Chapter 17- Graduration Day

notes: don't owe Yugioh! The last and final chapter of "my lover" and it's onto the next sequal soon! here it is...

"Aw man, I am so totally late!" Joey cried unhappily as he was dressed in his cap and gown outfit, it was the last and final day of the year and Yugi and the gang were finally graduating college!!! Unfortunatley, Joey was late for class even though it was in the evening the event of the graduration was at night right after school for them.

Joey sighed in relief as he made it in class just in the nick of time before the bell had rung, "wow Joey, don't you look cute," Seto said quietly as he saw Joey standing at the doorway. Joey blushed as he heard what Seto said as the other students didn't, "heh, you don't look bad yourself," Joey said quietly as he passed Seto to go to Yugi and the gang.

"I am so nervous," Tristan said unhappily, "come on Tris! It's like gradurating from high school," Yugi said as Tristan grumbled. "Tristan doesn't want to remember cause he almost tripped when he was getting his diploma, remember?" Duke asked smirking as the rest laughed, "not funny! I was humiliated that day cause of someone put there foot in front of me," Tristan said angrily as he glared at Seto who was reading a book at his desk.

"Don't worry about him Tris, just worry about gradurarting from college," Joey said with a smile. Later that night, "Yugi Mouto!" The professor cried as Yugi blushed sheepishly as he went to get his diploma. "All right Yugi!" Yami called out to him from the audience, Yugi waved to him as he saw Serenity, Mai, and Joey's mother out in the audience.

"Tristan Taylor!" The professor called as Tristan got up from his seat to get his diploma, Tristan stared at the ground as he didn't want to trip like last night. He saw a foot sticking out as Tristan looked up and saw it was Seto's, Seto smirked as he pulled his foot back in and Tristan got the diploma. "TeA Garener!" The professor called out to her.

(A/N: not sure if that's how you spell her last name). TeA smiled directly at Yami who grumbled trying to hide from his seat as she took her diploma, while walking she didn't saw Seto's foot sticking out and she tripped and fell onto the ground. TeA glared at Seto angrily who has a bruise on her arm while the audience and the students laughed at her.

TeA began to cry as she took the diploma quickly and ran out off the stage, the professor coughed as he finished laughing. "Duke Devlin!" the professor called as Duke blushed sheepishly and got the diploma from the prfoessor, sure hee had a little crush on the professor but he has a bigger crush on Tristan even though they aren't together yet.

He doesn't even know if his gay or straight! Duke sighed unhappily as he sat back down. (A/N: you'll find out if Tristan is gay or not in the sequal). "Seto Kaiba!" The professor called out as Seto rolled his eyes and got the diploma without looking at him, he sat down quickly. "Joey Wheeler!" The professor called out as Joey smiled happily as he got the diploma from the professor and waved to his sister and mother in the audience.

"Class of 2004!" The professor cried as the students threw there caps high up in the air. Later that night, "wasn't that awesome?" Yugi asked as he was talking with the rest of the gang and they were all back in the Game Shop. "I can't believe you tripped TeA!" Joey cried as Seto smirked, "yea, well. She deserved it after looking at Yami hoping for a chance," he said as Yami shook his head.

"Too bad Ryou and Bakura aren't here," Yugi said slowly. "Where are there anyway?" Tristan asked, "Ryou and Bakura are somewhere in England. Dunno why but Ryou goes to school there," Yugi explained. "Too bad they left right away before the graduration day," Seto said, "but Ryou was on vacation so he had time to come back home," Yugi pointed out.

Joey sighed, "I gotta get home. Serenity and mom are staying at my place tonight," he said. Everyone nodded at him, "oh, well. Later puppy," Seto said smiling as he kissed him on the lips and left the gang. "A happy ending," Joey said smiling as the gang nodded and said there good-byes to him, Joey left the Game Shop but found Seto waiting for him outside.

"What's wrong Seto?" Joey asked worriedly, "I have to tell you something and it's not good news," Seto said worriedly. Joey nodded as he gasped and was shocked what Seto had told him, "talk to you later," Seto said quietly as Joey nodded as they both left. I hope the others and my sis and mom will be ok with this, Joey thought as he went to his apartment.


me: here yea go!

yami: why there?

me: cause i have to end it and the next sequal is gonna be about that what seto said

tristan: can't wait for the next one!

joey: we'll be onto the next story soon

seto: review and update!!!