Ha! You thought I wouldn't do it, right? That I was just yanking your chain? Well you were wrong. Haha. This isn't a one-shot, mind you. I was planning on it to be one, but then I realized I couldn't possibly fit all of it in one chapter. They have feelings to feel, pain to experience, people to beat up...anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. May I now present...-drum roll, please- THE VERY FIRST AQUALAD/BLACKFIRE FANFIC EVER POSTED! Enjoy.

She was finally dying. She knew she was. She had managed to hold on to life for three days, unmoving, with nothing to eat. But now, it was the end. Sticky pools of blood were drying underneath her, coming from a wound she couldn't see. Her normally glossy black hair was damp and matted with blood and sand. By this, she gathered that she had crashed on some sort of deserted beach. No one had seen her. No one had noticed the smoldering spaceship. No one noticed the dying Tameran curled up into a ball a couple feet away from it.

Her sight began to get blurry. For three days she had stayed on the same position, never once moving, except to breath. She didn't even blink her eyes. She had tried moving her legs in the beginning, but it caused her so much pain and just seemed to make the blood flow more. How had she been reduced to this? Her, Blackfire of Tameran, now a little girl dying on a human beach. She remembered vaguely that her sister lived here. Why hadn't they found her? Weren't they supposed to help people in danger?

She didn't know how this happened. She had been flying in her ship, a medium sized purple one that she had stolen from a neighboring planet. Earth hadn't even been her destination. But as soon as she passed it, it was like the planet began to suck her in. Once the ship had broken through the earth's atmosphere, she had lost control and it crashed onto the ground. She had managed to crawl out of the smoldering ship, before it exploded. She collapsed soon after, and just stayed there, staring out at the water.

For the first time in three days, she blinked. It felt good. She did it again. It was over. She blinked one last time, but this time, didn't open them.


Blackfire sat up, slightly out of breath. Where was she? Was it all a dream? The pain in her abdomen answered her last question. But who's bed was she in?

She looked down at herself. She wore the same outfit she normally did, except it was torn off in certain places. White bandages were wrapped around her stomach. There were more around her left leg and right wrist.

Blackfire threw off the sheets and stood up, wincing. She took a step forward, and looked around the room she was in. Two lamps were on either side of the room, giving a sort of dim, but not dark, appearance. A giant floor length mirror was situated on the "wall" at the foot of the bed. Next to it was a closet, and in the center of the room there lay a small blue throw rug.

She took a few more steps and stood in front of the mirror. I look awful... was her first thought. Traces of dirt could be seen all over her body, and she saw some small yet painful cuts her rescuer had failed to notice. An angry gash that would form into a scar was right below her neck; her hair must've covered it when she was being bandaged, which was tangled and uneven. Parts of it had been burned off when the ship exploded.

A knock on the door made her whirl around in surprise. Her eyes narrowed when she saw her rescuer was male. He better not have tried anything funny.

He looked to be about her sister's age. His black eyes were somewhat black looking, and his hair had a glossy look to it, like he had just stuck his head in a sink full of water or something.

He smiled when he saw her. "You're awake."

She scowled. "Who are you?"

"I'm AquaLad."

Blackfire smirked. "That's a stupid name."

"Well, what's yours?" He set the paper bag he was holding onto a table by the door.

"Why should I tell you?"

AquaLad grinned. "Well, I did save you, and all..."

Blackfire limped back over to the bed and sat down on it. "Too bad. What's in the bag?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me your name."

"Starfire." She growled. Who did this guy think he was? She could destroy him with a flick of her wrist.

His grin faltered. He stared at her for a few seconds, and then started laughing. "Oh, I get it. You're one of those Starfire fans. Tell me, where did you get your costume at?"

She glared at him. She must be near her sister's home, if he knew who Starfire was. Damn. She was always getting in her way. Blackfire didn't answer him, just laid back on the bed.

Aqualad shrugged, then picked up the bag and walked over to her. "I had gotten you some stuff from the surface. I didn't know what type of food you liked, so I sorta guessed."

"What is it you mean by 'the surface'?"

"Well, we're in the ocean, in the cove I live in. The water level is a bit lower here, which is why there's air and everything."

"Great." She mumbled, and turned over to face the wall. "Just leave it on the floor. And do you know where I can take a bath?"

"You're surrounded by water, but there's a small spring just outside of this room. How are you wounds?" AquaLad sat on the bed by her legs, and she scooted closer to the wall.

"I am fine. I wish to be alone." She squeezed her eyes shut.

He smiled. "Wow. You even talk like Starfire."

Blackfire's eyes snapped open and glowed pink. "OUT."

Once he left, Blackfire turned and picked up the bag. Propping herself up with pillows, she dumped it's contents out on the bed. Hmm... Oh, good, a soda. She had grown fond of them when she last visited earth. A bar of soap. A colorful bag stating "Cheese Doodles". An apple. A "ham sandwich". And.. A flower?

Blackfire picked it up and examined it. The flower was a deep red color, with a green stem. It's petals were round and curved upwards, forming a small design at the top. A couple thorns littered the sides, poking her in the thumb, but she didn't care. She brought it to her nose and inhaled. It smelled different, unlike anything she had ever smelt before.

She set the flower down on the bed next to her. That was nice of him, She thought. Picking up the bar of soap, she limped out of the room. Her bandages might get wet, but so what.


First chapter done. Pleeaassee tell me how you like it, even if you don't like the pairing. Next chapter will be up when I finish my other two stories. XD That might not be soon, however, because school starts in three days. Sorry.

Review! And I might dedicate a chapter to you.