A/N: I am very sorry it took me so long to post this one last chapter. I was carried away by my new story and just couldn't finish writing this one.
Disclaimer: I have no ownership of the characters and insignia of Harry Potter and everything connected to the HP series.
Dedicated to my fair beta-reader and friend Stephanie.
Epilogue: The Family Reunion.
15 Years Later
"Arthur, dear, are you sure you checked the unbreakable charms on the vases?"
"Of course, dear, three times," Arthur Weasley replied, rolling his eyes. 'The same thing every year.' "Why are you so worked up, Molly? It happens every year and the house is still standing."
"Miraculously only. Do you remember what happened when it was the twins' birthday? I felt the house would collapse any moment! There were too many fireworks and joyful goodies for my liking," Molly Weasley finished with a frown.
"But the children were so excited and happy about it!" Arthur protested.
"The twins were too! So many innocent guinea pigs for their experiments. They will never grow up, even with children of their own."
"Don't be so hard on them, Molly. It is in their very being."
"And I've always wondered where did they get it from?" Molly gave him a piercing look.
"Well, Molly, you yourself weren't an angel when you were young. Remember what you did at Hogwarts, hm?"
"And what are you implying, Arthur Weasley!" she asked, advancing on him with a dangerous looking pan.
"Well, you know, gryffindor pranks and kicking slytherins' asses…"
"Whose asses! I'll kick yours right now if you don't elaborate on your previous statement!"
"Now, now, Molly, we don't want you to smash something with that pan, do we? The guests will be arriving soon and the table isn't set yet."
The expression on Molly's face instantly turned from rage to panic and she rushed outside to check on the big "family" tables as they called them.
"Uuuuh, that was close," Arthur breathed out and went to check on the sofas and spells on them to prevent anyone falling on the floor.
You are probably wondering what the commotion is about. It is about an annual tradition that was established after everybody settled down or in other words, when the Borrow became empty. The only remaining inhabitants were Molly, Arthur and two House Elves. That is why Molly decided to arrange an annual family reunion at the Borrow.
It wasn't a brand new idea of course, because the Weasleys always gathered on Christmas and New Year's holidays, but other celebrations were missed by all members of the family. It was absolutely impossible to gather on every birthday, especially for Bill and Charlie or Percy, who moved to France after his marriage.
The peculiarity of the meetings was the following: the date moved from year to year. It was also a birthday of a grown up family member. The rules were that no matter when and no matter where you are you must attend or suffer the consequences, and knowing Mrs. Weasley, it was a risky dare. The only family that got the privilege not to attend every reunion was the Snapes due to their tough working schedule and far location. They only came on very important occasions. Important for them mostly; like Ginny's birthday celebration or anniversaries. They awaited that year too, because it was the tenth year of the family gatherings.
Another special feature of the reunion was that not only strictly family members, but all family friends could come. That's why the Snapes were being invited in the first place. The Lupins visited quite often and even Dumbledore paid a visit once in a while.
But let's not rush things, every guest will tell his or hers story of life on their own.
The flames turned green and Charlie Weasley stepped put of the fireplace. He hadn't changed much over the years: the same long ponytail and an earring were still in place. Charlie usually came among the first because he didn't need to gather children together or wait for everybody to get ready. He remained a bachelor and was very happy about that. The twins always joked about the fact, saying he must have secretly married his dragon Priscilla, which Charlie was very fond of, and that's why he hadn't taken any woman to be his wife. I return that Charlie said that to have a dragon for a wife was much better than a woman and especially a redhead.
And speaking of redheads. The fireplace lit again and a redheaded community appeared. They called themselves "the True Weasleys", being all with red hair. Those Weasleys were Fred and George with their twin sisters for wives Izabella and Elizabeth respectfully. Both families were blessed, I don't think others were blessed also, with their own twins. Fred and Izabella's boys were born two months earlier before George's and Elizabeth's. The four redheads were even worse than the Marauders and even their fathers. Hogwarts hasn't ever been so close to destruction after the Weasley Quartet was enrolled.
