Wow, its been nearly a dozen months since my last update. I thank you all for being patient with me. I've really been finding my place in the world and society in these past months, not only as a writer, but as a person. Things have changed for me, but I'm back for awhile, or so I sincerly hope.

Thanks again for reading.

Chapter 23: Prospects

Rayne: "It was a good show, don't you think?" I say thoughtlessly, opening my vanity drawer to retrieve a small container of cold cream to remove layer upon layer of stage makeup from my skin.

Ebony looks over from her spot perched upon the ledge above the radiator, and smiles warmly, her pearly white teeth complimenting her smooth cheek lines.

"Excellent as ever, Rayne. I don't know how you do it. I used to be as good as you," she says casually, blowing a stray strand of her golden curls away from her face. She grins and grabs my iron fan, quickly opening it to hide her face behind and laughing good-naturedly, "but it'd be improper for me to dance and sing the way you do. After all, I'm a taken woman."

She and Zane have been together for a few years. It is surprising that he even lets her walk around alone in the casino, with all the lustful demons running amok in this godforsaken city.

I pick up my pitcher of cold water and pour it into my wash basin, rinsing my face and feeling quite refreshed from the cool liquid washing away the sweat from my brow. As I dry off my face with a clean square of terrycloth, I look into the mirror and see Ebony studying me with a soft smile.

"You're gorgeous, you know." She said with a friendly smile, jumping off the radiator and landing perfectly in her high heels. I can only imagine her grace is from years of entertaining. I myself prefer to be barefoot, but what can I do? Not much.

"Thanks Ebony?" I say with a laugh, grabbing my coat and putting it over my new purple corset. I've long since changed out of my stage clothes for a more... suitable attire. Putting an arm around her shoulder, I laugh again, pulling on her hair and then bursting through the door, hearing her surprised shout radiate from behind me as I run down the hall, dodging the newer, flashier dressed showgirls.

Something pegs me in the back of the head, and I stumble a bit, clutching my neck as I continue to flee my dressing room. I bet it was her shoe. She can't run that fast in heels, even with all her years of graceful dancing behind her. I throw a quick glance over my shoulder and—yep, it was her left shoe.

Suddenly, my mind goes blank, and eyesight fails, the world falling dark around me as I stumble into the wall grasping for support. The virus... I can't... I won't give into the viral infection...


A worried voice enters my ears. It doesn't sound that familiar. I know, it must be one of the new showgirls. I can't tell though, and it bothers me. I usually make it a point to go and introduce myself to every single one of even the most junior dances because I myself am one of the most senior. I even lent Eriko, one of the new apprentices, one of my kimono, an unheard of act among my native people. Kimono are like extensions of ourselves as beings of grace, beauty, and dance. It was like giving myself to her to wear for the evening. I even tied her obi in an especially eye pleasing manner.

"Rayne!" Hands grab me, and I feel supported by what feels like four of five sets of hands.

I shake my head vigorously, rubbing my eyes, the world slowly coming into focus with four girls in various stages of dress staring at me with worried eyes. "I'm... I'm fine."

Ebony looks at me, chewing on one perfectly manicured nail somewhat absentmindedly. "Maybe we should have worked you back up to the old program..."

Mayuri blinks and looks at me with a weak smile. "Can I get you anything, Rayne-sama?" Sama sounds so foreign to my ears. "Your skin is usually so pretty, but it is so pale..."

I shake my head. "No, I'm fine. Just a little woozy—I must have overworked myself." Smiling brightly, I raise my arms over my head and stretch, leaning back and pulling softly on the semi-tense muscles in my back. "I might just go get something to eat. I haven't eaten since breakfast."

Ebony looks up and down the hallways, scanning for a junior or an apprentice to send with me, as a safeguard. Not only are we all dancers, we all have some ability to defend ourselves. Zane made sure we all knew some form of defensive martial arts as a precaution against lusting demons hungry for flesh.

Her gorgeous brown eyes land on Hiroko, the newest initiate into our little "dancing school". She looks so awkward, dressed in her little kimono. I smile somewhat, noting how oddly her obi is tied. She must have done it quickly after rehearsal. If only she knew how strange it looked. I will have to scold the other girls for not offering to help her tie the knot. Ebony motions her forward with a little wiggle of her elegant fingers.

"Hiroko, would you please escort Miss Rayne back up to her room. I daresay you know where it is. I'd be so much obliged." The way Ebony speaks is so, so, how you say, alluring, it's hard for me to even tell she isn't asking, but ordering timid little Hiroko to take me back upstairs to the Dancers' Floor.

Hiroko bows slightly, hands clasped tightly. "Yes, Ebony, ma'am."

I smile at her and she bows to me as well, this bow slightly deeper than the one she gave Ebony. I mentally note never to bring that up with Ebony ever, seeing as the deeper bow means that little Hiroko is more aligned with me than her.

We walk down the halls towards the service elevator that leads to the Dancer's floor, and we chat idly. I offer to teach her how to tie her obi, and she thanks me and asks if I can help her learn how to dance with a fan. Zane said that her figure would most likely be complimented by learning traditional fan dances. I can only assume that Zane was not in fact complimenting her beauty—for she was quite a lovely young girl—but simply thinking about her resell value...

Sometimes I wonder if I, too, will be worth more in my weight in gold, than my weight in flesh...

After all these years... Will I become only a piece a property once more...

Hiroko drops me off at my door, and bows as I enter my small, but lavishly furnished apartment. I smile and say goodbye, keeping a good face.

Muttering, I hang my coat up on one of the hooks, already halfway reaching back to untie the loosened strings of my corset. I don't even know why I bothered putting it on. Still, I should feel blessed to have such a secure place in Zane's empire...

"At least my prospects are better than Hiroko's..."

The last initiate was only here two months before... Well, before she left for so called better waters. What was her name? Eh... it's probably best I don't remember. So many girls come in and out of this casino that I've lost track, even in the few years I've been here.

I collapse on the couch, sprawling and staring out the window. Are my prospects really that much better than little Hiroko's? I'm still young and shapely, I can dance, sing, and cook somewhat, and from what I hear, and those qualities are highly prized among those who would purchase one of us.

Sighing, I roll over and pull a blanket on top of me, my eyes growing dim and my head dizzy... The virus still...

Murmuring softly, I close my eyes and try to drift off to sleep. My only consolation is in what I will soon do for all these girls I have become friends with... what I will do for my people... what I will do for myself...

Thanks again for reading. I hope you have enjoyed it as much I have have, and dont worry, there is plenty of story bottled up in me from my unplanned "vacation". Tell me what you think in a review, constructive criticism is always welcome.

She can't play a note if the basic guitar aint playing with her, Satori Sama out for the night.