Another Life
By Angel
Chapter 6
Wow has it really been almost two years since I last wrote anything. Growing up sucks let me tell you. I hate the fact that I don't have any time to devote to my writing. Maybe I will soon I hopefully won't b working as much soon. Sorry for the delay.
Here is the next chapter. I hope you like it. I don't own Sailor Moon. So don't sue me.
Serena and Darien's p.o.v.
Serena reluctantly hopped off the back of the motorcycle, and Darien followed suit. He reached for her and held her against him.
"Come out with me again tomorrow? Darien asked kissing her temple softly.
"I am sorry Darien, but I promised the girl we would rehearse tomorrow." Serena stated sadly.
"Rehearse? Rehearse for what?" Darien asked confused, so Serena told him about the band. Which he was very excited about. "My girls in a band that is so awesome. So when do I get to see you play?"
"We are entering the radio stations contest in a few weeks. But first we have to practice more." She said frowning. Darien kissed her forehead to smooth the frown lines.
"Then I will come and walk you to school in the morning, how about that?" He asked smiling. Serena instantly cheered up.
"Great! I guess I will see you in the morning then." She stated backing out of his arms, only to be pulled closer and to have her lips claimed by Darien's in a passionate kiss. Reluctantly he slowly released her. Holding her hand smiling down in to her passion glazed eyes, he walked her to her door and kissed her again.
"Then till tomorrow, goodnight sweet dreams." He stated before turning around to walk back to his motorcycle.
Dear Diary
Mina was right of course. My date with Darien was fabulous. I can not believe I was so nervous. He is not conceited or full of himself like Alex thought, he is sweet, I always new he would be. If I had not already been in love with Darien I would be after tonight. He kissed me, I kissed him, and we kissed each other. He is a great kisser, I felt like I was melting from the inside out. He asked me out again tomorrow, but I have to rehearse with the girls. It would be pointless to enter the radio stations contest if we still suck. But that is ok because he said he would come by to walk me to school in the morning. I can not wait to see him. Can you believe it after all these years I am finally getting my wish, Darien and me. I hope he loves me. He said I was wonderful. I am so happy.
The next morning Darien was waiting to walk her to school as he said he would. Serena smiled the moment she saw him standing at their usual corner. When she got near enough he smiled and pulled her in close to his body.
"Hi beautiful." He said, wrapping his arms tight around her waist to kiss her full on the lips. When his tongue tentatively explored inside her mouth, she made a small sound in the back of her throat. She loved kissing him. When Darien raised his head, he stared down into her passion glazed eyes and smiled.
"Hi." Serena said in a breathless voice. Darien reluctantly loosened his grip on her waist, glancing quickly to her feet to make sure she was not wearing those killer boots of hers, before he let go. (He didn't want her to fall over if she was off balance, would he?) Today she wore flat strappy sandals with a pair of white caprees and a sky blue short sleeved sweater with a white collar.
"You look very cute today." He said smiling.
"Oh." She smiled, she had taken an extra half hour this morning to pick out her outfit and do her makeup just right. "You do not look so bad yourself." She said playfully running her hands over the soft fabric of his midnight blue polo shirt, noticing the muscles of his chest tightening under her fingers. "I loveā¦ this color." She stuttered slightly almost saying the three words she wanted to say so badly, I love you.
(For all of those who have naughty thoughts in their mind right now. You know who you are! Yes! Darien is wearing pants. Tan khakis to be exact I just couldn't figure how to word the sentence to include his pant. OK!)
"I have to get to school so we had better start walking." Serena said blushing slightly. Darien took her hand his heart still fluttering from what he thought she was going to say and together they walked to her school.
The first thing Beryl did when she got to school that morning was to look for her brother, Rubius. They rarely walked to school together and being twins did not make them friends. But she knew all about her brothers' obsession with Serena Carson ever since the little slut had walked into the school yard the first time, and she knew how to use it to her advantage. She knew once she told him about what she saw last night he would help her brake the two of them up. She found him by the back wall like always.
"Rubius I have to talk to you." She stated as she approached him.
"What do you want now Beryl?" He asked gruffly barely even glancing at her.
"I want to talk to you about Serena Carson." She grinned slyly as she saw him stiffen. He shook his head, frowning he turned to look directly into eyes so like his own.
"I want nothing to do with any of your schemes. Serena Carson has not done anything to you. Why have you targeted her?" he asked trying to sound casual.
"You are wrong she has done something to me. She stole what was rightfully mine." Beryl growled.
"Are we talking about Chiba again?" He sighed angrily. "When are you going to get it through that thick head of yours, Darien Chiba wants nothing to do with you! He has not dated anyone in almost two years. He is probably gay."
"Then why was he out with Serena last night?" Beryl grinned she knew she had his attention now. "I saw her riding on the back of his motorcycle. It was late and he was taking her home." She stated.
"He was probably just giving her a ride home." Rubius tried to rationalize.
