Musei Sange: Silent Confessions
By: Youkai No Rin
Rin: I am so surprised that I was able to write this chapter so quickly
Yasha: Yeah well that's because you couldn't stop.
Rin: Yeah I kept typing because the ideas and words kept coming.
Yasha: So enjoy the next chapter of Musei Sange!
Do you believe in hallucinations?
Silly dreams or Imagination?
Don't go away 'cause I feel you this time
Don't go away 'cause I need you here this time.
Hallucinations – Angels and Airwaves
Chapter 26:
Set Apart This Dream
Last Time on Musei Sange: Silent Confessions
"Rin..I have something to ask."
Rin titled her head until Sesshomaru opened the box and she let out a loud gasp. Nestled inside the box was a beautiful diamond set on top a simple white gold band. Sesshomaru kneeled down to one knee and looked up at Rin. He thought he saw tears streaming down her face but maybe the light was playing tricks on his eyes.
"Rin..Will you marry me?"
In the distance Rin could hear the muffled voices of her high school companions oblivious to the couple standing outside on the balcony. They did not know that a man was proposing to a young girl who had captured his mind and heart and that the said girl did not dare open her mouth in fear she would sound stupid. So instead as the prom continued on inside just a few yards away from the silent couple Rin bit her lip carefully unsure of what to say.
Sesshomaru gazed up from his kneeled position with hope in his golden eyes as he awaited Rin's reply. It had been quite some time since Sesshomaru had felt the fear now growing in his heart. He was terrified she would say no and if she did what would he do after? He knew that his feelings for this beautiful woman in front of him would not change but would hers? So many questions popped into his mind each one worse than the one before. With no answers Sesshomaru feared the worse and he was about to stand from his kneeled position when Rin's soft voice broke through the silence.
Sesshomaru's gold eyes widened in disbelief and surprise. She had said yes. He could not believe it and for a brief moment he mentally pinched himself to make sure he had heard correctly. Rin reached down and helped Sesshomaru stand and in a quick moment he had her trapped against his chest. Rin smiled into his chest and did not mind the fact that her hair was probably going to be messed up and her make up slightly smeared. At the moment she was just so happy and content to just be held by Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru soon though pulled away and held the box up for Rin to look inside. Nestled between the ridges was a beautiful diamond ring. One large diamond sat in the middle and on each side were two more diamonds that sparkled just as much as the middle one. The gold band gleamed in the balcony light and it took her breath away. The look of the ring alone screamed money and Rin tried hard to not ask Sesshomaru how much he had spent on the ring. Sesshomaru picked the ring up and took her small hand in hers and slowly slid the beautiful ring onto her left hand.
Rin continued to stare at her dazzling finger that she realized would forever hold a ring from the man she loved. Her brown eyes left the ring and met Sesshomaru's. "It's beautiful…it's absolutely breath taking."
"That was the intended point." Sesshomaru said smiling at his now fiancé.
Rin laughed and smiled up at Sesshomaru as he stepped forward to hold her. "You really did surprise me."
Sesshomaru nodded leaning down to place a soft kiss on her lips. "I wanted to make tonight a night you would never forget. Did I succeed?"
Rin nodded, "I believe so. I cannot think of any better night than this night."
Sesshomaru smiled in agreement. "Excellent."
Rin held up her left hand once again to the light and giggled in happiness when the diamonds caught the light and shined delightfully. "What happens now?" She wondered out loud.
"First we tell our friends and family and then concentrate on your exams, graduation and college." Sesshomaru replied slipping back into reality and pulling Rin down with him.
Rin frowned. He was right; she did have exams left and had yet to pick a college out from the stack of acceptance letters on her desk. She had not heard back from Duke University in the states yet and wanted to wait until she received some kind of reply from them. But she had meant more by her question than just sharing with her friends and school. "What of Naraku? I do not want to get married unless we have absolutely nothing stopping us."
