Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and probably never will. Yay for me. Thus… I don't want a law suit. Or even a regular suit for that matter.
Warnings: Slash. R (which is now M for some reason). Sev/Harry. Mentions of abuse. M-Preg. Major OOCness. Especially when it comes to Severus… Nickname use. (Like Remus is likely to be called Remie.) Responses to reviewers at the bottom of the chapter. If any of those bother you don't read. It's that simple really.
Authors Note: Hola once again mis amigos! Okay then, this part will pick up more or less where chapter 5 ended, because the last chapter was all one huge flashback. I don't remember whether or not I mentioned it last time, but I plan to include smaller flashbacks about Severus and Harry's relationship. If I don't, don't sue me. A lot happens in this chapter, but it's pretty devoid of dialogue right up until the end. This is mainly a chapter for Harry and Severus to reconsider their feelings and figure out what they want to do.
Yay! Since I don't want to bore you, I'll stop now. Read and Review!
Chapter 7 – Ron and Hermione
Severus sat in his faded green recliner chair scowling. Here it was, the time of year he usually went back to Hogwarts to get his lesson plans in order, and no one had the good grace to leave him alone. If someone wasn't trying to get a rise out of him (namely Sirius Black), he was too preoccupied with his harsh words to Harry- Potter that was. There was no way he could force himself to regret anything said, even the part about having the child taken away. Severus knew that he wasn't a good man. He was dark, but not evil. Darkness had no place in the lives of two innocents. Darkness had a way of corrupting a person and changing their darkness to evil. And Severus wasn't ready to face destroying more innocence.
When he had first become involved with Harry, it was obvious that he wasn't the golden boy everyone (himself included) proclaimed him to be. He had seen the darkness, the dirty part of the war and it had tainted his spirit. But Harry was innocent of any real crime. He was brought into the war unwillingly and aged faster than any child should have to. The eyes he had looked into during that fateful detention were not the eyes of some 15 year old. They were three times that. Severus couldn't stop what happened that day. He doubted anyone could have.
Deep down, he knew that Harry's child was his. But he wouldn't accept it. He didn't want to. There was no way he was prepared to be a father. All he was equipped to do was spy. And spy he could do. He could do that well. That and be a total jackass.
Well no one cared anyway right? He was just the greasy potions master and no one but Harry really knew he was the other father.
Thank Merlin for small miracles.
However, even admitting something as small as the fact that Andrew was his son brought up a whole new set of problems. He remembered the neglect of care he's suffered under his fathers' hands. He had no wish for his own son to have to live that way; to be unsure that his parents had ever cared for him.
Of course Severus cared about his son. Hell, he cared about Harry come to that. He'd been pretty damn sure that he was in love with him a few months before the break up; but that was before Harry had started to avoid him. Avoidance can have many causes, but with someone as beautiful as Harry, he was sure that the teen had found someone else to share his time with. And left him alone once more.
Still, he knew now that this wasn't the case. Harry must have been avoiding him because he didn't know how Severus would react to a pregnancy. Even knowing this though brought him straight back to the beginning. He'd rejected Harry and his son. He'd even gone so far as to threaten Harry.
That was food for thought. Why was it that he'd threatened Harry like that and completely rejected him and his son even though he knew his original conclusions were wrong? He wasn't completely sure. He knew it had to do with the fact that he himself felt threatened at the possibility of a child and what that could do to screw up his already too dangerous life. There was also the fact that he was a cynical asshole by nature.
It was with this thought that Severus realized that he'd made a major error in the way he'd handled this situation. The key points he'd made to himself were: 1.) I'm an asshole. 2.) I'm an insecure asshole. 3.) I still love Harry. 4.) Harry's child is my child.
When he summarized it, Severus knew that he needed to do something. He needed to find a way to get back his family before Harry started hating him- if he didn't already- and to stake some sort of claim on his son. He wanted to be there for him. He really did.
The only problem was he was still too scared to approach Harry about it in person. For Severus, that was saying something. He went face to face with Voldemort several times a week. Then again, Voldemort didn't need to like him, as Voldemort didn't like anyone but himself. This was going to be a challenge.
This was also…going to take a while.
Harry rocked back and forth gently, cradling Andrew in his arms and listening with a smile as his son giggled. Andrew truly was the light of his life. He didn't know what he'd do without him. As it was, he could hardly understand how he lived without his son before.
