Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi or anything related to it. I'm just a fan.

"Spinner, Marco's here!" I heard my sister Kendra yell to me. Seconds later, a frantic Marco, carrying a pile of clothes came running into my room and threw the clothes on my bed. He looked at the clothes for a second and then turned around to smile at me.

"Hey, Spin." I didn't like the desperate tone in his voice. "I have a date with Dylan in, oh let's say ten minutes and I don't know what to wear. So do you want to help me?"

"Sure thing, dude." I said as I looked at the pile of clothes that seemed bigger than the last time. "But two things: one, when people tell you to come out of the closet, they don't want your clothes, they just want you to be open with your sexuality; it's a metaphor. Two, we go through this every time you're here, I'm straight; didn't you get the memo yet?"

Marco chuckled. "Spin, I don't think that the memo exists."

"Well, that's what you think." I grabbed a pen and a post-it pad off of my desk. At the top of the post-it I wrote MEMO and towards the middle I wrote I'M STRAIGHT! I detached the memo from the rest of the post-its and stuck it to Marco's forehead.

"There. Now you can't say you didn't get the memo." The post-it fell off of his forehead and landed on the floor. We both stared at it, thinking it would disappear on it's own, but Marco gave in and picked it up. After a second or two of awkward silence I looked at my bed and went through each article of clothing one by one. About halfway through I heard Kendra laughing. Marco and I turned around and saw her leaning against my doorway.

"Can I help you?" I impatiently asked her.

"No, but I can help Marco." She made her way to the piles of clothes and started rummaging through them for a few minutes. "Oh, and did I forget to say that Dylan's here?"

Marco's eyes widened. "He's here already? There's no way I've been here for ten minutes!"

My sister picked up a shirt and held it up to Marco, who held it up so she can look at it. "Maybe because you've been here for fifteen."

Marco dropped the shirt. "Fifteen? Then I have to go! I'm late!"

I picked up the shirt and handed it to Kendra. "Dude, relax. I'll go talk to him. Stay here and pick your outfit."

Once I reached the door I expected to see Dylan sitting in his car outside of the house. It didn't turn out that way. I was taken by surprise because Paige was standing right in front of me.

"Aaah!" I screamed as I took a step back.

"It's nice to see you too, Spin." She said as she walked into the house and sat on the couch in the living room.

"Sorry, I just didn't expect to see you there. Really, I'm glad to see you but where's Dylan?"

"What's going on, I heard screaming?" We both heard Dylan say from the doorway while sipping a soda. We stared at him for a few seconds.

"It's nothing. I just got a little … scared when I saw Paige at the door"

"Oh." He said noticing the way we were looking at him. "I hope you don't mind, your sister let me in, offered me a soda, and said you guys were running late. I was going to get Paige now—"

"Ah, it's no big deal." I interrupted. "You know, you look hungry, let's go find you something to eat." I pulled him into the kitchen. "Why's Paige here?"

"Oh, well, I told her where I was going and she wanted to see her honeybee." He tightly pinched my cheek. "Where's Marco?"

"Where else would he be?" I replied. "My room, trying to find something to wear. Consider me your pre-date."