I have had quite a few reviewers ask me to better tie up the ending of my story, so I thought I would write something fluffy that should end things better than my previous ending. Thank you to all of you who reviewed: animefan (thanks, Ed!), klutz82, mini nicka, zeddy222, mintlovesSR, SakuraBaby, maryo1, YUna, and cassie.
Two weeks later Rin and Kagome came out of the dressing room at the same time. Kagome was trying on suits for work while Rin was trying on dress shirts. "I love that suit," Rin commented about the teal dress suit that Kagome had on. It was just above the knee, and the coat reached just below the length of the dress.
"Thanks. Unfortunately, I don't think that shirt is right for you. It's too big."
"That's what I was thinking," Rin spoke as Kagome walked back into the dressing room. "Have you heard from Sota and Eri?"
"Yeah. They said that they touched down around ten last night. They called me before I left to pick you up."
"I hope they enjoy their honeymoon. They deserve the time together since Eri is always in and out."
Kagome walked out of the dressing room with her purse on her shoulder and the clothes she had tried on draped over her arm. "Yeah, they deserve it."
Rin walked out of her dressing room and hung all of the shirts on the rack in the dressing room except for one. "Do you have some Tylenol or Advil. I have a horrible headache."
"I wondered if you would be able to go shopping today after your illness last night," Kagome commented as she pulled out a bottle of Advil and handed it to Rin.
"It's the strangest thing, I have been feeling sick at night for the past week, but when I wake up in the morning I feel just fine except that I always feel like I haven't gotten any sleep."
They paid for their purchases and then started walking through the mall. "Have you seen your doctor about that?"
"I have an appointment tomorrow. Sesshomaru told me just to take a sick day and go."
"Good thinking."
"Can we stop in at Victoria's Secret?" Rin asked as they got closer to the store.
Kagome raised her eyebrow and asked, "Finding something to impress Sesshomaru?"
Rin blushed for a second before stating, "No. I need some new bras." They navigated into the store and started looking around while Rin explained to Kagome, "My bras are feeling a little tight lately, and I'm getting some soreness. My only bras that feel comfortable right now are my sports bras." Kagome raised an eyebrow at that discovery. "What's that look for?"
"When was your last period?"
"Last week. It was a little shorter and lighter than normal, but I had one."
"Oh." She was silent for a few minutes as Rin purchased her merchandise. "Rin, I had wanted to tell you that Inuyasha and I had decided that we want to try to have another baby, but maybe I'll ask him if we can hold that decision off."
"Why would you do that?"
"Because I would hate to take away from your first pregnancy."
Rin stopped in mid-step, her jaw dropping open. "W-Wh-What?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to comprehend what Kagome had just said.
"When I was pregnant with Ayumi I had several of the symptoms you have. I was sick every morning and fine in the afternoon, my last period was lighter and shorter, my breasts were growing and becoming sore, I was tired more often, and I always had headaches."
"I can't be pregnant though!" she yelled. "We were careful. Both of us used protection during my most fertile time of the month."
"That doesn't always work, Rin. I have heard of women who have used all the protection they could get their hands on and have still gotten pregnant. No one protection is one hundred percent effective."
Kagome had to drag Rin to a chair because she looked as if she were going to faint. Once seated, she put her head in her hands and breathed heavily. Kagome put an arm around her as Rin asked, "If it's true, how am I going to tell Sesshomaru?"
"He may be just as surprised as you, but I'm sure that he'll come to accept this just like you will." She started giggling, which earned a glare from Rin, "I'm sorry, but most women are thrilled when they find out."
"Most women want to have children. I'm not cut out to be a mother."
"You do well with Ayumi."
"Yeah, because I can give her back to you."
"Don't tell Inuyasha this, but I felt the same way when we decided to have children."
"Really?" Rin's voice cracked with emotions that were bubbling below the surface.
"Really. Why don't we go to my house and we can try a pregnancy test."
Rin shook her head for a couple of seconds before explaining, "I'd rather just have the doctor do it. I can cancel my doctor's appointment and try to get in to the see the OBGYN tomorrow."
"I'll go with you if you want me to."
"I would like that. Thank you."
The next morning Sesshomaru woke up Rin before leaving for the office. "Are you feeling any better?" He gently brushed her bangs out of her eyes.
"Yeah. I'm going to the doctor this afternoon, and Kagome's coming with me. She said that she has some personal days left."
"Okay. I'm going to try to be home by seven. Call me if you need anything." She nodded before he gave her a gentle kiss and left.
