Disclaimer: It isn't mine so don't sue me.



Lena listened intently to the little girl whose hand she was holding as they made their way down a dark hall. The swishing of her muslin gown against the stone floor made a pleasant sound while they walked together.

"Mama says she thinks today is the day and so do I." The girl informed her. "Galahad said not to be too hopeful. He's afraid they won't come back in time for the baby." Eve's auburn hair shown brightly once the duo made it into the sunlight. It was as bright as Etta's hair now, and so much longer than it had been when they had first met. Lena found herself surprised by how much time had passed since that day. Life had felt so long back then, so burdensome and bleak that a day could feel like an eternity. Now it seemed three years had passed in the blink of an eye. How this little girl had grown! "I hope they come in time."

Lena nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. "They'll have to hurry then. They're nearly a month late already, and the baby will be here any day now." Lena spoke of Etta's pregnancy. She and Galahad had courted for nearly two years before the man had worked up the courage to ask for her hand. Of course, Etta had accepted happily and they had barely waited a week before tying the knot. Now they were expecting their first child (although both considered it their third, Galahad having always loved both Brice and Eve like children of his own).

"Do you miss them?" Eve asked as she and Lena turned a corner.

"Very much." The Woad answered earnestly. How could she not? Her whole body had been suffering from a dull ache since the moment that the Knights had left for Sarmatia. They were her family. She and Lancelot were to be married this winter…that was if he ever made it back. They were, as she had said, due to return almost a month ago. Travel was always unpredictable, especially so close to winter, but Lena didn't know how much she could take. They had been gone seven months, and the ache was becoming more of a sharp pain.

All of the Knights, excepting Bors and Galahad who had remained behind to watch over their respective families, had decided that the time had come to return to their birthplace temporarily, reunite with their families, and make the long journey to Sarmatia. They, of course, had all wanted to return as soon as their servitude to Rome had expired, but after Arthur was crowned King, things had been much too hectic for his most trusted Knights to go anywhere at all until quite recently.

Lena, despite Lancelot's best efforts at convincing her, had opted not to tag along. After having not seen Lancelot in over half a year, she was regretting that decision. But Lena knew she was needed here as well. Aside from the fact that she was still a Woad Princess and important diplomatic power, Arthur had made her (along with Merlin) one of his Royal Advisers. If she hadn't been busy enough with her political duties, Lena still would have had enough to handle. Etta was pregnant and needed help with her other two children, and Guinevere wasn't much good for that considering she had a two year-old son of her own to look after now. Her cousin would have even more to handle soon. They had discovered five months ago that she was once again with child, and a pregnant Queen caused quite the commotion.

Lena thought of her nephew, plump and bright little Gareth, and couldn't help but beam. Guinevere and Arthur were loving parents. Their growing family was the absolute picture of contentment.

Lena and Eve entered a room to find said pregnant Queen being measured for new dresses that would fit her growing belly. Guinevere, beautiful as ever and positively glowing from head to toe, seemed to be debating with the seamstress over what colors and fabrics were most appropriate for the approaching winter. Eve and Lena, knowing better than to get dragged into the discussion, occupied themselves with Gareth, who had been sitting quite patiently in his crib, watching his mother with alert green eyes. Arthur's eyes, Lena noted appreciatively. He was quite the handsome babe.

Lena, sitting in a large chair, bounced her nephew on her knee while Eve made faces at him, eliciting a round of charming giggles from the boy. "Enough! Enough!" They could hear the frustrated seamstress as she packed up her things. "I'll make one of burgundy wool and the others you can choose yourself!" The lady bustled to the door. "And you!" She said, pointing at Lena. "Come see me soon! I won't have a Princess running around in such worn down dresses on my watch! What will people think, what will they think?" They could hear her mumbling still as she made her way down the hall.

Guinevere gave an exasperated sigh before making her way over to Lena and Eve. "That woman!" She said and Lena gave a chuckle. "Hello, my boy!" Her mood changed to pure adoration as she knelt beside Eve, cooing at her son affectionately.

"We thought we'd come visit you." Lena explained, still bouncing the happy baby. "Etta was giving Brice a bath."

