A/N: Alright buddies, this is the LAST chapter-tear- I'm so proud of myself and I WISH I could have made it longer.. .and I probably could have but I figured that this is the end of the line my friends.

I know this chapter is EXTREMELY SHORT! Sorry.

Thanks to my reviewers, once again for all of your support through this fic. There will be a note at the end for Thanks.

Chapter 15: My Happily Ever After

Quentin put his hands behind his back and narrowed his beaty little eyes. "Kill them."

At the command, almost every being in the room headed toward Faith, Gunn, and Spike.

Faith sighed. "Kay guys. New plan. They come near you- rip their heads off."

The men were fast approaching. Faith advanced on two of them at the same time, sending knocking blows to their heads. They fell backwards down the flight of stairs.

"SPIKE! Get them off B" She called over her shoulder.

Buffy swung her head back and felt it make contact with one of the captor's faces. He released her and howled in pain. Buffy then elbowed the second man and threw a sharp uppercut to Corbin.

"No need, but thanks... F." She smirked at her sister Slayer and turned to face Quentin Travers who was now looking utterly terrified. He figured his men could handle Faith and the two cronies... but Buffy.

She had it in for him and he could just see her plotting ways to torture him in her mind.

"Hey Travers! Guess what" Pause. "I'll give you five seconds to run and hide like a wimpy little baby."

He turned to make a run for it but a slender hand gripped his shoulder and forced him to face Buffy again. "On second thought, I change my mind." She slammed the palm of her hand against his nose until a cracking noise sounded. She grinned in satisfaction.

Dry tears stained her face as she began to fight along side Faith. The two worked in a choreographed movement, as if each blow was planned. They threw words back and forth to eachother.

"So, Faith... who called"

Faith groaned as she knocked over two men with a swift roundhouse, breathing heavily. "Queen C."

"Doesn't surprise me." Buffy said as she punched another man.

Gunn and Spike were busy hauling the men off of the stairs... breaking a few necks here and there... accidentally of course.

Angel moaned in pain from his place high on the wall. Just the sound ... that one sound caught Buffy's attention. "Hold 'em off Faith" She called and then ran to Angel's side. She gripped the thick steel and snapped them in half. His arms fell to his sides.

"B-Buffy" He choked out. Blood poured from his lips and he could only cough.

Her hand reached up to his cheek and she stroked the dark bruise that lay on his jaw gently. "Oh baby... I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise."

"I really don't think so, Miss Summers." A sharp pain hit Buffy in the back of the head. She fell to the ground and winced as she touched the back of her head. No blood, luckily. When she looked up, she found a bloodied Quentin Travers standing over her with a homicidal glare.

"You really shouldn't have done that."

"Care to explain why not"

Buffy rubbed the sore spot on her head. "Because my boyfriend... his chains are on the floor beside you."

Quentin's eyes widened as he looked up to meet the dark, angry brown eyes of a pain-filled Angel. He shed his human face and let the vampiric features over take him. His brow molded and his eyes turned into glowing orbs. His teeth showed visibly as he threatened silently to the old man.

While Quentin wasn't looking, Buffy kicked her legs out and tripped him to the ground. Things had seemed to quiet down... alot.

Buffy looked over at the small 'torture table' as she would have called it, and grabbed the thick, two-edged dagger in her right hand. She dropped to her knees and placed it over Quentin's heart.

Angel moved to stop her but Faith was there in an instant.

Buffy's hand shook desperatley as she fought the tears that overwhelmed her.

"B, don't do it. Don't be a killer. Don't be like me." Faith said as strongly as she could.

Gunn took out the last two men and stood a few feet away from the trio with Bleach-Boy by his side.

Buffy said nothing. Sobs shook her body as she dropped the knife beside Quentin. His eyes were closed, obviously unconscious. Faith pulled Buffy into a sisterly hug.

It was more than just a hug though.

It was a sign of hope. A sign of maybe, just maybe, a chance for them all in this Hell. A chance to be something. It was hope for Buffy's happily ever ending. It was a prayer for Faith's salvation. It was time for Angel's redemption. It was a revelation to them all. A revelation, a hope, a chance, a prayer, a hug of comfort that was much needed.

Six Years Later

The house was quiet except for Buffy's loud, echoing voice calling for"LUCKY"

It was a house, just like every other. White on the outside with a picket fence and a big oak tree out front. Buffy sat in the living room on the couch with a small infant, wrapped in a pink blanket, in her arms.

A small boy, only four, trotted down the stairs and stopped in front of the sofa, smiling innocently with his hands behind his back. "Yes, momma"

"Lucky, honey, could you do me a favor"

He nods.

"Can you go find daddy? I think he's outback."

Lucky nodded and ran off to most likely the backyard. Buffy rocked the baby in her arms and the child giggled.

Angel suddenly appeared through the sliding glass doors with Lucky behind him.

"Something wrong, baby" He leaned down and pecked Buffy on the lips.

She nodded. "I need you to take Ellie for me, just for a few minutes. I need to take the ham out of the freezer."

Angel nodded and took Elizabeth, otherwise known as Ellie, from his wife's arms.

Los Angeles

Faith snuggled up to the cold body beside her. The cold felt good to her flushed skin. The room was dark, as it always was, to suit Spike, but it was an odd sort of comfort.

He stroked her hair and she smiled. "What time is it"

Spike looked beside the bed at the glowing clock. "Almost two."

Faith abruptly sat up. "I have to be to work in an hour, Spike. I gotta get ready."

"Do you havvve to" He pouted.

She nodded. "I do."

Faith was extremley proud of herself. She had become a working woman, and it was all thanks to Buffy. Well, mostly. Buffy helped Faith get enrolled for night classes where she got her highschool diploma and then started at UCLA and got a Bachelors Degree in Psychology. Weird right? Now she worked at the shelter with Anne, or Lily, counseling kids with problems who showed up there.

Faith had finally made something of herself.

After all those years of pain and angst, she did it. She was happy.

- And they all lived happily ever after.

The End...Or is it?