A Game Of Twister

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto...Wish..I did..

You guys are so kool!!!!!! I wuv you all for reviewing!!! B4 me start story me would like to thank all my reviewers!!!

(Night-Owl123) Thx for loving my story!!! XD

(B4By K4K4Sh1) Omg! You got confused??? See I'm a bad writer...

(ilovesasukeandyoucan'thavehim) Yo! That's what I had in mine!1 Of course there's going to be a catfight!

(MELSAMA13) Heheheh...You'll find out what he has in mine...Heheheh

(nArUtOhInAtA fOrEvEr) Yup!! Another threesome!

(IHearVoices) Gaara-kun's your baby?? Kool!!!! Gaara must be your fav character!!

(iluvsasuke) I know!! Gaara agreeing?? Thats like one in a million!! Hehehehh

(Metalicgal) I agree!! Heheheheh

(glance1) Oh I see now!!

(the third Rave Master: Zero X) I know high school is fun but when ya get a lot of hw its not fun!! XD

(Sakura2387) Yup! I'll update soon!

(Chaos Dragon Spine) Maybe...Dunno yet..depends!!

Ok enough of me babbling!!! I have to say this one more time....I WUV YOU ALL FOR REVIEWING!!! (me crazy!! Heheheh) Ok here goes the story! AND one more thing! I have my HIGH thanks to saki-kun for reminding me about GAI'S team I totally forgot about them!!! Gomenasai!!! I'm very sorry!! I just got a bit carried away!! Anyways HIGH thanks to saki-kun!!!! And Oh yah! Gai's Team WILL come in the next chapter but not this chapter!!

Chapter 6

"Hey since we've been playing so long we should have a rest, do you all want a rest?"Kakashi asked.

"Yes!" everyone answered back.

"Umm....Naurot-kun...Um....Are you hungry?" Hinata asked shyly.

"Uh...ya..kind..of.." Naruto muttered.

"I'll go get you some ramen then." Hinata said.

"Uh....Ok..." Naruto said.

'Wow! One hyperactive ninja becoming quiet and shy? That's the first!' Kakashi thought to himself.

"Sasuke-kun!! Would you like some ramen?" Sakura asked.

"Sure...why not.." Sasuke answered back coldly.

"Here then!" Sakura said while handing the cup of ramen to Sasuke.

"Gaara-kun, would you like some ramen since you came a long way??"Sakura asked.

"......sure....." Gaara muttered.

'Why is she offering him ramen too? Why? Damm it!! What's wrong!?? I shouldn't be...caring about who she's giving ramen to...but..this feeling..DAMM IT! Arggg!' Sasuke thought to himself.

"Shika...Um..Have you played yet?" Temari asked.

"Huh? Yea I've played it already.." Shika answered.

"Huh? YOU DID??? With who??" Temari asked frantically.

"Huh?....With....Ino..." Shika answered.

"That slut! How can you be playing with her??" Temari yelled.

"Ahem! I am right here...and to correct you I am NOT a slut!"Ino yelled.

'Sigh.....troublesome....' Shika thought to himself.

Temari then took a pair of scissors and cut Ino's bangs but luckily Ino dodged it and Temari only cut a little bit of Ino's hair.

"That's IT! Lady your going down!!" Ino yelled.

"No! Women YOUR the one that's going DOWN!" Temari shouted.

"Uhh...You two should not -

Before Shika could say anything the two girls faced him and yelled. "ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!"

'Yikes...Women can be so harsh..' Shika thought to himself. 'Oh no their not going to fight are they? I better stop them!"Shika then came to stop the girls from punching each other.

"Yo! Women! Don't fight! Why are you fighting over me??"Shika asked.

Temari and Ino then turn to look at Shika with death glares.

"You don't get it?" Ino asked 'too' calmly.

"How..can you not get it.." Temari said a bit 'too' calmly.

"Err....Uh...Not that I don't -

Before Shika can say anything the two girls hit him right in the eyes. "Ouch....What? what did I do this time?" Shika asked himself mentally.

"DIE YOU SLUT!" Temari yelled.

"NO YOU DIE! YOU HOOKER!!" Ino yelled back.