Sesshomaru nodded. He had known that she would ask about Naraku and had hoped to distract her by mentioning school. "Please do not think about him. I am dealing with him and I promise he will be gone by the time we marry."
Rin smiled and said, "I hope so Sesshomaru. Our wedding day should be a day full of happiness and not security guards following us constantly."
Sesshomaru smirked, "As should our honeymoon." His tone of voice made Rin blush in modesty and she refused to comment back but could only lean her head against his broad chest.
"When do you want to get married?" Rin asked.
Sesshomaru shrugged beneath her head, "I am not sure. We of course must wait until you are eighteen but in the meantime you have every right to start planning with your mother and friends. It will have to be a large wedding since you are not only marrying me but your name will be tied to the InuCorp as well."
Rin knew that there would much planning and not a lot of time to do it. She vowed to start after exams and a college was picked out when another thought struck her. "Sesshomaru what happens if I go to the States? I don't want to have our wedding there. It should be here in Japan with our friends and family."
Sesshomaru thought it over. If she wanted to be married before she left for the States than they left them 3 months to be married after she graduated. It was not a lot of time to plan a wedding as large as theirs was going to be. "We'll be married in July and maybe you should leave a lot of the planning to our mothers. You will be the one who makes the majority of the decisions of course but until you graduate let them start planning."
Rin nodded, "It is so soon then. I am nervous now Sesshomaru."
Sesshomaru tilted his head, "Do not be Rin. We love one another and marriage is the correct way to show it…amongst other things."
Rin caught Sesshomaru's drift and lightly smacked his arm but smiled up at him anyway. "Oh stop it Sesshomaru. But that reminds me, what about a honeymoon?"
Sesshomaru was silent for a moment as he thought over her question. "Perhaps Hawaii or Australia?"
"We'll go before I have to be in the States?" Rin asked.
"Of course we will after the wedding." Sesshomaru replied, "But what do you mean before you have to go to the states? Am I not coming with you?"
Rin laughed, "Of course I want you to come as well but I just assumed that you would follow me after a while. You cannot just leave Japan so quickly."
Sesshomaru placed his hands on either side of Rin's face and held her face up to look at him. "I can and I will to come with you to the States. Father and I have discussed me taking the President position in his America branch. So do not fret over our future my dear."
Rin smiled and feeling much better she took his hand and turned towards the prom that they had forgotten about. "I promise not to. Nothing but smiles from now on Sesshomaru."
"I will hold you to that Rin." Sesshomaru said being as serious as he could as she opened the balcony door and they were hit with loud music and voices.
It was not hard to find her friends once Rin heard the distinct sound of a slap at a nearby table. They made their way over and Rin sat down beside Kagome and let her hand lay out in plain view on top of her knee. Sesshomaru smirked at his fiancé at her hidden motives and began a conversation with his brother and Miroku. He had one ear tuned in towards Rin as she talked with Kagome and Sango. The excitement was building within him and after five minutes he swore that if her friends did not realize what had happened he would spell it out for them himself.
Than quite suddenly Kagome let out a loud squeal and grabbed for Rin's left hand. "What is that!"
Rin's face went redder than an apple in a split second as she mumbled out, "An engagement ring."
Her best friends' jaws dropped in unison before more screaming and high pitched congratulations spilled from their mouths. They stood up and hugged their best friend tightly as questions started.
"When did he propose?" Sango asked.
"How did he do it? On one knee?" Kagome asked right after barely able to catch her breath.
Rin laughed and held up her hand, "Relax you two take a deep breath and one question at a time."
Inuyasha's eyes were wide and his jaw dropped as well when his eyes fell on the ring that now wrapped around Rin's delicate finger. "Congratulations brother. You did it just now?"
Sesshomaru nodded, "Thank you and yes outside on the balcony not too long ago."
Miroku scratched his head in amazement, "Way to put pressure on us two." He joked, "But congratulations for sure. You two deserve nothing but happiness."
