
I did not create Yuu Yuu Hakusho. Nor do I own the series. I am not making any money off this. Okay maybe there is some money involved (just kidding!!). Yoshihiro Togashi - creator of Yuu Yuu Hakusho. He is the head honcho. He owns Yuu Yuu Hakusho; at least I think he does. If he doesn't like what I am doing, I answer to him and his people. He is also the creator of Hunter x Hunter and the Level E series. Fun fact about Yoshihiro Togashi: He's married to Naoko Takeuchi, creator of Sailormoon!

This story is told from a characters point of view. Not mine. The way they perceive things or act is solely based on their personality. Every once and a while, the point of view changes to some one else's eyes. At the beginning of each narrative, the character will be stated for your own knowledge. And if there is no character stated, it is a general point of view, nobody's personal thoughts. This is so you don't go, "Wait! Hiei is not a girl. Did he get a sex change??" There are some new characters I, your genius author, have so brilliantly created. No, they are not a product of Yuu Yuu Hakusho. And yes, they truly are mine.

A little bit about me, the author:

My name is Satorisama . To many I am known as "dori" or "em". I answer to "child be quiet" during 6th period geometry often as well. But to few, I am known as, for lack of a better term, a human Female hiei minus the super awesome killing skills and psychic third eye. Well, enough about me here is what you've been waiting for, the story. The spelling may be wrong, the grammar may be bad, but what do you expect from a writer who's just a 15-year-old fan???

Chapter 1: The Beginning

(this is the only chapter in total 3rd person all knowing view: i cant write in third person so bear with me on this)

The two reapers walk side by side with an impassive girl down a long and winding hallway escorting her to her trial before the Prince of Souls. Uneasy these two experienced reapers are from being so close to a couple of the most powerful mortals in all of the five realms combined. They continually send anxious glances behind them at the demon cloaked in clothing comprised of what seemed to be the darkest of shadows, praying to the gods they devoted them selves to that he doesn't decide to murder them both. They also send looks of fright toward the brunette girl striding along between both of them, but if the captive notices the glances, she doesn't comment. The plum haired reaper begins to study the young woman beside her from the corner of her eyes, starting with the woman's head and ending at her feet.

The girl is much shorter than herself, barely scraping four and a half feet tall. Her hair is long and the color is milk chocolaty, ending just below the small of her back in an uneven line. It is pulled back under a scarf of a deep scarlet fabric and edged in red, orange, and yellow beads that form chains from its hem. From the scarf also hangs a few strands of decorative beading comprised of larger multicolored beads, silver coins from nameless places, a few semiprecious stones, and, unsurprisingly, at least five dice of many shapes and sizes. Under the scarf, lies the top of the girl's ears, which seem to be imprisoned in a prison of green, blue, and violet hoops, all in various shades of the mentioned colors. The sequence ended in a large hoop of all the colors of the rainbow, starting with red and ending in black.

The girls dress is much more dismal than what adorns her head. A black tank top edged in the same beaded trim from the scarf stops just above the girls' midriff, partially exposing a perfectly toned abdomen to any one who gazes at her. A silver chain with alternating evenly spaced silver and gold coins drapes unevenly around the slim waist with an air of enjoyment. The woman's dark pants are baggy, and somehow, at the same time, form flattering in a most complimentary manner. Their darkness ends in a design of flames that sparkle because they are made of a shimmering cloth laid on top of the dull material of the pants. Under the hem of the pants and on the girl's feet, is a pair of sandals that seem three sizes to big for the small feet.

The wine haired reaper chuckles softly trying to stifle the laugh that will undoubtedly escape from her chest. Koenma's doing, she noted while looking at the girl's large floppy shoes. The prisoner couldn't run or fight in such footwear, but that thought was quickly repressed as the reaper remembered that if the prisoner began to fight, she, as a reaper and not a warrior, would not have a chance. In studying the face of the young woman, she became unsure in the prisoner's will to fight.

The pale face of the girl never wavered from the windowless hallway in front of her. The forlorn expression that adorned her face had not altered from the time she awoke in the ward from her daylong coma-like sleep. She seldom talked to anyone, and even then, she only seemed to be asking rhetorical questions to herself. Her eyes were disturbingly vacant, never showing any sensations other than submission to her captivity.

Though however many times the tall violet haired reaper ran this over in her head, she still held the thought of this quiet girl making one last stand for freedom, unwilling to go down with out a fight. She sensed a spark of immortal life inside this seemingly lifeless girl. She should, as it was her specialty as a high-ranking reaper of souls to be able to feel ones life force without effort or exertion of her spirit energy. She turned her head to look at the captive and, surprisingly, the vibrant green eyes meet her own deep gray ones.

