, two desks, and posters of Soccer Teams or girls in bikinis plastered all over the walls.

Walking inside, she closed the door softly behind her, dropped the bag on the florr and jumped onto her new bed. Rolling onto her back, she stared blankly at the ceiling.

'How am I supposed to pull this off...'

Hearing the door open, she turned her head and felt her face grow hot when she saw a boy clad in only a towel, his hair wet from just taking a shower.

Blinking, he noticed Mimi, her mouth forming a big o shape. "What are you staring at?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Waving her hands in front of her face, she felt her heart flutter in her chest. His voice had a nice sound to it, a bit deep as if he was already grown up but with a slight hint of amusement revealing his childish side. She liked it.

"...Who are you?" Walking over to his side of the room, he pulled out some clothes out of a drawer.

"I'm Mi- Jason Tachikawa, your new room mate."

"Oh, well let me tell you something," Pulling on a shirt he continued, " Since you're new around here and I was here first, you live by my rules." Dropping the towel, he pulled on a pair of boxers causing Mimi to look away quickly, though she had to tear her eyes away.

"Which means, you better stay outta my way..pipsqueak." With a tug, his khaki shorts were on and he was out the door, his sports bag slung over his shoulder.

" ..THAT JERK!" Mimi screamed out to vent her frustrations. Live under his rules...stay outta his way...pipsqueak...no way was that ever going to happen. Sitting up, she contemplated her situation and decided, she was going to stick to this assignment and while at it, make Tai Kamiya's life, a living hell. If she could find the right outfit.


What do you think? That was the first chapter and I'm begging you, please, please review! The more reviews, the faster I update. Got questions? Just ask! Wanna flame? Go right ahead! And Hearts On Ice? Shall be updated sooner or later...