Dear all,
I do not know if you have read the Mugglenet/TLC's interviews with JKR, but I am afraid that basically half of this plot has been destroyed. Um, James' parents died of "a wizarding illness" so, the whole Voldemort killing him doesn't really work.
Also, Lily was actually quite 'popular' (rather like Ginny)- so this plot line doesn't work at all.
Due to this new information, I am forced to end this story. I will try to start a new one, but first I have to try and 'understand' this new Lily- because she's foreign territory now. I don't know if I can manage. I will however be writing some one-shots in the future, so just wait for that!
Thank you for all your support and well, words of advice. I've really appreciated it.
Yours truly,
PS I really hate giving up this fic!