(A/N: Hey! Well, this is my FINAL CHAPTER in Kagome's Diary, I'm sorry to say so. I am already starting at my sequel. I know….sad, but hey, I loved this story, it was long, but I loved it. A lot of drama. Ha ha, I was thinking of putting the sequel to be Rated M, but then I found out it should be rated T, because…so was this one. What you need to know is that Sango is going to be a little more important in the next one. She will have an important role. Well, I'll add a small preview for the sequel at the end of this chapter, and I hope everyone enjoyed Kagome's Diary Part 1, Love you! muahz)
As Kaede was done stitching up Kagome's abdomen, she poured a small amount of tonic inside a small cup, and placed it at Kagome's side.
Kaede sighed and went outside to join the others. As she exited the cabin, she glanced at Inuyasha who sat at a small bench, holding his baby daughter, Shinobu. He cradled her in his arms, humming melodic rhythms, causing the baby to close her eyes.
Kaede glanced to her right, and caught her eyes at Shippo and Sango who were dancing around the new-born baby boy.
"Kaede! Come here!" yelled Shippo as he stopped to wave at her.
Kaede slowly walked towards them and looked down, hoping Shippo wouldn't pop up the question. As she stood beside Sango, she looked down at the baby.
Just like Inuyasha…
"Kaede," commented Shippo, " Can I ask a question?"
Kaede glanced at Shippo's way and gave a small, stiff nod.
"Um…" Shippo walked slowly towards the baby. "… I just want to know why does he have two small ears on his head. Were they to portray Inuyasha?"
Kaede looked down at the baby and smiled.
"Yes. While I was taking the baby from Kagome's insides, I noticed how there was an extra surface on its head. They were ears. Little dog ears, just like his father."
Shippo gave a small, warming smile and went closer to the baby, holding its fingers, in his hand.
"He likes me." he giggled as the baby smiled toothlessly at him.
Kaede felt a small tap behind her, she turned to see Sango's worried face. Sango turned around, signaling for Kaede to follow.
When they were far enough away from Shippo. Sango took in a deep breath.
"How is she?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
Kaede looked down, and sighed as well.
"As I opened her up, it caused a major amount of blood loss." Kaede looked to her side, at Inuyasha who was staring at her with eyes that were filled with sadness.
"To tell you the truth…" she continued. "..I doubt she'll live."
Sango instantly covered her mouth, stopping her from screaming. She shook her head slowly.
"no." she muffled.
She turned around, walking away from Kaede, still shaking her head from the news that dug a hole inside.
She shut her eyes, trying to stop her tears, not waning Inuyasha nor anyone else to notice. She walked towards Shippo, kneeling down beside him.
"What was that about?" Shippo asked as he began to pat the baby's head softly.
Sango shook her head, and smiled at the baby.
I wont leave you…nor Shinobu…never.
Inuyasha POV
She's not well. Just hearing Kaede's words back in the cabin, really sunk in. I don't want to leave her. I don't want her to leave me, her babies…no. I cant think of this. Not now, she is going to live. She is going to stay by me.
Inuyasha looked down at Shinobu and planted a small kiss on her forehead, causing the baby to stir in her sleep.
Soft footsteps were coming his direction, Inuyasha looked up to see Kaede walking towards him. Her face was sullen as though a dark cloud was possessing it.
As Kaede was only a few inches from him, she cleared her throat.
"Kagome wants to see you." she said, holding out her arms for Shinobu.
Inuyasha glanced down at Shinobu, back at Kaede and at the horizon that endeavored the sky.
He rose from the ground, handing over Shinobu slowly, not wanting to wake her.
"I'll be right back." he muttered as he began to approach the cabin, feeling nauseous, wanting to return back to Shinobu. The second love of his life.
As he entered the cabin, he glanced at Kagome's way, Sango sobbing quietly. Sango looked to and locked eyes with Inuyasha, not knowing what to do. She looked back at Kagome and slowly leaned to kiss her cheek.
"I will never let go of that promise…" she planted another kiss and sobbed.
Sango stood and quickly walked out of the cabin, Inuyasha gazing after her.
He looked back at Kagome who was looking pallor then ever. The color from her lips had disappeared from her body. Her skin color was pale white. She was sweating, still experiencing her pain.
