Just Say I Love you

SUMMARY: Draco is dared to get Harry to fall in love with him, what happens when Draco starts to fall in love as well? Slash! R&R!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy...or any characters or places. All I own is a nice pair of underwear warmers They keep me toasty in the winter!

WARNING: I do not understand why I need to put a warning, I mean if your looking up Harry and Draco; Rated R, Romance, what do you think ur going to get?

A/N: This is just Harry's thoughts; I'm so evil not showing you Draco's! I guess its Harry's POV...but then again no, well, it's kind of like a story being told and then watching it oO if that makes sense....

Authoress Rambles: Reviews would be nice...Yes very nice. Yeah okay I forgot what I was about to say...that tends to happen from time to time. Okay well I am going to try and write this up the best I can. I am recently starting high school, so that's going to a truck load of stress and worries. So if no one reads this at least I don't have to update! Woo hoo! Okay onto the story!!

Clearings: /Harry's thinking/ "People are speaking" So pretty straight forward !


"I Love you Dray" I whisper softly into his pale ear. I can hear him breathing heavily. "I...I love you to Harry." That's the first time we've ever said we love each other.

I wondered why he stumbled while saying it. Was it because he was still trying to get back to normal breath, or was it something else. I roll over to face him, "Dray?" "He looks at me; his silver eyes meet my green ones. I can see fear in them...no, its not fear, its realization. "What's wrong?" I can see the crystal tears forming in his eyes. "Harry...." He starts.


/God I am so bored, Ron and Hermione are off in hogsmeade, on a 'date.' Rons just to shy to admit his true feelings for Hermione, so they usual drag me along to make it seem like it's not a date, but this time I was not going to the third wheel while they make googly eyes at each other/

Harry sat in the almost empty Gryffindor common room, given a couple of first years giggling and pointing at him. Sighing again, he could not take anymore giggling and pointing he got up in search of something to do.


Pansy rolled her eyes as she watched Draco check out his image for the hundredth time in the past two minutes.

"For Merlin's sake Draco you look fine."

Draco looked back at himself in the mirror and twirled around as Pansy rolled her eyes yet again.

Draco was finally happy that both of them had agreed that 'she was an insufferable bitch and they should just be friends.' Well maybe the insufferable bitch part was what Draco thought but at least they were just going to be friends.

No more 'Drackie' no more bed partners. For all Draco knew about she had found someone else, she had been reluctant not to say who, but I suppose the moans and screams of pleasure coming from Blaise's room could say a lot.

Draco finally feeling he was presentable stared at Pansy and smirked. Pansy just rolled her eyes, "ready do go now." Draco looked back at the mirror than back towards Pansy. "Yes, I think I am." They both got up and proceeded to head to the Grand Hall for dinner.


Harry walked around the castle bumping into nothing intresting except Peeves pestering a couple second years, and two cats manically rolling around on each other. Harry could tell one of the cats was Mr. Norris but they other he could not guess

There was a low growl and Harry put his hand on his stomach. /Must be dinner./ He turned the corner and came bumped into somebody he could not make out and fell crashing to the ground.

He heard the other person groan and Harry opened his eyes. "Arg...watch where your going Potter." Draco said in a groggy voice. "Why don't you watch where you going Malfoy" He spat his name like it was poison.

Harry tried to lift himself off the floor but felt a heavy weight was holding him down. "Mind getting off me Malfoy." Sure enough Malfoy was sitting on top of Harry's stomach. Malfoy smirked.

"Why Potter, I think your actually enjoying me on top of you."

Harry glanced down and sure enough Harry's arousal showed no sign of him not wishing Malfoy would get off.

Blushing a deep crimson Harry shoved Malfoy off with all of his strength, not that it took much, Malfoy seemed to be getting skinner. Draco scowled as he watched Harry walking away.

Pansy stood there giggling the whole time. "Well luckily Draco, Potter didn't notice that you really didn't want to get off him either." Draco gasped he had an arousal just as big as Harry's and Draco started turning pink and it was quite visible from his pale skin.

Draco mumbled something about not being hungry anymore and dashed off towards the dungeons.


Harry took his seat down at the Gryffindor table and started piling food upon his plate. Hermione and Ron were still not back from their date. Harry sighed /another dinner alone/ he thought to himself.

It has become harder and harder to talk to Hermione and Ron for they were off doing there own thing and he was usual left out. They had offered many times for him to join them but every time he just felt it would have been no big deal if he never went.

Harry took a bite of his mash potatoes when he heard a familiar voice calling his name. "Harry, Harry!" Harry snapped out of his thoughts and glanced in front of himself. "Oh hello Colin." Colin was grinning from ear to ear.

Colin didn't have many friends really, so he found that Harry was a good listener.

What Colin didn't know was Harry usually zoned out whenever he started to ramble, today was no different. As Colin started talking about something that happened in potions Harry looked at the Slytherin table.

Looking at all the faces he didn't see the one he bumped into earlier, but he did see Pansy. She waved at him and winked before getting up and stalking off. Harry just sat there in utter shock.


"Draco, I know your in there, now open this door." The door flung open and Draco stepped out wrapped in a towel with two tiny initials 'D.M'

At the bottom.