Sesshomaru nodded his head and turned towards his fiancé as she was still explaining second by second of his proposal.
"Then he knelt and asked me. I was so shocked I could not speak but of course my answer was yes." Rin explained to her best friends as they sat staring at her in a trance.
"How romantic." Kagome sighed her eyes fleeting to Inuyasha for a moment as if wishing that her boyfriend would be just as loving as Sesshomaru.
Sango nodded and looked at Miroku with the same expression, "Yeah I'm so happy for you Rin. After everything you finally get to have the happiness you deserve."
The girls hugged their friend once again before a popular song came over the intercom and they snatched her up out of her chair. "Come on! Let's go dancing!"
The boys made moves to stand up and follow but Kagome stopped them. "No not you three. We girls need some time to dance with each other." Kagome explained and continued when she saw Sesshomaru's expression, "Trust me nothing bad will happen. We'll be back after the song."
Sesshomaru watched Rin disappear into the mob of teenagers and settled in to wait for her return. Inuyasha had gone to get drinks and a plate of snacks for them all to share which left Miroku with Sesshomaru.
"What are you two going to do about Naraku and college?" Miroku asked. Out of all of Rin's friends Sesshomaru enjoyed Miroku's company the most. He had the most level head and always thought of things that Inuyasha would surely forget. He could hold decent mature conversations with Miroku.
Sesshomaru briefly caught a glimpse of Rin dancing with her friends before she was once again blocked from his sight. "I am working on Naraku as we speak. Rin and I have decided that a summer wedding before we leave for the states, if she gets accepted into Duke that is, would be the best course of action. It gives us time for a nice honeymoon as well before she has to start college."
Miroku nodded, "That is very wise but does not leave much time to plan."
Sesshomaru said, "Yes but I have confidence that her mother and Izayoi will have nothing more to do than plan the wedding."
Miroku laughed, "I agree with you there Sesshomaru."
Inuyasha returned with their drinks and food just as the girls were returning from the dance floor. Their faces were flushed and smiles were spread across their lips. Rin collapsed into her seat beside Sesshomaru and grabbed his hand in hers as she took a sip from her drink. The conversation turned towards the wedding and college, which Sesshomaru was thankful for. Tonight there was no reason to talk of Naraku and he had no intention to either. Rin deserved to have the most perfect night he could give her and have mercy on any who thought different.
Naraku slammed his hand down on the table and stared hard at Kagura over the table. "You have betrayed me Kagura."
Kagura narrowed her eyes, "What are you speaking of my lord?" Her entire body was rigid with the fear that he had uncovered what she had done in the woods but she refused to allow her face to portray how she felt.
Naraku stood up and leaned over his desk to stare at the woman he had most trusted this entire time. "You disposed of the informant without obtaining the location of the blueprints. Explain yourself now."
Kagura could have died in relief right then but she remained still. "I took matters into my own hands when he refused to provide me with any useful information. I only assumed that was what you wanted me to do when you asked me to dispose of him."
Naraku slapped Kagura across her face before she had time to blink. The stinging pain was blinding and as she felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes Kagura had to force herself to hold things together before she broke down. Kagura vowed that she would rather die than let that happen.
"Do not be smart with me Kagura. Remember who you serve." Naraku growled out in anger.
I do not serve you Naraku. Kagura thought to herself. "Forgive me my lord. If I had known what you intended I would never have killed Ben Mason."
Naraku sat back down seeming pleased with Kagura's apology even though he was truly still upset about the turn of events. He still had no blueprints and no knowledge of how to break through Sesshomaru's defenses surrounding his home. Naraku cursed a string of words that made even Kagura blink in surprise. He needed a new plan and had no time to think of one. Instead Naraku needed to re-evaluate the one he currently had and make a few slight changes. As he thought to himself a simple idea came to mind.
