Fauna turned back to the two kings and smiled.
"No – thank God – but he is very badly injured." She spoke softly, not wanting her voice to carry to Maleficent.
"Why is he so still?" asked Hubert, having noticed that the captain had not moved since Maleficent had kneeled next to him.
"We've put him and eight others into a trance to avoid them sustaining any further injury and to give them a chance to rest."
"Might I make a suggestion?" said Stefan.
"Of course."
"Tell Maleficent what you've done – quickly." They looked over to Maleficent who was waving a hand in front of Chevalier's eyes, obviously aware that there was some spell over him. Fauna scurried over to her and touched her gently on the shoulder. The two kings watched as the situation was explained to their old enemy.
"Now we just have to hope he can be healed," said Hubert.
"I'm sure she wouldn't blame us for this," replied Stefan, a little nervously.
"You did put him in the front line."
"He's head of my archer units! He'd be no use behind the rest of the army – how do you suggest he relays orders? Hand signals?" Stefan ran his hand worriedly through his hair. "It's war – people die. She knows that. Besides, he's not dead."
"Precisely." Stefan looked over to Maleficent and noted the temporary look of relief on her face. A group of knights started to escort the injured from the battlefield, part of the infantry following behind.
Two hours later, Hubert surveyed the garrison now encamped upon the mountain. Buildings had been cleared to keep the plateau open so that any enemy incursion would be instantly visible and torches had been lit to illuminate the area around the plateau for the same reason. Under Hubert's orders, the garrison that had been left was three times the strength of the previous guard. The goblins that had surrendered were chained together and were being frog-marched down the mountain flanked by infantry. Hubert had sent Stefan on ahead, trying to keep him as far away from Maleficent as possible in case of any recrimination. Maleficent would be accompanying him down the mountain with the last of the archers and light infantry. Flora, Fauna and Merryweather fluttered over to him.
"Shall we tell Maleficent it is time to leave sire?" asked Flora.
"I'll do it," Hubert answered. He walked over to where Maleficent was leaning against a rock, watching the sunrise. He stood beside her politely for a moment, then coughed. "Time to go home."
"I'm not sure I understand," said Maleficent. "This was my home."
"Stefan is offering a place for you at court and quarters of your own. You'll have servants and an allowance from the crown, provided of course you agree to work with the king against any future enemies."
"Servants and an allowance in return for my co-operation. I'm flattered."
"It's a good offer in the circumstances."
"Would I be free to come and go as I please with no guards following me around?"
"Yes. He trusts you completely now."
"I'll think about it."
"Come back with me tonight?"
"If I must." She turned to Hubert and followed him across the battleground. The rancid smell of burned flesh hung in the air as the two met with the three fairies. Flora mumbled a greeting while Fauna and Merryweather hung back, not knowing quite what to say. Maleficent looked at them for a moment, her face impassive. "Come on," she instructed the three fairies, "we need to get back to the castle to heal those soldiers." She strode off in front of them, leading them home.
The sick room was deathly quiet as Flora, Fauna and Merryweather inspected the beds around them. Nine men, still in their trances, stared up at the ceiling unmoving, their pained expressions frozen in time. Occasionally, they heard a muffled curse from outside the room where Maleficent was trying to separate the wands from the pike she had used as a staff. She'd restored Merryweather's wand, but was having trouble extracting the other two. Without a reliable staff of her own, Maleficent was incapable of performing a delicate spell like the healing spells needed by the soldiers. When a particularly loud outburst from Maleficent echoed around the lower castle, Merryweather went out of the sick room to help out. She watched as Maleficent tried another three spells on the staff, then became frustrated and struck the staff repeatedly against the floor.
"Will that work?" asked Merryweather.
"No, but it does make me feel better. Here's your wand," said Maleficent, tossing the wand at Merryweather who caught it mid-air. "Any ideas?"
"Try hitting it again."
"Any intelligent suggestions?"
"Give the staff to Flora and Fauna. Maybe they can work out what to do."
"They've already tried twice. Oh this is hopeless!" Merryweather sat down on a step and Maleficent sat next to her. Maleficent threw the staff across the room and Flora's wand fell out of the side and clattered across the cobblestones. There was a moment's silence.
"Told you," quipped Merryweather.