"Inuyasha…" she whispered loud enough for him to hear.
Inuyasha ran to her side, holding her hand that felt cold as ice. He rose it to his lips and covered it with kisses.
"Don't leave me." he sobbed, feeling his tears trigger down his face. "Please don't."
Kagome smiled weakly, taking in a deep breath. She closed her eyes and let it out.
"I am not leaving you. Believe me, I will always be around. No matter what happens, whenever you feel lonely, whenever Shinobu is sad, Ill be here, alright? Oh, I found a name for our little…" she let out a restrained laugh "… mini- Inuyasha."
Inuyasha looked down and growled.
"I hate that baby. If it wasn't for him you wou--"
"Don't say that!" Kagome yelled so loud, she closed her eyes, feeling a strong weakness fill over her. "That baby…:" she coughed, "… is not the reason I'm like this. He is a blessing. You should be happy… be ha-"
Kagome began to cough again, a lot harder, rising her back from the futon. She grabbed her used cloth from her side, coughing onto it.
As she parted the towel away from her mouth, Inuyasha got to see what she coughed out…
Kagome laid back onto the futon, finding Inuyasha's hand with hers. She held it for a minute, not speaking, just looking into his eyes.
"I love you, Inuyasha." Kagome whispered as she kissed his palm. "And… I want you to be happy. Even if it has to be with…" she sighed. "…Kikyo. Here…" she handed him a yellow sheeted paper. "… this is for my family. I want you to hand it to them. I really want them to read it."
Inuyasha nodded his head. "About Kikyo…no, never"
Kagome smiled, "I just want you to be happy. And take care of Keitaro."
Inuyasha's face puzzled for a minute, before knowing who she was speaking of. "…alright."
"Love him…" tears began to fall from her face. "Tell him how much I loved him… tell them for me."
Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her and began to sob loudly.
They were huddled together in silence for a long time, before Kagome began to cough once more.
Inuyasha slowly laid her back onto the futon and held her hand once more.
"I will never forget you. You will always have a place…in my heart." he whispered in her ear.
Kagome smiled weakly, closing her eyes and breathing slowly.
After what seemed like a few minutes, he held her hand in silence. When he found out she wasn't holding his hand in return he looked up at her. She gave him one last smile.
Inuyasha saw as her last breath escaped from her lips….
She was gone.
Authors Ending Note:
Hey guys! I'm so happy that I've gone this far to end this fan fiction. Wow… 33 chapters… yeah. Well, it was sad to end it with Kagome's death, but it seemed like it ended well, may have made some viewers cry but…yeah. I didn't feel that well, it felt as though I was seeing the show. Thanks for everything. I will make the sequel in about a few days or even less! Stay looking for them, just check out my author info and you'll see it there. Now, as I promised, your preview of the next story.
Kagome's Diary: Karma Chameleon
Keitaro sighed, kicking a few stones, tossing a few sticks he felt as though he was alone.
"If only I met mom…" he muttered loudly, as he threw one last stone at the nearby tree.
"'If only I met mom!'" mimicked Shinobu, she scoffed, "Get real, she wouldn't want to see you… neither does dad, you see how he looks at you."
She walked towards him and gave him a slight push. Keitaro fell back onto the cold hard ground and began to cover his face with his hands.
"You're nothing but a stupid little half demon, who came into this world… you are the reason mommy is dead!" she cried out at him.
"Get inside the cabin, its already dark!" a cold voice came from in back of them.
Inuyasha rose up the small hill and looked at the scene.
"Shinobu inside, or you'll catch a cold." he muttered.
Shinobu bowed down to Inuyasha and scurried off to the cabin.
Inuyasha glanced at Keitaro, who was wiping tears away from his small pallet face. Keitaro stood up from the ground and began to walk after Shinobu, when Inuyasha grabbed him by the arm.
"When you go inside, go to sleep. I don't want to see you awake, its too late, and you'll catch a stupid illness. Now inside!" he added that detail with disgust before walking back to the cabin.
Keitaro looked after him and stared at the ground.
"I feel lower than you do…" he muttered before running down the hill that led the way into what started his small miserable existence.
Thanks again!