"I need to get someone back into the house." Naraku said out loud his eyes unfocused as he continued to think. "Forget the blueprints Kagura. This will be extremely risky so find someone who can be disposed of if anything were to happen. He will need to find the easiest and quickest way that is most vulnerable to get into the mansion without being caught. I do not need some idiot blowing this whole thing so make sure he is somewhat intelligent."
Kagura nodded, "Our informant did mention that Rin was being home schooled and you could use that to your advantage."
Naraku liked Kagura's ideas and agreed with her. "Yes make it so that a spot opens up in her list of teachers Kagura."
Kagura bowed her head, "Yes my lord. I promise not to fail you again."
Naraku narrowed his eyes to slits. "Make it so Kagura because if you fail me again I will deliver your head personally to your dear sister Kanna. Understood?"
Kagura swallowed the lump in her throat. How had he discovered her little sister? She had done everything she could to keep her whereabouts and identity a secret. Kagura felt her gleam of hope began to dim as she thought about her sister and her safety. In order to continue to keep her safe Kagura feared that her loyalty was beginning to move towards Naraku once again. Suddenly Kagura did not want to be in this dark room with this evil man any longer. "I understand my lord."
Naraku picked up his picture of Rin and gave Kagura one last look. "I expect to hear from you soon."
Kagura nodded and backed out of the dark room as quickly she could without making it seem like she was rushing. Once free of the dark room and back into light, Kagura took a deep breath and let the tears begin to fall. She ignored the guards and left the warehouse before anyone could stop her. Sitting in her car a few minutes late Kagura started the engine but did not drive anywhere. With shaking hands she picked up her cell phone and dialed a number.
"Hello?" A soft young girl's voice came over the phone and sent a wave of relief through Kagura's body.
"Kanna thank the Kami's you are okay." Kagura sighed with happiness.
"Of course I am okay. Why?" Kanna replied confusion lacing her words.
Kagura smiled as she peered down into her lap, "I was only wondering. Just promise me you will look over your shoulder more and keep a low profile?"
Kanna agreed, "You worry too much sister."
Kagura bitterly laughed, "Maybe so but you are my little sister and it is my job to make sure you stay okay. I'll call you later tonight okay?"
"Okay love you sister." Kanna said and hung up after Kagura said the same.
Kagura stared at her phone as the screen went black and stayed silent. A few moments later Kagura shook her head and dialed a new number.
"Yes?" A dark voice answered.
"I need a favor by order of Naraku." Kagura explained.
The other line was quiet waiting for her to continue. "We need to open up a teaching position in the Tashima household. Doesn't matter which one just make it look legitimate and I will take care of the rest."
The dark voice sounded like he was smiling when he replied, "Understood. I will call you when it is done."
Kagura flipped her phone closed and threw it across her car. She was disgusted with herself and what she was doing. But with Naraku hanging the threat of her sister's death over her head what other choice did she have?
The sun was shining in the garden and as Rin, her mother, Izayoi and her two best friends sat around a table, Rin could not think of anywhere else she would want to be. Papers were strewn across the table along with magazines and portfolios of shrines and banquet halls. To anyone else it was a mess but to the five women they were piles of yes, no and maybes. A month had passed since prom and when she had become the future Mrs. Sesshomaru Tashima. The mere thought still brought a rush of heat to Rin and as each day passed her excitement grew alongside her nervousness.
"Rin what do you think of this dress?" Izayoi asked pulling Rin from her thoughts up in the clouds.
The dress was beautiful but as Rin looked over the picture she pointed out a few things wrong with it. "I do not like the beading in the bodice and look at how the bottom puffs out. It just looks disproportional. This is going to be impossible isn't it? I cannot find one dress without pointing out something wrong with it. Is it too much to ask that the dress I wear gives me the same feeling thirty years from now as it did on my wedding day?"
