Disclaimer: I do not own Capcom games, that includes MegamanX

Authors Note: Whoo! Is it possible that I'm the first one to do a Zero/Axl fic 0o0! WH00T!!

Hum... I started this fic a long time ago. A... friend of mine... well.. not sure what to call her now, but, she inspired me to do this fic. Never really got to finnish it for her... but now I think I should.. for some obsucure reason that i have no clue what. Ah well...


Chapter 01

The Bet

Axl sat lazily on the couch of the Mavereck Hunter's lounge. He was finished all his rounds and paper work for the day, and now he was bored. He looked to the door and noticed that all the Hunters passed by hastily, eyes looking into their papers. One accident happened that way, two Hunters crashed into each other, papers flying everywhere. Axl sighed and closed his eyes, tilting his head backwards.

He rolled his head lazily to the side to encounter a coffee table with a couple of piles of magazines. He read the titles in his mind and looked away in disgust. He didn't care about the actors/actresses. To him, they were all the same...

Just when Axl was about to fall asleep, a long blonde haired Mavereck Hunter walked in and stared down at Axl.

"Hey, you're done already?" Zero asked. Axl glared at the veteran and moved his legs so the blonde could sit.

"I've been bored for an hour, what do you guys do for fun around here!?" he pouted, frustrated

"Watch T.V." Zero motioned to the wall sized television, "Read about the Celebes," he pointed to the coffee table, "Sparring in the training room, pool-"

"POOL?!" Axl sat up, and clinged onto Zero's arm, "Can I play a game with you?" Zero mentally hit himself. He wasn't supposed to mention the veteran's game room to anyone who had less than ten years of experience with them.

"Pshh... you think you can beat me?" Zero thought of scaring him off, but Axl doesn't get pushed away easily.

"Riiight, I can beat you in the game of pool" Axl said proudly, getting off the couch

"You? Beat, me? Heh, I'd like to see you try..." Zero stood up in front of Axl and looked downwards at the boy. Axl nodded. He'd finally get rid of the boredom nagging at his brain.

"Wanna bet?" Zero raised an eyebrow and took a step backwards

"A bet now... let's see... if I win, you do the rest of my 'jobs'"

"And if I win, I go on the next mission with you"

"That's not up to me, you'll have to go though X" Axl's eyes widened, he knew X's answer right away. Axl looked to the floor with a saddened face. For some reason, it made Zero feel bad for the young reploid, "Okay, I got it. IF you win, I'll take you out everyday, for a moth, for ice cream" Axl's head shot up

"Your treat?"

"Phsssh!" What do you think? I'd take you to and you would have to pay?"

"Rumor has it you did that to a newbie..."

"Heh, so cute," Zero ruffled Axl's hair, "Come on" Zero turned around and walked to a door in the lounge that had a large 'Caution' label on it.

"uh, Zero-?" Axl asked pushing down a blush from the 'cute' remark and walking toward Zero

"The 'Caution' label? Just a cover-up, so don't tell anybody" Axl nodded. Zero pulled out a card and waved it in front of an orange scanner. The door opened and Zero motioned Axl to follow him into the darkness.

"Wo-ha-ho!" Axl exclaimed as the door closed behind him. It was a wide room full of multi-arcade games. It looked like a bar, a casino, and an arcade in one. "This is sweet..." Zero chuckled and walked towards the pool table area, Axl followed, looking at all the machines and games in the wide room. Axl nearly rammed into Zero when he stopped walking.

"Got a quarter?" Axl looked at Zero oddly, "No, I'm not going to keep it, we flip, to see who breaks first."

"Oh..." Axl took a quarter from his pocket. He was about to hand it to Zero when he flipped it, nearly hitting Zero's nose, "Tails!" he caught it and flipped it on his hand, smiling innocently. "I break first!" Zero blinked in shock.

"Wha-?" Axl tossed to coin to Zero who caught it and examined it. There was a head and tails on it, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Expecting a double tails?" Axl took a cue off the cue rack and polishing the tip with the chalk cube.

"Not necessarily..." Zero tossed the piece of metal to Axl who caught it and put it back into his pocket. The blonde set up the billiard triangle, and rolled the white billiard to Axl.

"Two out of three?" Axl asked positioning the billiard and getting into position

"No, this is the one game" Zero said watching the orange haired reploid, while reaching for a cue.

"Confident..." Axl mumbled while he pulled his cue back.

A gentle clicking sound was created when Axl made the cue hit the white billiard. Zero watched as the white billiard sailed smoothly across the green pool table and connect with the other billiards. They all reacted once the white ball connected with the first billiard. They all shot out in different directions, bouncing off the sides of the table and into the sockets. Zero stared at the tabled in amazement, then at Axl.

"I win!" the orange haired reploid smiled

"I didn't even get to-woah..."

"You owe me some ice cream! Starting today, for thirty one days!" Axl slightly leaned on his cue.

"Damn, you're good... How-?"

"I taught myself, when I was with Red Alert. I can give you some pointers, hints and tips?"

"How did you know?" Axl pointed to the dry-erase board on the wall next to the pool table. The title was 'Top 5 Pool Players' The first was 'X' and the second was 'Zero' not so close behind. Zero sighed, "I do want to beat him..."

"Then let me give you some tips and tricks on it. I'll teach you" Zero paused and though of it for a while.


"We can start now, if you like?" Zero nodded and grabbed a cue form the cue rack, and Axl replaced the billiards.

Well... there will be some Shonen ai later on... like next chapter, so it'll be there, don't worry. And it'll be longer... hopefully... Hope ya liked it!

- Niricko -