Note: Er... Filler! You waited all this time to know what chaper three is and you find out that its filler... xD Oh that's gotta suck.
Just... Don't kill me? ; Its still good!

Chapter 03

"Zero you've gotten better?" Zero slightly laughed at X's remark

"That was just a warm up" the blonde reploid smiled, Axl had been teaching him.

"Alright! The final round is commencing! X, our reigning champion-" the other veterans around them clapped while X waved at them, "-And Zero, who has been tailing X for a while now…" Signas stopped from the glare that Zero gave him. The others clapped, not noticing the glare as Zero gave a slight bow of appreciation. "Poolers! Take your places!"

"Why does he say that?" Zero asked his opponent.

"I have no clue..." X replied, shrugging.

"Alright, flip for who breaks first. Best two outta three. Prize goes to the winner..." Signas flipped the coin in the air

"Tails" Zero called out. The coin landed and flipped for its final decision.

"Heads" Signas confirmed the result. X smiled and stepped up to the pool table. The plastic triangle was removed from around the billiards. X aimed and took his shot. The billiards scattered over the pool table, but none went in the pockets. X backed off for is opponents turn. Zero stepped up and examined the table. He leaned down placing his cue between his fingers.

"Search for ways to obtain multiple points... If you doubt it, don't go for it." Axl's voice spun around in Zero's mind. He took aim at one of the furthest billiards. The other reploids questioned Zero's choice at first, until they saw the result. The billiard strolled across the table after it was struck fiercely by the cue. The billiard bounced off others as it approached its target. Three out of the four billiards that Zero had aimed for, fell into their own pockets. The veterans murmured and clapped lightly.


Zero slung his arm around a reploids shoulder

"Hey!" the reploid struggled out of the grip and turned around rather violently, taking Zero off his guard. The reploid faced zero with a rather angry face, but once he realized it was the hybrid, he relaxed, "Sorry..." Zero chuckled at the reaction and how the teenager's face changed from angry to apologetic.

"People giving you a hard time?"

"Yeah... Kinda..." the reploid joined Zero's walk down the hallway, "What you got there?"

"Oh this? It's nothing... really..." Zero lazily held up the larger-than-hand-size trophy, "It's the best I could do, Axl"

"What!? First place? Really?" Axl reached for the trophy "You actually won..." Zero pulled the trophy away from Axl's reach and stopped walking, Axl stopped as well.

"You sound like you expected me to fail..." Zero grinned on the inside while putting on a fake sad face on the outside.

"I... No... I didn't-" Zero laughed and ruffled Axl's hair.

"I'm just playing with you" He handed Axl the trophy so he could look at it. "A whole lot of energy just to beat that blue bomber... but it was only from your help that I won that thing..." He looked down at the teenager examining the trophy, "that's why-"

"No… you're not" But Zero nodded.

"Yes, yes I am."

"But... I-" Zero smiled and reached over to ruffle the teenager's hair, but Axl moved his head out of the way, and onto the winner's shoulder.


"No problem... 'Cause I plan on winning next year's too..." He wrapped his arm around Axl's shoulders as they continued to walk.

Not too far behind the two, Alia blinked in slight confusion.

'Waitaminute...' thoughts crossed the girl's mind, 'Everyday, Zero's been taking Axl someplace somewhere, and sometimes we cant find either of them. Now Zero gave Axl his pool trophy?' she tried so hard to piece it together that when a few reploids passed by they murmured to each other wondering what she was thinking so hard about. She just couldn't put the pieces of the puzzle together. Its just some pieces didn't seem to fit right. until "AHA!" she said aloud getting even more awkward stares in the hallway 'if I rotate Zero's affection piece 180 degrees... Oh my...' she gasped and then giggled to herself. She then proceeded to walk rather fast to her destination, the recreation room.

"Hey, Axl, nice job" a reploid patted him on the shoulder as they walked passed him.

"Thanks?" The confused Axl replied to the third person doing so that day. He sat at one of the cafeteria tables alone. As he was about to eat his food a bunch of female reploids surrounded Axl on both sides. As soon as Axl put some food in his mouth one question was directed at him.

"Are you still a virgin?" the teenager choked and spat out his food.

"W-What??" the girls giggles

"Did he seduce you?" another one came at him

"No wonder he never went into another heterosexual relationship when Axl joined us..."

"No, no... it was Iris, she was the one who turned him off women"

"What are you girls talking about?!" Axl burst confused.