In the Portkey way appeared "the Black Family", which consisted of the Boy-Who-Won, the French White Lily, two small beauties and one beast, namely the Potters. Even before the nickname stuck, Harry really considered taking Sirius's last name. Not only to prevent publicity harassment on his family, but to honor the man who had become a father he never had, especially after his return.
Sirius also accompanied Harry and his family, not having one of his own. He decided to remain single due to his past and just wanting to be free in choice of his ways of life. That still wasn't stopping him from dating various women, especially in France where nobody knew him. France was mentioned because Stephanie, having French roots, had a house there, and the whole family made trips there from time to time, especially on holidays.
Harry Potter ended up as a DADA professor at Hogwarts, but he still taught Dragon Fang at the Ministry. The whole business became international after four years. People from all over the world were coming to receive the knowledge about wandless magic. His wife was mostly with the kids because three children were quite a pressure even without house work.
After the Potters came Percy and his family. He was the last to marry. Mrs. Weasley lost hope already, but surprisingly enough France again was involved; Specifically French Ministry of Magic, where Percy was delegated on some business trip. When he didn't return in time, the English Ministry of Magic asked Mr. and Mrs. Weasley about his whereabouts and Molly owled him. The answer she received made her faint. There was only one sentence on the parchment: 'I am getting married.' After a few pulled strings, Percy was transferred to the French Ministry of Magic, where his wife, Michelle, worked as the Minister's secretary and their children attended Beauxbatons.
The Lupins, "The Were Family", came soon after. Their family was the smallest, but the most tragic one. They were very hesitant at first to have a child, taking into consideration Remus's condition. But after two years they decided to risk it, thinking that a combination of a werewolf and a shape-shifter would only be beneficial for the kid. Unfortunately, they were very wrong. That very mix was too hard for one body to handle and the baby died on the second month.
After a long mourning, they adopted Dazel, who was beaten by a werewolf in his early childhood and grown up in an orphanage by his parents. Who needs a werewolf in a normal family? It was a blessing for Dazel to get out of there and to people who could understand him and his problem. He was in Ravenclaw, as was Harry's eldest daughter Josephine. Who knows… Who knows…
"The Dark Family" arrived straight after the Lupins. The nickname "black" was already taken so everybody decided to call the Snapes that. It quite fitted, if you consider their pasts, but if not, they were all black haired after all. Professor Snape Potions Immortalizer of Academy of Magic and his sons, Victor and Abraham, entered the household with dignity and pride. As always. Macbeth rolled her eyes. 'They like this game so much. Slytherins, hmph.'
Then came "the Mediterranean Family" a.k.a. Bill and Fleur with their two daughters. The name came from their living locations. Fleur and the girls lived mostly on the Southern cost of France and Bill still worked in Egypt with the pyramids. The weekends were usually spent in between or more exactly on the yacht somewhere in the sea. In this manner, they visited all Mediterranean countries and islands. Other children called Cassiopeia and Cassandra two chocolates because of their constant bronze skin color. Not to mention they were hot even without that tan that any girl dreams about. They did have Veela blood. The only unaffected by their charms were their cousin Christian (Percy's son), who everyone was constantly jealous of because only he could freely chat with the exotic blonds.
But enough about school romance, the next family is coming through the fireplace. "The Hogwarts Family". Guess, who they are? I think you can easily count who was left out: Draco and Ginny with their brood of five children. With the very beginning of Draco and Ginny's union, the traditions of the Malfoys' clan began to be destroyed one by one. The last one about the heir of the family vanished, when Ginny gave birth to two completely identical gorgeous blond boys, Tobias and Domian, making them both the next heirs of the Malfoy family.
Ginny remained the prettiest Hogwarts Librarian and having Draco teaching Potions, the whole family lived at Hogwarts. Not all the children were of age already to attend, but they still helped their parents, especially in the department of watching over detentions in the dungeons. You think it was a blessing to the students who were put in detention?
