A/N: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to there original creators. This chapter does not take place in Kenshin's world. I have never seen the original Samurai X. I'm using past history, but using Kenshin's character.

Chapter 2

Rise of the Black Warrior

Chaos looked at his companion, he knew the other Wise Men wouldn't like this, but Balthazor was not one to be fooled with. "Ok."

Back in Nerima

Akane stopped a few blocks after running from her house, she was stopped in front of Dr. Tofu's house. She was startled by a hand on her shoulder, but she figured it was just Tofu, since he practice martial arts and he could easily sneak up on people. She turned to face Chaos. She was startled and quickly jumped back and pulled the katana out in front of her.

Chaos waved his hands back and forth. "No no...I'm not here to fight, but here to give you a gift." Akane lowered her katana and put it to her side; she cocked and eyebrow and looked strangely at the cloaked man. "A gift?" Chaos nodded. "Yes, now follow me." Akane was reluctant at first, but his voice told her that he wouldn't trick her. She followed behind Chaos.


After a few minutes, a flash blinded her and then she appeared in a place with no light; only darkness as far as the eye can see. The cloaked man that appeared behind her in Nerima was overlooking another figure, who had his hand raised above his head, slamming down on an object; after he saw this she noticed her katana was gone.

After a few seconds of noticing it was gone, she ran up behind Chaos and started shaking him, worry in her eyes and her voice. "Where my katana!? I NEED it to get revenge on that BITCH Nodoka!" Her voice got louder and changed to anger at the end of the sentence. Balthazor stood up and held out something rapped in a silk cloth, with the emblem of a blue dragon rapped in chains on the sword blade.

"Here is that sword; I made a few improvements to it." Balthazor's voice was stern.

Akane blushed when she realized what she said to Chaos. She took her sword back and bowed to Chaos; her waved his hands back and forth. "No need. I know how you feel." Akane backed up and bowed again, she then realized something; she wasn't in Nerima anymore.

"Sorry, but if its not too much to ask...where am I?" Chaos raised a finger and was about to speak, but Balthazor interrupted him. "A place between time and space...A purgatory of sorts." Akane cocked her head and had a strange look on her face. "So...I'm not on Earth?" Balthazor nodded. He then looked towards Chaos and nodded. Chaos held out his hand, motioning Akane to grab it. She was reluctant again, but she grabbed his hand and she saw a bright light, and then she was gone.

Kyoto, Japan 1854

Ranko sighed. This war was really getting on her nerves...people fighting off every corner. She wondered where Kenshin hopped off too, he was fast, perhaps faster then her with all of her martial arts training.

All the sudden, a white flash appeared and there stood a figure in the dark. Ranko could barely make out the figure. It looked like a girl in a skirt, but with all the samurai wandering around she couldn't be sure. Ranko took a loose stance and unsheathed her katana; she figured she would be less conspicuous with a katana then using her martial arts.

Akane also saw a figure standing in front of her, they had a katana unsheathed. Akane had no idea how to use one, but she figured it couldn't be much different then using a mallet...just lighter and easier to swing. She held her katana out in front of her and untied the ribbon holding it into the silk. The cloth fell to her side and she took her stance.

Ranko saw the figure also has a katana, she was sure that this person was a samurai. She held her katana out and charged at her. The figure she was facing stepped back and prepared for the blow, not sure what would happen.


The sounds of katana's connected, Akane opened her eyes, only to see a man with red hair standing in front of her, blocking her attackers sword. Akane stepped back a bit and feel backwards against a candle light pole.

Kenshin parried Ranko's katana and sheathed his sword. He walked over to Akane and helped her to her feet.

"Are you ok miss? Im sorry about my friend." He pointed towards Ranko putting her sword back in her sheath and running over, seeing as the person she attacked was Akane. "Ranko..." He didn't even get to finish. Akane flew out of his hands and ran as quickly as she could towards Ranko. Kenshin silently picked up Akane's sword and rapped it back in the cloth and placed it at the two friends side, deciding it was better to leave them alone.

Akane just cried in Ranko's arms. She knew why; what happened in Nerima, would make anyone cry with happiness if they saw her alive. Ranko pushed Akane away after awhile. "Akane...w-what are you doing here?" Ranko asked, knowing this isn't Nerima or the 1990's. "Well.." Akane told her story of how Chaos appeared and gave her sword an improvement and then sent her here.

