Inulover: Hi there! Been a damn long time since I updated; Writers block is a bitch. Plus this fic was getting me really depressed for some reason. But it's off Hiatus now!

Onto the fic


(last time)

After the dumb blond of a nurse let Kurama leave, the two made their way back to the temple. When they arrived they found everyone crowding around a corner and they walked over curiously.

"What's going on?" Kaitou asked and Kido pointed a thumb at the web writing covering the wall that read: 'No one in the city is safe.'

'It seems that Aracnus already has made plans," Yukita snickered in Kurama's head. The fox staggered slightly but Kaitou caught him by the arm, holding him steady. All eyes turned to Kurama.

"Alright, Kurama, tell me what's going on with you. I'm not having you faint on me again."

Kurama shot Kaitou a heated glance. Hiei was looking at him now, clearly perturbed. Kurama cursed, he really had no wish to go through this now. Kaitou couldn't possibly have picked a worse moment if he had tried. "Kaitou, now isn't the time." He growled quietly, but it was too late.

"Kurama, are you ill again? Would you like me to check you over?" Yukina offered and Kurama politely refused.

"What does he mean by fainting on him again, fox?" Hiei scowled and Kurama flinched.

"Yukita just became talkative while I was on my way down the stairs, it's nothing, Hiei."

Questions began coming in left and right, "Who is Yukita?", "What do you mean?" Strangling the fox who gave his lover a desperate glance, eyes pleading for help. He felt trapped by all the people, even if there weren't that many around him. They still seemed to be swarming around him like angry bees; now he knew what it felt like to be claustrophobic.

"Enough! If Kurama doesn't want to talk then he won't. Now back off!" Hiei yelled, zipping over to stand in front of his fox, acting as a barricade against their companions. Kurama was more then grateful as the mob died off, Hiei's infamous glare warning of pain in the immediate future of anyone who disobeyed his command.

Hiei turned to his fox, worry shinning in his ruby eyes. "You are all right now, right? No lying to me." Kurama smiled and gave his love a quick kiss.

"Yes, I'm fine."

Hiei let the subject drop with a curt nod, though he clearly only did so for the fox's happiness; not because he actually believed him one-hundred percent.

Once Yusuke and Kuwabara arrived on the scene the friends all gathered in Genkai's wooden Buda room. Unease floated around the room like a thick fog as questions about how the web writing had appeared when the temple was so heavily guarded flew about the residence. Kurama easily managed an answer with the fact that the Kumo Youkai came in all sizes, the baby's were no bigger then a ningen spider. It wouldn't have been very hard for it to weave its web undetected.

"But what are we going to do about this? They're going to attack soon, but when and where? How are we going to protect the city if we don't know where to start?" Kaitou asked.

A quiet swish and click echoed against the walls.

"I HAVE A MESSEGE FROM KOENMA!" Botan yelled as she burst through the shoji door, frightening everyone in the room. "The spiders are going to attack the city!"

"Tell us something we don't know," Yusuke snorted and Botan slammed a map down in front of him. She opened it up to reveal blinking red dots all swarming around the border of the city, moving rapidly.

"There, you see? They will come from the outside of the city. We can expect them to be here in a few hours time." Botan said in a panic.

"Damn! There are a lot of those guys's! How are we supposed to fight them all?"

"We'll have to find a way, Baka," Hiei replied and Kuwabara glared at him.

"Now, now, children, don't fight," Kurama said lightly, stopping the budding argument. He studied the map carefully, ignoring the glare he received from his comment.

"Kaitou, we could use your power of territory to protect the city. They are violent so they won't be able to pass," Genkai spoke.

"But I don't have that much energy. I could cover half the city at most for maybe thirty minutes."

"Then Yanagisawa can copy your power and take care of the other half. You can do that, right?"

"If Kaitou can I can."

