Last Chapter!
Thanks for all of the reviews!
Don't own Beyblade
Seven months later
Tala looked at his sleeping lover smiling. Yasuo was curled beside Kai sleeping as well. There were only 3 days left until Christmas so the whole house was decorated. Kai suddenly stirred slightly and opened his eyes looking at Tala yawning.
" Morning." He mumbled softly. Tala kissed him just as Bryan and Ray walked in smirking. Everyone decided just to move in with the Bryan and Tala after the whole incident so it was sort of crowded…but no one minded. Bryan and Ray shared a room, Spencer and Ian shared one, and Tyson and Max shared another. Kai and Tala sat up making sure that Yasuo wouldn't wake up.
" What did you do?" Tala asked instantly knowing the look on Bryan's face. Ray had the same on. The neko-jin took something from behind his back and handed it to Kai who opened his mouth shocked. It was a Christmas card. The picture in the little slot was of himself and Tala sleeping peacefully at the hospital. Tala glared at them.
" You didn't send this did you?" Kai asked. Ray and Bryan burst out laughing and nodded before running out of the room. Sighing Tala and Kai shook their heads. Yasuo woke up and looked at them waving his hands in the air. Tala smiled and picked him up and carried him out the room dressed in a pair of black sweatpants and a white shirt. Kai got up and threw on a shirt before following Tala out to the kitchen. Ian was holding Yasuo trying to get him to speak.
" Say ' Mama'. Say it. Mama. Mama." Ian said. Kai rolled his eyes and got some toast. Ian had said he was the mom even though Tala took more care of Yasuo. Everyone jumped slightly when Yasuo did talk.
" Mama." Tala smiled and took his child from Ian and hugged him gently smirking at Kai while Ian joked.
" See Kai! It likes you more!" Kai glared and threw his toast at him. Max and Tyson laughed before sharing a simple kiss and leaving the house to get some food. Bryan and Ray left to go the mall while Ian and Spencer went to the park. Kai smiled at Tala as they sat on the couch with Yasuo. They put on a movie and began to watch it.
" I love you Kai." Kai looked at Tala and smiled.
" I love you too Tala." He said and kissed him before pulling away smirking. " Still taste like pickles." He said making the red head laugh.
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