"Mama says that when the new baby comes I can help give it baths too!" Eve said excitedly.

Guinevere smiled at the girl. "You'll be quite the big sister."

"I already am!" Eve replied indignantly. Both Lena and Guinevere broke into laughter. It was a well known fact that despite her love for him, Eve made the most of every possible opportunity to torture her younger brother. "What! I am!"

"Yes, dear, we know you are." Lena said sincerely, trying not to offend the girl. Eve seemed content enough with that, and resumed playing with Gareth. They stayed like that for a while, the three women fawning over the little Prince, until the door to the sitting room swung open to reveal a slightly out of breath Arthur. He looked like he had run here.

"They're back!" He announced, a smile spreading over his face. Arthur had missed his brothers just as much as anyone else.

Eve gave a happy gasp and shouted "I told you it would be today!" before running out of the room. Arthur dashed in to give Guinevere a peck on the cheek and tickled Gareth under the chin quickly before running out again to catch up with Eve. For someone as serious and responsible as the King was, Arthur really could show his boyish side sometimes.

Guinevere and Lena, still surprised by the suddenness of the news, gave each other wide-eyed looks before hurrying to their feet and making a break for the hall. However, despite their enthusiasm, seeing as Guinevere's belly was getting to be quite sizable, they had to walk at a fairly slow pace. Lena carried Gareth to make things easier for her cousin. The Woad could feel the anticipation growing. She had waited for six months, and worried herself sick for the last three and half weeks wondering what could be keeping them. The adrenaline pumping through her from sheer excitement made Lena want to break into a run.

Guinevere gave her cousin an apologetic smile. "You've missed him so." She stated. "I hate to keep you apart any longer." Lena rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going to leave the pregnant Queen and toddler Prince to stumble down the hallways on their own." Guinevere tisked and gave Lena a look. "Fine, I won't leave my sister and nephew." She corrected herself. Guinevere smiled a sweet and humble smile at that. They had always been sisters. Maybe not by blood, but surely in spirit and heart, they were and always would be. Thick as thieves since they were seven summers old—that kind of love certainly outweighed any biology one could come up with.

Guinevere gave a contented sigh and placed a pale hand on her growing abdomen. "We are infinitely blessed." She said more to herself than Lena.

"Hmmm." Lena nodded, smiling at the child in her arms. "To think I spent so long not knowing how wonderful life could be." She thought back to the day she had died, the day she had been born again. She had thought that she could never be as happy as she had on that one day. Looking at Gareth and Guinevere, she knew she'd been wrong.

Lena had been just as happy many times. Happiness came in people, came in love, came in moments. She knew that now, and she knew she had had her share of it. It was there, that overwhelming happiness, in everything she could remember. It was in Tristan teaching her throwing knives and in her cutting Gawain's hair to impress a barmaid. It was in Balor's birthday celebration and in picking berries with Eve and Brice in woods full of dapple sunlight. It was in helping Etta dress for her wedding, it was in the bear hug Galahad had given her when Etta had said yes. It was in Dagonet's kind words and Bors' crude jokes. It was in Merlin's rare laughter and Gareth's first steps and Arthur's honest eyes and Lancelot's frequent kisses. It was in braiding Guinevere's hair as she had done when they were young and riding her horse and swimming in the pond they found that day in spring. It was in the way the wind felt in her hair, and in the way she felt in Lancelot's arms, waking beside him.

The reason her life had been so difficult, had been such an overwhelming burden because of the Sight, was that she had been forced to live constantly in moments that were not her own, moments that had passed or moments that would come to be. The past and future, the memories and destinies of others, could not provide the joy she knew so well now. Happiness was in right nows and right heres. It was this moment, and memories of her own like it, that made her heart swell and overflow. It was this second that filled her and made her whole.

It was all there was…before that had meant nothing, but now, Lena knew, it meant everything.

Lena could hear them before she saw them. Their voices echoed against the walls of the courtyard entrance. Galahad and Gawain were hugging and muffled words could be heard between them, Bors was saying something about a baby's arm holding an apple to Dagonet, who was laughing heartily. The sound of Tristan's thick drawl brought a smile to Lena's face. Arthur could be heard laughing as well, and Eve's sweet voice carried above the rest.

