Fighting on the Edge

Part I. Birth Rites.

Hi, sorry for the delay, but here is the final chapter.

Sorry not enough time for review!

Final Stand.

Featuring 'Pale' By Within Temptations. (I know I use a lot of lyrics, but this song rocks!)

The World seems not the same

Through I know nothing has changed.

Its all my state of mind.

I can't leave it all behind.

I have to stand up to be stronger.

Raven raised her head as a blinding ray of glistening emerald coursed through her and Jericho body. She felt their union strength with every moment that passed. Good. She would need to be strong. And the souls were giving her this power so willing. Yet part of her longed to drift away with the essence of the sprits. If she went now then she would never have to face her father. She wouldn't have to be in pain anymore. Trembling, her soul started to released her body. But a sudden jerk made the girl come back to her senses.

You're not leaving me now!

The voice of Jericho consumed her thoughts. Yes. They needed each other to succeed. Jericho had used his incredible powers to penetrate Raven's body, thus allow the souls of Azarth and therefore their energies to flow into all of Raven's cells. Together they would defeat Trigon. She felt the transformation racing across her back. Her limbs were slowly turning numb as if they were no longer a part of her.

This is it. She thought blissfully. This is the end for me. And for my father.

Beast Boy rushed to rejoin the others. Raven's final words refusing to leave his mind. He couldn't rid himself of the echoes. She was going to die. He knew that. There was nothing he could do to stop her. He had tried everything that he could think of, but to no success. Raven and his child were leaving him forever.

Thoughts of what might have been contaminated his head. He and Raven with their child. Would it have been a boy or a girl? Who would it have taken after? And what would it's name have been? He held back the tears.

I'm a father of a dying child and there's nothing I can do…

He hurt much more then he ever felt possible. More then when Terra had betrayed the Titans. Or even when she had turned to stone. He felt like a piece of him was going to die with Raven.

Azar awoke in Cyborgs arms. Staggering to her feet, she refused Robin's outstretched hand. The Titan leader look hurt, but only briefly. It was only a mask to hide his true fears. The Titans had re gathered with no signs of Jericho or Beast Boy. He hoped the worse had not come to pass.

"Are you alright?" There was concern lingering in Cyborgs voice. "You just suddenly collapsed…"

"I am fine…" The woman lied. "The souls have entered this world." She tried to change the subject.

"Dude, I didn't see anything come out of there." Cyborg gazed at the still open portal.

"No." Azar shook her head. "They can not be seen."

Starfire clung loosely to Robin. Her frail form shook. Placing his arms tenderly around her hips, Robin ignored the look of despair that befell her face. He knew she would not survive another assault. Gazing over his shoulder, he saw that Tempest was no better. He turned back to Azar.

"Tell me what you've done."

Azar nodded calmly. "Through this portal the souls of the dead have entered this realm. Azarath was home to the most powerful of all sorceress. Through they're bodies make have been broken, their power lives on. Once Jericho successful possesses Raven, then he can channel their power into her, and she will be strong enough to end this once and for all.."

Tempest had listened carefully to all that was said, and to what had not been. He felt his heart sinking under his breast. "What will happen to Raven."

"The souls intend to unleash a massive surge of energy, enough to wipe out Trigon and his evil once and for all. But there is only one way this can be done. If every last bit of energy is supplied. I am truly sorry. Neither one of your friends will survive." Azar pulled her hood over her eyes, not wanting to see the grief shimmering in the children's eyes.

I have to try to break free

From the thoughts in my mind.

Use the time that I have

I can't say goodbye,

Have to make it right.

Have to fight, cause I know

In the end it's worthwhile,

That the pain that I feel slowly fades away.

It will be alright.

"We're ready."

Raven opened her eyes. On the outside she didn't look any different. But on the inside Raven knew she was no longer alone.

"You're with me on this one, Joey,"

There was no answer.

"Jericho?" Her mind cried out again.


His voice was fading. Raven bowed her head. She didn't need to hear anymore. She knew all that he had to say. But now Jericho had to conserve his strength.

"Thank you." She whispered as she glided swiftly into the air.

I Know, I should realise

Time is precious

It is worthwhile

Despite how I feel inside.

Have to trust it will be alright

Have to stand up to be stronger.

Trigon could no longer sense his daughter and this concerned him. Surely she would not have lost to such a feeble creature? No, the grand daemon thought, my child is not to under estimated. Raven can only be all that she could be through his teachings. Deep down she knew this. The Titans were no more then a phrase for her. Raven was dark. This she could never escape from.