A gentle tapping sound was heard around the general area of the window. Harry stood up slowly and transferred Andrew to his other arm while he walked towards the window of his current rooms. Unlatching it and letting in some fresh air, a small brown owl hooted and entered the room as well.
Harry walked over to the corner of the room with the crib and set Andrew down so he could turn his attention to the strange owl. The owl hopped around on one leg, impatient for Harry to remove its burden. He did so as quickly as he could and wasn't surprised when the owl took off immediately.
Smiling in amusement, Harry opened the small envelope he'd taken from the owl. His heart lurched at the sight of the handwriting. That could belong to one person and one person only. Severus Snape. For a moment Harry contemplated not reading it, but his curiosity was too strong and he carefully unfolded the note and began to read.
I'm writing to let you know that I believe you when you say that your son is also my son. For what it's worth, I'm sorry for threatening to have him taken away. In addition to that I would also like to apologize to you for what I did to you. It wasn't right. I do want what is best for our son. That's really all that matters right now.
Don't let anything happen to him Potter or I'll kill you myself.
Harry looked up from the letter, his hands shaking in rage. It was bad enough that Severus had threatened to have Andrew taken from him, but now he was expressing concern that Harry would let something happen to him?
On the other hand, Severus did attempt to apologize. Though a far cry from a real apology. He'd probably never actually apologized to someone in his life let alone admit that he was wrong. Harry knew he'd have to respond to this letter somehow, but the only thing he could think to do to show just how much he appreciated what Severus had said was to burn the damned thing, put the ashes in an envelope and have them attack the man when he tried to open it.
The plan sounded good to Harry. But first he needed to check on Andrew and see if he needed anything. Harry walked across the small room and peered into the crib that contained his son and smiled in amusement. Andrews' teddy bear was levitating. Harry quickly snatched the teddy bear out of the air and handed leaned it next to his son.
He knew that what he was about to do with the letter was juvenile and even a little mean, but Harry couldn't bring himself to care. Placing the appropriate charms on the letter and scooping the whole lot into another envelope with Severus' name on it, Harry smiled with satisfaction and tied the envelope to Hedwig's leg and watched as she flew off, headed almost all the way across the castle to Severus' rooms.
Harry settled himself back down on the rocking chair. Yes the letter pissed him off and he even found it insulting, but he knew that wasn't the intent. Would he break down in time and go back to the man? Probably. Should he do it right away? God no.
'Do I hate him?' Harry wondered to himself. After all, just two months ago he'd have done anything for Severus to apologize and take him back. 'No. I can't hate him. I- I still love him. It hurts to even think that I might hate him,' Harry thought as he started rocking back and forth in the chair.
He wasn't completely sure what he was going to do…but he knew he'd have time to think it all over later. For right now, Ron and Hermione were due to visit him in half and hour. He needed to get ready to see them.
Exactly 36 minutes later, there was a polite knock on Harrys' door. He had just managed to change clothes, wash up a little, change his son's diaper and get Andrew to stop crying.
Harry ran over to the door and opened it, smiling happily at who he knew would be behind the door. As expected, Ron and Hermione stood there also grinning widely at their best friend.
"Harry!" Hermione squealed and threw herself at Harry in a huge hug. "We've missed you so much! I've heard about what happened with your Aunt and Uncle and I'm sorry and-"
"'Mione. Give him some breathing room," Ron said pulling one hand out of his pockets and gently pulling Hermione off Harry.
"I'm sorry Harry. It's just… I'm so glad to see you and…well...," Hermione said trailing, unable to articulate what she wanted to say.
"It's okay Hermione. I'm glad you are Ron are here," Harry said returning Hermione's hug quickly before wrapping his arms around Ron in a similar fashion. Ron looked embarrassed, but it didn't seem as if he really minded. "Before we catch up on what's been going on with each other, I have a secret I need to let both of you in on," Harry added.
"Alright. Go ahead Harry," Ron said waving one hand in the air aimlessly. Harry ushered his friends more fully into the room and had them sit in the chairs he'd conjured before their arrival and closed his door. Harry then walked over into the corner of the room and scooped up his son. Ron and Hermione looked confused, but curious.