At noon Rin and Kagome sat in the doctor's office awaiting the outcome of Rin's pregnancy test. When the doctor came in they both sat up straight. "Good news, Rin. The test results came out positive. You are pregnant. I want you to take home some information to read about what you will be experiencing, and I also encourage you to seek information on the internet. I want you to schedule another appointment to see me in a couple of weeks." She handed her a couple of pamphlets and ushered her to the receptionist so that they could make a follow-up appointment.
Kagome broke the silence when they got into the car by hugging Rin and screeching, "I knew it! This is so wonderful!"
Rin wasn't as enthusiastic though. In a frightened tone she asked, "Will you stay with me today? I don't want to be alone."
"I'll stay, but as soon as he gets home I'm going to leave."
"Thank you," Rin said as she hugged Kagome. "I'm so afraid of how I'm going to tell him."
"He's going to be shocked also, but he loves you and will accept it." Rin started up the car and drove towards her home. Kagome suddenly started giggling, "It's kind of creepy though, the thought of you and Sesshomaru together, like that." She playfully shivered. "I know you've had problems with his...with Sally, but still...he doesn't show any affection towards you every time I see the both of your together."
"He's just a very private person. When no one else is around I see a totally different person."
"Honestly, he's very sweet and gentle. He's totally unlike Inuyasha."
"Inuyasha has his good points." They both looked at each other and started laughing. "Okay, so they are few and far between, but they are still there."
True to her word, Kagome stayed until seven when Sesshomaru came home. "I'm going to go to the bathroom before I leave."
Sesshomaru's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why is she still here? Does this have something to do with your visit to the doctor?"
Rin sat down on the couch and patted the cushion next to her, "We have to talk." Those words alone always signified that something was seriously wrong. He sat down and put her in his lap. Rin had the hardest time looking him in the eyes as she slowly said, "I didn't go to Dr. Wong today. I went to my OBGYN. Um...the sickness I've had every evening for the past week is morning sickness." The emotion in his eyes became impossible to read at that moment. "Sesshomaru, I'm pregnant."
His voice came out in an uncertain manner Rin had never heard before. "How can you be pregnant? We've been so careful."
"Sometimes protection doesn't work. The doctor did tell me when I started on the pill that women have been known to get pregnant while on it." She rested her head against his chest waiting for his reaction.
His arms hugged her tighter to him as he reassured her, "Then this is God's will for us, and we will get through this with His guidance." She could feel him kiss the top of her head as she snuggled into the comfort he was providing her.
They sat like that for what seemed like minutes before they were disturbed the sound of the toilet flushing and the sink running. He smiled at her as she yawned. "How about I make dinner tonight so that you can take a nap." She nodded her head as he carried her into their bedroom and placed her on the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed, lifted her shirt, and kissed her belly. "Have a good nap, little one." Rin smiled as she watched him. He looked into her eyes and said, "If it's a girl, I hope she has your beauty and your smile."
"I want her to have your eyes though."
"Your chocolate brown eyes are more breath taking than my amber ones."
"If it's a boy, I want him to be just as handsome as you are, with your eyes and your hair."
He smiled at her and took her hand in his. "Aw, this is so cute," Kagome's voice wailed behind them. Sesshomaru's face immediately became a blank slate as he turned to look at Kagome. "I'm sorry, but my curiosity got the best of me when you told me that he's totally different when no one else is watching."
Rin imagined that Sesshomaru was glaring at Kagome by the way that Kagome excused herself from the apartment promising not to tell anyone. Sesshomaru turned his attention back to Rin and kissed her forehead before saying, "I'll wake you when dinner is ready if you are feeling well enough to eat."
A couple of nights later Sesshomaru got Izayoi to have dinner for the six of them. Sesshomaru and Rin couldn't keep their eyes off each other the whole night, and Kagome kept smiling every time she noticed. After an hour of watching this, Inuyasha yelled out, "Okay, what's going on? What is it that I don't know about?"
Everyone at the table, except for Ayumi, looked at him and Kagome started berating him for his rude outburst. Finally Rin decided it was the right moment to make her announcement.
"Izayoi, Inyasha, I suppose it's time that you know." She looked over at Sesshomaru and then back to them. "Sesshomaru and I are going to have a baby."
Izayoi jumped out of her chair and hugged both of them; even though Sesshomaru made it clear that he didn't enjoy the hug, while Inuyasha sat back in his chair and stated, "So Sesshomaru, you knocked her up. This is rather disturbing."
