Sorry for the late update...enjoy this chap. I would just like to tell you all that this fic might exceed more than 10 chaps since I'm planning to put in 4 arcs here...we are currently on the 1st arc... again Enjoy

Disclaimer: To my misfortune...I don't own Naruto...

Chapter 3: First day of work

The birds flapped their wings lively to welcome the morning. They fly in the sky high above like it had no boundaries. They were, nevertheless free after all. Below, in the soil where humans and animals roam, a small village stands; a village by the name of Shinkan.

This village is young, born because of the rebellion that has started months ago in the neighboring town. The villagers who leave here were once townspeople of Kyouko. They made this small and young village because they did not want to take part of the rebellion and because they cannot stand the cruelty of the one that has ruled the town.

A man in this village watched the birds soaring in the blue sky. His black eyes were seeking happiness in its sight. Ah, how he envied the freedom and the happiness that this birds had.

"How I wish I had their happiness and freedom…" He said aloud while he rubbed his chin. Soon the lone bird flying at one are were joined by a smaller one. It seemed like the small one was its child.

The man sighed again. He too had a child, unfortunately his child had left him and now he lived alone in the world.

The reason why his child left was because he had done a terrible deed, a deed that broke her heart and the heart of many.

'It had to be done…' He thought while his calloused feet carried him to his workplace. A small mart it was, a small mart that he himself built.

He unlocked it and went inside. He scanned his eyes around the room to see if everything was in place. Yes, everything was in place, though there was dust in a few places.

Now, now, he remembered. Just yesterday two teenagers asked him for a job and he hired them. Where are they? He asked.

Now he laughed at his stupidity! He never even told them what time they have to come and work.

'I am sure getting old…' He said while he scratched his head.


His child was also living in this small village. His child lived by the name he gave her, Chiaki.

"So what are you guys going to do today?" Chiaki asked her two new companions.

The male one grinned at her. "We're going to work." He said.

"Oh so you managed to find a job, eh? Good thing but where are you guys working anyway?" Chiaki asked.

"We're working on a mart down the street, oh…yeah! He's your father right?" Naruto asked with his usual cheery manner.

Chiaki turned pale and she froze. Her mouth almost dropped. Hinata noticed. "Anou…Chiaki-chan, what is wrong?" Hinata asked.

Chiaki snapped off. "Oh sorry…yeah he is my father…so how's he doing?" She asked.

"You don't know?" Naruto asked.

"Well I've been busy…" Chiaki said.

"Well we don't know him much yet but we'll check up on him later…" Naruto said.

"Ok, but…don't tell him that I've been asking okay?" Chiaki pleaded.



"Ok, I don't know why but if you insist then I will not tell him…" Naruto said. "Eh, what time are we going to work anyway?" Naruto turned to Hinata.

Hinata panicked and she started twiddling her fingers. "I don't know…"

"If I were you, Naruto…you better go to work now. Shops here open early." Chiaki suggested.

Naruto pumped his fist in the air. "YOSH, it's time to work hard!!!" He said. Chiaki and Hinata smiled because of his cheerfulness. "Hinata, we have to get going now!!!" He took Hinata by the hands now. Hinata blushed. "We'll see you later then, Chiaki-chan!!!" He said before leaving Chiaki's house.


The door swung open gently. It revealed two teenagers, a boy and a girl.

"Ah, it's you two…" Yoshitsune smiled.

Naruto grinned. "Are we late, old man?" He asked.

"You were late just for a few minutes. Don't worry; I won't take that off your pay. It was my fault." The old man said.

"Anou…Yoshitsune-san…at what time do we have to be here?" Hinata asked.

Yoshitsune cupped his chin and raised his eyebrow. "Hmmm, let's see…I open the shop at eight in the morning…you should be here a few minutes before it opens." He said.

Naruto nodded.

Yoshitsune stood up from his seat. "Follow me, I'll show you around this mart of mine…" Yoshitsune said.

Naruto and Hinata followed him. They went around the shelves of the mart which contained the items they were selling.

"Just the shelves, nothing much…but you still have to help keep it looking orderly." He said. After passing the shelves, they saw a short hallway and a door. They went there and Yoshitsune opened the door. They saw four lockers. There was a bench near the wall. "Here are the lockers." They then saw two doors, one at the left part of the wall and one at the right part.

Naruto pointed at the right one. "What's that room?"

"It's the comfort room."

Naruto then pointed to another one. "What's that other room?"

"That's the storage… I'll send you there to check the inventory."

"How do we exactly…ugh…check the inventory?" Naruto scratched his head.

