Disclaimer: Oh, you caught me. I own Detective Conan. That's exactly why I'm writing fan fiction. Right.
A/N: This is my first DC fic. It's a one shot, before Shinichi gets too curious for his own good and gets himself shrunk. I love Shinichi and Ran, so yes, I admit I'm a sucker for romance. Enjoy and your reviewing is always welcome and appreciated.
Walking in the Rain
"Oh, darn it! It just had to go and rain!" Ran Mouri grumbled to herself before stepping out of the school. The day had started crystal clear, so she hadn't seen the need for an umbrella.
Unlike Ran, however, most of the kids were running out and using their schoolbooks as protection from the rain. But, Ran had worked way too hard on her assignments to let them get wet. Unlike that darned Shinichi, who slept through most of class, and still got top marks.
Speaking of Shinichi...
"Sorry, Ran, I have to stay late for practice today but I'll see you later!" He had said before running off. Ran was alone for the afternoon; Sonoko had a date with some cute guy or other and had left as soon as the bell rang.
'That girl,' Ran shook her head, 'too boy crazy for her own good.'
Bemoaning her fate, she walked out into the rain and thought that this whole situation would be a lot more fun if Shinichi was around. Maybe he'd give her his uniform jacket to cover her hair or to stop her from stepping on puddles...
Scratch that. That was way too romantic and gentlemanly for him. Shinichi may be sophisticated and poised when solving cases but if he were here now, he would be chattering on about how Sherlock Holmes had once been caught in the rain.
Ran had no idea if that had ever happened to the great detective but she was sure that that mystery otaku would find a way to relate to it somehow.
For all his obsessions, though, he wasn't all that bad. Sure, he talked nonstop about Holmes and teased her endlessly, but he had also saved her life in New York, and he was always by her side ready to defend her (though there was no need, she wasn't a karate champ for nothing), cheer her up and make her laugh.
Plus, when he talked about Holmes and when he solved mysteries, his eyes lit up and his smile was so bright. A glow seemed to emanate from him and even if his babbling bugged her every once in awhile, she wouldn't change it for anything. After all, solving mysteries was what made him truly happy...
'Enough! You have to get home, how do you expect to make it in this weather when you keep on daydreaming. Its not like it matters, anyway, you're just friends.' Ran sighed.
Oh well, at least it had stopped raining.
"Wait a second!" She stopped and looked around. She was no longer getting wet but it was still very clearly raining. Startled by the sudden development, Ran turned abruptly, bumped into something tall, and firm behind her.
"Ran!" Shinichi stumbled forward with his umbrella. "Well, that's nice, I'm keeping you from getting wet and then you bump into me!" His lips curling into a pout.
"Oh, stop! I'm sorry but I wasn't paying attention and then I thought it had stopped raining but it hadn't and then..." She stopped catching her breath.
"All right, all right I get it." Shinichi rolled his eyes, lifted the umbrella once again and grabbed her hand.
Ran blushed furiously "Where are we...um... going?"
"Where else? I'm taking you home!" He stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, which it was, kind of.
"But it'll take longer for you to get home!" Ran protested, her face still florid, as she attempted to pull away.
But he didn't let her budge. "Idiot, I'm not just going to let you get drenched. I'm the one with the umbrella, remember?" Shinichi huffed but then grinned "Besides, aren't you glad I'm here? You looked lonely a few minutes ago." he teased.
"Idiot! Don't flatter yourself, I just don't like walking home alone and I was mad that I was getting wet." Ran retorted, even though he kind of was telling the truth.
Shinichi just smiled and walked along with her, stealing a glance whenever he could, her damp face and hair seemingly sparkled.
Won't you let me walk you home from school?
Won't you let me meet you at the pool?
Maybe Friday I can get tickets for the dance
And I'll take you - ooh
Shinichi walked quietly next to Ran, stopping himself from launching into a Holmes tirade. It was really too nice a moment.
"Hey, didn't you have soccer practice?" Her puzzlement shone on her face.
"Oh, yeah, well the rain and all..." Shinichi stuttered and raised a hand behind his head, in his usual nervous gesture.
"But once it was raining and when I went home with Sonoko, I saw you practicing. You were all wet and muddy." She pointed out, still confused, as she rose an eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah well...um not this time." Shinichi grinned nervously. There was no way he was going to tell her that he'd feigned sickness to get out of practice when he'd seen her walking alone. No way, not ever.
"Well, that's ok." Ran just smiled at him as she entangled her fingers with his causing Shinichi to turn red.
'Oh jeez, all right think...you could say something...it's the perfect time. Tell her that you think she's amazing and beautiful...that you're only truly happy when you're with her...that you love her. Hell, just say something! '
"Uh Ran?"
"Yes, Shinichi?" Her eyes were bright and her cheeks were flushed from the cold.
'Why does she have to be so pretty?'
"I want to say that I..." He tugged at his collar, suddenly feeling very warm.
"Yes?" Ran's eyes widened.
"That I think you're..."
"That you think I'm what?" Ran's heart began to beat roughly against her chest.
'Out with it, detective!'
"That I think you're ...going to catch cold, if we don't get something warm. Look there's a coffee shop!" He finished stupidly.
"Oh!" Ran blushed "Yeah, your right. Let's go in." She inwardly slapped herself. What did she think he was going to do?
Come inside now its okay
And I'll shake you - ooh
Once inside, they sat by the window, drinking hot chocolate and watching the rainfall. "It's really very nice, you know." Ran said quietly staring out the window sadly.
"What is?" He looked at her confused.
"The rain, when your inside and warm, that is." She smiled and continued looking out, wrestling with the indecision in her head.
'Who says you have to wait for him? Why don't you say something? You're strong, and if he rejects you well...you can take it, right?'