Izayoi looked at her son as if in astonishment as Kagome hit him upside the head. "What exactly do you mean by that?" they asked in unison.
"I'm just saying, first of all, that it's scary thinking about a small Sesshomaru running around. A small Rin isn't as bad, but sometimes I wonder what she sees in the Ice Prince."
From the way Sesshomaru was sitting and glaring at his half brother, Rin knew that he wanted to reach across the table and hurt Inuyasha. She also knew that he would restrain himself from doing so for her sake.
Inuyasha then continued on, "And it's scary to think that they could commit such an act. They always seem so cold toward each other, except for tonight."
"Inuyasha," Kagome started on him. "You don't know the start of it. Sesshomaru's a much more caring husband than you are, but he just prefers not to be affectionate in front of other people. I don't blame him for especially hiding his feelings in front of you since you would mock him for it."
Inuyasha just waved off what she said, "Whatever. It's still creepy. He and Sally made more sense." Immediately he realized what he had just said and shielded himself against the blow in the arm he was about to receive from Kagome. "Rin, I didn't mean that. I was just saying that it's kind of odd that you would want to be with someone so cold."
Rin's retort was, "I find it hard to believe that Kagome would put up with your childishness."
Everyone at the table started laughing at her comment except for a very ticked off Inuyasha. "If you weren't pregnant then I would hit you for that."
"If Sesshomaru didn't enjoy beating you up more than I do, I would have hit you first." Sesshomaru's deep chuckle filled the room lightening the mood. The two ended up calling a truce for the evening.
Around the twelfth week of her pregnancy, Rin and Sesshomaru sat in the office of the obstetrician. Rin had changed into the scrubs provided her and was sitting on the table. Sesshomaru was sitting in a chair next to the table silently observing everything in the room. "I can tell this is the first time you've ever been in an obstetrician's office."
"Hm?" he said as he looked up at her.
She smiled at him and laughed, "Nervous?"
"What do I have to be nervous about?"
"I don't know. Maybe being in an office you never thought you would have to go in...ever."
"I don't mind as long as it's for you and the baby."
Before Rin could say more the door opened and the doctor came in. "Rin, how are you doing today?" the doctor asked.
"I'm doing well. I'm still feeling sick."
"That happens for some women. You should be getting over that soon." She approached Sesshomaru and offered her hand to him. "And you must be Sesshomaru. Rin talks about you all of the time, but then again you are the proud father."
He shook her hand and in his usual cold tone said, "That I am."
The doctor seemed rather thrown off for a second before suddenly becoming perky again. "Well, your urine screen looked good. I am a little worried about your weight. Normally women in their twelfth week are not this large, but it could signify that you are having multiples."
Rin's eyes opened wide as she exclaimed, "Multiples?!"
"It's kind of funny if you think about it. You didn't want children, and you may be pregnant with multiples." Rin could feel Sesshomaru's hand hold hers as they listened to the doctor. "I would like to do an ultrasound to see if my diagnosis is correct."
After a couple of minutes a vaginal ultrasound was set up. They first listened to the sound of the baby's or babies' heartbeat(s). "Do you hear that?" the doctor asked. Rin and Sesshomaru both nodded their heads. "There are more than two heartbeats. I am very interested to see what the visual is." As she turned on the screen, Sesshomaru stood up to get a better look.
On the screen they could see four hearts beating. Rin stuttered out, "Is that four hearts?"
"Looks like it is," the doctor commented. "Congratulations to both of you. It looks like you will be having quadruplets."
Rin was speechless. Sesshomaru tightened his grip on her hand as they looked at the four babies on the screen. Finally he spoke, "Will this affect her pregnancy any more than normal?"
"Good question. We will have to monitor her better to make sure nothing goes wrong. It will also mean that she's going to be much larger, so for the last three months or more she will have to be on bed rest. She should also eat more protein than during a normal pregnancy, much more since it is quadruplets. We will continue discussing this as her pregnancy advances. For now, I want you to get plenty of rest and to eat well."
They finished the appointment and scheduled for her to come in four weeks later.
In the car Rin sat with her head leaning against the window. She was in shock. Sesshomaru's right hand wandered from the steering wheel to her hand as it rested on her leg. She squeezed back as he said to her, "It is God's will for us."
"I know, but I worry about how we are going to care for four children. We'll have to move, to get a minivan, I'm going to have to quit my job because I can't ask Izayoi now to watch four babies..."
