A/N: V. sorry for taking so long since my last update. You may be as mad at me as you wish. And thank you for reading this. Please do accept the other characters I've made up for the story. I won't mind if you chose so to IM me and yell at me. AIM: xcheckmarks. Just spell correctly, okay? Forgive me please, I haven't a clue how college classes run so this is going as I'M writing it. Well then, without further delay, here's chapter two.

Chapter 2

"Mr. Lupin, or should I say, Professor Lupin, I know very well what you're doing with that student. I also know that it is unlawful to be doing so, and it'd be best if you refrained from doing so in further situations," McThere-Is-An-Oversized-Stick-Up-My-Arse stated, in a very unfriendly manner.

Remus placed his hands on Sirius's face, cupping his cheeks and broke their kiss. "Just play along, Mr. Black. It'd be the best for both of us." He continued to make it look like they were kissing.

"Professor Lupin, did you not hear me? I do believe I just told you to stop kissing your student in front of a voyeuristic audience. And you're disrespecting my request. You ought to know I don't appreciate that," the academic supervisor of the school was starting to lose her patience.

The young professor turned his head with an impudent look on his face. "Our lips weren't touching. And for your information, we're practicing stage kissing, not making out onstage in front of what you called an audience. My students are not voyeurs and they don't welcome such names while they're trying to learn. Is that clear, or must I resort to further lengths to prevent you from pestering my lessons?"

McGonagall's countenance showed a mix of fear and aggravation. "It's clear, Professor. No need to threaten me."

"Wonderful. I do believe you can find your way out of my classroom. It's expected considering how many times you've been shown out you've been shown out before," Remus turned his attention back to his attractive student. "Please do accept my apologies for that horribly rude academic supervisor. She's always been like that."

"I'm surprised you've lived through her attitude for this long. So… all you have to do in stage kissing is hold someone's face and make it look like you're kissing them?" Sirius was just the slightest bit curious. It always looked so real when he saw people kissing on stage. Oh well. It was acting, after all, wasn't it?

"Yep. It's that easy. The rest of acting may not be, but that part is. Class, you may pry your lips from one another's now," a bit of disgruntled moaning was heard through the classroom. "Yes, I'm very sorry I had to put a stop to your cure for teenage horniness, but we still have to learn here. And I have to call roll too. Just yell out anything when I call your names. We've got about 15 of you and I know this shouldn't take long, so please, cooperate with me."

Someone just had to shout a very sarcastic "Of course, dear professor."

Lupin decided to ignore that display of disrespect. "Sirius Black… I already know you're here."

"Alexander Bones?"

"At your service, Professor!"

"Adam Dresden?"

"Fuck the kid on stage already!"

Sirius refused to let himself blush. His teacher just continued calling out names.

"Lily Evans."


"Hello, Miss Evans. Vera Greengrass?"

"Good morning!"

"Good morning to you too, Miss Greengrass. Drew Hammers?"

"Hey faggot, is your arse sore today?"

Professor Lupin's eyes snapped up from his notebook. "Excuse me, Mr. Hammers, but I'll have none of that in my classroom. If you'd like to let everybody know how narrow-minded you are, you can make get a tattoo that says "I hate faggots," on your arm, but I don't accept that kind of disrespect here. It won't be tolerated again."


"Tiffany Linker?"

"You're sexy."

"Lucius Malfoy?"

"Ditch the bitch on stage and take me instead." Mr. Black growled at the mouthy blonde, almost threateningly.

"Natalie Ores?"


"James Potter?"

"Throw Malfoy out the window, please." Sirius' eyes brightened up at the sound of that and smiled at his best friend.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Lexy Rory?"

"Can you like… get it on with Sirius now?"

"Sorry, no can do. Marie Saunders?"

"It's a pity you're gay. And not at the same time. One of you, either Professor Lupin or Mr. Black, should fuck the other through the floor already."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Steven Torrence?"

"Good morning."

"Thank you. Good morning to you too, Mr. Torrence. Mackenzie Valking?"

"I'm waiting to see you follow through with Miss Saunders' advice."

"That might be quite a while and you wouldn't see it happen." Sirius' eyes widened immensely, waking up from his daydreaming. "Adrian Zabini?"

"Pleased to be here."

"I'm flattered to hear that. Now that the attendance has been called, we can go back to elementary school and play icebreakers to get to know your fellow students." A few students looked at him strangely, but nodded. "Alright. I don't know what the name of this game is, but everybody's got to get in a circle. You move around and switch places with people across from you and someone gets stuck in the middle. Whoever gets stuck must stay in the middle until they tell everybody three facts about she or he. Easy enough, right?"

The students followed Professor Lupin's instructions, getting into a circle and the first one to end up in the middle was a Mr. Drew Hammers. A select few sneered at him for being the narrow-minded bitch he was. He straightened his back and spoke. "I'm Drew. I don't like gay men because my father left the family for a man. And I wish to become an actor some day." People nodded, sort of respectfully and switched around once more.

A young lady by the name of Tiffany Linker landed in the circle. She was clothed in a low-cut pair of jeans and a form fitting top, not bad. Nobody felt it was necessary to judge her. "Good morning. I go by Tiff if you'd like to call me that. I'm what people call a 'fag hag' because most of my friends are gay men. If you don't like that, you can just shove your books up your arses. And. I love music." She smiled and another landed in the center of the circle.

Steven Torrence spoke, "Good morning. I'm Steve if you heard earlier. Shopping is one of my necessities. I am a hypocrite. You can lick my balls if you don't like it." He grinned sarcastically and made his way out of the circle. Sirius could tell that Steve would make a good friend already.

Miss Saunders wasn't quite as quick as she should have been. Her consequences were to tell three facts about herself. "I hate public speaking. My name is Marie. Before class is over, I think Professor Lupin and our fellow classmate, Sirius Black, should give us one last show."

Sirius sent her a smile. "I'm not one to turn down a request." Before Remus could say anything about it, he gently smashed their lips together, just as the bell rang.

Mr. Malfoy wasn't too happy about it, but he didn't show such emotions.

To be continued…

Thank you all for sticking with me this far. I know this isn't a very good chapter. But I can't find the original version of this chapter. Very sorry. I beg for your forgiveness. I can't guarantee you that the next chapter will be out any time soon. Very sorry once more. If you've got any suggestions for the next chapter, please do tell me in a review. I haven't a clue where this is going, I used to have it planned out, but the notebook's gone. Again, thank you all for sticking with the story, even if I've been irresponsible. Well then, until next time!

- checkmarks.