Kagome smiled as her friend rambled her feelings about choosing the most difficult wedding piece. Almost everything else had been figured out. The colors were going to be a light green and lilac purple to compliment the summer theme. The bridesmaids who were Izayoi and Sango were going to wear a simple strapless lilac purple dress that fell just past their knees. Kagome, the maid of honor, was going to wear the same style dress just in light green. Sesshomaru's groomsmen Miroku and Inutaisho would match the bridesmaids in color and so would Inuyasha in light green as the best man. Kagome chuckled to herself as she remembered the day Rin and Inutaisho had teamed up to convince Sesshomaru to make his little brother his best man. Sesshomaru had not been happy to say the least but he caved when Rin burst into tears and cried that the wedding was not going to be perfect if Inuyasha wasn't.
The flowers were still being decided on but Kagome was sure that any day Rin would make a decision. However Rin was being very firm on having Sesshomaru's input on every idea and thought. For a moment the rest of the girls had feared Rin would ask Sesshomaru about the idea of her dress but Rin reassured them that the dress was her surprise to him just as the rings were his surprise to her. With the date set on the second day of July Rin had to keep reminding herself that it was fast approaching. In another month there were exams to pass and then two weeks after graduation. Although she was house schooled she had to return to the school to take her exams which she was fine with but Sesshomaru was still upset about. After graduation Rin was turning eighteen and the day officially marked her independence and even though her father was still in a coma Rin could not help but feel the same about her birthday as she had last fall before the accident.
Sesshomaru had promised Rin that she should be hearing back from Duke any day now and her stomach was in knots with nerves. She had a back up to go to Tokyo University if Duke fell through but her first choice remained the states. There was a knock behind the girls in the doorway leading into the house. Rin turned her head and smiled at one of the butlers.
"Sesshomaru is on his way downstairs to speak with Rin." He informed them just in time as Sesshomaru walked out into the garden and nodded to the group of women at the table. He leaned down and kissed Rin's cheek. When he did she noticed the large envelope in his hands.
"What is that Sesshomaru?" Rin asked pointing towards it.
Sesshomaru handed it to Rin, "It is for you. It came in the mail today."
Rin stared at the large envelope for a brief moment before squealing and tearing the envelope open as quickly as she could without harming its contents. She pulled out a sheet of paper bearing the Duke University symbol. Her brown eyes scanned the first sentence before letting out a scream and standing up to throw her arms around Sesshomaru's neck.
"I got in!" She cried, "I cannot believe it! I got accepted!"
The girls at the table stood as well and hugged Rin in turns and congratulated her. They all knew how much Rin wanted to get into Duke and now she had. One of the largest clouds hanging over Rin's head was now gone and Sachi could see more light break through on her daughter's face. Sesshomaru could not help but smile as well over Rin's excitement. He was proud to admit that Rin had gotten into Duke all on her and not a single bill of money had been offered. Although a few names had slipped through that were tied to Rin's name; including her new fiancés well known family name. Sesshomaru stood still when Rin kissed his lips and then excused himself to allow the girls to continue enjoying their afternoon. Before he left, Rin made sure to ask if he was joining her for their dinner and a movie courtesy of Yuki and the living room surround sound home theater system. Sesshomaru said he was not missing it for the world and then left the girls in the garden.
Rin sat back down with her friends and tried to listen as talk found itself back on the wedding and the guest list. It continued to grow much to Rin's surprise. How could one family know so many people? When she had asked Sesshomaru he simply said many were associates of the company and it would be bad for business if they were not invited. He assured her that many of the four hundred people so far invited would not attend but Rin was frightened if even half of them did show up. The one thing Rin requested was that Sesshomaru or anyone else not to tell her how much this wedding was going to cost. Rin was sure that if she knew the cost she would die from immediate shock.