"First of all, I refuse to get a minivan. My father's limo hasn't been used in years, and his driver's son has told me before that he would appreciate any work. Second, we can look for a house, it's no big deal. And third, we'll get a live-in nanny if we have to."
"I don't want our children growing up under anyone but family," Rin protested.
"Do you really want to quit your job?"
"Not really...but I don't think we'll have much of a choice. I'm already going to have to quit since I'm going to be taking three or months off while I am on bed rest."
"We can arrange for you to work at home during that time, and if we must, we can continue doing that until the kids are in school." He let go of her hand and caressed her cheek while still keeping his eyes on the road. "Don't worry about everything. We are lucky because we have the resources to have quadruplets."
They pulled up to the family estate. Once inside they found that they were the last to arrive. Sitting at the head of the table was Izayoi with Inuyasha, Kagome, Ayumi, Sota, and Eri to her right respectively. Sitting across from Ayumi was Karen with Joe and their son sitting to her left. Rin and Sesshomaru took the two remaining seats and dinner was served immediately.
"How was your appointment?" Eri asked Rin.
"It...it was quite...shocking."
Everyone at the table, save for the children, put their chopsticks down and stared at her. "Was something wrong?" Izayoi asked with alarm in her voice.
Sesshomaru answered bluntly, "It's quadruplets."
The shock on everyone's faces was unmistakable. Finally Inuyasha's lips curled upward and he started laughing hysterically, "You didn't want one kid, and now you're going to have four." Izayoi and Kagome both hit him in the arm.
"I don't know how we're going to handle it," Rin said honestly.
Izayoi started smiling as she said, "Well, you'll need a bigger home, and I've been trying to get Inuyasha and Kagome to move in here. Why don't you consider moving in here?"
"And where will you live?" Rin asked her.
"In the guest house. It'll allow for me to stay close enough that I can watch the children when you're both at work, but I won't be bothering you all of the time."
"I can't ask you to take care of four children though."
"I wouldn't be the only one. There are several servants here who have children of their own. If need be, I can ask them for help."
"I don't know. This is an awful lot to think about."
"I know. I'm not going to push you if you're not sure either."
The entire time they talked, Rin could sense Sesshomaru's uneasiness with the whole situation. He would not like living with his stepmother again; after all, he did move out of the house to get away from her and Inuyasha as soon as he graduated from high school.
They didn't get a chance to discuss anything that night since Rin had fallen asleep before they left. When she woke up in the morning Sesshomaru was not in bed with her. She glanced at the alarm clock and noticed that it was already 10, and he was normally at the office at this time on a Saturday. A noise out in the kitchen startled her, and she found Sesshomaru cooking her breakfast. "Are you hungry?"
"After throwing up most of last night's meal? Definitely."
"Sit down. I've made you bacon and eggs. The doctor said that you need to eat more protein."
She sat down at the table as he put the plate in front of her. He watched as she gobbled it down heartily. When she finished he washed her plate and fork. She leaned back in her chair drinking her orange juice thinking about everything that occurred the day before. "Sesshomaru?"
"I know you weren't too thrilled with Izayoi's offer to move into the estate, but I think it would be a really good idea, especially if she lets us have our space. I mean, it's big enough for our large family, and she would be close by. I would rather her watch the children than some stranger."
"Living there would also mean that we would be seeing Inuyasha and Kagome much more."
She got up and hugged him. "I know you don't like your brother, but it's best for the kids to get to know their family. That's their only family since your extended family is still in Japan and mine doesn't talk to me."
"We won't be alone with all of those servants either."
"We'll only have them there during the day to help Izayoi and she can have her own in the guest house. We can make this work out."
He leaned down and kissed her saying, "If you feel that it'll bring you comfort, then I can't say no."
A month later Rin saw her doctor for another visit. Rin's weight gain was unmistakable for a woman with multiples. After her appointment she and Sesshomaru drove to their new home, well...new for her. Izayoi had moved out to the guest house without a fuss, and the servants were given shorter days without a reduction in their salaries. Sesshomaru had also managed to keep everyone out of the house in the evenings by making Kagome and Inuyasha entertain at their home.
Rin's morning sickness had ended two week prior, and her energy was almost back to the same amount she had before she became pregnant. Little by little their nursery was starting to grow with things for the babies. After coming home from her doctor visit, she wanted to spend time in the nursery arranging things as she wanted them.
As she sat in the rocking chair she started reading her Bible out loud. She had heard from many people that reading to the unborn babies would increase their intelligence and help them to recognize their mother's voice. When he had time, Sesshomaru would also talk to them so that they would recognize his voice.