Shocked, the reaper looked back at the demon man walking behind them. He had noticed this simple gesture as well and felt that something was going to happen. His gut feeling told him to be prepared for the worst. He could not forget the large bruises the prisoner had given him on their last conscious meeting. That was over a week ago and his smallest bruise was still larger than the human sphere called a baseball. He shook his head at his use of such a stupid analogy and sought out a better word for his bruises. After a moment of pondering, he found one word that describes the black and blue marks perfectly. Painful.

"So close to freedom. Yet, I am yet still so far from it," the captive whispered breaking the silence while staring ahead at the hall now shifting into a marvelous grand staircase, while making the two female reapers and the male demon behind suck in their breaths as if it was their last.

The staircase itself was tall, winding up to the top floor of the palace and seemed to be built entirely out of white marble. Immense chandeliers hang from the ceiling full of lit candles whose light reflects off the large crystals, giving the room a soft glowing feeling. Along the right wall, above the railing of woven gold and black marble, there are windows made of fragments a colored and clear glass that shed multicolored shadows across the floor.

As the 4 beings begin to walk up the stairs, they notice that at the top of the steps waits a group of people waiting to escort the prisoner the rest of the way, allowing the two reapers to leave and return to their duties. The black haired human named Yusuke Urameshi looks down with interest along with the taller, carrot top human named Kazuma Kuwabara that looks scared of the group walking up the stairs. They converse quietly with each other, the topics ranging from school to their job here in the Soul Realm as detectives.

A few steps below these unlikely pair of allies, a late teenage boy who is called many things ranging from Kurama to stupid fox, stands awaiting his demon friend who walks slowly behind the three girls. The boy's long, crimson tresses cascade down his back ending just below his shoulders. His vibrant emerald eyes flicker for a moment as he realizes that his friend is uneasy. He and the demon below had always been close, as close as brothers which was convenient because neither of them had a brother at any point in their lifetimes. His attention isn't entirely on his friend anymore, but on the human thief who looks at the window and makes a most unexpected movement, but, strangely, it wasn't all that unexpected to any of the men or women present to witness the action.

The brunette thief walked over to the only totally clear window on the stairs. She jumps catlike up on to the windowsill with grace. Laying a hand on the window she traces many patterns on the glass with the ends of her fingers. After a moment she lays her forehead against the glass and her hand turns into a tight fist. Her face shows no emotions, only emptiness.

The redheaded Kurama, being the caring, but inquisitive, human he was, walked over and extended a hand to her. He beckoned to her, asking her to come down from her perch. The thief eyed him and he could see that she was thinking this over in her head. She jumped with skill to the chandelier above, resting only a moment before jumping down to the railing opposite the window, finally coming to rest on the stairs once again. Kurama turned around to face her once more.

"I learned never to accept anything from strangers," the thief girl said, her eyes returning to their normal stare filled with not even a solitary emotion. She lowered her eyes as a sign of submission and respect to Kurama, showing she knew that she was under his command for the time being.

"Did your mommy teach you that or something?" Yusuke asks mockingly from the top of the stairs while watching this girl intently.

Everyone present watched in horror as the thief looked up. Her eyes were filled with emotions they had never seen her have. A convincing afterimage was left behind as the girl ran up the stairs, not even leaving a blur of color from her clothing behind. All of a sudden she was in front of Yusuke. She punched him in the gut region sending him flying backwards into a large column. She continues to beat on him like a bag of sand, making him yell in agony with every blow. With a voice filled with anger, hatred, and pain showing unrestrained, the thief yells, "Don't you ever bring up my origins! You know nothing of what I went through as a child! Do you know how long it took to forget my mother's face! And until you go through such pains as I have, I do not think you have any right to talk to me about my past!"

The thief's now vibrantly shaded green eyes glow in the candlelight giving them an eerie look that sends chills down every one's back. These chills bring movement back into the bodies of the detectives as well and the two reapers who were frozen upon seeing the first punch thrown. Kuwabara and Kurama run over and restrain the thief's arms as the girls follow the black blur that stops at the top of the stairs.

"Gosh, Hiei. You're losing your touch. I got here before you, so hah," says Kuwabara lightheartedly to the demon in black who scowls. His name was Hiei and the only reason he didn't get their first is because he thought Yusuke deserved the beating he got. You never make fun of a thief's background, let alone a hostile thief whose objective is escape and revenge on her captors.

The Soul Reapers help the injured Yusuke to his feet, supporting him with their bodies. His nose looked broken and his chest looked swollen. He gazed at the thief then allowed himself to be taken to the medical ward for some treatment. He bites his tongue as he realizes he is about to curse at the damn thief girl actually had the moxie to beat him up. Him. One of the BattleLords of the Underworld. He couldn't believe she overpowered him either.

