Disclaimer- I am a big enough person to admit that Mr. Pullman is a literary genius, and that I own nothing except for Kevin. Let's give him a hand shall we? As for me...I'm going to join my pity party.

Lyra couldn't have looked more beautiful. Of course that was typical of brides on their wedding day, but she was exceptionally beautiful. Her darkish blond hair was pulled up on top of her head with a few strands left down, artfully framing her thin face. Her big pale blue eyes sparkled out from behind thick lashes. She looked amazing and knew it.

And yet...Lyra sighed and turned away from the mirror. Why was it that she couldn't stop thinking of Will?

She knew from the moment they'd parted worlds that she'd end up getting married. Since they'd parted world's...dear God had it only been 12 years? To Lyra it seemed like an eternity.

Every year on Midsummer's day, she went to the bench with Pan. They could feel Will and Kirjava with them, even if they couldn't see them. The last Midsummer's day had been about a month ago. She'd gone, as always and stayed there sitting on the bench with her knees tucked to her chest all day. Kevin ended up having to come and remind her that they were having dinner with his parents that night.

Ah, Kevin. What'd first attracted her to him was the fact that he looked like Will and acted like Will. But she knew the relationship would never be life long, because he wasn't Will.

Lyra sank down in a chair and put her head in her hands. She'd spent the better part of the week before Midsummer's trying to write Will the perfect letter to tell him that she was getting married. Her apartment, just blocks away from Jordan College, was crumpled with pieces of paper indicating her attempts. Finally on Midsummer's morning, she had her letter ready and headed to The Bench.

She sat down and immediately felt at home. She knew there was only one place she belonged and there she was. She put her letter on the inside armrest of the bench, held there with tape. She sat there with Pan for the rest of the day.

Now she was left wondering. She'd returned to the bench the next day and was stunned to find her letter gone. She was left to wonder if someone had taken it, or if Will had found someway to receive it.

This thought raised many questions. If he'd found someway to get the letter, would he find a way to stop the wedding? Did he even want to? Did he still love her?

And the most important question, Lyra knew, was she doing the right thing?

Well, it's not long. But I promise it'll get longer. It's different than my School of Rock fan fiction, but I hope that if you haven't read the books that you go out and read them!

Now that that's out of the way....press that little blue-ish purple-ish button there that says GO, and..........................REVIEW!!!!

Later guys.