Flora and Merryweather tried to revive a knight with a horrific wound to the throat. As they concentrated their power, they tried to filter out an argument between Fauna and Maleficent from outside. As the two focused their thoughts on the wound, it slowly healed and the knight regained some of his colour. After a few minutes, the knight drew a sharp breath and sat upright, choking for a moment on the stale air in his lungs. He blinked furiously and looked around him.
"What happened?" he rasped.
"You were injured – we've healed you. Report to your barracks immediately," ordered Flora. She waited for the knight to leave, then sank down to the floor and held her head in her hands, exhausted. Merryweather made it to a chair before she too collapsed, the effort of healing the knight taking its toll.
"We can't do this for all of them," said Merryweather. "We haven't the power."
"Then you save the ones who are most likely to survive. One at a time," interrupted Fauna. She twirled her wand in her fingers. "Maleficent is charging up that spear so she can use it as a staff. She expects to be ready tomorrow evening."
"Give me a moment to catch my breath," said Flora. "Then we'll start on that pike-man." Throughout the rest of the day and the following night, they healed another three soldiers before giving in to their exhaustion and catching up on some much-needed sleep.
Maleficent sat cross-legged on top of the highest flat-topped tower she could find, the spear she had used at the battle balanced in her upturned palms. She faced south, her head turned to the east, eyes closed against the rising sun. The process of charging a staff could be surrounded by weeks of cleansing rituals and summoning protective spirits to ensure the process went smoothly, but Maleficent was in a hurry and had little time for superstition. Throughout the day, she moved only slightly, turning her head such that she was always facing the sun. Her mind clear of all distractions, she absorbed the sun's energy and transferred it to the staff. By evening, the old spear shaft was glowing with power. The sun dipped below the horizon and Maleficent opened her eyes. She grasped the staff firmly and raised it above her head.
"I name you for Hippocrates the healer and Athena the warrior. Serve me well, Alekto." She stood and stretched out her cramped limbs. "Here goes," she muttered, before heading down to the remaining patients.
"How many are left?" demanded Maleficent as she walked into the sickroom. Merryweather jumped while Flora and Fauna visibly sagged with relief.
"Four. We healed three but two have died in their sleep," answered Flora. "Captain Chevalier is still alive."
"Out. I need some peace for this." The three fairies left and Maleficent stood in the middle of the four remaining soldiers. She chanted the healing spell under her breath, raising the staff over the four bodies in turn. Holding the staff over her head in both hands, she completed the spell and a pink glow enveloped the four soldiers for a moment before fading. As the soldiers began to stir, Maleficent ran from the room, bumping into Flora as she left.
"What happened?" asked Fauna.
"They're healed. It's over to you now." There were tears in her eyes.
"What is it?"
"I will not discuss it tonight." Maleficent retreated to her room as the four soldiers came out of the sickroom.
"Did you heal us?" asked an infantryman.
"No. Maleficent did," answered Flora. "The king's orders are to report to your barracks – you will be given some leave to recover from this incident." The four soldiers started to leave, but Merryweather put up a hand to stop Chevalier.
"We need to talk..."
Maleficent brushed her hair furiously, tearing at the short locks with frustration. Exhausted by the previous days, she dropped her clothes unceremoniously around the room as she undressed and crawled under the sheets. Just as sleep started to take her, a tentative knock brought her back to consciousness.
"A moment," she called, reaching for a robe and staggering to where she'd left her staff. Using it to light some candles, she quickly pulled on the robe and opened the door a fraction.
"Could I please talk to you, excellency?" asked Chevalier. Maleficent folded her arms in response.
"You woke me up."
"My apologies. Merryweather seemed to think we had something to discuss quite urgently."
"Did she really?"
"If you prefer, I could come back in the morning. Or not at all."
"No captain, if Merryweather insists it is urgent we discuss this matter then we must put her mind at rest. Come in."
"Would it be entirely appropriate excellency?"
"Of course," she replied innocently, moving aside from the door and beckoning him inside the room. "We are, after all, only talking about your recovery. My door is always open to my patients."
"I do hope not," replied Chevalier, shutting the door behind him.
King Stefan raised his hand for silence in the throne-room.
"Honoured guests, we welcome you here in celebration of our victory. We are also here to welcome back a member of our court who has too long been an enemy of this country. A peace now exists between Maleficent, governess of the Forbidden Mountains and our own kingdom. We ask that you remember those who have paid with their lives for this peace in our time, and honour this new alliance." Stefan bowed to the assembly and smiled as his wife linked her arm in his. "Where is she?" hissed Stefan under his breath, his lips unmoving as he forced a smile. The conversation in the room started up again and the minstrels started to play.