"Awww, look... He's playing coy..." one of the girls went to pinch one of Axl's cheeks, but the teenager moved away, giving her a dirty look.

"Ohhh Feisty" The girls started to giggle as Axl began to growl

"Oh no wonder Zero fell for the teenager, he's so cute!" Axl's eyes widened and he stood from the table. Silently, he stormed out of the cafeteria.

"Rawr... He's got a nice ass..." the girls' giggles echoed through his mind.

Moving though the hallway, Axl mumbled to himself. 'Those "congratulations" were for getting Zero... feh... Is that the only thing I'll ger congratulated for?' the reploid thought and continued to wander around, ignoring the looks and pats on the shoulders.

A hand gripped Axl's shoulder and pulled him into a room.

"What the-! Get off!" Axl swatted the hand away. He looked up to face his 'attacker' to see familiar blue eyes. Axl sighed and hugged the blonde. Zero smiled and wrapped his arms around Axl. After the soft and comforting embrace, the winner of the pool tournament looked at his young teacher and leaned down, tilting Axl's head upwards. Zero gently brushed his lips against Axl's before he kissed him. The confusion and anger that was built up inside of Axl, just fell to pieces and he kissed back, pushing their lips closer together. His arms wrapped around Zero and closed his eyes. After a few moments, the kiss gently ended and Zero smiled at the reploid in front of him.

"You feeling better now?" There was no verbal response, just the action of Axl's arms getting tighter around Zero's torso and his face burying into Zero's chest. The blonde hybrid responded with gently wrapping his arms around him again, calming him down a bit.

"hey, did you see Zero?" a voice came from outside the door.

"Yeah... he's in there... With Axl"

A thought crossed by Zero's mind, but when he looked at the reploid in his arms, it vanished.

'No. I'm not gonna do that...'

"Have they been in there for a while?" the person asked another question. The arms around Zero tightened even more.

"Nah... just a few minutes..." small amounts of laughter emitted from outside of the room.

"Axl?" he broke off the hug, but kept his hands on the teenager's shoulders, "you stay right here, allright? If you want anything, just take it" He gave the teenager a smile and let go of him. He walked to the door ad opened it, giving deathglares at the two reploids that fell into the room. They looked up at the Class S hunter. Their attention was then choreographed to be directed at Axl who just stood there, staring at the two 'roids who were on the floor.

"Ahem?" the reploids' gaze returned back to Zero who had cleared his throat. They smiled nervously as they got up. "Out." The 'roids scrambled out of the room, followed by Zero, cracking his knuckles. The door closed. Axl stood there and looked around.

"We didn't mean to eavesdrop!"

Axl saw a twin bed fitted nicely and neatly into the corner of the room. A small bedside table was next to it with a single lamp.

"Please don't hurt us"

The teenager's eyes scanned over the walls. Plain. No posters, pictures, memories. Just a plain beige colour. There was a closet that was most likely to be empty. The punches that were heard outside sounded rather painful. The kicks too. The sounds of a one-sided fight made Axl wince at every sound, especially the loud yelping of pain.

"My jewels!"

Axl snickered. He looked at the other side of the room and walked over to it. It was something like a small kitchen. He explored it a bit, but then returned to the bed and sat down on a corner.

"No... no more... Please..."

The room door slid open as Zero stepped in. He dusted off his hands before pushing an intercom button.

"Bzzt- This is the infirmary" a voice chimed from the com, "How may I help you?"

"Hey, uhm, there's two reploids in front of this room, think you can do anything?"

"Sure thing!" the voice chimed again. A noise indicated that the com was turned off. The hybrid gave a small forced laugh.

"Sorry about that..." he looked over at Axl sitting on the bed, "So you like this room"

"Yeah... Its way more spacious than the room I have to share."

"Well, you see... X thought that you might need a better room..." Axl stood from the bed in shock.

"Wh-what!?" Zero grinned at the reaction

"Yes, this is now your room... And my room's across the hall."

"I get this room!?" Axl said still in shock. Zero walked over to Axl and grabbed one of his hands.

"Yes." He kissed the hand and smiled "Would you like to get your ice cream now?" Axl nodded, giddy at his new location.

So... er... Did you enjoy it? ; Hope you did...
Heh... Next chapter, hopefully, wont take as long... 'cause for one, Ii gotta finnish writing it, and two, type/edit/post it

See ya then