Hey everyone. I'm sorry about the delay in getting this chapter out, but I was facing some technical difficulties and then my mom accidentally deleted this chapter form the computer I ended up have to rewrite the whole thing. But I think it came out better then the first version. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
"Welcome one and all to the Yuma Qualifying Tournament. This year's competition is looking good ladies and gentlemen. It looks like we have a lot of newcomers this year. I just hope they can keep up with our returning trainers." A voice echoed through out every screen in the battle dome. Pictured were two young female reporters, one with shoulder length pink hair and the other with long brown hair that she had tied back in a high pony tail. . The one with pink heir looked to her left and spotted four women at the check in desk, "Here, are some new trainers now! Let's go and see how they are feeling before their first battle here on Yuma." The reporters made their way to the four women quickly.
"Hi, I'm Sango Taijiya and this is Rose White. " The reporter with brown hair stated
"We're broadcasting live and have a few questions for you." Rose continued
"What kind of questions?" One of the women asked. Her layered brown hair fell just a bit past her shoulders. She wore a white tank that stopped above her stomach under a red jacket that looked similar to leather. She also wore a pair of white capris with a pair of red cowboy boots. The red belt around her waist and the pair of small hoped earrings completed her look nicely.
"Well," Sango began, "How does it feel to be competing here today when you know that so many others have more experience then you."
"No one here has more experience then I do." Another stated smugly. This one had long auburn hair that was currently braided. She was dressed in a yellow type of dress that you would expect to see someone wearing at a park or something like that. If you looked closely at her eyes you could see that they were a pretty emerald color.
"Really?" Rose asked, "Have you competed before?"
"Of course she hasn't." One of the remaining two jumped in, "Julia is just a bit over confident." This woman was wearing a silky red top with a flowery design and a burgundy mini lined with lace. She also had on black knee high leather boots. Her golden hair fell freely to her mid back.
"I see." Rose said slowly.
"Do you four think you have a chance at winning this year's Universal Competition?" Sango asked with a smile
"I came here to win." The final woman stated, "So I expect to win." This woman had long waist length blue hair that fell freely down her back. She was dressed in a pleated blue mini and a black top that fell of her shoulders. Her blue eyes were narrow suspiciously. She obviously didn't look too pleased at being interviewed.
"Can I get you're names?" Rose asked
"I'm Emily Heart." The woman with blonde hair said, "And these are my sisters: Lily (the brunette), Julia (one with auburn hair), and Belle (the one with blue hair)."
"I wish the four of you the best of luck today." Sango said, "But I'm sure you have too much to prepare for."
"Thank you Miss Taijiya, Miss White." Lily said with a nod of her head. The four sisters smiled kindly as turned and headed to their private stable area where their dragons were being housed. As soon they entered the building their smiles disappeared.
"Since when did we decide that I was to be named Julia Heart!" Julia asked angrily
"Oh, calm down Inuyasha." Lily said, "Kagome had to make up those names on spot. I doubt she could have done any better."
"But still! Why Julia?" Inuyasha cried out
"I don't know what you're complaining about dog breath. She named me Belle!" Koga cried out, "With every name in the world why did you have to pick Belle?"
"It was the first one that came into my head." Kagome said defending herself. She walked past all of them and straight to the stall where her dragon was being held. "Are you sure you can fight Adline?" She questioned her dragon, "I mean you will be giving birth soon."
(A/N I'm just going to call people by their real names since switching back forth will probably confuse and might confuse you as well)
The now black dragon looked up at Kagome. They had used some dragon dye to disguise all their dragons. Adline she was now going by Lynne and Pierce, who was red, was being called Ladon. Kagome's eyes softened at Adline's bore into her.
"I understand." Kagome said softly, "But if things start to look bad I calling you out." Adline nodded in response.
Inuyasha placed a hand on Kagome's should comfortingly, "Don't worry." He said gently, "she'll be fine. We'll all be fine."
Kagome turned and allowed Inuyasha to pull her into a tight embrace, "But what if we lose?" She asked.
"What makes you think we'll lose?" Akina said from the doorway.
"Yeah! We have to defeat Yukio!" Kouga said with a smirk.