"Who's this?" Hermione asked cooing at the baby.
"My son Andrew," Harry said as he placed him in Hermione's arms. For a moment all Hermione could do was stare.
It looked for a moment like she didn't know what to say, and then all at once she exploded, "You went off and got pregnant without telling us!"
"Guys can do that?" Ron asked turning his head.
"Yes Ron. Men can have babies. You should know that by now!" Hermione yelled turning her attention back to Harry. "Now tell me. Who's the father?"
"I can't tell you that part 'Mione," Harry said gently so not to make her even more angry.
"Fine! Don't tell me! Keep it a secret like the fact that you were pregnant!" Hermione yelled.
Andrew started crying, clenching his little fists, his face turning beet red with the effort. Harry immediately reached over to Hermione and took his son from her and began to rock him. After a few minutes, he settled down and blinked sleepily at everyone in the room.
"I'm sorry for not telling you guys sooner. I…I didn't think I should tell anybody. I didn't want anyone to know at the time. I wasn't thinking rationally. I'm sorry. But I can't tell you who his father is. That is part of our current agreement. No one but myself and Andrew's father know exactly who they are," Harry said simply.
"Okay. I guess that's an acceptable excuse. Andrew's so sweet I can't stand to stay mad anymore," Hermione said gazing at Andrew with a smile.
"Man Harry… you had a baby?" Ron said still seeming shocked by the revelation.
"Yeah. Are you going to be okay Ron?" Harry asked looking at his shell shocked friend with concern.
"Don't worry mate. It'll wear off soon enough. I just have to get used to the idea is all," Ron said giving his best friend a smile.
"Good. I was worried there for a moment," Hermione said not taking her eyes off Andrew and smiling brighter when he reached out for her hand.
Harry smiled. It was so good to have friends who would accept you no matter what.
A/N: What did you think? I hope it was a good enough chapter. I actually thought this one out a bit. However, I can't see too many more chapters to come. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for me on this story or anything else I have up! Thanks a ton!
To the Reviewers (And this is the section you don't have to read but can if you want)
Thanks To:
Kurama lover girl
Constance Nicholson
Anaran Anwamane
Savage Amazon
Reaka- Hungarinas! Yay!
Rikki K- Hint hint you say? Hmm...I may have to switch P.O.V's to answer that.
Miru Amai- Yay! hugs Thanks! Birthing even under normal conditions is hard and can be fatal for both the baby and the mother. I'm glad you like it!
Kitty Minky- Lol. hugs Reesie Loves Andrew too!
Sam- I'm evil, but not evil enough to complicate the health of Harry's baby.
inumoon3- Lol. Yes, Siri and Remmie are together. The reason Harry waited so long was because he was scared.
UK All The Way- :D Pointy objects..
Priss368- You're probably right, but Harry doesn't know that.
elkebaby- If Snape does get Harry back, it won't be a cakewalk.
Mizia- That's so sweet! I'm glad someone thinks I'm doing alright! (P.S. Search for "Cannon in D" by Occasus also under Harry Potter. All of her work is beautiful and far surpasses mine.)
Essenity- LMAO. giggle snorts Wow. Me. Male. Well...okay. I'm not offended. No the word kinky wasn't mentioned. And no. I'm not sure there'll be kink in this...
Opal- Yes. You are correct. I didn't write it into the story because I thought it might gross some people out, but if you really want to know, feel free to email me about what he did with it. (reesecraven at yahoo dot com)
Gerik Phan- Lol. I can understand. Harry/Snape is a pairing that is hard to do well. If you make Snape loving and desperately sexy (unless you're like me and think he is anyway) then you lose his character. I'm glad you like it. And yes. Snape is an asshole.
Complete Geek- What happend to make him so cold? Well he's been cold like that for as long as Harry's known him. But that's an interesting idea. I'll probably explain that now too. So far as I know, Andrew means Corageous and Manly. Of course...Andrew is Harry's beloved. (David is the name that means beloved though.) Thanks!
hahaha-evil- BOO!
EagleEyes- Responses are meant for the individuals. You don't have to read them...
LizhowHP- I'm glad you don't think it's crap. But to be honest I planned nothing. I was hit with an idea one day, wrote it out...and well. Here it is. That's also why the chapters are so short...