OKay I'm back with chapter 2! Sweet, huh? Sorry its taken SOOOOO very long to put this up. my computer went kablooie heh heh wow I hope ppl will still read this. okay well for those that have. One asked about the girl and the bazooka. Thats a friend of mine none other than the one called Aqueous. Look for her X-men Evolution stories!

As for "Vacation"... deleted it because of the script form. Rawr

Nightcrawler: lets get this over with

Me: (Hugs)

Nighty: (groans)


The Legacy of Jimmy

Chapter 2: Purple Haze

We last left our hero (coughevilvampirecough) being bashed over the head with a crobar, for nothing but being well...annoying. So now we leave a very satisfied Janos to join back with our mysterious shadows and their secret weapon.

"This will bring the end the the Vampiric plague!" Anounced their leader. The others replied with a cheer, "Now it is the time to comence with Phase 2!"

"Um...I thought we did that last chapter," asked one.

"Silence! No breaking the Forth Wall!"

"But aren't you technicly breaking it too?"

"Yes but I'm your leader, so I'm aloud," The Leader said smugly.

"says who?" retorted another shadow.

"SAYS ME!" he shouted at them. This time the cowered away and went on with "Phase 2"


"Hey! Lets try this place!" Turel pointed to sign that read, 'The Triple X'.

"No! We are NOT going to a strip joint! Raziel yanked Turel away from the door.

"Raz! Thats the stick up your ass talking! C'mon! It'll be fun,"

"Hey, I still have morals."

"Wuss" Raziel snarled at Turel and dragged him to a bar.

"There! We'll go here!"

"Hmmmm not bad, I guess," Turel said thoughtfully.

"Hey it's Kareoke night!" Melchiah cheered.

"You know what that means?" Zephon nudged Mel.

"Singing drunk people!"

Inside the bar...

"...so lets get to the point lets roll another joint...you dont know how it feels you don't know how it feels you dont know how it feels...to be meeeeeee..." sang a drunken onstage as he swurved to and fro.

"Awsome!" Dumah exclaimed.

"How embarassing," Rahab remarked.

"Man, your as bad as Raz," Turel shoved Rahab into the nearest table. UInfortionatly, that table was full of Las Vagas hookers. Turel snickered before going to the counter, "Gimme the most alcoholic drink you make."

The batender raised an eyebrow.

"Its you funeral," He shrugged, "Give me a few minutes."

Turel nodded and decided to find Raziel. He was going to get him drunk even if it killed him. Well, maybe Raz, not him, he was far to pretty for that. Turel found Raziel sitting at a table off to himself, watching everyone in the bar with disgust. The second born Lt. threw his hands in the air and grabbed Raziel.

"Dammit Raziel your supposed to be having fun. C'mere, sit down, and drink up." Turel commanded shoving him down on a bar stool. The tender slide Raz the drink.

Now Raziel was no moron like the rest of the lieutenants. He knew that if he even so much as sipped the sucker it could mean death. What if there was water?

What if there was nutmeg?

Blarg! Raz shuddered at his long time foe. It haunteds him ever since that New Years party. Nevertheless Raziel raised and eyebrow at the peculiar brew. "You expect me to actually drink this?"

The bartender meanwhile wrote Turel a bill for the drink. "You'd better! " Turel replied wide eyed at the bill.

Raziel shot him a glare and downed the drink.

The bartenders eyes went the size of dinnerplates. "He just downed a Meridian Massecre! Its 99 percentalcohol!"

"Whats the other 1 percent?" Turel asked.

"You dont want to know."

Raziel tilted his head and looked blankly at the bartender then at Turel.


"Who's Raz? I'm not Raz. I'm Jimmi Hendrix!"

"Aw hell."

Raziel then grinned like a moron and ran for the stage.

"Kain is so gonna kill me," Turel sulked for a brief minute but shrugged it off as a rather ahem "pretty" Vampiress motioned over to him from the counter.

Raziel jumped onto the stage with a pair of sunglasses and a blue and purple tye-dye shirt (which he jacked off a random drunk on the bar floor) and pushed off the current drunk singing "Like a Virgin" Off the stage. Grabbing the mike he adjusted his bandana and began his song; "Purple Haze all in my face..."

While Razie--er--Jimmi Hendrix was jamming like a stoner (even though he was really drunk),Rahab, for the first time in his unlife, was acting his age.

"Hey ladies, wanna come back to my place? I have my own room," He grinned finishing off a beer.

"Well arent you a big boy," Said one pushing another mug of beer towards him.


"Excuse me while I kiss the sky Dundundun DaDundunDUN DundunDUN!" As you may have guessed...there was no music playing. It was all him.

Now, while all this was going on Melchiah and Zephon were having fun of thier own.

A waitress walked out from the back with a large tray of shot glasses and set it down with the rest infront of the two lieutenants.

Niether of them blinked. They stared each other down. You could see the fire in thier eyes. One was going to walk home the superior vampire. One wasn't walking home at all.

All of it was down to this night. This contest.

The waitress counted down, "2...1...BEGIN!"

One by one the lieutenants down each little shot glass and hastily grabbed for another.

"7...8...9..." The crowd around them counted. On the went.

"24...25...26..." The two were iron.

"48...49...50!" They were out of glasses. Once again they were glaring eachother down.

Then, without warning, Zephons eyes roled back and he tumbled out of his chair unconsious.

"The winner is MELCHIAH!"

Well...that was rather interesting...lets check up on our favorite annoyance, eh?

Kain has well woken up but for SOME reason he was not in Janos's retreat anymore.

He was outside. In an ally.

Covered by garbage.

Kain shook himself off and looked around,"Janos?"





More Silence.


"Damn now i'm lonely again," And with that he started to walk out. But as he did something caught his eye. It was round and yellow. It had a face and an orange beak with black shiny eyes and a pair demonic horns on its yellow head.

Kain stared at it,then, he got a wide goofy grin.

"RUBBERDUCKY!" Screamed Kain as he skipped off with his new friend.

But unknown to him a sinister laugh was laughing at him


OKay! Thats the second chapter! Thank you to my latest review. It inspired me to keep going! maybe the third will be soon! who knows?