Disclaimer: Do not own Beyblades or song.... R&R! Please...

Mr.Dickenson walked into the blade breakers hotel with good news. They were in Russia for a new tournament. He was surprised not to find anyone at the breakfast table. Looking he found Kai sitting on the balcony with his feet pulled to his chest singing softly to himself. Smiling slightly he went to wake up Tyson and the others. Tyson was stretched out over Max while Max was just laying there awake trying to move with Ray laughing at him.

" C'mon Ray help me! His snoring is killing my eardrums!" he moaned. Giggling Ray went over and got a cup of ice water.

" Your going to get wet." Ray said to Max who glared at him. Smiling he dumped it on Tyson's head and watched as he jumped up and screamed. Mr.Dickenson was at the door smiling. Max stood up and glared at Tyson.

" Im not a pillow Tyson!"

" Sorry Maxie! Im hungry." Tyson said running to the kitchen. Ray looked over at Kai's bed and saw he wasnt there.

" Wonder where Kai is." he thought aloud. Max shrugged.

" He's on the balcony. Singing to himself." Ray looked up at him wide eyed.

'' He was doing that last night. I wonder if he even slept." he said walking out and to the balcony where Kai was. He watched Kai for awhile and saw bags under his eyes. Sighing he went to the kitchen and started to tell his friends.

Kai was freezing and tierd. He was out there since the night before and it dropped below freezing last night. Sleeping meant he might miss the visitor he was waiting for. Bored he started to sing to himself any song that came to his mind.

slowly the pen touches paper in the guidence of the words that you write

memories roll in of the things you once did

and who you had shared them with is somebody thinking of you

did i bother telling you this is the words that cross teeth and jump lips

a poor choice of words on wanting to tell you anything

but words dont come with ease theyre forever my hurt

would it really matter if you were to count the days left with your hands

you focus secure and the loves you left well

smiles dtaged in photographs until...

you left the light on

theres a chance i might have tripped girl

you were there to hold on

Ignoring the words of your abnoxious little brother

Kill or be killed spilled the words from your mother

Ill lay awake for a while

ill leave the light on a while

You couldnt last a life-time caught between here and the days of it

carving her name across your arm with every wigh its hit or miss her

i told you so i measured distance in lines departing the rest of my life

but you had better things to do..liar

if youd get put to sleep like an old dog you better off should you get put tp sleep

ive been cautios with the words i extened

allow this year before the world starts to end

Your fathers dead he passedin his sleep and i woke to the sounds of her crying

pray for us all.. my dearest appollo ill be beurning star4 (1)

Sighing Kai looked at the sky, it was a light blue and red. Deciding he waited long enough he streched his legs and waited for them to have feeling again. Then went inside shivering slightly. His team was watching him and they stopped thier conversation when he walked in. Sighing mentally he went to the tea and got a glass which he drank thankfully. His mind was completely shut down from lack of sleep and the coldness.

" Hey Kai what were you doing out there?" Ray asked and watched as Kai blinked a couple times before responding.

" Nothing much." that shocked everyone.

" Ok.. well I just wanted to let you know you will be opening a new part of a cemetary. The place is called St Paglia." Kai choked on his tea when he heard the name. Ray gently patted his back looking worridly at him. When he got his coughing under control he looked at Mr.Dickenson.

" Im not going there." he said firmly.

" But Kai the bored people asked for you personally." Mr.Dickenson said also firmly.

" C'mon Kai not afraid of dead people are you?" Kai shook his head shortly then muttered something in Russian.

" Fine." he said softly. Mr.Dickenson nodded smiling softly. Then he left so Kai grabbed the hotel phone and called a friend.

" Hello?" came a sleepy russian.

" Bryan?" he asked.

" Hmm?"

" Your still sleeping? Its like almost noon!" Kai said shocked.

" Im sick. Now do you wanna talk to me or what?" he said softly.

" No I wanna talk to Tala. Put him on." he heard him yell for him then another russian cursing, and yelling.

" Bryan! You do not throw phones!" Kai smirked.

