A/N- I think this is the best chapter I have written so far beaming with pride I got a little Argo/Nastasha fluff in here, kinda subtle but romance- y nonetheless. I like Argo/Nastasha. It's such a weird coupling convictxwarden... very interesting concept but I like it, they seem to bring out a small bit of softness in one another...

March 26

Just beyond Domon's Campsite 3:13 A.M.

Domon, Sai Saici, Argo and George stood in the cockpits of their mobile fighters, clad in the mobile trace suits, and ready to launch their attack on the 3 of 4 evil kings. Their crews stood behind the mobile fighters, watching as the boosters initiated.

Rain watched as the God Gundam took the lead. The rush of air it sent as it blasted off towards the horizon blew her brown hair which had grown considerably longer, and she kept it back in a braid now. Her ultramarine eyes shimmered softly as she watch the machine disappear into the darkness, the blast of the booster no more distinct than any of the hundreds of stars which dotted the early morning sky. "Domon.... please return safely..."

Dragon Gundam was next to leave, Keiun and Zuisen watched the now 20 year old Sai Saici (soon to be 21) rocket off after God Gundam. Their eyes filled with tears as they remembered Sai's last conversation with them. 'It'll be fine,' he had said, 'We'll take care of them, besides it's not like that have DG cells or anything...' He was a little too confident for their likes.

Raymond looked on as the elegant Gundam Rose took off following the two that had already left. The machine glimmered with refinement in the moonlight. George wasn't as sure as Sai Saici was. He noted himself that despite the fact that outwardly he had grown but he still remained the same child at heart that he always was. Still, he was prepared to give his all, his violet eyes shimmering with determination.

"Wait!" Nastasha called over the roar of Bolt Gundam's victor engine. The loud rush of noise ceased as Bolt Gundam turned around. Argo looked back at his former warden. Now, no longer a prison guard, Nastasha wore a long green skirt embroidered with black and a white linen blouse. Her wavy green hair that had been up in a neat bun was blown askew by the rush of Bolt Gundam's boosters preparing for take-off. Nastasha couldn't see it from where she stood but there was a glimmer of caring in Argo's eyes. A feeling of concern swept over her, a feeling of fear for Argo's safety. She shook it off as quickly as it had come on to her, "Remember what you are up against!" she shouted, her voice having the same angry quality as when he was her prisoner. However that wave of worry washed over her again, and her voice softened. "Be careful." The monolithic man nodded and reinitiated the engine and blasted off in the direction the other three had left in.

The 5 crew members watching until the flares of the boosters slowly grow smaller as the Gundams soared into the distance. They all wandered back to Domon's campsite where Bunny, Cath, Janet, Shirley (all clothed in their usual magenta suits) and the Neo-Swedish scientists, who had been informed of Allenby's condition and arrived (with Nobel Gundam) the day before, were sitting around the campfire. Keiun, Zuisen, Raymond, and Nastasha sat down by them, feeling the warmth of the flames.

Rain slipped inside the tent to check on Allenby and Chibodee. The two sat on cots side by side talking. Rain rummaged through her medical supplies as she talked to Allenby, "How are you feeling now?"

Allenby shrugged. "O.K. I guess..."

"Are you still in pain?"

"A little..."

Rain nodded and looked at the ground beside the cot noticing a full but cold plate of food. "Allenby, you haven't eaten ANYTHING since you got here!"

"I know... you made it," Allenby replied.

"Actually, that's not entirely true; Shrimpy came by yesterday with some rice," Chibodee spoke up.

"That Sai is a good cook," Allenby smiled.

Rain huffed. "If you don't get your nutrition level back up your energy level will decrease drastically when the serum wears off, and you'll die! At least take these," she said, handing her a few vitamins.

Rain turned away, rummaging through her stuff which was mixed up with Domon's. She came across a crumpled piece of paper that Karato had given Domon months before. Her deep blue eyes glanced over the neat handwriting which belonged to her father-in-law. She folded up the paper and muttered softly, "Virtue itself turns vice being misapplied, and vice sometimes by action dignified."

"Huh?!" Chibodee stared blankly at the Neo-Japanese woman.

"It's Shakespeare, Chibodee..." Rain clued him in. "Dr. Kasshu was always a good man, he always tried to help humanity, but just as the Ultimate Gundam became the Devil Gundam, this serum was also created for the good of mankind. According to his notes he had originally set out to create a serum to bring temporary strength back to the weak and injured, people in your situation, Allenby. However he soon discovered that when applied to the healthy it gave them supernatural strength and transitory immortality and when applied to the dead it brought them temporarily back to life."

3:39 AM 2 miles from the warehouse

The 4 Gundams stood ready to put their plan into action.

"It's just beyond that ridge," Argo's deep voice rumbled with determination.

"Nothing to be worried about, it's 4 on 4, right?" Sai inquired making final preparations.

"No," George said, doing the calculations. "Minus Walter Gundam and Master on our side that makes it 4 on 2."

"Piece of cake!" Sai shouted as Dragon Gundam, Gundam Rose and Bolt Gundam started to make their final approach, God Gundam held back. "Bro?" Sai asked as Dragon Gundam stopped and turned around. "What's wrong?"

"I have one last thing on my mind," Domon said, the King of Hearts crest lighting up on his hand. The other two mobile fighters stopped and turned around. Sai, George, and Argo all noted that their crests were glowing too. "My father died before documenting the side effects, we don't know what we are truly up against."

The Jack of Diamonds, The Ace of Clubs, and The Black Joker nodded. Domon took a deep breath as a sense of strength washed over him. The panels on the back of God Gundam opened up and a halo of Red, orange, and yellow surrounded the super robot as it lifted several yards off the ground. The boosters initiated, and it sped forward taking the lead of the team. As God Gundam landed in front of the warehouse, the others were lagging behind. The 2 Gundams rushed to catch up but stopped short seeing a fireball engulf the Gundam of Gundams. Michelo had been prepared for their arrival.