Sakura itoe: hey you guys!!! This is my first fic I've ever made so please go easy on me!!! note: I changed the story a bit, well, actually alot so if you every read this before and you see anything that sounded better before than e-mail me k? okay. remember: flamers suck, hehe.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I wish I owned Sasuke uchiha! = that was original, hehe.
Chapter One: A So Called Prologue
14 year-old Hinata sat on her couch in the living room. She began to doze off until a she heard a knock on the door. Hinata looked at the door and waited it to knock a few times until she got up to answer it.
She opened the door and there stood a blonde boy. He waved at her.
"Naruto-kun...what are you doing here...?" she asked and signaled him to come inside.
"This will be quick, Hinata-chan. It's okay," he said. She stepped out of the house and closed the door.
Naruto began to fiddle with his fingers.
Hinata laughed under her breath. ' And I thought I only do that.'
"W-well...I was wondering... you...ramen...uhmm...." Naruto's stomach growled. Now Hinata knew what he wanted. She smiled and nodded.
"Let's go."
Naruto looked up at her, "Really...?"
She nodded again as Naruto cheered for joy and they began to make their way to the ramen bar.
After eating they decided to enjoy the sunset by the lake. It was the only lake in Konoha. It was the most beautiful scenery. The grass was soft and green, and the water glowed beautifully and made everything glow as well. The sky was colored, mixed with pink, red, and orange. Just perfect.
Naruto and Hinata sat on the grass trying not to notice all the love encircling around them. Everywhere they looked there were couples kissing and if not kissing they were telling each other cheesy stuff.
One couple noticed Naruto and Hinata.
"Aww...look at those two! They're so cute!" the first person said.
"Ahh, they're probably each other's first love..." the second said, "just like us when we were little, huh?"
And they walked away, giggling.
Naruto and Hinata started to blush bright, bright red.
' Do we really look like a couple...?' They both thought.
Hinata and Naruto looked at each other for a moment then immediately looked at the ground.
' This isn't going to well...' Hinata thought. It was tough for her to keep calm because of the fact that she does like him. They both began to fiddle with their fingers.
' W-what should I say?' Naruto thought. He didn't like being put in this position where he was supposed to make the situation all better by saying something.
Kakashi-sensei, where are you when I need you?!
At Kakashi's House
Kakashi put down his glass of water and looked around cautiously.
"My love senses are tingling..."
Back to Hinata and Naruto's Awkward Situation
The two just kept fiddling faster and faster.
What should I say...? If I tell him my feelings he might reject me...what should I do...? Should I tell him...?'
" U-u-hmm...Naruto-kun..." Hinata looked at Naruto, who was still fiddling until his name was called.
"Y-yes...?" He asked nervously.
" W-well...uhm...err....I...I...I need to tell you something..." she gulped.
Naruto nodded. " Okay, whatever it is, tell me."
Hinata's heart began to beat faster and faster.
"W-w-well....I-I wanted to say gulp is thatIreallyreallylikeyou," unfortunately Naruto couldn't hear her with all the muttering she did.
"U-umm, could you repeat that, Hinata-chan? I couldn't understand you."
' I-I CAN'T BELIEVE I MUTTERED!!!' Hinata silently gagged. (SI: if you can really do that) ' I don't think I can do it but I must. I shouldn't be scared at all. '
"G-gomen...well I said that I really, really, really..."
"What is it, Hinata-chan...?"
She closed her eyes. ' It's now or...never.'
"I really like you."
A breeze blew between them. Hinata looked across the lake. Her face glowed.
"Ever since we were little, you were made fun of, teased of. Demo, you never gave up hope that you were to become Hokage one day. You worked so hard for everyone to notice you. I always used to watch you everyday. You had such a wonderful smile. Then that day of the Chuunin Exam, when I fought Neji, you were there watching me and cheering me on. Finally, you were the one who was watching me," she dropped her head, "But I lost. I really tried my best to impress you. But..."
She was interrupted my a kiss on the cheek. (S/A: sorry you guys. Just the cheek for now, hehe.)
She touched her cheek and turned to Naruto. He was smiling at her.
"Hinata-chan, you did impress me. You tried you hardest and were awesome. You're not weak, not even," he took her hand off her face and into his, "I love you the way you are."
Hinata smiled. "You mean it...?"
Hinata gave Naruto a big hug and he hugged her back. ( Picture it as a passionate hug. Well...not that passionate. NOT THAT FAR!!!!)
They both rested underneath a tree and rested as the sun set.
Earlier that day...
Sakura glanced at the calender.
' March 23, five more days until my birthday!!!!' she clasped her hands together. ' I think I should plan it soon!'
She then looked out her window. Sakura closed her eyes as she smelled the fresh air. Konoha was bustled with people, all so happy. Sakura was about to shut her window until it snapped back up. She saw Sasuke Uchiha sitting on her window sill, staring at her.
"Forehead," he said as he began to climb inside. Sakura raised an eyebrow.
"Ano, Sasuke-kun, demo, why are you here...?" she asked. I wish he didn't call me that.
"I need to talk to you," he said simply. Sakura nodded and lead him to the kitchen. She looked around to see if there a snack for them to eat while they talked. Well, all she found was some cookies. Sakura turned to Sasuke.
"You feel like a cookie?" she asked.
"Why? Do I look like a cookie?"
"Not funny."
"Well I thought it was." ( For all of you who don't know, she isn't asking if he DOES feel like a real cookie. She is asking if he feels like EATING a cookie, hehe. But I know you guys are smart.)
She tried to ignore that comment and brought out the cookies and some milk. Annoyance began to rise. What was his deal? First he comes into her house without being invited and then he tries to be smart-mouthed about a cookie. They sat at the dining table.
"So what did you want to talk about?" she asked. (Inner Sakura: Don't tell me you brought me here to eat up all the cookies. Pig...)
It's been a while since Sasuke and Sakura talked like this. She loved it when he came and talked. They sometimes even have a real conversation and smile.
Sasuke finished a cookie and finally began to talk.
"Can I stay at your house for a while?"
Sakura started to choke on her cookie.
"What?! cough cough Why?!"
Sasuke sweat-dropped.
"Are you really that deaf?" he asked, "Listen."
She stop choking and did as she was told. A few seconds of listening, she began to hear it. Sakura looked around the house, trying to find where the noise was from. Then suddenly she looked at the kitchen window.
" AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Sakura shrieked. Outside the window she saw a almost what looked like a thousand girls crying out ' Sasuke-kun!' and 'I love you!!'
She turned back to Sasuke. He was glaring at the girls out the window but his glare looked like bedroom eyes to them. She giggled to herself.
"How long?"
"Not more that a month."
"Be more specific."
"3 weeks."
"Alright, but only on one condition."
Sasuke perplexed an eyebrow.
"Don't argue with me."
Sakura I.: sorry I took so long. Hehe. I hope you guys liked it. I have school now so I might not update soon.
Anywayz, the meaning of this chapter is how naruhina get together. My other strategy sucked so I thought this was more organized and crap. And sakusasu, well, I guess I can give you a sneak peek: Sakura needs help for her birthday. And naruhina start to see a spark between sasusaku. There. That's only in the beginning of the chapter. You don't know the other half of the chapter, hehe.