"Hello Father" Raven stood perfectly still.

Trigon did not move. His voice turned grim. "Child, you have betrayed me."

"Call it what you like!" Raven snapped, feeling her rage consuming her body like never before. Her rage. Jericho's rage, did he hate his father too? They're rage. No. Our rage. But this was different then any other time in her life. For once she felt like she could control her anger, no matter how great it became, she was untouchable to her father. And this, he knew.

"Azar." The awful truth dawned on the daemon. A growl emerged from under his breathe. "Raven you must reject their powers. Come back to me. Come back to those who love you." He wrapped his arm around the slim Angela.

"Your love poisons me." Raven felt a surge of magic buzzing at her fingertips. Yes. The souls wanted revenge. As did she. And this they would have!

"Then I have no choice but to destroy you." His expression said that he would. Not that Raven even doubted that this task was not beyond her fathers grasp. But it was for her mother. Immediately Angela had darted in-between the pair, her arms flung out wildly.

"No Trigon, you can't! She's our child!" Sliver tears were streaming down her pale face.

"I blame you for her mortal weaknesses!" The daemon seized the woman by her arm twisting it tightly, behind her shoulder. Angela cried out in pain.

"No father! Leave her!" Raven screamed, unleashing a sharp bolt that blasted Trigon clean away from Angela. Racing to her mothers side, Raven took hold of the mad woman, who was screaming violently.

"Mother please." Raven kissed both of her mothers brittle cheeks. "Can't you see what his love has done to you? It has destroyed you? Do you truly want the same for me?"

But her mother was having a fit of hysterics and made no answer.

"Mother he's driven you to insanity."

As she rose to leave, Angela clutched her child's hand tightly. "Doesn't a daemon deserve a family?"

Pulling herself away, Raven shook her head. "Its too late for you." Turning her back on the weeping woman, Raven embarked on the final part of her journey. What she had been born to do. End her fathers rein of terror once and for all….

Out of the dust the green cheetah emerged, panting furiously.

"BB!" Cyborg grinned, wiping the moisture away from his eye. "I thought you hadn't made it!" Slapping the smaller Titan on the back, he stopped grinning when he saw his friends face.

"You know don't you?"

Beast Boy nodded. He gazed up at Azar. "Raven told me everything. Please tell me there is another way?"

"I'm sorry but there is not."

Robin was cradling a weary Starfire in his strong arms. "Yes there is. And we are going to find it." He snapped suddenly. Glaring at Azar he hissed, "I will not accept this!"

Tempest nodded in agreement. "Raven needs us. We can let her do this alone!"

I am not alone.

The dark, dry voice of their Gothic friend rang across the sky, through Raven was nowhere present. The Titans spun around with curiosity at where her voice might be coming from.

"Raven? Where are you? I can not see!" Starfire chirped, slipping from Robin's grasp.

I'm using my telepathic to talk to you. To say goodbye.

"Goodbye?" The weakness of Beast Boy voice startled him.

Yes. You have to let me do this. You are my friends, my family. Everything that I have come to love. But as long as I live then I will never be free. I have to do this. I have to stop my father's evil once and for all…

And then there was silence.

I have to try to break free

From the thoughts in my mind.

Use the time that I have

I can't say goodbye,

Have to make it right.

Have to fight, cause I know

In the end it's worthwhile,

That the pain that I feel slowly fades away.

It will be alright.

Flames of passion burn with his cruel eyes. He, Trigon, the king of daemons would not be defeated by his bastard half breed. His love for Raven seemed to have melted away as if it had never existed. As he roared, the sky above quaked. All his minions were been recoiled into the beast, who then rose to his full form.

"Doesn't matter how big you are father. We will defeat you!" Raven shouted. Spirals of white enflamed her body, shooting out in the direction of the dark lord. Transforming into sliver chains, they attached themselves to her fathers form. Preventing him from moving.

Fear stuck his face, as Raven's body prepared itself for the final admission of energy. And then it would finally be over.

Suddenly Trigon sneered and howled with laugher. "You'll not only destroy us my dear, you'll destroy your little friends as well!"

It took a moment for Raven to gather her thoughts and realise what her father meant. Gazed down at the ground below her, she froze when she saw the sight of her gathering friends. Hadn't she told them to stay away? What did they think they were doing?

"You must leave now!" she screamed. "I can't hold back all this power for long!"

Trembling Beast Boy shook his head. "I don't care what you say Raven. I love you and I am not about to leave you!"