"I've sent Flora, Fauna and Merryweather to find her," answered Charlotte quietly, casually waving to a noble.
Flora hammered on Maleficent's door.
"Get up! You're late!" she heard a brief commotion inside the room and Maleficent's head appeared around the door.
"Late for what?"
"Stefan accepting you back into court. Or had you forgotten?" Maleficent looked blank for a moment, then comprehension dawned and she grimaced.
"It was a long day yesterday. I'll be down soon."
"Let us help you dress – you'll be down quicker then," offered Fauna.
"No, my thanks but I will be fine I assure you. Really."
"Perhaps we should go," said Merryweather.
"It's no problem," said Fauna, trying to push past Maleficent.
"I will manage myself, thank-you," replied Maleficent, trying to force the door shut.
"Nonsense – you don't expect us to believe you can lace yourself into a corset do you?" said Flora, adding her weight to the door and forcing it open. "Now pick out your best dress and we'll try and make you presentable and oh-my-God who is that?" she rambled, pointing at a human-sized lump in the bed. Maleficent folded her arms in front of her stomach and sat down on the edge of the bed, cheeks burning fiercely. She was painfully aware of how little her night-dress concealed. Claude Chevalier sat up, looked at the three fairies who were now in the room and grinned.
"Oops," he chuckled. He reached over and held Maleficent's shoulders in his hands.
"You..." started Flora, but words failed her. Merryweather tried to guide her out of the room.
"You told us you'd changed! This is not acceptable behaviour!" shrieked Fauna. "How could you? And to defile the good captain in your actions – for shame woman!"
"I think I would like you to leave now," said Maleficent, her eyes closed. The three fairies left and closed the door behind them.
"Would you like me to leave?" asked Chevalier. Maleficent leaned back against him.
"Not really," she grinned. "I'll have to get ready to go and meet the king. Help me?" Chevalier sighed dramatically.
"Again? I've already dragged you half way across the kingdom and saved your life."
"And I've saved yours. Shall we say we're even?" Maleficent stood and swatted his hands off her.
"Not even close," said Chevalier, pouncing her and catching her around the waist. He tried to reach up to kiss her, but failed. "Do you have to be so tall?"
"Yes. Now help me."
"You mean you can't lace yourself into a corset?"
"Pity. I've only ever had practice taking them off."
"How much practice?"
"Please, I'm a soldier and a gentleman. I would never quote numbers." Maleficent pushed him away and sighed.
"I'd better be the last." She sat down and swept her hair into a veil.
"Of course. I knew from the moment I saw you on the road."
"Burns and all?" mocked Maleficent. Chevalier tapped her gently on the tip of her nose.
"Burns and all. Now where does this go?" he asked, holding up a brooch. Maleficent snatched it from him and grinned as he nuzzled into her neck.
Half an hour later, Maleficent swept into the throne-room and approached the dais. She stopped short and dropped a low curtsey, waiting for the inevitable hush to descend on the room. The three fairies gathered to the right of the thrones, Flora and Fauna glaring disapprovingly at Maleficent. Merryweather gave her a quick wink, which Maleficent returned. Confused, Stefan walked forward and addressed the assembly a second time.
"We greet Maleficent, honoured ally and advisor to our court." He bent over and kissed her once on each cheek before drawing his sword and tapping her lightly on each shoulder. "For your bravery in battle, we award you the Order of the Dragon, and dub you the Lady of the Mountains." Stefan held out a hand and helped Maleficent to stand amongst the applause that filled the room.
"Did you make that up?" asked Maleficent.
"No, the Order of the Dragon exists. I think it started in Wallachia. Why were you so late?"
"I overslept, my sincere apologies" answered Maleficent quickly, taking her stand to the left of the thrones. As the applause subsided, Charlotte leaned over to Maleficent.
"Was all of this worth it?" Maleficent looked around the throne-room at the nobles who had come to honour her at the celebration. As the minstrels started up, Aurora and Phillip led the dancing. The three good fairies were almost speaking to her again. Somewhere in the crowd was a captain who was going to leave the army soon, just as soon as Maleficent could explain the situation to Stefan in private.
"Worth living for?" asked Maleficent. Charlotte nodded. Maleficent smiled briefly. "Yes. Yes it was worth living for."
C'est Finis