Hinata giggled. "Simple Naruto-kun, we just have to count how much there is…so we don't run out of stock." Hinata smiled.


Yoshitsune cleared his throat. "Speaking of inventory….I'll ask you two now to check it." He smiled. "I'll just go back to the counter. Give me the list when you finish." He then went outside.


Naruto and Hinata were left inside the locker room.

"Anou…Naruto-kun…" Hinata tugged his jacket.

"Oh yeah…we have to check the inventory." He grinned. They went inside the left room.

The room was big and it was full of shelves with boxes. The shelves were labeled. They approached the desk near the door. There was a paper with names of items written in it. Lying beside it was a pen. Hinata took it.

"Let's start now…Naruto-kun…" She said.

Naruto nodded.


"Ok, so one item down…" Naruto said. They just finished counting how much tissue paper the mart has in the stock. Naruto took a look in the list. "Nani?!" He exclaimed.

Hinata started at him. "Why, Naruto-kun?" She asked.

"There are like hundred items there!!!" He said.

"I know…" Hinata said.

"Are you sure we can finish this?" He asked.

Hinata nodded and said, "Anou…two heads are better than one…"

"Oh yeah…right…" He agreed. He then straightened up. "We have a different item up there, right?" He said pointing at the upper part of the shelf. Hinata nodded. Naruto then read the label. "It says 'Cotton'"

"N-Naruto-kun…it's too high…" She whispered.

Naruto looked around and saw a ladder. He approached it and pushed it towards where Hinata was standing.

"Here…" He grinned. "Hey, Hinata…"

"…What is it?" She asked shyly.

"You know…I think we'll be able to finish checking the inventory if I count another one and you count that." He suggested.

Hinata took a step up the ladder. "You think so?" She asked. Naruto nodded enthusiastically.

"I would want to finish this now…it's so boring here…" He scratched his cheek.

"Do whatever suits you, Naruto-kun…" She smiled.

Naruto then went to another shelf. Hinata continued to climb the ladders. Once she reached the desired height. She started to count.

After minutes, Naruto ran back to where Hinata was while keeping the quantity of the item he counted in mind.

"Hinata!!!" He called out.

By that time, Hinata was jotting down the quantity in the paper. When she heard Naruto, she became startled and she lost balance. 'Oh no, I'm going to fall down.' She thought.

Naruto noticed that Hinata lost balance so he used his ninja speed to catch her.

Hinata shut her eyes and braced herself for the impact. Instead of hitting the ground she fell into something else instead. She opened her eyes and she saw Naruto smiling at her.

"Whew, that was a close one, Hinata…" He grinned at her.

Hinata blushed. Naruto caught her in his arms and she was still there. "T-thank you…" She stammered. "Anou…"

"Nani…?" He asked.

"Y-you…can put me down now…" She said.

"Oh!" Naruto exclaimed and he instantly but gently put Hinata down on the ground.

Hinata turned away to hide the blush on her face.

"Eh, did I do anything wrong Hinata?" He asked.

Hinata shook her head.

"Then why are you hiding your face? Are you angry at me because I startled you?" He asked. Hinata didn't see but he was pouting while his arms were crossed.

She shook her head again. She shyly spun around. She was looking down on the ground with the hope that he wouldn't see her red face.

"Then, if I didn't do anything bad…I was just about to tell you how much canned tuna the mart has in stock…" He then picked up the paper and pen on the ground. "Hmmm…how many was it again?" He asked himself. "Gah, I forgot!!!" He exclaimed.

Hinata looked up and saw the funny faces Naruto was making. She giggled. Naruto then heard her giggles and he stared at her.

"Is there something on my face?" He asked. Hinata shook her head with a smile.

"Ah, then why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"Anou…because…" Hinata paused. 'Should I tell him that he looks cute? Should I? Should I? Should I?' She panicked inside her head as she blushed and as Naruto waited for her answer.

Naruto raised his eyebrows in anticipation for her answer. "Well…?" He asked.

"Anou…Anou…it is…because…you…you…lookverycute!" She rushed her words because of her embarrassment. She blushed after saying it.

Naruto raised his eyebrows higher. He was only able to understand her until the 'you' part. He scratched his head. "What was it again, Hinata?" He asked innocently.

"Anou…" She played with her index finger. "…It's because…you…you…look…very cute…" She blushed after saying it slowly.

"Oh is that it?" He turned around to hide his blush. He then laughed.

"Why…are you…laughing Naruto-kun?" She asked.