None of that; Even if they were their cousins (which happened a lot because there are Weasleys and because there were so many of them at Hogwarts at that time) or brother and sister. No, scrutiny and feeling of obligation were, for some interesting reason, very high priorities for young Malfoy children. Or…Draco paid them well for doing his work. Anyway, it was very educational for the youngsters and they knew exactly what would happen if they got themselves in detention and the picture wasn't all colorful.
Last but not least came Ron and Hermione with their kids. Ron did everything to hold her back and Hermione did everything against it because she hated to be late. But there was a very important reason behind Ron's behavior. Hermione happened to be the birthday girl that year. And that meant that everybody should gather at the Borrow and only then they could enter to receive congratulations and presents.
Birthday grown up played an important role in the Weasleys Family Reunion. From him or her depended the whole party: from the season to decorations. The season feature meant that if the date of the birthday happened to be in winter, then it certainly needed respectful outdoor activities and the whole celebration was held indoors. Hermione's birthday in April gave the opportunity to be outdoors.
The newcomers were met in the backyard of the Borrow with cheers and clapping. Quite a lot of settings were tried out to contain all the people, but the most optimum variant was found. In the center of the clearing stood a square table, occupied by the younger part of the family, with a small fountain of punch in the middle. It was surrounded from three sides by three long "family" tables. It was easier to watch over the kids from such a sitting positions. There wasn't an established sitting order, so everybody could sit with whomever they liked. Guess where the dream Team sat? Together obviously.
"Oh, here you are, darling," Molly ushered Hermione and Ron. "We are all waiting for you."
"Yeh! I am starving!" Fred exclaimed.
"Yeh! We have been saving our stomachs since the very morning!" Gabriel, a red headed boy supported his father.
"Boys, boys," Molly quieted them. "You know the rules: first – presents, then – food."
The male part of the population of the gathering groaned. Mrs. Weasley was too good at cooking and everybody must've followed Gabriel's example trying to save some room in their stomachs to put as much food there as possible.
"Ok, Hermione, take your honorable place over there." Molly pointed to a big armchair, probably made in the 18th century.
Hermione sat on it and blushed; she could stand without a flinch in front of a full court and the Jury, but was really shy when she became the center of attention.
The present giving was another traditional part of the Family Reunion. There was no hidden meaning in the process: all families gave their presents to the birthday grown up, but there was an unspoken competition between the families about who could give a better present.
After several thankyou's from Hermione, a pile of presents appeared on the table to her left: an exotic necklace made of corals and sea shells from Bill and Fleur, Charlie's perfume "Dragon's Breath" ("It will made Ron crazy. My last girlfriend tried it on me, so I am speaking from experience", he commented to Hermione.), Molly's book of recipes, Lupins' book on werewolf legislation.
On the corner lay a middle sized piece of parchment, it was the most treasured present by Hermione so far. The paper gave an unlimited access to the Ministry's storage of Veritasetum. To a lawyer like Hermione such permission was priceless. Making a connection to who the present could be from? Veritaserum – potions – Snape. Came to same conclusion? Perfect.
Fred and George surprised everybody by bringing a huge box which revealed a "Home cinema!" Hermione squealed like a little girl, who received a long awaited doll. The twins gave meaningful winks to the others, meaning, "Stuff it guys, our present is the best."
Next turn was for "The French Family" a.k.a. Percy and Michelle, who made a pure French gesture, giving Hermione "Beaxbotons, the History".
"Oh, thank you soooo much! I've been searching for it for years!" Hermione exclaimed, lovingly tracing the cover of the ancient book.
"Crap! We were outsmarted!" Harry punched his palm and made an expression of one deeply wounded.
"Giving up already?" Charlie asked Harry, whispering in his ear.
"Who are you to talk?" Harry responded in the same quite tone. "You don't participate."
"But I can bet who the winner will be," Charlie remarked full of mischief.
"Weasleys," Harry only muttered in return. But there was no time to debate on the Weasleys' origin because it was Harry's turn to take the carpet. "Here, happy birthday, Herm'," Harry said, handing her yet another book.
"I am lucky, I've bought another bookshelf the other day," Ron commented.
