Chapter 1 Trapped

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!

This is my first (but hopefully, not my last) Malik and Serenity love story. If anyone knows any other good stories with them as the main couple, I would really appreciate it if you would tell me what it is in your review. I love this coupling as much as I love Seto and Serenity stories, but there is a major lack of them on Fanfiction. So, for all you MalikSerenity lovers out there, this story is for you. As always, read and review!!!

A/n: Malik and Ishizu live together in an apartment in Domino. Marik is gone, (I think he gets sent to the shadow realm in the show?) and so he lives a normal life with his sister. Well, he does tend to try to stir up a little trouble now and then, (he's really a bad boy at heart, but that's why we love him, right girls?) but he's not quite evil anymore. Serenity is, of course, a little tiny bit scared of him. Wouldn't you be? Anyway, he might be a little ooc, like him letting his sister boss him around. lol.

Malik clung tightly to the grocery bags in his hands as he made his way down the street. He growled as he almost lost his balance from the harsh wind, which seemed to blow snow in every direction. If he had been able to take his motorcycle, things would've been a lot easier. But Ishizu was insistent when she said it was too icy for him to ride. What did she know? Hell, it was her fault he had to do this in the first place.

"Malik?" He replayed the events in his mind. "Would you please run to the grocery store and stock up? Domino is supposed to get a major blizzard sometime soon. Here's a list of what we need." She shoved a list of groceries at him.

"How do you expect me to get these things home on my motorcycle? Put the bags between my legs?" he asked irritably, upset that she wanted him to go out when a freak snowstorm was about to hit. Already, it was snowing lightly.

"You can't take your motorcycle! The roads are too slick. You'll crash!" She shook her head. "You're so reckless sometimes."

"You want me to walk in the snow half way across the town?!" He asked. But just by the way she looked at him, he could tell he'd already lost. "Fine. I'll go." He turned and grabbed his coat.

Now he was regretting letting her boss him around. He shook snow from his hair, only to be pelted in the face by another blast of cold snow, ice, and wind, which knocked him on his back. As he lay there, looking up into the dark clouds, he realized he wasn't going to make it. He HAD to take cover. Looking around, he spotted an abandoned warehouse just a little way away. If he could just make it...

He struggled to his feet and quickly picked up the groceries and put them back in the bag. The wind was blowing against him, but the warehouse was getting closer. He practically had to lean into the wind. Slowly...ever so slowly he was making progress. It was closer now. He was almost there....

When he came up to it, he found that the door was already slightly ajar. This should've seemed strange to him, but right now all he cared about was getting out of the storm. He opened the door, (careful not to spill the groceries) and walked in, setting the bags down on the ground. It was only when the light came on that he realized that he wasn't alone.

...A little bit earlier...

Serenity looked outside at the snow. It was falling pretty hard now. She sighed and waited for Joey to get home. He had been at Mai's house all day, but he should be home soon...

The phone rang. She quickly ran to it and picked it up. "Wheeler residence." she said softly.

"Hey! Serenity! Guess who?"

"Hi, Joey." She said smiling. "Where are you? You should've been home by now. Are you okay?"

"Well, you know, I have bad news. The roads all around Domino are closed due to the storm. I'm afraid I'm stuck here for a while. Do you think you'll be alright?"

"Of course Joey..." she said, although she was a little worried.

"Okay, don't worry about it. Hey, there's some wood in the old warehouse just down the street. Do you think you could go there and get some for the fireplace?"

"Sure, Joey. I'll just waltz right out in the middle of a storm and go get some firewood because my so-called brother can't make it home."

"Hey, I'm sorry-"

"Joey, I'm just playing. I'll be fine. You just stay there and don't try driving, okay?"

"Sure. Hmm...trapped in a house...alone...with Mai...I like the sound of that."

"Goodbye, Joey." She said, smiling.

"See ya soon." With that, they hung up. Serenity grabbed her sweater from the coat rack and ran outside. She didn't figure she'd need a coat, seeing that she'd be home in a matter of minutes. Running the opposite direction of the wind, she nearly froze, and tripped once, falling into the cold snow. She got up, her sweater wet and not so warm anymore. She continued walking, trying to reach it. The wind nearly knocked her off her feet.

Finally, she made it to the warehouse. It was old, and the door didn't open from the inside, but the owner had often let her and Joey play there when they were younger and it worked better. The same man still owned it, but now it was used to store old wood. He never minded if they borrowed some. He was a kind man.

She walked into complete darkness, making sure to leave the door ajar, remembering the time she had come to borrow some wood, and finally realized the door had stopped working. What a day that had been! The first thing she did was take off the wet sweater. Although it wasn't warm in there - in fact, it was quite cold- it was better than wearing a soaked sweater.

Next, she felt around the room for the string to turn on the light bulb. It was somewhere towards the middle, and pretty soon her hands came in contact with it. She turned it on, and when she turned it on, she screamed. Malik took a step towards her, thereby letting the door slam behind him. He turned and looked at it for a second, but he didn't have any realization of what he had just done. A sinking feeling came over her.

"You...let the door shut..." She said slowly. you let it shut?"

"Well, you know, these things happen." He glared at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing!" She practically shouted. He rolled his eyes to the ceiling.

"I don't have to tell you everything, but if you must know, I was looking for a way out of the storm. Now, what are you doing here?"

"I was getting wood for my fireplace." she said.

"Well," He pointed at the pile of wood. "There it is. Now go."

"I can't."

"Why not? Look." He went over and was about to open the door and throw her out, but when he turned the handle, it didn't catch. He tried it again. Nothing. His eyes widened.

"You! Wheeler!" He turned to her. "What's wrong with the door?"

"It doesn't open from the inside." She said, scowling at him. His tanned Egyptian face paled a little.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You LOCKED US IN!!!"

"Pft." He said. "This wood is brittle. I'll break the door down!" He gave it a hard, turning kick, but only managed to hurt the side of his foot that had come in contact with it. He let out a short groan, but otherwise gave no sign of pain. Instead, he kicked it again, this time out of pure anger, but once again had no success in breaking it down. "What's wrong with this door?!" He shouted.

"Face it, Malik. We're trapped...together."

How was that for chapter 1? Unlike my last story, A Date with Destiny, I only want ten reviews per chapter for this one, seeing how positively ooc Malik is. Don't hate me, I haven't seen too many episodes with him and Ishizu in it. Sorry. Anyway, review!

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