A thousand years, a thousand more

A thousand time, a million doors to eternity

I may have live a thousand lives

A thousand times

An endless turning stairway climbs

To a tower of souls

If it takes another thousand years

A thousand wars

The towers rise to numberless floors in space

I could shed another million tears, a million breathes

A million names but only one truth to face

A Thousand Years by Sting

For Spike, regret is one of the most useless emotions of all, it was up there at the top, right next to guilt and remorse.

But thinking that doesn't mean that he was immune against it.

Those three emotions can slide into a man unnoticed until he found himself in an empty room, drinking himself into oblivion. Like a vampire, it creeps from whatever it was hiding as soon as the sun came down, and like a vampire, it can suck a man dry.

Spike tossed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. He needed to breathe, he needed to get drunk and pass out, he needed to kick the shit out of something, he needed to…he needed…Faye.

He slumped on a couch in front of a gigantic window and watched thunderbolts slashed across the midnight sky. The night was angry and vengeful. Working its will, rain poured with such force that raindrops fell like sharp needles on the skin.

He rolled his glass of whiskey in his hands and succumbed to the bitter storm in him, smiled when he heard the low cracking sound of thunder, the weather suited his mood to a T.

He cursed when the whiskey burned his throat, but still, comfort eluded him.

"Faye messes me up." Spike covered his eyes and remembered one night where everything felt right, where everything felt perfect. Was perfect.

Then the real world caught up with them.

"She turns everything inside out. Always, without fail."

Knew that his cover was blown, Shin stepped out of the shadows where he'd been watching his leader for the last few minutes. "Isn't that the reason why you like her?"

Spike poured himself another round. "Like is such simple word."

And nothing is ever simple with Faye.

"She took the news better than I expected."

The edges of Spike's eyes crinkled as he grinned. "What did you expect? She takes out her gun and shoots me between the eyes?"

"Something like that. Didn't you?"

"I try never to have any expectations about her, that way she'll never catch me off guard."

But she always does, every time, without trying.

"Figures, from so many people in the world, I just had to kill somebody that she knew."

He couldn't get her expression out of his mind. Her expression when she talked about Rain Alhasa; soft, loving and happy. Her expression when he told her what he did; angry, hate, hurt and pained.

Always, there was always someone between them. Ghosts that set them against each other.

He closed his eyes and sighed as darkness gently beckons. Sleep, his favorite past time came rarely these last few years. Too many faces, too many memories, too many shadows and secrets seem to invade his dreams and made his nights too long, too dark and too silent.

He missed the slow creaking sign of the overhead fan, the clunking of the old pipes, Jet's snores and Ed's insane cackles. He missed living in Bebop. He missed the noise, the rush, and the feeling that everything was just slightly beyond his control. He even missed the ugly yellow couch that smelled like a strange blend of cigarettes, leather, Jet's bell and peppers, nail polish and dog.

He missed staying awake to the cranky rumblings of the Bebop's machine and he particularly missed the way all of them fought over hot water, though Ed and Ein only got into the fight because every one else was doing it.

He didn't regret going away, he did what he had to do. He only regretted his way of doing it. He should've handled it better. Should've handled her better.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

After that small voice in his head drowned him in cliché's, he chose to drown that voice with whiskey. He knew he'd regret it tomorrow when he'd probably wake up with a headache the size of Jupiter, but tonight, he couldn't bring himself to care.

Whatever he dreamt, he didn't remember, but it tasted bitter and scented with a strange blend of gunpowder and flowers.

He snarled when Shin lifted an eyebrow at him. His head ached like hell and the light was busting his eyeballs. Even the dark shades over his eyes can't seem to dilute the blazing fury of the summer sun.

"Yes, I have a hangover. Yes, I'm in a pissy mood. Yes, this is the kind of face that I want to wear around all day. What of it?"

Shin lips twitched but nonetheless maintained his expression. "I have no problem with your face, Spike. Have I ever told you otherwise?"

Spike grumbled and sulked, slumping all the while on his throne-like chair. He looked like a grumpy child that missed his nap. "Just in case you want to nag like Caro."

Shin placed several papers in front of him. "Sign these."

Not caring what it was, Spike scribbled his name on the numerous papers.

"When are you meeting Faye again?"

Spike's hand stilled a few seconds but started to move again. "Jet said to give her time."

"Do you think that's wise?"