"What is it? Is it some kind of joke?" Hermione asked, after reading the title.
"Are you so old that you can't read, Hermione?" Harry asked with a chuckle.
"I can read alright. It says 'Hogwarts, the History'." Her bewilderment was caused by the condition of the book: it wasn't ancient or even old; it was bright and shiny with golden patterns and a richly decorated cover.
With a look of mistrust she began to go through the fresh printed paper. She knew the book by heart, so there was no way Harry could trick her. Still, Hermione's eyes started to become wider and wider when she scanned the last pages of the book.
"They are all here, all our adventures are here," she said softly with utter shock, disbelief and finally pride.
"Adventures, hah!" Harry took the book from her hands and, after finding the needed paragraph, read aloud, "Hermione Granger can fairly be named the best Head Girl through the history of the school, deserving this honorable title with her remarkable activity in the social life of Hogwarts and unmatched striving for knowledge," Harry finished with the roars applause.
"Thank you so much, Harry," Hermione said in tears, she was too overwhelmed by being mentioned in the history of the famous wizarding school.
Harry high-fived with Ron and went back to Charlie. "Have you won yet?"
"Draco and Ginny haven't presented yet. Then, we'll see."
Draco and Ginny were famous for their original and exquisite presents. The female part of the family always voted for them as the best present givers because they seemed to know exactly what the women wanted. And it distressed the Weasley men to no end.
"Excuse us if our gift will take a lot of room, probably a few bookshelves will be sacrificed, but it is your choice," Draco introduced their present in a careless mode which always concentrated all attention on him.
After moving Draco and Ginny's fingertips, a small cylinder in Draco's hand unshrinked and unrolled, revealing a carpet with a labyrinth of dots and words beside them.
"Looks quite familiar," Ron remarked. Only he and Hermione had a full view of the carpet.
"You better start from the bottom," Ginny suggested.
Draco and Ginny levitated the carpet a bit higher for the bottom to be more visible. Everybody was already gathered around the mysterious piece of tapestry to find out what it was. Hermione traced the last words.
"Ariadna, Harold, Stephan Weasley. Look, here are Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley and upper are my parents. It is the Grangers' Family Tree! Holly Heavens, here are all my ancestors!" she exclaimed, following the thin lines, which connected one generation to the other.
"They are not all here. We cut out a few centuries here and there. There wasn't anybody remarkable there, but you can open them any time," Draco began an explanative tour. "The grey dots are muggles, the white – squibs and the blue ones are wizards."
"But there are more than a half of blue dots here!" Bill pointed out.
"That's the point, Bill, that's the point," Draco said with a knowing smirk.
"But that means…that means," Ron started, gaping between words.
"That I am not a muggle born, I am half-blood," Hermione finished for him, staring at the carpet in awe.
"The last five generations were a mixture of squibs and muggles, so they simply forgot there is a wizard blood in their clan. The crucial part was played by your pureblooded grandfather, who died early in muggle war, but managed to leave a descendant. That's why you are a witch, Hermione," Draco explained.
"And what do these small eyes beside the names mean?"
"Those were the Seers," Ginny pointed out. "The first one is quite remarkable."
Draco and Ginny moved the carpet downwards for everybody to see the very top of it, seeing the large blue spot and the name beside it, Hermione fainted.
Catching her into his arms, Ron asked, dumbfounded, "What is it with her?"
"She is not pregnant, is she?" Molly asked in a mother hen mode.
"No she isn't," answered a choir of Weasley men.
After a small commotion of bringing Hermione back to the conscience world, the party atmosphere was restored.
"What was it all about?" George asked with a frown, turning to Draco and Ginny. They only gave him innocent, but knowing smiles.
"My very first ancestor is Cassandra the Seer," Hermione breathed out.
"Really?" Everyone checked out the first spot on the carpet, where Cassandra's name was clearly sewed in.
"At least your predictions helped everybody to win the war," Harry mentioned, "and not the opposite."
The carpet was placed behind Hermione's armchair, hanging in mid air. The guys shot daggers at Draco because it was clear who had won the competition of the best present. Again.