'So troublesome....' Shika thought to himself. "Hey! Sasuke if the two girls asked where I am tell them i died.

".....Are you saying that I'm stupid?? Tell them that your dead???!! Your freaking standing right here in front of me!"Sasuke yelled.

"Uh...No! That's not what I meant Sasuke!" Shika said.

"....Well then whatever I'm not doing anything for you!"Sasuke said with a cold tone.

"Fine.." Shika said.

"Yo Naruto!" Shika yelled.

"What do you want now Shika??" Naruto asked.

"If Ino or Temari asked where I am tell them I died." Shika said.

"Fine....I know...your having girl troubles!" Naruto shouted. "Like what Jiraiya told me! You must be having girl troubles!! Am I right or am I wrong?"

"Uh...Yes..." Shika answered. "Well now I'm going to go..so...yah..." Shika then ran off to climb a tree.

".....Weird...Shika...the genius is having girl troubles?? That is hilarious!!!"Naruto shouted.

Then all of a sudden Jiraiya appeared. "Hey Kakashi!" Jiraiya greeted.

"Hiyo! Your late you missed a lot of actions!" Kakashi said.

"Aww! Damm it! Oh well! Hey! Look! Are they having a catfight?"Jiraiya asked.

"I guess...over Shikamaru.....Hmmm why don't I see anyone fighting over me? Aren't I hot?"Kakashi asked.

"Man...Your 30 years old!" Jiraiya said.

"Oh well...Hey what did you wanted to come here to see again?"Kakashi asked.

"Oh yah! I'm witting the next book of "Come Come Paradise"Jiraiya said.

"Cool! What are you witting this time?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Same old stuff but adding a bit catfight...Heheheh I MUST watch this fight...Heheheh...If my calculations are right..their..going..to... -

"Strip.." Kakashi said finishing off what Jiraiya said.

"Yup!" Jiraiya said.

"So should we watch with intent?" Kakashi asked.

"Yup!" Jiraiya answered.

"DIE TEMARI!!" Ino yelled.

"DIE INO!!!" Temari yelled.

Temari and Ino then started to pull each other's hair when Ino accidentally pulled off Temari's upper clothing.

"..Heheh I knew it!" Jiraiya said still watching the girls.


Temari then pulled off Ino's upper clothing for a signal of revenge. "OMG! THAT IS ANOTHER BIG MUFFINS!!" Kakashi yelled.

"....Did I just saw what I thought I saw?" Shika thought to himself. 'OMG! I saw Ino and Temari's APPLES!!!..I wonder which one are bigger?...WHAT THE HELL!!??? What in the name of Neptune am I thinking??....This is dreadful.....'

"INO-PIG AND TEMARI!! What the heck are you doing out here half naked?? I know a hut nearby and you can get change in there so you don't have to be HALF-naked."Sakura yelled. "What a disgrace to us females!!!" Sakura then took Temari and Ino to the hut to get some clothing on.

'No way! I MUST stop thinking!! I shouldn't be thinking about these things!!' Shika thought to himself.

"Hey! Shika are you okay?" Shino asked.

"What? No! I'm not thinking about their breast!" Shika shouted.


"Uh...no...I ...was.....uh....I..." Shika muttered.

"......The genius....even you can't handle..hentai.....sigh.."Shino muttered.

"This is the best! I got to saw the women upper body more this time!"Jiraiya shouted.

"Yea...I kind of did too.....but......their still young women so......"Kakashi muttered.

"Your right...sigh...if only it was Kurenai or Tsunde.."Jiraiya said.

"You WANT TSUNDE OR KURENAI TO STRIP IN FRON OF YOU??"Kakashi asked curiously.

"It'd...be...nice...to....Hehheheehe." Jiraiya muttered.

"Yikes! Man your one of a kind! I am though hentai but not as you man!"Kakashi shouted.

"Hey! Kakashi I'll tell you my plan on what to do with Ino,Temari and Shika thing." Jiraiya said. Jiraiya then whispered something in Kakashi's ear. "Aren't I just evil?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yup...you sure are.." Kakashi muttered.

Well THX for Reading!! PLz REVIEWS!! AND R&R!! Tankies everyone!!