After twenty minutes she noticed some feelings inside of her. She had noticed these feelings coming and going for about a week. They would come from different directions at various times. Putting down her Bible, she laid her hands over her very slightly extended stomach to see if she could feel any movements from the outside.
"Rin, are you okay?" Sesshomaru asked her.
She gestured for him to come over. "Come here." When he came close enough she took his hand and placed it on her stomach. "I want you to feel the babies."
He stood there for a minute not feeling anything. As he was about to take back his hand he felt a couple of kicks. A small smile crossed his face as he crouched next to her to get a better feel. "They are kicking from several spots." What amazed her the most was the fact that he just couldn't get his hands off of her stomach for the rest of the day. He was acting just like a little kid who found out that his sibling was alive in his mother's stomach.
Four months prior to her due date, Rin was still working, but she was already the size of a pregnant woman in her eighth or ninth month. Soon she would be put on bed rest to keep from stretching her uterus even more than normal. Before she was forced onto bed rest, she wanted to enjoy everything there was to life. Three months would be a long time not being able to do much.
This particular night she would be going to a charity ball hosted by Sesshomaru and Kagome's company. Sesshomaru had been relieved during the reading of Toga's will to find out that Kagome had actually inherited the company since Inuyasha was rather irresponsible. On nights like this, the entire company was glad that Kagome was the co-owner since she could pull off better social events than anyone else in the company.
Rin was still glad that she could fit into maternity clothes for the time being. Earlier in the week she had gone shopping with Eri to find the perfect maternity evening gown. It was a midnight blue that showed off just enough cleavage and hugged her belly before sweeping to the floor.
Sesshomaru, dressed in his tuxedo, was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes lit up as they fell on her. It was almost like a teenage boy seeing his prom date for the first time that night. She giggled as that thought came to mind, and he eyed her curiously.
She took his extended arm, and he escorted her to the limo. It took half an hour before they arrived at the banquet hall. A red carpet was rolled out from where their limo dropped them off and extended to the door. Shortly after entering the hall, Inuyasha and Kagome arrived. Both complimented Rin on her dress, and Kagome asked if she could touch Rin's stomach, something she did every time she saw Rin. "Some of them must be asleep right now," Kagome stated.
"They'll be quite awake throughout tonight though because of all the noises."
"That should make it more interesting for those wanting to feel your stomach." Both women laughed as the men rolled their eyes. Sesshomaru wouldn't show it in public, but in private he told her several times that he didn't like other men touching her stomach. She guessed that it was probably due to his possessiveness of her and their unborn children.
Kagome's fascination with touching Rin's stomach attracted some attention from some of the nearby guests. For the rest of the night Rin was constantly asked how far along she was, why she was so large so early, and if they could touch her stomach. Sesshomaru and Rin both relished the comments given them.
At one point Rin found herself alone and being stalked like prey by Sally. Finally she decided to just confront the woman she had once been jealous of, "Sally, I've noticed you circling me for the last twenty minutes. What is it that you want to say to me?"
"Having quadruplets certainly does ruin your figure," Sally said as she approached Rin. "I can't imagine how much bigger you will get."
"If that's supposed to be an insult, you're sadly mistaken."
"I was just thinking about how hard it would be to look at you like that. I'm surprised that you're not disgusted with yourself."
"I was at first, but then I see how Sesshomaru looks at me and everything is okay."
"I'm surprised about that. I would have thought he'd find you unattractive by now. I'm actually expecting him to come crawling back to me when he gets disgusted with you and can't hold his urges anymore."
"Really? Last night when he was me he seemed quite content." Just for fun she put on a goofy smile.
Sesshomaru came to her side as soon as he had realized that they were talking. "I'm sorry, Rin. Mr. O'Malley wanted to discuss some business with me." He kissed her passionately in full view of Sally. After Sally cleared her throat he looked at her and tried to innocently say, "Oh, Sally, I hadn't noticed you standing there."
"I'm sure you hadn't," she said sarcastically. "I was just commenting on how it is unmistakable it is that your wife is having quadruplets."
He rubbed Rin's stomach gently, which received some kicks from the babies who always knew when it was their mother's or father's hands touching her stomach. "Yes, and I couldn't ask for anything more besides their health and happiness."
Sally's eyes darted around the room before they fell on someone. "Well, that's nice." Her tone was a bit snobby. "If you'll excuse me, I need to talk to someone that I have been trying to find all evening." With that she was gone.
"Are you okay?" he asked her concerned.