Her brown eyes continued to look back at her acceptance letter to Duke for the rest of the afternoon as if she was afraid the paper would disappear and it would have all been a dream. Her hands sometimes touched the parchment colored paper just to reassure herself. She was very thankful when her friends and family finally called it a day and they gathered the papers into binders and Sachi held them close to her chest as they left the fading light garden and back inside. Sachi, Inutaisho and Izayoi were treating Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango to dinner so they left Rin to go get ready and Yuki shooed her out of his kitchen so he could prepare for her dinner with Sesshomaru. Rin found herself back in her room minutes later and knowing she had an hour to get ready she decided to take a quick shower and dress up a little for her dinner movie date.
The warm water cleansed her body and wrapped up in a fluffy towel fifteen minutes later Rin stood in her closet looking for something nice to wear. She settled on a nice pink blouse and a bare of black pants that flowed when she walked. Simple black slip on shoes topped her outfit and Rin applied natural colored make up. She blow dried her hair straight with a few curls at the end and sprayed perfume before deciding she was done.
A knock on her door confirmed that her hour was up and Sesshomaru was waiting for her downstairs. A guard stood at her door to accompany her downstairs towards the dining room. A soft glow coming from tall candles lite the dining room comfortably and rather romantically. Sesshomaru appeared in the doorway from the kitchen dressed in a black silk shirt and black dress pants. He was devilishly handsome and Rin had to control where her thoughts wanted to run away to. She would revisit them later.
Sesshomaru dismissed the guard and offered Rin her seat to the left of his. Once satisfied he took his seat next to her and took her hand in his. Yuki and another cook brought in their plates and wine a moment later. Rin wasn't surprised to see that Yuki had once again out done himself. A perfectly cooked sirloin sat on the plate surrounded by steamed mixed vegetables and mashed potatoes. Sesshomaru must have reminded Yuki that this was one of her favorite meals done by him and Rin reminded herself to thank Yuki later.
Their conversation during dinner was about college and then the wedding. Rin had finished half of her dinner when Yuki arrived with desert, a large banana sundae smothered in chocolate sauce. Rin squealed in delight before forgetting about dinner and digging into her sundae instead. Sesshomaru picked up his spoon and ate around Rin's bites glad to know she was enjoying herself.
"What movie are we going to watch tonight?" Rin asked wiping her mouth clean.
Sesshomaru set his spoon done and took a sip of his drink before replying, "I thought you might want to watch this new American movie that came out called Alice in Wonderland. I heard it was a big hit in the states."
"That sounds interesting. Can we go watch it?" Rin asked standing from her chair and taking Sesshomaru's hands in her small ones.
Sesshomaru stood and pulled Rin tightly to his chest, "Yes we can."
Rin smiled up at her fiancé and felt heat grow in her cheeks when he leaned down to kiss her. Rin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when Sesshomaru pulled away to lead her towards the living room. There had not been too much romance in their lives recently since prom because Rin had exams to study for and a wedding to plan. However despite the absence Sesshomaru only had to kiss Rin and remind her how deep his feelings were and how much his desire mirrored those feelings.
They settled down onto a loveseat and Rin curled up onto Sesshomaru's side as he started the movie. Rin enjoyed the movie very much but she admitted that she rather liked Sesshomaru's gentle hand on her side much more. He was distracting her and building a heat in her belly that Rin knew had always been there to begin with. She was beginning to wonder how much longer that heat would have to wait.
Once the movie was over, Sesshomaru escorted Rin back to her room. Standing in the doorframe Rin peered up at Sesshomaru. Her smile told him everything.
"You have enjoyed yourself tonight my dear?" Sesshomaru asked knowing the answer all ready.
Rin nodded, "Of course I have Sesshomaru. I cannot begin to tell you how happy you have made me tonight."
Sesshomaru seemed pleased with her answer because he dipped his head down and captured her lips. His hands circled her waist and toyed with her pants line causing butterflies in her stomach. Rin's small hands threaded through Sesshomaru's hair and held his face close even when he pulled away slightly for air.
"Rin…" He moaned softly.