"I saw them kissing to. And not just a peck on the cheek either. I mean an in your face passionate kiss. He even walked her to the door holding her hand and kissed her again. That does not sound like he was just giving her a ride home, it sounds like it looked, like the ending of a date." She sneered. And at that moment Serena and Darien came walking into the schoolyard. They walk together hand in hand, completely unnoticing the envious looks they where receiving from the rest of the students in the yard, up to the tree where Mina and the others where seated waiting for Serena.
"You see! Do you think they make a cute couple?" Beryl asked sarcastically. "So now are you going to help me?"
"Under one condition." Rubius growled still watching as Serena and Darien made themselves comfortable on the grass across the yard. "I do not want Serena harmed in any way." He said turning back to look at a frowning Beryl.
"Ah, you are no fun Rubius."
"It is that or no deal." He glared at his pouting sister.
"Fine! We will just have to come up with another way to brake them up." Turning Beryl flipped her hair over her shoulder and started to walk away. Rubius glared at the retreating form of his sister, he knew she was only involving him in her little plan to get Darien Chiba, because she knew about his obsession with Serena Carson. The moment he had first seen her he knew he had to have her. The way his body had reacted to just the sight of her standing with her little group wearing a tight baby pink midriff shirt and denim bibs. She was like a goddess. He had been obsessed with her since. He was not able get her out of his mind he wanted her so bad he could taste it. But he knew one way or another he had to have her. But it had better be soon. He thought.
Serena and Darien had just reached the schoolyard. She looked up at him and smiled.
"Come on, I want to introduce you to my friends." She said happily. Approaching the tree where they usually sat Serena turned her smile on her friends. "Darien I want you to meet my friends. This is Amy, Lita, Mina, and Rei." She was pointing to each girl as she stated their names. "Girls you all know Darien." She asked the blushing group.
"Of course." Amy the only one not blushing said. "I believe we had the same sixth period Advanced Chemistry with Mr. Right last year." Amy said raising her eyes from the physics book she had her nose buried in since she sat down. "Hello Darien it is nice to see you again." She said politely.
"Oh that is right you sat in the front of the second row. Right." Darien smiled.
"Yes that is correct. You have a very good memory." Amy smiled, blushing slightly now.
Darien nodded before he turned back to Serena. "I have to get to class now but I will see you later, right?" He asked, when she nodded he gave her a swift kiss on the lips, and then turned to smile back at the blushing group. "It was nice meeting you all." Then he turned and walked away whistling a happy tune.
"That must have been some date." Mina said smiling at a suddenly blushing Serena.
He saw her on his way to the university. She was just leaning against the wall, trying to look seductive, in a way to short black mini skirt and cherry red tube top he knew was not regulation for school apparel. But it was wasted on him. He knew exactly what kind of girl she was, the easy kind that slept around a lot and had a lot of boyfriends. She had quiet clearly made her interest known to him before, but just the thought of her anywhere near his person repulsed him. And he had told her that before, many times. He wondered what she could possibly want now.
"Hello Darien." She crooned in a seductive whisper.
"Beryl." He answered in a clipped tone. "You should be in school?" He stated annoyed.
Beryl sidled up to him and began to run her fingers caressingly up and down the front of his shirt. "But Darien I wanted to see you." She pouted.
"Why!" he asked all though it was more a statement than a question, he grabbed her wrists roughly and pushed her away from him. "You know I can not stand you."
"I thought maybe I could change your mind." She whispered huskily taking a step toward him again. Darien glared and took a step back.
"No way in hell. I am not interested Beryl never have been and never will be." He spat before he stormed off, his previous good mood gone.
'It is all her fault.' Beryl thought as she watched Darien walk away from her yet again. 'Well soon she will be gone and I will have him and all this will be nothing but a bad memory to the both of us.' With that thought she turned to walk back to school, grinning evilly as she thought about her plan again. 'Serena Carson won't know what hit her.'
It was hours later as she was walking with the girls toward Rei's temple that Serena remembered she had not told the girls about the new song she wrote last night after her date. She had been working on it all day. Her fourth period teacher Mrs. Means had almost caught her working on it while she was exposed to be working on her Algebra fractions.
"A new song?" Amy asked. "Should we be thinking about a new song now? I mean the contest isn't that far away and it takes time to learn a new song."
"Oh come on Amy. Like it would take you more than a few minutes to memorize it." Lita teased the smaller girl.
"Well I guess." She said blushing slightly from the compliment. "I will go with the majority, if you all want to try the new song its fine with me, and if you do not that is fine to." The ever-practical Amy said.
"Well then, I say we here the new song before we decide anything. If Serena brought it up than she must feel its good enough to be sung at the contest." Mina rationalized.
"Sounds good to me." Rei agreed.
"Great!" Lita smiled, as she sped up her pace. "Hurry up though; I want to get started now that I am curios to hear this new song."
And so we come to the end of another chapter. I promise to go and start on the next right now but I would like to hear from you guys about how the story is going so far. Questions, critiques and anything else you want to throw my way is appreciated. Also go and check out my other story it's a vampire fic called Immortal beloved. I have not worked on it in a long time but maybe I just need so encouragement or a few good ideas.
Well have a good one.