He turned around and faced Hinata. "I already know." He said with a big grin. Hinata giggled. "We better get back to our work. I'll go count that part again…"


"Well then Yoshi-san, thanks for the warm accommodation." The man said before leaving his mart.

"Come again!!!" Yoshitsune said with a smile. He was glad that he was earning money. He was glad that some had understood him and forgiven him for the deed.


The name of his daughter echoed in his head. He now felt very sad. Even if his daughter left him, he understands her.

"Yamero! Don't explain anymore!!! You and Katsuhiko, the both of you were in this together!!! The both of you killed Masahiko, my Masahiko!!!"

"Chiaki…please listen to me…I didn't have any choice…"

"I know…because you're your brother's pawn… you didn't have any choice because you are his pawn…"

"That's right! I am his pawn…Masahiko needed to die…he needed to die so we can live…"

"Lies, all of it are lies!!!"

"Anou…Yoshitsune-san…" Yoshitsune heard a girl say.

He lifted his head and saw his two helpers.

"Oh, it's you…" He forced a smile. He then looked at his wristwatch. "It's almost time for lunch. Are the two of you done yet?" He asked.

Naruto shook his head. "Almost…" He grinned.

"I bet the both of you are hungry now…here…" He took out two slips from his pocket. Naruto took it and looked at it.

"Free…ramen…" He read. "FREE RAMEN?!" He now exclaimed.

"You two can have that…there's a ramen house nearby and I know him. Just tell him I gave you that stub."

"Hey, Yoshi-san… does he cook good ramen?" Naruto asked.

"Well…he does." Yoshitsune smiled.


Naruto and Hinata arrived at the ramen house. They saw that it was a busy one. Many people were eating.

"Ah, welcome!!!" The man cooking some ramen said. He was still young. Naruto and Hinata sat in front of him. "Well then what would you have?" He asked.

Naruto looked at the menu. Hinata lightly nudge his side with her elbow.

"What is it, Hinata?" He asked.

"I think you should give him the stub first…" She suggested.

"Oh right…" He pulled out the paper from his pocket. "Here…" He held it out to the ramen owner.

"Hmmm…" The man took a look. "Where did you get these?" He asked.

"Old man Yoshitsune gave that to us." Naruto grinned.

"Old man Yoshitsune, eh? So how is he?" The man asked.

"He is fine, sir…" Hinata said.

"Are you his relatives?"

Naruto and Hinata shook their heads. "We help him in his mart." Naruto said while still looking at the menu.

"The two of you are new here, right?" The man asked.

"Yeah, we are." Naruto replied.

"I'm Akechi Eisuke, you two are?"

"Uzumaki Naruto."

"Hyuuga Hinata."

Eisuke smiled at them. "Nice meeting the both of you."

"It's nice to meet you too." Naruto and Hinata said unison.

"So have you decided what your order will be?"

"I'll have pork ramen." Naruto said with a wide gin. "How about you Hinata, what will you have?" Naruto asked.

"Me…? Maybe I'll just eat what you will eat." She said shyly.

"Then two pork ramen it is!" Eisuke started cooking.

Hinata sat in silence while Naruto fidgeted in his seat impatiently because he was already hungry.

"So Hinata…would you mind if I call you 'Hinata-chan'?" Naruto said while his blue eyes were fixed on her white ones.

Hinata blushed. "I-I…w-wouldn't mind Naruto-kun…" She stammered.

"Then from now on, I will call you Hinata-chan!" Naruto announced.

Hinata just blushed and she smiled shyly at Naruto.

After a few minutes, "Here you go!" Eisuke served their ramen.

He set in front of them. Naruto and Hinata took chopsticks and broke them.

"Itadakimasu!" Naruto said it in a loud manner while Hinata just whispered it.

They began eating it. Eisuke watched them dig in on what he cooked.

"So do you like it?" Hinata nodded.

"It tastes real good!" Naruto said. "But…" His face saddened. "It is not as good as Ichiraku's ramen…" He whispered.

"What was it again?" Eisuke asked him.

"Ah, nothing…! It's nothing! It tastes really good!" Naruto grinned.

"Naruto-kun…" Hinata whispered.

"Hey Hinata-san…" Eisuke whispered at Hinata. He leaned closer. "Is Naruto-san your boyfriend?" He asked in a whisper. Naruto heard it and he choked on his food while Hinata blushed very much. Eisuke panicked and he instantly gave Naruto a glass of water. Naruto took it and drank it.

"Hinata-chan is just my friend!" He said while catching his breath.

"Oh, what a waste…you two looked so good together…you make such a good pair." He frowned.

