Disclaimer: Me, myself, and I wrote this. This fic is an Ashley/Andros because I love that couple and I love Power Rangers in Space. By the way, I do not own Power Rangers (though I would love to) nor do I write their scripts (if I did you would probably have seen this in the series, or something like it, maybe). I decided to write this because I like the pairing, the plot and I feel like writing this, if I get enough reviews I may actually write a prequel.

A/N: This is an A/U fic, so don't be surprised if some things don't make sense right away. Some important things to know: Karone was never kidnapped, an entire Astro Team was chosen from KO-35, Ashley was adopted, wasn't chosen as a Turbo Ranger, and the Turbo's never lost their powers and went into space.

The Quantrons were coming in force. They could barely keep themselves from getting seriously injured. He was really relived that they had picked the middle of the night to attack; there weren't any civilians around for him and the other Rangers to worry about. At least that was what Andros thought, and then he saw her. A lone girl just standing right out in the open, looking as if she was debating running or just screaming. He hoped that she chose the first; if she just turned and came back the way she came the Quantrons would never even know she was there.

Another group of Quantrons came at them and he needed to return his focus to the battle. That was when he herd it, a full out scream coming from the direction of the girl. For a moment everything froze, and then the Quantrons were coming at them again. He didn't get a chance to look for the girl again until the battle was over. When he was at last able to turn around without needing to swing his fist, he saw the girl laying unconscious on the ground almost exactly where she had been standing moments before.

"Damn it." The Red Ranger said to himself, and then continued aloud. "Hey guys, lets get her back up to the ships medical bay," At his team mates questioning looks he continued, "we don't want to risk mass hysteria by bringing the victim of a late night attack to the hospital." The others nodded their agreement and the Yellow Ranger went to gather the unconscious girl before the group teleported up to the Mega Ship.

"Now what do we do about her?" Karone asked her brother over the medical bays table. The girl was still unconscious, but it seemed that she had fainted from surprise or shock, rather than having been knocked unconscious in the attack.

"I don't know, I guess that we should wait until she wakes up then see about returning her to her home."

Just then the girl started to groan and opened her eyes. Both Rangers looked down and Andros was shocked to see the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes looking back at him. The girl blinked a few times, lifted a hand to her head, and began rubbing her temples.

"What happened?" She asked then glanced at her companions and around the room. "Where am I?"

"You're in the medical bay on the Astro Megaship." Karone replied before Andros could get his thoughts in order.

"Oh, what happened?" The girl asked again.

"There was a Quantron attack in downtown Kirot, you walked into the middle of it and fainted. We brought you back here once the fight was over."

The girl looked confused for a second, then a look of understanding dawned on her and she nodded her head.

"Treat me up here rather than start a mass panic at the increased number of attacks. Smart decision." She said to herself.

Andros started at how accurately she had followed his train of thought. Karone just smirked at the look on her brother's face. It wasn't often that things surprised him anymore, plus she had seen the look on his face when the girl had first woken up, it was obvious that he already had a slight crush on the girl.

"You two must be Power Rangers than, huh." The girl stated aloud, causing both of the siblings gazes to swing back to her in shock. Everyone on KO-35 knew who the Rangers were; they were always on the planetary news trying to keep the public calm or on the intergalactic channels when they had to represent KO-35 at meetings on Eltar. How could she not know who they were? The girl obviously caught their looks.

"I'm new to KO-35," she said. "I'm originally from Earth. The identities of the Rangers there are pretty much top secret."

The two Astro Rangers nodded their heads; all of the Rangers knew the lengths the Earth Rangers went to too keep their identities secret. Although, why they did it was a mystery to the rest of the galaxy.

"Um, I hate to interrupt the thinking process but, since it's fairly obvious the public in general knows who you are, mind telling me?" Both of them looked at her suddenly again, it was like they kept forgetting she was in the room. Except the guy, he was kind of staring at her and it making her nervous. The girl in yellow smiled at her and began to apologize just as the boy began to stumble through an introduction.

"Sorry, it just comes as sort of a shock that you don't know us. I'm Karone, Yellow Astro Ranger and the teams second in command. The stuttering one over there is my older brother, Andros, Red Astro Ranger and the leader of our team. The girl giggled as Andros glared at his sister.

"I'm Ashley," she introduced herself, "Ashley Hammond."

A/N: Well that's it for chapter one, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll try to get more up soon. As well as some of the other fics I've been working on.