A smile flirted over his face. "Do you mean do I think it's wise to give her time that she'll probably use to plan my slow and painful demise?"

Shin blinked slowly, his version of a shrug.

"Well, at the very least, Faye's pretty predictable in this kind of situation. She'll either find that it's in her best interest to cooperate with me and continue to make my life a living hell in the process or she'll try to kill me."

"Try to kill you." Shin repeated blandly. "And you have no problem with that?"

Spike shrugged and grinned his trademark devil may care smile. "What's a little murder between friends?"


Shin and Spike shifted to the door and saw Jet standing with a grim face, his mouth stretched into a tight line. "-she'll find a way to ditch your dogs and disappear."

Both leader and soldier opened their mouths at the same time but while Shin's voice was as bland and calm as ever, Spike growled the question. "What?"

Jet stood across them, tall and dark. His golden hand glinted in the ever bright sunlight. "She's gone."

A flurry of movement burst into Spike's office but stopped when Jet turned, fangs bared, he wasn't given the nickname Black Dog for nothing.

"Well?" He barked towards Faye's private detail.

"She was seen-," Tristan stopped, licked his lips nervously and sent a glance towards his leader who was looking at him with a focus that was as unnerving as it was scary.

"Spit it out."

Tristan's eyes came back to Jet. "-entering a black limo owned by the Family."

For a second, all of them were quiet, but it was Jet who broke silence first, running a hand on his balding head. "What the fuck is she trying to do? Suicide?"

"How did she get out without you knowing?" Shin blasted them with a cold look from his eyes. But all eyes swerved to Spike when they heard a chuckle. The sound was bitter and sharp. "I should've known. It's just like her to do this. I should've known. Stupid, God, she makes e fuckin' stupid."

The wrinkled on Jet's brow deepen. "What do you mean?"

Spike turned his seat and shifted his eyes out the window. "She's trying to make a deal."

"What do you mean?"

Spike turned slowly towards them, eerily silent. "Well, consider her choices. It's either she run but that's not such a good idea since they'll hunt her down anyway. She can kill me, but that's a no go either since all the good that will bring her is a syndicate to go with the mob. Then there's the third option which she probably didn't even entertain more than a few seconds, which is to stay here under my protection for all eternity."

Jet blinked and rubbed a hand on his face, weariness was etched into his face. "Fuck."

Spike turned back towards the window. "Fuck is right."

Shin stared at his leader and at Jet who looked to be lost in thought. Always a soldier, he stepped forward ignoring the weird aura around Spike that discouraged conversation. "Spike."


The refusal was clear, concise and brook no argument. But he was no mere soldier, he was second in line and that meant that he was also obligated to bring such matters into notice. "Your choices are clear."

Spike didn't turn around completely, they can only see the outline of his face which was enough. Whatever Shin was trying to say, Spike certainly didn't want to do it. "I said no."

"The rules are there for a reason."

Spike stood and whirled around at Shin. "Fuck the rules. I am not going to-"

Shin took a step forward, proving that he was a brave, brave man indeed. "Then as your second in command I will."

Spike's tawny eyes narrowed at the tall man, his lanky body tensed for violence. "No, you will not. I am your leader.."

"Then act like it."

Jet heard the sucked in breaths, saw the shock on Faye's bodyguard's face and concluded that this was not an ordinary occurrence.

"Yes, you are the leader. You are not a bounty hunter anymore who is free to do as he pleases. You are our leader, the head of a syndicate that has been running for almost a century. You are bound to us as we are to you and with that position there are certain obligations and sacrifices that you will have to make."

Jet saw the expression on Spike's face and felt a bad feeling about all this. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Either you do it or I will."

Spike knew he was fighting a losing battle, knew that Shin meant every word he said and although the relationship between the is more than the typical bond between a leader and his subordinate, Shin is a soldier first and foremost and he will always think of the syndicate before everything else.

His eyes shifted to Jet who was looking at the both of them. "Spike, what is it?"

Looking back at Shin, he smiled bitterly. "Obligations and sacrifices, huh?"

"It is the rules."

Emerald eyes wavered in his mind and he pleaded silently. "You can't ask that of me."

Shin's face was empty, devoid of emotion. "I just did."

Jet glared at the both of them, feeling a little tired of being ignored. "Will somebody please tell me what's going on?"

Spike opened his mouth, his lips moving slightly before it closed again without a sound.

"This is your last chance."

