Change of Power

Disclaimer: I still do not own

Chapter One: Inuyasha's Freedom, Kagome's bondage

A figure slowly walked up behind a young man. The man turned around and glared at the figure.

"What do you want Kikyo? I already told you that I won't go to hell with you!" yelled the man

"You hate it don't she binds you. I can help you Inuyasha." said Kikyo sweetly, almost too sweetly

"What's the catch?" asked Inuyasha

"Only that you have to choose between me and Kagome." said Kikyo

"I won't" said Inuyasha

"Yes, you will, because to do this it will kill one of us. So when this arrow hits the necklace choose the one you want to save and say her name. If you don't we both die." sneered Kikyo as she shot an arrow at Inuyasha

When the arrow hit the necklace, the necklace dissappeared and the arrow turned around hitting Kikyo in the chest.

"You chose that little wretch over me! The only one who loved you!" yelled Kikyo

"You only loved me because I promised I would become human!" yelled Inuyasha walking away from the dying woman

Inuyasha walked back to his camp. He saw that everyone was asleep. His eyes fell on Kagome and a wave of anger came over him.

"At least now she can't tell me to sit." he seethed

As soon as he said sit Kagome's body was thrown over face-first into the ground. She screamed as her head hit the ground. She got up and held her head holding back tears. She felt around her neck and found the binding necklace. Her eyes traveled over to Inuyasha and her expression came from shocked to hurt.

"Why?" she asked her voice barely above a whisper

"I didn't know." he replied shocked when he saw blood spilling from her mouth

"Take it off of me." Kagome said

"No" he said calmly

"Why not?" she asked spitting out blood

"Because you never took it off of me. Plus you will just pit it back on me and I will end up with my face in the ground because of you saying sit." said Inuyasha

Kagome's bady was thrown back into the ground. When she got up she had blood coming out of her mouth and nose