Disclaimer: Sorry but no, I don't own Three's Company

A/N: Thanks to Janet McFarland, Jackhammer, Alex Benson and Jesusfreak16 for reading

MRS. .Ralph Furley- I will put your character in there in the story later on

Brit- If I sent her to jail there couldn't be much of a story, welll I guess I could but that just ain't happening.

A/N Deux: I'm thinking about writing a "Three's Company"/ "The Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy" crossover, where Mandy is Janet's even younger sister and it takes place during the episode, "Janet's Sister"; would anyone be interested in reading it?

"You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law," The officer slaps the cuffs on Hannah's wrist.

"I was going to pay him," Hannah twists in the handcuffs

"Oh, sure you were. What you planned to but forgot?" The officer mocks Hannah.

"No, I have no money, I came here to get a job so I could pay my tab, but you wouldn't understand that!" She spats in his face.

"Why not, go home to mommy or daddy and get money from them?" This guy was really getting under her skin.

"I don't have a home,"

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen," not really a lie she was going to be eighteen in two months.

"I'll make you a deal get a job and have the money within a week and we'll forget this ever happened,"

"Thank you," Hannah runs back into the shop

"I thought you just got arrested." Janet looks suspiciously at her.

"Oh, I did,"

"Then Why are you still here?"

"Uh, because I have week to pay back the money I owe."

Janet looking at Hannah's puppy dog face finally gives in; "Ok I'll give you a job, but you have to be on time and no more stealing,"

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll be good I'm always good" Hannah runs over and hugs her. Janet unsure of what to do hugs Hannah as well. "So when do I start?"

"How about tomorrow?"

"Fine tomorrow works,"

A/N: sorry for the shortness but, I don't know when I'll be able to update again, plus I'm having writers block.