"Lancelot!" She squealed after being released by Tristan (the Knight had grown a rare soft spot for the child). Eve launched herself at Lancelot and he obliged happily, kneeling to catch her in an embrace.

Lena felt her pace quicken at the sound of his name. She took a deep breath and tried to settle herself as she turned the corner. Lancelot was kneeling, listening somewhat distractedly to Eve, who had just broken away from the hug she initiated. He was looking around. Then he was looking at her, Lena realized. She felt shaky and teary as Guinevere took Gareth from her arms. She felt like a mess inside. Why was she on the verge of tears, she wondered in bewilderment? She hardly ever cried, and certainly not from happiness. It was pointless to waste the good moments crying.

Lancelot stood, breaking into his characteristic, charming grin. It was so familiar it made Lena feel even more ridiculously weepy. Before she knew it she had broken into a sprint, dignity be damned, and was headed straight for him. He laughed, a bit surprised, and caught her by the waist, lifting her in the air. With her hands on his shoulders, Lancelot spun her, the sun catching in her hair, illuminating her eyes and her smile. He was certain, as he set her down and brought her close, pressing a deep and long awaited kiss to her hungry lips, that he had never loved someone the way he loved Lena.

Gawain whistled and Galahad could be heard hooting beside him. Lena and Lancelot broke their kiss, the latter giving a devilish grin while the former blushed furiously. "Oh shut up!" Lena shouted in a rather unladylike fashion that surprised both the laughing Knights, before turning back to Lancelot.

Dear Gods, how she had missed him. Dear Gods, how she loved him! Lena pressed herself to his body, burying her face in him. "You cad," She mumbled into his chest before pulling back to look him in the eye. She swallowed, trying hard to keep down the tears that still threatened to rush forth. "I shall never let you leave me again."

Something flashed across Lancelot's face. He looked uncharacteristically sincere as he tucked a strand of Lena's hair behind her ear. "Never." He answered solemnly, before leaning down to kiss her once more. It was a sweet and simple kiss—one more cherished moment.

Lena felt a tugging on the hem of her dress and broke the kiss to find Eve staring up at her. She gave the girl a sheepish smile and leaned into her Knight. "Yes?"

"Did you tell Lancelot how big Mama's belly has gotten?" She asked, holding her arms out in front of her stomach to demonstrate. Eve looked to Lancelot who, despite his fondness for the child, appeared slightly annoyed at having been halted yet again while trying to kiss Lena. Almighty Gods! He had waited nearly seven months for this he did not want to wait any longer! His annoyance seemed to go unnoticed by Eve. Lancelot looked to Lena, who was nodding intently at whatever the little girl was saying. He could not for the life of him understand her infinite patience with the child…but maybe that just made him love her more.

"Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" Eve asked.

Lena looked at the little girl thoughtfully, her eyes flashing to Lancelot for a second. Then she gave a smile—an easy and mysterious smile. "I don't know." She said plainly. It was beautiful, Lena decided, not knowing.

After that, Lancelot took her hand in his and the warmth spread from Lena's fingers to her heart. Another moment of happiness to keep tucked away with the others. They would have many in their lives to come.

The End.

A/N: So I decided to go through with the epilogue after all. I think I like this as the ending better than the final chapter. I know it's not as summary-ish for the rest of their lives as most actual epilogues are, but I tried that and it just didn't work for me. I said a long time ago I might do a sequel, and some people have asked about that, but I think I've gone as far with this as I can. I had all these crazy plans with Balor and Lena's father that just don't seem to make sense anymore. And I know I won't have the time this year to make it work. Wow. So I guess this is really the end then, huh? Well, as I said in the last chapter, I am unendingly appreciative to all my readers and reviewers. I know I was a crazy bad updater, but I hope it was worth it in the end. Also, I want to thank Fallen Knights, for making the script available. This has been an enormous learning experience for me, so really, thank you so much to everyone who contributed.