Ranko looked at the dragon on Akane's sword, she noticed it looked exactly like the tattoo on her back. "Hmm.." She crossed her arms. "That looks like Seiryu the Blue Dragon..." Ranko was cut short as Chaos appeared. "Yes." Both were startled as he appeared, still wrapped in mystery.

Both girls sat down as they listened to Chaos's explanation. "Akane's dragon emblem" he pointed towards the dragon on Akane's sword. "Is also part of Seiryu, but its not directly linked to you and your items, Ranko. She will only be able to use some of the power of Seiryu, not all of them like you, and they are also only activated if you are near by, within a two hundred foot radius." He pointed out that the emblem had a faint blue glow to it.

Ranko nodded to herself. "So, she is not one of the 4 avatars, like me?" Chaos nodded. Ranko sighed. "But.." Chaos's voice sounded very serious. "There is someone who is invading different universes and time periods, like Kenshin's here." He pointed towards the shadows, where Kenshin stepped out and tipped his hat. "I am honored you mentioned me sir. You seem to know much that we all do not." Chaos smirked to himself; this is one of the first times he's ever been complimented.

Chaos turned around and waved back to them. "Well I best be going now." He disappeared as mysteriously as he appeared. Kenshin helped both of the girls up off there sitting position and started to leave, but he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "Kenshin...Why don't you stay with us? We seem to have the same objective." Kenshin turned around and face Ranko and Akane. "Would you really trust me? I am a Battousai after all." He said it with a certain seriousness in his voice. Ranko shook her head. "You don't seem the type to kill women" Ranko and Akane both made the dreaded puppy dog eyes, the one attack no man can resist. "So will you help us?" Kenshin sighed, he knew he couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes. He just nodded.

Back in Nerima

Soun started running after Akane but was stopped by a hand. It was Genma's. The old man wore a white gi, white bandana and round glasses. "No Soun...Don't. She need to let out anger." Soun turned around and punched Genma right in his stomach, sending him flying into the opposite wall of the dojo. He pointed at Genma. "Akane was right...how could you make such a damn foolish promise!" Soun started charging at Genma, not caring about the people who were trying to stop him.

Soun fought as fierce as a demon, throwing punches and kicks left and right, all Genma did was block; he knew that he was pissed at him, but he didn't want to hurt him. Soun's attacks got more fierce as he noticed he wasn't hitting back at him. "Fight me!" Genma shook his head. "No. I will not hurt you!" A punch got through as they were fighting through the streets and sent him flying through a shop full of antiques. Genma was buried under a pile of broken vases, plates, clocks and other various antiques.

While waiting for Soun, Genma got to thinking. "He won't calm down unless I fight him..." Genma's battle aura flared; he stood up and all the vases and antiques around him disappeared, being disintegrated by his aura. "So you want to fight Tendou!? Lets go!" He charged at his old friend.

They both leaped through the buildings roof and landed on the opposite roof, both of there aura's flaring. They both charged at each other again, both fight with equal ferocity, throwing hundreds of punches and kicks every minute.

They wore down eventually and both were sweating profusely. Now, both only fueled by battle aura's started launching ki blasts and ki blasts.

Kyoto, Japan 1854

All three friends walked down a low lit street, following information that someone strange is commanding the governments armies.


Ranko, Akane, and Kenshin all walked into a tavern; exhausted, cold, and wet. This had the added effect of every guy in the tavern to instantly move to both of the girls chests, as there shirts clung to both of them, showing off all there cleavage. Kenshin had a slight blush, but it was not noticeable.

All three eventually got through all the stares and drunks. This was a sad time, most people just wanted to drown themselves in alcohol so they could forget this foolish war. Ranko ordered water, Akane milk and Kenshin order nothing. All three friends got confused stares, this was a bar after all.

After awhile, a certain group surrounded the three friends, by the sound and smell of there voices, you could tell they had one too many drinks. "H-hey there...s-sexy ladies 'hic' w-why d..don't you come have s-s-some fun with r-real men..'hic'. I-instead of this g-girly man..'hic'" He started to poke Kenshin's back. In an instant, there was a sword right as his throat. "Please refrain from your actions." The man backed up and drew his own sword, as did the rest of the group. "A fight now is it." Kenshin got up from his stool and stood in a loose stance, his katana hanging at his side. "So be it."