"How do you do it, Draco?" Fred cornered him, after everybody took seats at the tables and finally began eating.
"What do you mean?" Draco asked conversationally.
"You know what I mean, presents' selection," Fred grunted.
"Give a lady what she wants and she is yours. Haven't you heard of such a rule?"
Fred gave him an incredulous look, but then it changed into a frown. "And Hermione asked you to make her a Clan Tree?"
"No, I just asked myself how a muggleborn can be a Seer. She is definitely a Seer, so she isn't a muggleborn. A few years of research and here you are .I don't like to have questions hanging without answers."
"So with this time consuming research you just wanted to answer a question?" George cut in with a grin that clearly said he knew the real reason behind Draco's behavior.
Draco clenched his teeth. He hated to be embarrassed or get into situations that deflected his pride. Of course, he couldn't tell them that it was some sort of an apology for calling her mudblood all those years at school. Especially, if she wasn't one. "It was Virgie's idea." 'Smooth, Draco. Very smooth.'
"Anyway, you somehow managed to win the contest, so the dinner is on us."
"Don't bother. The end of the school year is nearing and so are O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s and I need to prepare. So save the reservations."
"Why do you think you'll win the next year?" George asked with challenge.
Draco gave him don't-I-always look and returned to his meal.
After several toasts for Hermione, the Weasleys' older generation and the peace on Earth, another traditional toast should've been raised. Old habits die hard, but with Harry and Draco, they died very hard. They were the only ones that taught in Hogwarts from all the present community apart from Lupin, who gave DADA master classes from time to time, so they were both vicious competitors for the award every year. Of course, every professor of Hogwarts participated in the so called Elections of the Best, so sometimes neither Draco nor Harry were the winners.
But really, who do you think has more chances: small old Flitwick or tall young and handsome Draco or Harry? House preferences were strictly forbidden, so the slytherins couldn't vote for Draco just because of him being their Head of the House. The same applied to Harry and the Gryffindors.
"So who do we drink this year for?" Arthur asked with a raised goblet.
He got the answer after seeing Harry's pissed off expression. Harry had won two years in a row, trying to beat up Draco's record of three years, but luck seemed to abandon him and Draco won again that year.
"I've never thought that I would be considered a good teacher," Draco whispered to Ginny.
"Nonsense! You are natural. Remember when you were answering questions on the train trip to the manor? They were listening to you as if hypnotized, catching your every word. You can't help but dominate over your students, show them authority but not of a tyrant but of a guide who knows the right way. And they believe you; respect you."
"Well, it was far from that on my very first lesson. When father was ill, remember?"
"But you've matured since that time and many things have changed. Still, I've caught a rumor that there is some kind of a challenge called Malfoy Twins detention, heard of that?"
Draco gave her a look of total confusion. "Never. What is it about?"
"The rules are the following: someone must get a detention in your class and serve it under our younger twins' supervision. If he or she survives it then this lucky student is praised by the House and prefects even dare to give house points for it! Every newcomer must go through it, if he or she doesn't do it till their fourth year then they will be a shame of the House!" Ginny said unbelievingly.
"What insufferable kids we have, darling," Draco only commented.
"You think, students willingly getting detentions is normal!"
"But it is so much fun! Especially if they don't get it. And they try again and again and again, disturbing the peaceful atmosphere in class," he finished in a tone of a humble monk.
"And you get pleasure out of it, don't you darling?"
"Well, it wasn't my idea," Draco said defensively. "Probably one of your gryffindoric nieces and nephews or even more – all of them."
"Don't play a saint with me, Draco. Our Tobias is also in Gryffindor, so it can still be your devious plot."
"Because I am soooo evil." Draco rolled his eyes in response. "By the way, he got his detention on the second attempt. I was really proud. Such a resourceful boy. Blew up half of the class. Literally."
"But that could've been dangerous!" Ginny cried with horror.
"Nah, there was a loooot of noise and smoke, but nothing really explosive. This is my son we are talking about. I wonder how you didn't hear anything in the Library, it was SO loud."