His words seemed to shock the girl. Had she not realised that her friends would endanger themselves in order to protect her? Staring into the eyes of her friends, Raven knew that they would each willing give up their life for her or any other Titan member. The gratitude she felt was uplifting.

This is where you belong.

Jericho's words startled Raven. But it's too late. Raven choked on her thoughts. I can't stop on account of them. We have to end this. We have too! Jericho you're with me on you?

Yes. I always will be….

She didn't have time to thinking about Joey's strange respond. There was an unexpected switch of power within her soul. The feeling of that she was no longer in control, made her nervous. As she felt her arms rise, the power continuing to race though her fingertips. But she wasn't doing this. It was all Jericho. Then it happened. The power was leaking out of her, but she was not going with it. Through she tried her hardest keep hold of it, it trickled through her fingertips. What was Jericho doing? Why was he separating them now? When they were so close….

Because I choose to spare you…. His final words as the spirit completed their final task.

"No!" Ravens voice was weak. Like a dream, she felt her body fall. All the while watching the green blades consuming both Trigon and Jericho.

Oh, this night is too long.

I have no strength to go on.

No more pain, I'm floating away.

Through the mist I see the face

Of an angel who calls my name

I remember you're the reason I have to stay.

The mood in the tower was that of a sombre one. No one felt much like doing anything thing. As such over the pass couple of days the crime rate had increased rapidly. It was then that Robin had said enough was enough. He and Cyborg had gone into the town, leaving the remaining Titans alone.

Beast Boy was cooking food for Raven, though he himself hadn't eaten for a long while. Starfire watched her friend as he did so. Her velvet red curls twisted beneath her fingertips. She had seen something in him that she had never seen before. It gave her hope. Hope that in time things were return back to normal. That the broken relationships could finally be mended.

"I think Tempest is going to leave." Her voice broke the silence.

"What reason would he have to stay?" Beast Boy got a plate from the nearby cupboard.

His response was cold, but Star knew better then to be offend. Instead she decided to go to her room, and give Silky his afternoon bath. There was plenty of time to be with her friends. And now thanks to Jericho, she had that time. Turning to leave she stopped. "We have a saying on my home world. The greatest joy can only come after the greatest sorrow."

"Starfire." Beast boy looked serious for a moment. "Do you believe that everything is going to be alright?"

Starfire smiled. "I do not see why not. We have won a great victory, but we have paid a great price as such time will be need for wounds to heal."

A cheeky grin consumed the creatures face. "Star you are one of a kind. I hope Robin know that."

'As do I.' Starfire thought, walking away.

Upon entering Raven's room, Beast Boy found the girl curled up under the sheets of her bed. She had been like that for 10 days now. Refusing to leave her room. As he drew nearer, he could tell that she had been crying, through Raven scrambled to wipe her cheeks as he approached.

"Raven I've made you waffles." The green creature sang sweetly.

"I'm not hungry."

Beast Boy sighed. "Raven's what's wrong, please tell me. Is it about your mum? Cause Azar taken her to a hospital where she can be treated. You'll see, she'll be as right as rain in a while.."

Unable to stop the tears, Raven flung her arms around Beast Boys neck. "I lost it. I lost the baby." She sobbed.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he stroked her purple hair soothingly. "These things happen." He bit his lip. Ordering himself to keep it together.

"NO!" Raven cried louder. "They took him! When Jericho leave me something when wrong, and he when with them! Oh Beast Boy the souls have taken his spirit!"

Their embrace tighten.

"We mustn't cry." Beast Boy whispered into her ear. "Our child is at peace." He moved Raven from him. Clutching her cheeks, he brushed away her tears. "Trigon's evil can never touch him now. He's safe."

"How do you know that?" Raven sobbed.

"Because Jericho will be watching over him."

At the utterance of those words, Raven collapsed into her beloved's arms. Rubbing his fingers across her silky hair, Beast Boy thought that he should cherish this moment. This was the end of the beginning. He wasn't a child anymore. Things were going to change. Who knows what the future would hold for he and the rest of the Titans. But for now he thought that he should just be thankful for what he had.

Unfortunately for Garfield Logan, he was right. This was the end of the beginning…

I have to try to break free

From the thoughts in my mind.

Use the time that I have

I can't say goodbye,

Have to make it right.

Have to fight, cause I know

In the end it's worthwhile,

That the pain that I feel slowly fades away.

It will be alright.


Yup that was the final part.

Please review and tell me what you think.