"That won't work," Kurama spoke, still studying the perimeter of the map. "Kaitou said he could hold up the barrier for thirty minutes only. That would not be enough time for the five of us to destroy all of these spiders." He looked up to meet the gazes of his teammates. "If this is all we have to go from then it would be better for us to siphon all of them into one spot. It will still be hard, but will be much quicker and organized."

"I guess that could work, Kurama does make a good point. There isn't any sense in sending you all out there to fight hundreds of swarming spiders. It would also buy us a few extra minutes if I don't have as much to protect," Kaitou agreed.

"Hey, wait, you said, 'for the five of us to destroy,' aren't there six of us that will be fighting? Genkai, Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Me," Kido counted them all off on his fingers. Kurama gave him an apologizing smile.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe your powers are… how should I put this?"

"He's trying to say that your little shadow stepping power doesn't make the cut," Yusuke taunted and Kido scowled at him.

"I seem to remember it was enough to stop you now, wasn't it?" Kido said icily.

"That may be true, but Yusuke is right- though he put it quite crudely- your power is only effective with a one on one match. Dealing with as many youkai as we are, it would provide more of a hindrance then help."

Kido huffed but let the subject rest as Kurama went back to looking at the map; the kumo growing ever closer. He pointed to a specific spot, "I want you to make the opening here, Kaitou."

"Hmm? Why there?"

"As a precaution," He answered simply, still leaving the teen in the dark.

Yusuke ribbed Hiei with his elbow, giving the demon a goofy grin, "So tell me Hiei, have you always gone for the smart ones?"

"Detective!" Hiei growled; face glowing bright red as he whipped out his katana. Kurama snickered and Kuwabara looked on dumbly, along with the three outsiders.

"What are you talkin' about Urameshi?"

"Ha-ha, nothing," he laughed, waving off his friends question.

"Boys, as much as I hate to interrupt you, we should get going, we only have a couple of hours," Botan brought up nervously.

"Of course, shall we get going then?" Kurama asked as they turned out the door.

"Oh no you don't," Botan snagged Yanagisawa, "You'll be riding with me." She pulled out her oar and the broom head paled.

"I'm not riding that thing!"

"Yes you are," She shoved him into Kaitou before throwing him on the back of her witch stick. "Now you've touched him, let's go."

Kido threw Yanagisawa his cell phone. The teen looked at it confusedly.

"You guys will need to keep in contact right? Kurama has one too I think. Take it, I won't need it."

"Doesn't matter, you're coming with us too," the fairy girl grabbed Kido and flew off, dangling the poor boy from the oar. "You boys get going now!"

"Heeelp! She's crazy!"

"Get me off this thing!" the boys cried as the three disappeared from view.


Team Urameshi, along with Kaitou and Genkai, arrived at the outskirts of town next to an old factory. Large white cylinders crowded near by the high wired fence surrounding them. Black, bold letters printed on the side of each one reading: Property of Greg's Gasoline. Kaitou glanced at the building then at Kurama. How could fighting next to an abandoned gasoline factory be safe?

A few hours passed and the sun began to set, Kurama watching the tan demon-locating map and talking to Yanagisawa on his cell phone. Hiei stood close behind his lover, still keeping a precautious eye on him which Kurama ignored. He had been grateful enough that Hiei had let the whole fainting subject drop.

The red dots grew closer to the boundary, nearly standing right on their location. The ground began to shake beneath their feet. They all readied themselves for the fight. A brown cloud of dust and furry black heads rose into their line of vision. Kurama gave the signal and all at once a purple bubble encased the city, one funnel-like opening being guarded by the fighters.

The fight had begun.


Inulover: Ok, that was a pitiful-ass chapter. But I figured I should at least give you guy's this much. This story has been giving me hell. I will finish it, I promise, since I this is more like half a chapter there will be a sorta… part two to this one. There is only, like, a chapter an a half left of this story. Sorry this update took forever and sucked so badly, I know it does so you don't have to tell me loved it in your reviews just to be nice. I'll get to work on the rest soon.

Ja ne till next time folks.