His hair lay sticking onto his flushed cheeks. Pansy giggled and pushed past him and sad down on the deep green sofa.

Draco growled and stepped into his room and dressed into a loose black sleeveless shirt and Black baggy pants that were held up by a spiky black belt.

Draco came and sat down beside her and conjured up two cups and a bottle full of pumpkin juice. It self poured itself and Draco picked up a cup while Pansy picked up the other. "What would you like Pansy?" Draco drawled on.

She half frowned, "Why did you tell me you were gay?" She asked. Draco choked on his pumpkin juice and coughed a few times. "Beg your pardon?" he questioned. "You never told me that you loved Potter." Draco cheeks flushed pink once more and disappeared. "Its only lust! I would never love...that!" he spat the last word.

An idea formed in Pansy's mind that made her wickedly smiled. "I bet you couldn't get Potter to fall in love with you." She smiled at herself knowing Draco couldn't turn down a challenge, especially something to hard to get.

"I don't make bets Pansy dearest, I've learned from mistakes like those." If there was one thing that Draco couldn't turn down no matter what it was was a dare. "I DARE you to." Draco's face paled.

He couldn't turn down a dare, especially something as challenging as this. Setting his cup down he looked straight into Pansy's eyes to see if she was joking.

By the looks of it she wasn't. "You're on." Pansy smirked, "Okay Drac, but there are rules.

Draco gulped, he was a Slytherin did he really have to play by the rules. "He has to say 'I love you' or else you have not completed your dare." That's it; this was going to be a synch!


Harry lay snoozing in a red armchair in front of the Gryffindor common room fire. The fat ladies painting swung opened and Harry stirred. He cracked his eyes open to see Ron and Hermione entering.

He glanced at his watch; it was well around 2 am. "Glad you guys got here ok; I thought hogsmeade closed at 11?" Hermione blushed deep red and Ron just looked embarrassed. "Well. We er...um...we were-""We went for a walk" pushed in Hermione. "For three hours?"

"Um yes and you know what I'm really tired so I'll see you boys in the morning; night." She kissed Ron on the cheek and dashed towards her bedroom.

Harry raised an eyebrow at Ron. Ron just smiled lazily, "she my girlfriend mate" Ron said grinning. Harry threw his hands up in the air. "Finally! It took you two long enough to realize you're meant for each other.

Ron smiled and hugged his friend, "thanks for understanding mate, I'm going to bed now, see you tomorrow." Harry just rolled his eyes and watched his friend climb the stair case. Harry yawned and glanced down at his potions essay which was due tomorrow. Sighing in defeat he stuffed it into his bag.


Draco sat in potions listing to his favorite teacher drown on about something he already knew about since he was three. He needed a cleaver plan in order to get him and Harry in detention. Speaking of the devil Harry opened the door huffing and puffing and Snape looked at him with pure disgust. Looks like he wasn't going to need a plan after all.

"Twenty-five points from Gryffindor" Snape said in his bored tone. "Damn" Draco said to himself, looks like that chance was ruined.

"I would like everyone to hand in there potions essays that were due today." Everyone got up except Harry and Draco watched as Snape collected the papers. Snape walked over to Harry and Snape smirked.

"Well Mr. Potter, I don't see yours here, care to explain?" "I didn't do it," "What was that Potter?" "I said I didn't do it" Harry said louder. "I still cannot hear you."

"I SAID I DDIN'T DO IT YOU BLOODY GIT!" Harry yelled. Snape was shocked but then recomposed his normal state, Hermione plugged her ears saying 'I didn't hear that, I didn't hear that.' "Mr. Potter! 50 points from Gryffindor AND detention tonight!"

Perfect now all Draco needed to do was get detention as well. Draco's clever mind clicked into mind. Draco raised his hand and professor Snape looked at him then quirked an eyebrow. "Yes Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco hesitated..."Professor...your hair looks greaser than normal, is it always that greasy, or are you trying something different?"

Everyone in the room gasped and Snape paled. "Mr. Malfoy! I would except this kind of behavior from Potter but not from you! Detention as well!"

Draco smirked inwardly, good, task one is complete.


Harry groaned, /Not only do I have to spend half an hour with Snape I now have to spend it with Draco...MALFOY!! I meant Malfoy!/ Harry started smacking his head with his hand which caused Ron to look over at him. "Um...Harry" Harry stopped and looked at Ron then blushed. "Sorry" he mumbled.

"I should really be going now." Hermione looked up from her book. "Okay Harry bye" She gave him an apologetic look and smiled at him. "See you mate, good luck." "Yeah thanks, I may need it."

Harry stepped out of the portrait getting ready for the worst.


Pansy looked at Draco; she was once again in his room. When he walked down the stairs Pansy gasped. He was wearing low cut leather pants that clung onto his every curve; he was wearing a loose long sleeved green V-neck shirt and silver chains around his neck.

Draco smirked and looked into the mirror; he looked up at his hair. It had grown longer and he was tired of slicking it back so he let it gently fall around his face. His Silver eyes gleamed in the light and he looked back and Pansy. "Don't you think you're over doing just a bit?

"Not at all" with that he stepped out of his room and headed for detention.


End of Chappie 1!

What do you think!? Review please!! Find out what happens in detention!