"I was actually handling her fine without you, but I have to say that you certainly drove my point home." She leaned up and kissed him not caring that they were in public.
The rest of the night went well as Sally tried to stay on the opposite side of the room. They laughed over her reaction as they lay in bed. "I think she took that well," Sesshomaru suggested.
"I know that I have to forgive her, but I just had to defend our family to her."
"She's not going to give up on me, even now."
"I know, but she at least knows that I'm going to fight for you."
"I'm glad that you will. I almost thought I lost you when you found out about me and her. You didn't fight for me, and I knew it was because I really screwed up."
She turned her head to see him better and stroked her hand on his cheek. "But we're past that, and nothing like that will get between us again." He kissed her and she laid her head down on the pillow again before snuggling closer.
Tonight, like most nights, Rin would not get sleep as easily. The quadruplets were all awake and kicking despite the fact that they were active all night at the ball. Sesshomaru's hand that rested on her stomach moved forward until it rested on the bed in front of her and supported his weight as he leaned forward and said to her stomach, "Hey, I want all four of your to go to sleep so that your mother can sleep." He went back to snuggling with her as she noticed that half of the kicking seemed to cease. Before she fell asleep she heard him tease, "They already recognize my authority as their father."
True to the doctor's predictions, Rin was confined to bed rest three months before her due date. It was not an easy transition on her. To make it go a little smoother they arranged for her to be able to work from home with reduced hours. Sesshomaru also arranged to work at home more often. When he couldn't be at home Izayoi would sit with her.
The only time Rin was allowed to walk was when she had to go to the bathroom. Every other time Sesshomaru carried her. He was a very caring and loving husband doing everything he could for her. During the day when he was home he would fetch things for her and help her getting out of bed when needed. At night they would have a routine that would start out with him aiding her with her exercises to use the muscles in her legs as well as the pelvic exercises that were recommended for her. After that he would wash her hair before joining her for a bath. Before going to bed they would have their daily devotional.
One of the worst parts about being put on bed rest for Rin was the fact that she was unable to go to church on Sundays or her small group on Wednesday nights. The minister made sure to stop by every Sunday afternoon and talk with her and Sesshomaru about his sermon that morning and let them partake in communion. While it was a wonderful gesture, Rin couldn't wait to return to attending in person.
Rin's labor started in the morning of her due date. The pain wasn't too bad from the start and she was able to take a nap through them. As the contractions got closer and closer together she asked Sesshomaru to take her to the hospital. He sat with her head in his lap as the limo sped there. She was immediately taken to a birthing suite, and Sesshomaru was given a pair of scrubs for when the time came closer for the birth. After hours in labor they started noticing a spike in her blood pressure, which was extremely dangerous. The doctor informed them that she would have to go through a cesarean section. Sesshomaru begged the doctor to allow him to be there with Rin through the procedure, and the doctor allowed it. Before Rin fell asleep she recognized Sesshomaru holding her hand and assuring her that everything would be fine.
When she woke up Sesshomaru was standing next to her, still holding her hand, trying to coax her to wake up. He kissed her when she opened her eyes. She smiled weakly at him before asking, "Are the babies okay?"
He brushed some of her sweaty bangs out of her eyes. "Yes. They are in incubators. The doctor explained that they are quite healthy, but they are still a little small because they didn't have as much room to grow as regular babies do. I'm told that they will all survive."
"What did we have?"
"First was a girl, then two boys, and then another girl. I gave them the top names we had for the girls and the top names for the boys."
"Rei (thanks or grace), Yoshi (goodness, luck), Masuyo (to increase the world), and Ai (love)."
"Yep. Do you want to see them?" She nodded her head and he wheeled her bed to the other end of the room where the four incubators were. Rin reached out and touched the glass that separated her from Rei. "We'll be able to hold them soon enough. They are beautiful, just like you."
"That's also because they have you for a father." His chest swelled in pride upon hearing her words. "Has anyone else seen them?"
"No. I waited to tell them anything until you were awake. When you are taken up to your room there will be a lot of people wanting to see you." She nodded her head and rested her eyes again.
A week later the quadruplets were diagnosed as being healthy enough to live off of life support. Rin immediately had to hold them, and Sesshomaru held the others until they were able to trade. Everyone else got their chance to hold them then. At the end of the day Rin was able to rank it amongst the best days of her life. Her family was now complete and much larger than she had ever expected it to be, and they would be loved to the full extent. For the rest of her life, even on the bad days, she thanked God for fulfilling His will for her even if she wasn't receptive at first.