" Kai who are you talking to?" Tyson asked.

" Probably his family Tyson." Max said. Tyson still waited.

" A person Tyson."

" WHAT!?'' Tala yelled into the phone that was against Kai's ear making him jump and wince. Tyson and Max started to laugh.


" Kai?"

" Yeah." he said in russian.

" Wassup?"

" Come to the cemetary. Our cemetary in a hour." he said calmly.

" Hmm..just a minute." he said then you heard yelling making Kai pull the phone away again. He was still in Russian. " BRYAN! GET AWAY FROM THE FRIDGE YOUR SICK!!!! IN BED!!!" Kai smirked while his team stared.

" Sorry. The idiot wont sleep...yeah ill met you there."

" Ok. Thanks Tala. Why didnt you come last night?"

" Sorry! Bryan was to sick to leave him alone."

" Ok, well see you soon bye." they hung up and Kai sighed.

" Who was that Kai?" he looked and saw Ray standing beside him. Kai saw the rest of his team wasnt paying attention so he told him.

" Tala. I need him at the cemetary thing.'' Ray smiled knowing Tala was like a brother to Kai.

" Who was he yelling at?"

" Bryan. Hes sick and keeps trying to get out of bed." Ray laughed and went to join his friends at eating.

A hour later they were at the cemetary and were slowly walking threw until Kai was pushed by someone behing him. Growling lowly he turned to see no one. Confused he turned and came face to face with Tala. He raised both eyebrow quickly.

" Hello Kai!" he said english. Kai glared but then greeted him in Russian.

" That hurt you know." Tala rolled his eyes and looked at Kai's team.

" Hi. Welcome to Russia!" he said polietly.

" Thanks Tala.'' Ray said smiling and was surprised to see Tala smile back. Tyson and Max just stared in shock.

" No problem. Hey Max, Tyson."

" Hi.'' Max said coming out of his shock. Tyson glared.

" Boys! Over here." Mr.Dickenson was in front of a large statue. Smiling Tyson and Max ran to him. Ray started to walk beside Tala until they noticed Kai wasnt moving.

" C'mon Kai." Tala said pulling him along.

" Tala..."

" Yeah I know." he said softly confusing Ray but he followed none the less. When they reached they heard Tyson talking to Max.

" The person must be important to have this big of a tombstone!" he said.

" Or rich." Tala glanced at Kai who was looking for a way out. Tyson and Max were about to look at the writing when Kai tripped bringing Tala down and making the two run over.

" You did that on purpose!" Tala said in Russian, pouting.

" So?" he said smirking.

" Huh? Are you guys ok?" Kai nodded not noticing his knee was bleeding as well as Tala but his elbow was.

" Your bleeding." they both looked and saw the blood. Shrugging they went to where they were supposed to be.

" But the tombstone!" Tyson said.

" Just come on." Kai said. Pouting they followed. Tala stood in the back of the crowd watching.

" Welcome to the opening of a new part of St Paglia!" Mr.Dickenson said.

" Why are we opening this?" Ray whispered to Kai who shrugged. It took a hour to finish and Tala waited for them by the side. Kai was angry at some of the questions but just ignored them, as well as Tala as he was called a bad blader.

" Im hungry!" Tyson said.

" Me too."

" Then lets go to the hotel and eat." Ray said. Mr.Dickenson left for a meeting a while ago.

" Im going with Tala for awile. Ill be back tonite." Ray nodded.

" When was this decided?" Tala asked. Kai rolled his eyes.

" Bye." his team left and Kai turned to Tala who was smiling.

" Your an idiot." they went over to the big tombstone only to find his team reading it.

" Tyson cant we go?" Max asked.

" Wait." he started reading it and gasped.

" Hmm?"

" Read the names."

Camille Ellen Hitwatari

Mother to Kai Alexander Hitwatari

and wife to Bradly Hitwatari

Born-July 7 1967

Died- April 29 1991

May god be with her

Bradly Newt Hitwatari

Father to Kai Alexander Hitwatari

and husband to Camille Hitwatari

Born- November 5 1965

Died-April 29 1991

May god be with him

" Man.. that has to suck." Tyson said.