"Shinichi?" Ran tentatively asked, playing with her hair nervously.
"Mmm?" He mumbled, stopping mid-gulp from his hot chocolate and turned to look at her.
"Shinichi, I-"
'If he rejects me?'
The deep blue eyes, on that oh-so-handsome face, looked at her curiously and for a second she forgot what she was saying, losing herself in his eyes. He had a habit of making her do that.
"I...I'm surprised you haven't mentioned Holmes the entire time we've been here!" She laughed nervously, tearing herself away from his gaze.
"Oh, well" Shinichi laughed "I figured I'd give you a break today...but if you really want to hear..." He winked mischievously at her.
"No, no!" Ran rose her hands in mock surrender "I was just kidding, no need to get you started."
A waitress walked by with a can of whipped cream and Shinichi tapped her shoulder stopping her.
"Excuse me, miss? But could I borrow that?" He smiled charmingly at her and the young woman, who was clearly in her twenties and never should have been disarmed by the charm of a sixteen year old, blushed and handed it over.
"Sh...sh...sure thing!" She stuttered and walked off. Ran smiled to herself, used to this by now. Women, young and old, seemed to lose their train of thought when Shinichi Kudo spoke, smiled or just looked at them. Of course, she wasn't completely comfortable with it. She was definitely known to glare at the fan girls that got too close.
Ran turned to see if Shinichi had noticed but he seemed to be much more preoccupied with getting cream out of the nozzle.
"Um, Shinichi? Be careful you could-" But she was cut off when whipped cream landed everywhere including her cheek and the tip of Shinichi's nose, hair not withstanding.
"Could spray whipped cream everywhere." She rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Um, sorry?" He managed to get out. They stared and then burst out into a fit of giggles.
"Your hair it's covered-"
"Look, who's talking! Grab a mirror!"
"Here get cleaned up." Ran grabbed a napkin and reached over wiping at his nose and hair but Shinichi wiped whipped cream from her cheek and ate it.
"Mmm, good!"
"Shinichi!" Her cheeks flaming, had he just? Yes, he had.
"What?!" He looked at her innocently, or at least his voice sounded innocent. His eyes and grin betrayed him. "It was right there!"
"Honestly, you're such a child." She tried to keep from grinning. He was just too cute.
"I know, but that's why you love me!" He laughed and began to walk towards the door.
"I...I... you wish!" Ran stammered, grabbed her hot chocolate and ran after him. "Just wait till I get there."
"Oh, look it stopped raining." Shinichi smiled slyly and pointed up.
"Don't try to distract me, Shinichi Kudo! I'm gonna...oh it really did stop raining!" She looked up at the sky, the downpour from earlier had finally stopped.
"Told ya. C'mon lets go." Holding her elbow, he brought her in closer and they began to walk towards the Mouri Detective Agency.
"Oh, you don't have to anymore. It's not raining." She pointed upwards.
"I know but I want to." Shinichi smiled in the way, unbeknownst to Ran, which he only reserved for her. Ran blushed and looked away, suddenly becoming very interested in the loose thread on her skirt.
"Have to fix that." She murmured.
Won't you tell me what you're thinking of?
And would you be an outlaw for my love?
The Mouri Detective Agency soon came into view and they subconsciously slowed down. "What are you thinking about, Shinichi?" Ran asked "The latest detective fiction?" She teased.
"Oh um no...I was just thinking about...nothing." Shinichi smiled nervously at her.
'Just thinking about professing my undying love for you, that's all. Nothing special' He thought ruefully.
"Hmmm, funny, because in the entire time I've known you, you're always thinking about something." Ran regarded him steadily, her blue gaze never failing. "You seem so serious. What's going on in there?" She tapped his forehead lightly and smiled sweetly.
He blushed furiously taken aback by her innocent and enigmatic, to him anyway, charm. 'Oh, jeez, how does she do that? Murders don't faze me but one smile from Ran Mouri and I'm turned into a puddle of Shinichi Kudo.'
"Well, Ran, I was just thinking that...that the county karate finals are coming up." He said quickly, running his fingers through his bangs.
"Yeah, I know. I've been practicing extra hard. You are coming, aren't you?" An expression of worry crossed her face.
It did not go unnoticed. "Of course! Tell you what, if you win, I'll take you to Tropical Land, my treat. How about it?" He said nervously, tugging at his sleeves, she wouldn't say no, right?
If it's over then let me know
If it's "no", well, I can go
I won't make you - ooh
Ran's eyes lit up "Really? Of course!" she smiled once again disarming him. "I'll win, I promise!"
Regaining his composure, Shinichi smiled back "You better, otherwise I'll go alone." He teased.
"You wouldn't!" They were at her doorstep.
"Well, here we are, I believe you owe me a 'thank you'," Shinichi winked at her.
"Yeah, yeah...thanks for the umbrella and the hot chocolate." She mumbled out but then looked up at him, captured in his eyes "Really, I had a lot of fun." She turned away blushing, she could only look at him for so long...
Seeing her blush, but having no idea why, he shrugged "It was nothing, that's what friend do, right?" Ran nodded and reached out and held his forearm.
"See you tomorrow, Shinichi" Smiling she walked inside. He'd never know but she'd be grinning to herself for the rest of the night, her insides squealing and turning cartwheels, which would thoroughly confuse her father.
Fazed, he stood still for a second before walking out. Looking up, he saw a rainbow and smiled, whistling to himself the whole way home. Nothing could bring him down now.
'At Tropical Land, I'll tell her then.'
The End.
Another A/N: Not quite sure where that story came from, but I just got to thinking about rain, hot chocolate, cute detectives and their almost girlfriends and I came up with this. Its sugar sweet, sure, but I like to think just enough. 'sides I don't have much inspiration for angst right now. Blame the Kid, he stole it.
Review if you please.