Since I wrote a fic about Rinoa from Squall's pov, I just have to do one about Squall from Rinoa's pov.

Squall: I don't get you.

No one does... And I'm fine with that

Squall: You should concentrate on your other fics.

I can't...

Squall: She doesn't own FFVIII, Rinoa, Me, Skorpan...

Squallie, he's not in this fic...poem, whatever

Squall: Oh, sorry 'bout that then. But she still doesn't own FFVIII


He's a lion

Strong, brave, handsome

He's my lion

Cute, loveling, understanding

Always there for me when I need him

Always know how to cheer me up

He's got a beautiful smile

Which he only shows me

Why, I don't know

But it makes me happy to see it

To see him smile

When the night falls down

When the sun comes up

He is smiling at me

Our travel was filled with troubles

But everytime we ran in to enemies

He was there to protect me

Even more than he was protecting the people he'd know longer.

He took me into their group

Without even questioning why I followed.

Even I don't know why I did it.

It was something with that lion

The lion inside him

He's got a brave heart

A lion's heart

That's why his got the name he has


So true, so fine

And he's just mine

Not as cute as the other, but it works

Squall: She... She really thinks that about me?

Go ask her yourself...

Squall: Oki doki -runs away to find Rinoa-

Don't forget to do the stupid review. I always want to know what people think about my... uhm... stories?