If looks can kill, then the thief's livid gaze would have slaughtered every one of her captors. But instead of focusing on those two men that were restraining her arms, her attention was undivided on the fire demon in front of her. Hiei, she thought, what a fine name for such a powerful demon. She seemed to be sizing him up for all he was worth, matching her abilities with his in her mind, mentally testing out her strengths on his, looking for his weaknesses while reminding herself to guard her own.

After a moment, the girl's eyes darted quickly around the large hall, looking for some means of a swift escape. She immediately and purposely overlooked the windows, having already tested their immense hardness with a wave of energy she sent through one earlier. She noted that the columns could provide shelter from some sort of spirit attack. The decorative statues could hold some importance in the escape, maybe as a distraction to her pursuers. If I can get up the stairs I can break through the dome of glass acting as a skylight above, it is not as protected as the rest of the windowpanes, she considered silently.

She made her move by breaking away from the two restraining her when Hiei had his head turned listening to Yusuke moan in pain. Grabbing his sword and pushing him down, she ran by him throwing the sword into a column to distract him enough to get a head start up the stairs. She didn't take the sword, it was wrong to steal another's blade without proper provocation or misdeed, plus little good a katana would do for her, its blade was not even the proper length or weight for her to be able to swing it without misjudging the distance between her target and weapon's edge.

Her rate of acceleration was incredible going up the stairs, immediately leaving the sight of the detectives with the first carefully planned steps.

"Hiei, get her! Your faster than us!" Kurama yells at the stunned man in black who looks violated to the worst degree.

The female bandit was halfway up the second flight before she looked back. A black streak was following her and was rapidly gaining speed. He is very fast, but so am I, she chuckled to herself. He was pushing his limits, so she would do the same. Putting all her energy and concentration into what was most likely to be her final chase, she raised her velocity maybe more than twice as much as her original rate.

Kurama and Kuwabara follow, much slower than the two faster people running ahead. Suddenly the black streak comes in contact with the dark reddish one. The two figures come into view suddenly, hitting the steps hard with a large thump.

"LET GO OF ME BEFORE I DO SOMETHING YOU'LL REGRET!!!" the fallen bandit yells trying to wriggle her waist out of the strong grasp of Hiei. She looks up at the ceiling. Only two floors to go before I reach the glass, she thinks to herself. She tenses the muscles in her legs, readying herself for her next move. She raises a foot barely off the ground, positioning it so when totally extended, the foot would be lodged in Hiei's muscular chest. Looking behind her at the human boys struggling to make it up the second flight of stairs, she decided it is time to strike.

Hiei had sensed her muscles tense and could feel, rather than see, the thief smile in amusement. She is going to do something, but I am not sure I want to receive whatever attack she wants to give, he thought in his mind He was tempted to let her go, he had been a thief once, he knew how it felt to be in a place you would rather not be. But as she rammed her foot into his chest, sending him backwards into the wall, he knew it was too late to ask her to stop, ask her to reconsider just going to see Koenma and get her sentence, and tell her it wasn't so bad being a Detective. After all, you didn't do much and the terms aren't that bad, although he hadn't thought that at the time of his sentence. As he saw her glance back at his figure flying through the air, he thought he saw her wince and mouth the words 'sorry 'bout that, but you understand why I had to do it' though later he would doubt whether he had seen anything at all.

The thief started to go up the stairs. She stopped, momentarily, only to gaze back at Hiei whose figure was still stuck in the recess it had made in the wall. After spending more time loitering around the uppermost flight of stairs, Hiei figured out why she was waiting. She is waiting for me, she still wants to fight. Why though. She can get away now, go on with her life. Maybe it is the thrill of a chase or the adrenaline rush you get when you fight, Hiei ponders as he climbs out of the wall and watches the thief turn around and start to run up the stairs again. But she does not get very far before getting stopped again.

Kurama had always thought fast on his feet. Upon seeing Hiei's short form hit the wall in front of him, he decided to stop the thief anyway he could. He gazed up and looked for something he could stop the runaway robber with. Then he saw it. About 6 feet below the girl was a potted weeping willow tree. That is all I need, Kurama thought as he began to run up the stairs. Upon getting close to the willow, he pulled one of the strands off the tree. He used his natural ability with plants to fashion a net of some sorts. After lobbing the great strand up the stairs, he watched in triumph as the thief fell trapped in a prison of leaves.

Damn it, the bandit thought as she realized she had underestimated the human, I thought he was slower than that. Then the bandit felt her body being slung over a strong shoulder and being carried down a bunch of stairs. I don't want to give up, but it seems I have lost. I might as well go and see this, this Prince. What have I got to lose? Well, everything really. When she opens her eyes, the crook girl noticed she wasn't that far from the ground. Well, at least if I fall, she comforted herself, it wont hurt that much.