Kagome pulled away from Inuyasha and beamed happily at her friends, "You're right, we will win!"
"Well, we had better get our schedules." Akina said, "We will need to know who we're up against."
The four headed out again. They walked together through the large corridors of the dome until they got to a huge hall packed with people.
"I wonder where the line starts." Kagome said as she stood on the tips of her toes trying to get a better look around
"I think it starts over there." Inuyasha said pointing to a place across the room.
"Why do you think that?" Kagome questioned still looking around
"It says 'Line Starts Here'" Inuyasha pointed out
"Oh….well lets go then."
The wait in the long, long line, was boring and uneventful. Finally, after what seemed like hours the group made it to the front.
"I didn't think the line would be that long." Kagome stated as she looked down at her battle schedule. "It doesn't look like I'm fighting any of you guys."
"Same here." Kouga said after he finished scanning his paper.
"I'm going up against Julia." Akina said
"What do we do?" Kagome asked
"One of them has to lose."
"We'll it's not going to be me." Inuyasha said crossing his arms stubbornly.
"It should be the stronger trainer who should continue." Akina said
"That would be me."
"We will fight fairly." Akina explained herself, "Who ever wins, wins."
"Sounds good to me." Kagome said. She glanced back down at the paper in her hands. "Well I'm going to bed. It's getting late and my first battle is at 7:00am."
"Good luck tomorrow Kagome." Kouga said with a smile
"We'll be there to cheer you on."
"You better be." Kagome said
"I'll walk back with you." Akina said.
"Welcome everyone to the very first battle of the Qualifying Tournament!" Sango said into her microphone from where she stood in the center of the battle ground.
"Our first battle stars some very good trainers. Here they are now!" Rose said. "Trainer Emily Heart and her dragon Lynne."
Kagome stepped onto battle ground followed by Adline. She was dressed in the traditional Yuma battle outfit. It was mandatory for all trainers fighting in the professional battle domes to wear them. The female outfit was a dress that came in four parts. The first part was a skin tight black undershirt. Over that went a pink top trimmed in gold. It stopped just below her chest. The first layer of the skirt was white and it fell to her ankles. The very bottom was embroidered in a vine pattern. The top layer was pink and came to about her knees. It was split into five sections so that the white skirt could be seen underneath it.
"She comes from the small town of Wind Chaser, where some of the fastest dragons are bred."
"Mary Anne Kaai is her opponent for today. Mary Anne is an experienced trainer and her dragon Red is very powerful. I just hope Lynne will be able withstand some of Red's more powerful attacks."
Mary Anne stepped out of the shadows created by the doorway leading to the back rooms where trainers prepared for their upcoming battle and into the light of the stadium. Mary Anne had long black hair and her tanned skin gave her the look of an islander. She had a small plastered on her face but it did not seem to reach her eyes. They were cold and uncaring. She turned her piercing gaze onto Kagome and nodded her head to show recognition.
Kagome returned the favor, but her eyes were focused on the dragon that had followed Mary Anne out of the trainer's room. It was a large dragon with a green torso and blue wings and tail. He was a Rainbow Dragon. They were known for their unusual color schemes and size as well as their gentleness. But when trained properly they become a dangerous enemy.
Sango and Rose stepped out of the battle area and into the comentor's box.
The two dragons stepped onto the field ready for battle. Adline knew that this was not going to be easy, but she did not plan on letting Kagome down.
"Fighters ready!" Rose shouted out. The dragons readied themselves for their first attack
"Battle will begin in 3…2…1! GO!"
"Lynne, go!" Kagome shouted. Adline took flight.
Mary Anne simply snapped her fingers and her own dragon followed Adline into the air.
The dragons seemed to circle on another in the air. Mary Anne snapped her fingers again and Red suddenly charged at Adline.
"Watch out!" Kagome screamed. Adline was barely to dodge the attack, before she barely had the time to turn back and face Red he charged again.
"It's amazing ladies and gentlemen!" Sango cried out, "I believe Mary Anne tells Red what to do through her snaps.
"I've never seen anything like this before." Rose commented.
Adline soon found herself falling out of the air and heading straight for the ground below. Kagome was ready to scream. She feared that if Adline was hurt her babies wouldn't survive. She couldn't help but shut her eyes in fright.