" Yeah.. it does." Kai said softly. They turned and saw Kai and Tala standing there looking at it. Tala glanced at another on the other side. Kai noticed and smiled sadly.

" C'mon Tala. I seen mine your turn." he pulled Tala behind him to a tombstone that was closely the same,but a little smaller. His team came up beside them and read.

Sara Lynn Iovan

Mother to Tala James Ikovan

Wife to James Ikovan

Born- May 21 1967

Died- April 29 1991

May god be with her family

James Wayne Iovan

Father To Tala James Ikovan

Husband to Sara Ikovan

Born- Augest 28 1964

Died- April 29 1991

May god be with them

" They died the same day and year as Kai's." Ray said. The russians nodded sadly.

" Ian's, Spencer's, and Bryan's are also here. Same day. They were all friends and were murderd at a young age." Tala said sadly.

" They were murdered?" Max asked shocked.

" Yeah... did you think it was a coincident?" Tala said.

" Yeah,but who would have done it?" he asked. Tala looked at Kai.

" Did Kai?" Kai glared at him.

" No. My grandfathers men."

" When we found out we hated Kai. Thats why we were mad at him in the championships." Tala said.

'' Yeah, it slipped thier minds mine died to." Kai remarked looking at his parents tombstone. They were in silence until a loud crash echoed threw the graveyard. Kai and Tala heard people shouting in russian so went to investigate. The rest just followed. A gas truck had ran into an orphanage catching it on fire. Before anyone could stop him, Kai ran into the building.

" Kai! You idiot!" Tala yelled in Russian and followed. Kai couldnt see well do to the smoke but he heard children crying. He ran to the sounds and found 6 kids curled in the middle of the room away from the fire.

" Kids! Follow me!" he shouted above the flames. Scared and confused the little kids slowly stood up going to Kai. One was so small he could barely walk. Kai gently picked him up and started to lead the others out. Tala was in front of Kai yelling at him but none the less picking up 2 of the kids and going in front of the rest while Kai brought the rear up. They were half wayout when a large been from above broke and landed on 2 of the children immedeatly killing them also separrating Kai from Tala.

" Kai! Where are you!?"

" Tala! I only have 1 kid! Do you have the rest?!" he shouted back holding the boy protectivly.

" I have 3! What happened to the other 2?!"

" They died! Go! Ill get out dont worry!" he shouted back.

" Are you sure?!"

" Yes! Go!" Kai ran into a room looking for a way out. He looked at little boy, red hair, blue eyes. Tala. His best friend, the boy looked just like him.

" Are we going to be ok?" he asked innocently.

" Of course. Do you know where there is a window?" Kai asked gently.

" Yeah. In the room beside this one." Kai went to run to the room but was stopped by fire blocking the way.

" Im going to put you down for a moment ok?" the kid nodded and stood beside Kai. He pulled out Dranzer and made a hole in the wall, cursing as the building started to collapse and flames immedatly surrounded the hole. Grabbing the boy and Dranzer he jumped out on to the street holding the boy and coughing. Tala was by his side instantly hitting him on the back, Kai had no clue what he was doing. Paramedics surrounded Kai and took the boy which Kai now saw that the boy was on fire. Memories suddenly hit him making him gasp. Paramedics surrounded Kai putting him on a strecher with a oxygen mask on his face. Tala walked with them as they put him in the ambulance.

Kai watched helplessly as his grandfather burned his family alive. It was the second time in his life he watched this scene. Tala voice kept coming threw his memory trying to bring him back. Nothing worked he watched helplessly as his friends families died. Then he saw the boy and remembered what his mother told him about families.

' They stick together Kai. Love goes strong even threw death.' he remembered and slowly woke up from wherever he was.

A/N: Hope you liked... if I get 4 reviews I will finsish the story... not sure where it is going though.. so advice is welcomed. Review please!!

1: The song is a song from Coheed and Cambria. Dont know the name though..sorry.