After the super delicious dinner was consumed, the tables disappeared and the opportunity to mingle appeared. The whole gathering divided mainly into groups of men and women.
"It was so funny when you all answered that Hermione wasn't pregnant!" Bill said with a big grin. (He was the only one from the Weasley brothers who hadn't learned Dragon Fang because he didn't have time and lived too far from England.)
"Well, it is kinda funny for a husband to know about his wife's pregnancy before her," Ron responded.
"Don't even remind me of this painful experience," Draco said with a shudder.
"Spill it, mate," Harry encouraged.
"Yeh, what can it be about?"
"Well, Ginny and I were married for a year already and I was taking some books from the library at home when I decided to check Ginny's aura, and to my total surprise, saw two spots inside her. One could be a surprise, but two was an utter shock. So books flew everywhere. Being a gentleman I asked her if she had something to tell me. She didn't have a clue what I was talking about. After I informed her that we were having twins, she bumped me on the head with a huge volume."
"What for!"
"I promised not to look into her aura. But how can I not do it? I must check on the red fire from time to time." (A/N: Guess what a red fire can mean ;-)
The men nodded. "Yes, the red fire is very important. I don't want to spend any more nights on the couch for sure."
On the other end of the backyard went another animated conversation.
"You just join us the next time! You don't know what you are missing!" Sirius said to Remus enthusiastically.
"But Sirius, you do know that I only can be suitable for these activities during three days of the month and you – any moment."
"So what? The date can easily be arranged. Even with my tough schedule. Just like the good old days: open wild forest, the Moon lightning our path, sounds of nature around you…"
Sirius was describing so poetically his hobby/work – hunting with rich aristocrats of Europe. Hunting somehow gained back its popularity and who can hunt better than a dog with brains? The other advantage besides beautiful scenery was the fact that the job was paid really well for.
"But I m not just a dog, Sirius," Remus said with hesitation.
"Well, a portion of Wolfbane and you are as good as any other hunting dog, even better. You know that you are much stronger than an average dog. And werewolves' hunt is planned in two months."
"What do you mean by that?"
"The Ministry tries to keep a record of the existing werewolves so we hunt them down and mark them with a special substance. No harm done."
"But it is still a hunt." Remus sighed. "Ok, I'll think about it. Maybe I'll take Dazel with me. I still need to consult Tonks about it all."
"Splendid, Remus! Just splendid!"
The women decided to take a picnic under an old oak, gathering in a circle on a comfy blanket.
"So whose husband will we gossip about today?" Tonks suggested eagerly.
The Weasley women didn't have a lot of opportunities to meet all together, so during such Family Reunions they talked about everything, especially their husbands.
"So what did Ron get you for a present, Hermione?" Izabella asked, knitting something of a deep purple color. She somehow inherited Molly's habit.
"Well, he bought a two week trip to Hawaii for two," Hermione replied with pride.
"Really! That's terrific! When are you going?"
"In September. I hope we'll get everything ready in time."
"And knowing Hermione, she will start packing tomorrow," Ginny whispered to Michelle, who giggled.
The children were playing around in groups or pairs of Exploding Snap, chess or any possible game in the wizarding world. Every kid was playing, except for one. He was sitting on a lonely chair, staring into the horizon. Or was it just horizon?
'So much joy and energy…everything shines around her.'
'The locks of such wonderful fiery color and eyes of crystal pools.'
'So much grace in every movement. I wish I could just stand near her and bathe in the warmth she emits.'
"Huh?" At last Victor turned his head to acknowledge the presence at his father. "You wanted something?"
"Well, since I see my sons only three months a year, so some talking won't hurt," Snape replied, putting a chair by his son's side.
"Of course, father."
"So how is school so far? Draco isn't hard on you?"
You are probably wondering why Draco teaches Victor when the Snape's live in Switzerland. The reason is Victor's heritage came mostly from his father's side. With the looks, he got the talent of potions' making and taking into consideration that it was quite a rare one, it had to be dealt with special care. After talking with various Potions' professors, Snape came to the conclusion that they were all amateurs and putting his sons under Draco's care would be much more efficient.