"Amazing!" Rose cried out.
"Lynne was able to pull out of that fall! She had me scared for second." Sango said laughing with relief.
After pulling up Adline flew straight up. She headed right towards Red. Red was able to dodge the attack. Adline lashed out at Red with her claws and Red did the same back. Their battle continued on like that for time.
"Lynne! Rise and Grind!" Kagome yelled out.
Adline pulled away from the deadly claws of her opponent and flew several feet in the air. She hovered there waiting for Red to follow. And of course he did. Just as they were at about the same distance Adline dived straight towards him. They collided and Adline embedded her claws into Red's wings. The colorful dragon cried out in pain as she began to spin as they continued diving. Just as she did with pierce Adline pulled up and let go of Red leaving him to collide with the earth. The dust flew up along with several huge rocks. When the dust cleared Red was found unconscious with his head buried into the dirt. Looking over at where Kagome stood Adline saw her laying on the ground. A rock lay next to her head.
"Lynne has won this battle spectacularly!" Sango said not noticing Kagome's state, "She truly is a fantastic dragon with a fantastic trainer."
"It looks like something is wrong!" Rose said as she leaned forward to get a better look, "It seems like Emily was hit by one of the rocks that flew up when Red hit the ground."
Doctors rushed out. Some went to help the fallen dragon and others to Kagome.
Kagome opened her eyes slowly. She sat up ignoring the throbbing pain in her head. She spotted Inuyasha sleeping in a chair next to her bed. Kagome looked around the room. She was back in the room that she was given as a trainer.
"It's about time you woke up." Akina said as she walked into the room. She held two plates of food in her hands. "I thought you might be hungry."
"I am." Kagome said accepting the food from her friend, "What happened?"
"You got hit by one of the rocks. You've been out for a week already."
"What! What about the tournament?"
"Calm down." Akina said worriedly, "You only need to win one battle to qualify and you did that already." Seeing the look on Kagome's face she continued, "And Inuyasha and Kouga made it as well."
"But what about you?"
"I fought Inuyasha, remember. He won."
"Oh." Kagome looked down. She was upset that her best friend wouldn't be joining her during the Universal Tournament.
"Don't worry. I'll follow you guys so I can cheer you on." Akina said. It was like she had read Kagome's mind.
Kagome smiled up at Akina happily. The best friend's moment they were having was ruined by some moans coming from Inuyasha showing that he was waking up. He sat up and looked at the two women slowly. He blinked once. Twice.
"You're awake!" he cried out. Inuyasha threw his arms around Kagome. "I was worried." He whispered into her ear to keep Akina from hearing.
Kagome pulled out of his embrace redder then a tomato. "I hear that we will all be heading to the next round." She said
"Yeah." Inuyasha didn't seem to pleased
"What's wrong? Aren't you glad? We can keep Yukio from winning!"
"Well the location of the tournament has been chosen." Inuyasha said slowly
"Where is it being held?" Kagome questioned
"You mean you're home planet!" Kagome said excitedly, "That's great! I can see where you grew up and…"
Inuyasha cut her off, "Don't you remember what I told you. The demons on Kila don't accept humans. I-I don't want anything to happen to you." He finished softly.
"I'm just going to leave." Akina said sensing that the couple needed a moment.
"I'll be fine. I mean what could possibly happen?"
"A lot of things." Inuyasha respond, "I don't' even want to think about them."
"Then don't." Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyasha, "I'll be fine. Besides I have you and Kouga and the dragons. I think that I'm very well protected." She pulled back to look into his emerald eyes
"You're right." Inuyasha said gently pushing a strand of hair out of Kagome's face, "I don't know what I was worrying about."
I already have the sequel all planned out if you guys still want it!
Thanks for the reviews everyone! I hope you all enjoyed my fic as much as I enjoyed writing it!
I have so much trouble writing scenes for the dragon fight. I hope this one was okay. I also have trouble thinking of names for their attacks. I'm using names of Irish Dance steps. I used…Kick Butt, Rise and Grind, and I think that's it at the moment. Most of the attacks I name will probably be Irish Dance steps. I've been dancing for over a year now and it's the only thing I can think of