Spike lifted his eyes to Shin, the light in his eyes determined. Shin kept his eyes on Spike before nodding. "So be it." He slanted cool black eyes towards the others. "Because Spike Spiegal refused to obey our rules he is to be stripped of his title and power until further noticed. I am to take command in his place and my first order is…"

All activity in the room slowed to a stop as the familiar click of a gun's safety echoed around the room. A gun aimed at his head, Shin turned slowly and met the eyes of his leader. "What are you doing, Spike?"

"What the fuck is going on?" Jet already had his own gun out but was confused about who he should be pointing it at exactly. When several other guns pointed at Spike, he philosophically chose the underdog and aimed his gun at Shin. Tristan and Casey pivoted and aimed their guns at him. He saw it and sneered. "And here I thought we were starting to get along."

Spike didn't even flicker an eyelash. "I can't let you do it."

"It will be done Spike, unless you plan on doing another reckless misadventure and wipe out enough of us in the process."

Spike shrugged. "Why not? I've done it before."

"Because there's no point in doing it."

"Since when do I need to have a point for doing stuff?"

"He's got a point. Pardon the pun, believe me, he did some stupid stuff back in the days." Jet joined in the conversation as if they didn't have guns pointed at each other's heads. He suddenly had the sneakiest sensation that they were all stark raving mad.

"You always have a reason for doing the things you do, Spike, whether it's clear to anybody else or not. Now, what good will come out of you shooting me?"

"Other than how fun it will be to see you show emotion for once in your life?"

Jet rolled his eyes, pointed his gun up then let it swing on his trigger finger. "Ah, fuck it. Put it down boys, false alarm."

Spike swung his hand down and clicked the safety back, putting the gun on his table. "I had to try."

"I understand."

Jet and the others blink when they saw Shin put his gun back in his holster, they hadn't realize that he was holding a gun; they didn't even catch him getting it out. All of them had a similar scowl on their faces as they holstered their weapons.

Spike rubbed a hand on his face. "You won't change your mind?"


He lowered himself to his chair and proceeded to ignore all of them while Shin lifted his eyes, paused, then continued. "Following our rules, from now on I declare Faye Valentine an enemy of the Red Dragon Syndicate."

Shocked silence filled the room, silence that was broken by Caro's energetic, flamboyant entrance, his cherubic face bright with smiles as he beamed at them.

He watched their faces and felt the weird vibrations in the air then pursed his pink lips. "I missed something, didn't I?" The thirty seven year old man pouted. "I always miss out on the fun."

Used to Caro's unorthodox methods, Shin merely stared. "What is it, Caro?"

"Oh, it's a message for Mr Black from Miss Valentine." Pleased because all eyes immediately shifted towards him, Caro preened under all the attention. "She said that she's alright, don't worry and she's also going to be late so don't wait up. Take care of Ed and Ein and kisses for Spike and his troops."

Caro jumped when Spike kicked one of the glass windows, the thick bullet proof glass trembled in its frame.

Unfazed by Spike's tantrum, Shin nodded. "Thank you, Caro. "

Caro pouted when he exited Spike's office. "I definitely missed something."


Next on At the Point:

Faye pivoted on high heels and rammed her elbow to the man's nose. Blood squirted from the broken cartilage but he kept coming at her. She snarled and brought the heel of her hand to said nose and jerked it upwards, when the man let out a muffled exclamation of pain and bent over, she lifted her knee, snapping his chin. He dropped, unconscious on the street. Stiletto points appeared between her fingers when someone took hold of her hair, blood gushed out from those hands and long smooth legs swept up to lodge a sharp heel on a throat.

"Never touch the hair."

An arm appeared from her back in a classic chokehold but she twisted, grasped the arm, pressed her back towards her attacker, pulled and twisted her body, slamming him onto the hard concrete. She straightened, flipped her hair and smoothed the dress along her hips. Her eyes snapped towards her right hand and cursed. "Damn it. I chipped a nail."

A slow and appreciative clap came from behind the tinted windows of a white limo as it slid to a stop beside her. A beautiful exotic face appeared from behind the passenger seat window, smiling, showing off her pearly white teeth. "I think we can take care of that." A driver in full uniform opened the door and the woman dropped her feet on the sidewalk and stood in one graceful motion that Faye can't help but admire.

The woman held out a white pampered hand. "Marlena Alligieri. I believe we have unfinished business to attend to."