The group charged an Kenshin. He stood his ground and waited. The group got even closer and then started there attack. Kenshin used his speed and drew his longer katana. The groups attack was stopped when all there katana's flew out of there hands and into the ceiling. Kenshin put his katana's back in there sheaths and picked up there leader by the shirt collar. "Now...can you tell me where the emperor's castle is?" He dragged him outside and into the rain. The leader pointed to the north. "Thank you sir." He threw him back into the tavern right when Ranko and Akane walked out. "Shall we?" Both girls nodded and they walked off towards the castle.

End Flashback

The three friends arrived at the emperor's castle. It was cast in a dark shadow and very dim light surrounded the perimeter. There was an evil aura surrounding the castle, only ones very skilled in fighting could feel its evil presence. Ranko raised her foot and kicked through the castles front door.

The hallway was pitch black. One couldn't even see there hands in front of there faces. Kenshin was the first to move; Ranko stopped him and shook her head. "No...there already here." Several men stepped out of the shadows. They were all cloaked in robes, all that could be seen are there hands and eyes. There eyes were glowing dark red and there hands were...bones. "Ranko of the Blue Dragon and Himura Battousai. Come with us." Ranko and Kenshin stepped forwards. "What if we say no?" Ranko was the first to speak. "We destroy you here and now." Kenshin stepped forwards and unsheathed one of his katana's. "Well then...Shall we dance?" Kenshin charged forwards, Ranko and Akane not far behind.

Kenshin stopped. He sensed something was wrong. He stopped moving and looked around. He noticed no one was moving, but he still was. A bright light flashed and all the people around him disappeared, now he was in a strange place.

The figure that he had met earlier when Akane showed up appeared. "Hello Himura Battousai." Kenshin sheathed his katana and sat on the ground. "What do you want sir? Something important?" Chaos nodded and held out 3 items and 3 tattoo's.

First, he pointed toward a bracelet, the symbol of Suzaku. Just like the katana, it looked ordinary, but with a bright red Ruby embedded in it. The tattoo beside it was a fiery red phoenix. Suzaku has a multicolored plume like a peacock's, and is meant to emphasize its rarity and beauty.

Second, he pointed toward a shield, the symbol of Genbu the Black Tortoise. Within the middle, there was a Onyx. The tattoo that was next to it depicted a massive tortoise, his shell black and his long neck, extended and his mouth wide open, roaring.

Last, he pointed towards a pair of boots, the symbol of Byakko the White Tiger. This time, there was no gem, but a piece of metal with the kanji for "King" on each pair. The tattoo has a fierce white tiger roaring out, black stripes down its back, legs and its tail.

"Choose one of the three and you shall be there deity." Kenshin already knew of the alignment of Fushigi Yuugi, he need no explanation. He walked towards the symbol of Genbu the Black Tortoise/Warrior and picked up the shield. Chaos simply nodded and the tattoo disappeared and reappeared on Kenshin's arm. He strapped the shield on his forearm, near his elbow and bowed. "Thank you Kami-sama." Chaos just nodded and Kenshin reappeared right were he left off.

Ranko was handling two of them, Akane had one, and Kenshin handled the last 3.

Akane was having enough trouble, but she was able to fend them off with her katana empowered by Ranko's blue dragon. During the middle of there fight, Akane was knocked down and flew into the opposite wall. This made her aura flare up and she started launching ki blasts. The figure she was fighting merely dodged them and kept moving closer to the girl, not caring about his other companions who had there own problems.

The figure got right up in Akane's face and charged up his own ki blast. He held his palm forwards and smiled; he released his blast point blank, sending Akane through three to four rooms. The figure speed towards Akane. She barely got up and picked up her katana; she thrust it straight up into the air, it glowed with a wild blue aura. "BLADE OF FURY!!" The blade of her katana extended. (A/N: Imagine the aura extending about 100 feet) She brought it down with as much might as she could, the figure stopped when he saw this, but it was far too late. The blade came down and split him straight through. Akane fainted, that attack took too much of her ki reserves. It was up to Kenshin and Ranko now.

Chapter 2

Rise of the Black Warrior


How did you like Chapter 2? Thanks for reading. Ill try to update soon.