Hinata just blushed. After awhile, she continued eating her ramen. Naruto ordered more.

Eisuke entertained his other customers. When Naruto finished eating, (Hinata was already finished) he turned his attention to them again.

"See you again, Eisuke!" Naruto stood up from his seat and gave Eisuke the pay for his extra ramen.

"Wait!" Eisuke exclaimed. He then brought out a plastic bag with something inside. He placed it before Naruto

"What's this?" Naruto asked.

"That's for old man Yoshitsune." He smiled. "It's not free. Tell him that he should come here and pay for it himself. And one more thing…Come again!" He grinned.


"Oh so the two of you are back." Yoshitsune smiled at his two helpers. Naruto then gave him the bag.

"Hn…what's this?" He asked while examining it.

"Food…Eisuke wanted me to give you that. He says that you should go there and pay for it yourself." Naruto said.

"Oh…maybe that young lad wants to talk to me again….well you two can go back to your work now…" Yoshitsune said.


"Ack!!!" Naruto mentally cursed himself while going back to square one in counting the item he was supposed to. It had been a long span of time and yet he hadn't even finished that one item yet. Every time he would count it, his mind would just fly and think of a certain blue haired girl which is his friend.

"One…" He said in his mind. He sighed. He was getting very irritated now. It was like his tenth attempt at counting that item. "Two…" He continued. He picked up the pace of his count.

"Oh what a waste…you two look so good together, you make such a good pair."

"Hn…where was I again?" He asked himself as his hand hovered at a box. "Kuso!!!" He cursed in a whisper. He then mumbled other curses under his breath.

"N-Naruto-kun…?" A girl called out his name. Naruto, who was currently using the ladder, was the one that fell now. "N-Naruto-kun…!" Hinata exclaimed and rushed at his side.

Naruto used his hand to lift him off the ground. After a moment he found himself sitting. He massaged his face which met the ground first. His eyes twitched because of the sting of pain the aftershock of the fall left him.

"I-is anything broken, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked.

"No…nothing is broken…" Naruto grinned. Hinata sighed in relief. She then smiled. Naruto found his self staring at Hinata a little openmouthed. Her smile shot a feeling of warmth through his body.

She's cute…

Naruto thought in his mind.

very cute…

He ended up staring at her.

Hinata felt a feeling of heat creep up her cheeks. Yes, she was blushing again. "N-Naruto-kun, is t-there s-something w-r-wrong?" She stammered out the question. She was having difficulty speaking because of the sticky stare that Naruto was giving her.

She then saw Naruto raise his hand. What he did struck her heart.

He pinched her pale face lightly and Naruto's actions earned him a fiercer blush form Hinata.

"…Nothing…" He smiled.

After a brief moment of silence, "A-are you f-finished c-counting t-that, N-Na-Naruto-kun?" She still stuttered.

"Wha? Oh that?" He let out a gentle laugh. "Unfortunately…not yet…" He flashed Hinata a foxy grin. "How about you, have you finished the other part?" He asked. Hinata nodded at him, still with a blush on her face.

"You finished it already?" He scratched his head. "Oh well…guess I should finish this part too…" He said. He stood up and offered a helping hand to Hinata who was also sitting on the ground.

Hinata took his hand and stood up with his help. "I'll help you count Naruto-kun…" She said, this time without stuttering.

"Nah, I'll be fine by myself…" He said.

"But, I want to…" Hinata looked down at the ground.

Now, now…Hinata was making cute faces that Naruto found hard to resist right now…

He sighed.

"Fine…" He smiled at her. "If you want to help then you can…two heads are better than one, ne?"

Hinata raised her head and she smiled at Naruto.


A certain Chuunin was seating on a bed. He was holding a piece of crumpled paper. His eyes were sad and his lips formed a frown.

"Naruto…why…did you ran away…?" He whispered.

He then suddenly heard footsteps. He looked up and saw the frog Hermit.

"J-Jiraiya-sama…" He said.

"Hmmm…what are you doing here, Iruka?" Jiraiya asked.

He forced out a smile and ended up with a fake one. "I was hoping to find something that would say where he went…but I ended up seeing this…" He unclenched his fist. "A letter…" He looked down at it and he removed the paper from its crumpled state. "He…left this for me…" he whispered.

Jiraiya sighed. "Don't worry…I'll try my best to bring him back…" He said.

"Good luck, Jiraiya-sama…" Iruka said.

You might have gotten it wrong but the excerpt I wrote at the last chap was for "For you, I will..." not ofr "Run Away" ...just for clarification...


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'Till next time!!!
