Thanks for the reviews: Spinnerroxz16, MeoW03, Lauren, Engimus, Cradlerobber Speedo-kun, and Julia. I appreciate your opinions. Ah, well here's the next chapter, sorry I cut it where I did, I would have added more out I ran out of paper when I was writing it out.

"So, where are we going?" Paige asked as soon as we reached the living room.

"Well, Marco and I are going to the Dot for something to eat."

"I don't want to go there." Paige commented as she clutched onto my arm and rested her head on my shoulder. "I want to order pizza and stay here."

"Well, you two can do that an I'll pick you up when you're done." Dylan argued. I'm sure he didn't mean to sound so pushy but sometimes the words come out wrong.

Paige let out a disgusted sigh. "Now only did I want to spend time with Spinner, I wanted to double with you. We used to be so close and now one of us is always on a date. Dylan, I just want to spend more time with you.

Dylan carefully studied her face, trying to find the smallest hint of a lie. Paige narrowed her eyes and stared into Dylan's while Marco and I sat in the silence. Marco studied Paige's face and I looked at Dylan.

"Alright, fine!" Dylan said breaking the silence. Marco leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and watched Dylan. "We'll order pizza, but I'm not going to get it!"

"Well, you don't have to." Paige said as Marco's eyes shifted to Paige but mine stayed fixed on Dylan. "If we order from the place on 5th Street they'll deliver." She really knew how to get what she wants.

"Deal." Dylan laughed. "Spinner, could you get me the phone? Spinner? Hello? Are you with us?"

I guess I zoned out because I didn't know that he was talking to me. It was like my eyes were glued to Dylan's face and I couldn't find a reason to unglue them.

"Spinner!" Paige shook my arm. "Wake up!"

I shook my head and Dylan stared back at me. "What is this? A staring contest to see who gets the phone?" He leaned closer to me and I looked away. "Yes! I won! You get the phone and call."

"Where am I calling?"

Everyone started laughing. I guess they must have though I was joking. "The pizza place on 5th Street, Spin." Marco said in between laughs. "You see when you call the place, they deliver the pizza to your house. You would have known that if you weren't staring at my boyfriend."

"Dream on, dude." I reached for the phone and ordered the pizza. "Thirty minutes or it's free!" I hung up the phone and sat next to Paige.

"Spinner, you do know that's a pizza delivery myth, right?" Dylan joked. I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"You know, I've grown to be very jealous of my brother." Paige declared. "In the small amount of time Dylan has known my friends, he's managed to steal both Marco and Spinner—"

"He didn't steal Spinner!" I interrupted.

"Really, then do you mind explaining the staring contest you had with him?"

She got me there. I had no exploitation. "I was tired. I just zoned out."

Paige laughed. "Oh, I love my honeybee."

Marco and Dylan looked at each other and laughed. "Spinner, do you love your honeybee?" They remarked.

"Of course I do." I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to me.

"Aw," Marco continued.

"Your love's so beautiful." Dylan contributed.

After about a half hour of Marco and Dylan exchanging cute comments someone knocked on the door. "Couldn't come at a better time." I said as I stood up.

""Oh no, let me get it, sweetie." Dylan said as he took some money out of his wallet and headed towards the door. "You pick up the bill on our next date." I laughed and Dylan answered the door.

"Michalchuk." I heard a familiar voice say.

Dylan crossed his arms. "What are you doing here?"

Marco looked at the person and then at Paige. "Pizza." The person said while walking into the living room. He smiled at Paige who tightly held onto me. "Hey, Spirit, I haven't seen you around in awhile."