In this way, both young Snape's ended up in Hogwarts, in Slytherin house. Other women often complained that Victor and Abraham took too much after their father, being slytherins and all, but after a few years Macbeth admitted that she herself had been in Slytherin during her school years. This fact was met with astonished looks from the Weasley family and a knowing smirk from her husband.
"School is fine. Everybody is a bit too giddy about the Tournament, but it is still the same old Hogwarts."
"How is the contest going? Extreme as always?"
"Nothing crazy at least. The third task is going through the Forbidden Forest. At least half of it, I think." Victor made a sideways glance in the direction of his previous gazing.
Snape followed his look, but wasn't exactly pleased with the picture. "So who did you take to the Yule Ball?"
"Why her?"
"It was convenient. Two Champions together. She doesn't know anybody in Hogwarts and I didn't want to search for anybody either. It was settled in October already," Victor explained impassively.
"I've got an impression you preferred another candidate…"
"I can't get all I want," Victor said, looking away from Snape's penetrating eyes.
"Next time, take what you want and maybe you will get it, but with no attempt it will pass you either way."
Leaving Victor to contemplate his words, Snape hurried over to his wife. "Macbeth, we have a problem."
"What is it, Severus? You forgot to finish some potion before we arrived here?"
"Worse. Victor fancies the Weasley girl."
"Which one? There is like a dozen of them here."
"Ariadna. Ron Weasley's eldest daughters."
"Oh my… This is definitely a problem. At least he has an exquisite taste."
Ariadna was called a wonder girl due to her appearance. The children of Molly and Arthur couldn't have red headed kids of their own, except for the twins and their red headed wives. Hermione, being a Seer, knew that her first child would be born on Ron's birthday. So she decided to make him a really good present. After a bit of magic using, a girl was born. A girl with bushy red locks.
The problem with which Snape seniors were faced was caused by Victor's reputation. Nobody even thought that Victor Snape would take a page out of Draco's book and become the heartbreaker of Hogwarts. He himself wasn't especially interested in the feminine population of the school, but long curly black hair, eagle black eyes and arrogant but witty attitude drew girls to him like a magnet. He dated the most persistent ones but only once, thus having no steady relationship. And Ron Weasley was far from liking such a suitor for his daughter.
"How time flies," Macbeth remarked with a sigh. "Seems only yesterday I wondered how to overcome my curse never even dreaming about children and now I already must deal with the war which will certainly break out if Victor looks at Ariadna the wrong way."
"Seems so familiar. History always repeats itself."
The clock hands neared six o'clock and children started to run back and forth, preparing for their favorite part of the reunion.
"It's Quiddich time!" screamed Harry Weasley, the biggest Quiddich enthusiast.
The Weasleys and Quiddich were inseparable. All the Weasley and Potter kids were officially allowed to fly from the age of ten, but usually dads were teaching them at nine already. The match was usually played on a big enough clearing in the nearby forest. The game as always was quite spectacular. Even if not all the children that were of age participated in Quiddich activities at Hogwarts.
The game began and went. The day began and went. The year began and went. Nobody knows what will happen in another fifteen years. Maybe the national Quiddich team of England will be formed only from Weasleys, maybe the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin will finally disappear, maybe another Dark Lord will rise – nobody knows. But till then, everybody must live happily ever after.
Happy End
A/N: Firstly, because you still read this I want to say that I put a link to a file in my bio. The file mentions all the children, their ages and so forth. You can also find summaries of my future fics, I hope they will interest you.
Here is also an important piece of information: if you want me to write about the so called history of how and why this fic was written, why characters act this way and not that, then I'll write it, if I receive 10 votes, and for this you need to review…;)
And now, I want everybody who read this fic, who reviewed it and especially I want to thank those 21 people who put me or this fic into their Favorites, it is a huge honor for me. Personally I want to thank constant reviewers such as Bel Dumbledore, lindaloirajaponesalouey31peridotdream
I am happy that so many people stuck with me till the very end. I hope we will meet again.