Rin smiled and tugged him forward through the doorway and into the bedroom. "Stay with me tonight Sesshomaru. I want you here."
Sesshomaru tilted his head and asked, "What is it you want from me Rin?"
Rin pushed Sesshomaru towards her bed and his knees buckled when he hit the bed. He fell backwards onto his back and did not argue when Rin leaned over his body and gave him a knowing smile. "I want you, all of you tonight right here."
Sesshomaru allowed her words to sink into his mind for a moment before it clicked. His gold eyes widened, "Rin I do not think we should. You told me that you keep having flashes of your abuse whenever we try. Besides you are not eighteen yet and I want everything to be perfect."
Rin rolled her eyes, "Sesshomaru how am I ever going to get over those images if we do not try to do something. If I am going to be your wife I want you to never wish for anyone else in both your heart and bed."
Sesshomaru pulled Rin to his chest. "My dear Rin, I will never want anyone but you and if you are fearful that I will be displeased with you than you are terribly mistaken."
Rin pushed herself up on her elbows. "But I am displeased with myself. Sesshomaru I don't want to be afraid anymore."
Sesshomaru sighed and stared up at the ceiling as he thought over her words. Could he bring himself to do something with Rin tonight? He had planned a romantic night with her after graduation or even on her birthday but would he deny her wish for it be tonight? Gold eyes met pleading brown ones and when her hand touched his face and she gave him a sweet smile Sesshomaru threw all of his concerns out the window.
"You will not regret this Rin?" Sesshomaru asked grabbing her hand in his.
Rin shook her head, "I could never with you. Please make me forget and show me our future together."
Sesshomaru smiled and pushed himself up to kiss Rin carefully at first and then with more urgency. Rin lay down on her back slowly as Sesshomaru moved to hover above her.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
Rin nodded, "Yes, now and always."
Sesshomaru leaned down and as he kissed her and felt her Sesshomaru vowed that he would do more than make her forget.
Across town in a dark alley an old man was killed silently and efficiently. His wallet was stripped of cash and credit cards and his keys thrown away to make it seem like a mugging gone wrong to an untrained eye. This was exactly what his killer wished to accomplish. Wiping his knife clean, he slid it back into his bag and pulled out an untraceable phone.
"911. What is your emergency?" A man asked.
"Yes I'd like to report a mugging. A hooded person dragged an old man into an alley on 5th and Eastern and there is screaming and yells coming. I am afraid he'll be killed." The killer said smoothly with a touch of emotion for good show. "Please hurry." He ended the call and threw the phone against a brick wall satisfied when it broke into a million pieces. When he reached into his bag a second time he pulled out a more modern cell and dialed a new number as he walked out of the alley hearing police sirens in the distance.
"Yes?" A seductive voice answered.
"It is done. You are free to make your own arrangements now." The killer answered before hanging up.
He waved for a taxi and as the car pulled away cop cars were arriving at the entrance to the alley. The killer smirked knowing they would find the dead body of Albert Wilson, a math tutor for home schooled teenagers, more specifically a teenager girl named Rin Ukiyo.
Kagura flipped her phone closed and took a deep breath. Soon the final cards would be put into place and then if she played her own hand right she might be able to escape with her life and her sisters and the only person who would die would be Naraku. However until the time was right Kagura still had a part to play. By Monday morning a new tutor handpicked by herself would be teaching Rin and only had a month to look for a way into the house until his services would no longer be needed. Which meant that Kagura only had a month as well to make sure her own hand was in position ready to played.
Rin: I know there is no lemon in this chapter but be assured that they did do something.
Yasha: YAY!
Rin: So yeah things are starting to wrap up in Musei Sange…I think another 3-4 chapters probably.
Yasha: And then a new exciting story will come out! Check out Undisclosed Desires too! Review!!
Summary of Next Chapter:
An enemy is in the mansion and the clock is ticking down to the final hour but can Sesshomaru and Rin figure it out before their time runs out?