A/N: This is a really, really short epilogue! It's barely even a page. I mean, it's hardly a quarter of a page! Mostly, it's just a filler so you aren't left completely clueless about what happened after Phoebe and Phoenix hugged. But like I've mentioned, I might do a sequel. I can't promise anything, though. I'll only do sequel if I can come up with a decent enough idea so I don't let you guys down. Kay, thank you's:

Christine Marquez, Glad you're enjoying it.

ticktock44, Yes, I'm sure many Cole fans were not happy with me when they read that. Lol. And I'll try to do the sequel, I will! But I'm not sure.

svata2004, Hm, well . . . have to wait and see, won't you? I left plenty of room for a sequel.

Kay, enjoy! Sorry the epilogue is so short . . . It's really just a filler, like I said. But enjoy and please review!

A week had passed since Phoenix had gone home. Phoebe had gone to the doctor and had a check-up. The doctor confirmed that she was pregnant. And happy as she was, Phoebe still cried herself to sleep every night. She missed Cole, she missed Phoenix (despite having little Phoenix growing inside her) and she hated not knowing if the future was any better for her daughter. She wondered many things yet could not get the answer to any.

"What are we going to do today, M'lady?"

Phoenix glanced at her new second in command, an upper-level demon much more powerful than the lower-level filth she had had in the other timeline. The world wasn't as bad as it had been, although she was still the Source of All Evil. This time, however, she was the Source because her bloodline was one of high honor and not because it protected her and kept her from being killed. Now, those who had once wanted her dead honored her.

Phoenix smiled. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe evil will take a day off for once."

The End!!!!!!!