This is my first Kingdom Hearts fic. So don't kill me if this is bad. The first chapter might be short though....
Title: Double-Bladed.
Summary: Sora, Donald, and Goofy have beaten everyone. Meleficent, Hook, even Ansem. In the meantime, they locked the lock to all worlds with the Keyblade. But, when they closed the door, d'you think they realized all the chaos they set loose? D'you even know!? I thought so! Also, what happens when Kairi finds another-- WAIT! I can't tell you that! You wanna know? Then read this fic now!
((A/N: I won't get this word for word, because I didn't have the game in front of me when I typed this, but it's close enough. And this is MY version (sort of) of how this should have ended.))
Disclaimer: I don't own KH, though that would be totally AWESOME!
"Ars, Arcanum!" Sora shouted as he mauled Ansem with his Keyblade. Ansem avoided the attack by having his guardian step in front of him and take the blow. The guardian had this ability that it could instantly attack any one that just hit it. It fired a powerful attack at Sora, nearly depleting his life.
"Gah!" Sora puffed. His body hovered in the air as he took a breath. He was too tired to use magic, and he was out of items to use. All he could do was hope for help.
It came.
"Sora!" Donald yelled as he threw a green bottle up into the air. Sora glided towards the bottle and drank the contents all up. He suddenly felt rejuvenated. His magic was back too.
"Ha, see if you can beat this: Keyblade-Master!" The over-sized Ansem spat. He threw little pink balls at Sora. Sora knew what they were. He had been hit by them before.
"Don't give up!" Goofy called. He glided to the pink balls and hit them with the all-powerful shield we got from Merlin. They immediately blew up, shocking Goofy.
Ha, Sora thought. No wonder his name is Goofy....
There were those pink annoying balls coming towards Sora. He flew away from them, also dodging the missiles that Ansem was shooting at him.
Boy, I couldn't do this a second time by myself.
Donald and Goofy were at Ansem's head now, beating it mercilessly. That was a bad idea. Sora could tell by the look on Ansem's face that he was going to unleash his most powerful attack.
"Take this!" He screamed. That was it. He threw his hands in the air and a laser beam came from them, striking Donald and Goofy down.
Sora got furious.
"How DARE you!" He said. He clenched his fists. "You'll pay for that."
"And how?" Ansem asked. "You have no way to recover them!"
Yes Sora did.
Sora put his Keyblade in the air and shouted, "HEAL!"
Donald became conscious once again.
"Alright Sora!" He shouted. "Goofy!"
Donald threw a green bottle at Goofy and Goofy woke up.
"Let's do it!" He said.
Sora started glowing.
"What?" He asked. Then he got an idea he had never got before. He glided up to Ansem.
"Spirited LIGHT!" He shouted. He let go of his Keyblade as it floated above them all. Donald and Goofy threw their weapons at the Keyblade as it did so. The three weapons collided and fused together.
"What?!" Answer screeched.
"It's all over for you." Sora shouted. He took a hold of the Keyblade Fusion and struck Ansem.
Ansem's guardian disappeared and Ansem fell to the so called "ground". (There was no ground for him to fall on, so it's figuratively.)
"Looks like we win... AGAIN for the fourth time!" Donald gloated.
"No, it's my fourth. It's your second." Sora corrected.
"Aw, phooey!" Donald pouted.
A door appeared in front of Sora and friends. Ansem stood up.
"I can still open the door! Kingdom Hearts, will live! Let eternal darkness reign!" He called. He opened the door slightly.
Sora shook his head sadly.
"Ansem, you just don't understand. Kingdom Hearts isn't darkness.... Kingdom Hearts, is LIGHT!" He shouted.
The door opened all the way and light poured out and onto Ansem.
"No! Light, can't stand it...." He muttered. He disappeared from the light that seemed to cause him pain.
He'll be back... Sora thought. He turned to the door that was now fully open to see all the light had gone and all that was left were TONS of Heartless. Including Anti-Sora and the Darkside.
The Heartless in the room saw Sora and the others and rushed at them.
"Oh, no! We can't fight all these things!" Sora complained, apparently giving up.
"Let's not give up!" Donald reassured.
Huh... he's right you know. We can't give up just yet!
"Let's do it Sora!" Came a squeaky voice. There was a small mouse looking straight at Sora. He had another Keyblade.
When Sora saw the second Keyblade, a lock appeared on the door.
What!? Another Keyblade? A lock on this door? Is this the final door lock?
Sora's Keyblade seemed to answer all of those questions. The Keyblade shot something at the lock on the door.
The Heartless were getting closer.
The door closed slightly from the power of Sora's Keyblade.
"Guys, don't just stand there, help me get this thing closed!" Sora griped as he struggled to help the Keyblade close the door. Donald and Goofy nodded and ran over to the door. When they got to it, they pushed it as hard as they could.
"You can't give up just yet Sora!"
Sora saw a third person trying to close the door. It was Riku!
"Riku!" Sora exclaimed. Riku was pulling the door closed, which meant he was the roadblock from the Heartless to Sora and company.
"I'll be fine. Just get this thing closed!" Riku reassured.
Yeah right. I don't want to lose another friend.
"Listen to him Sora. We'll be fine." Came the squeaky voice from the mouse again. He held up his Keyblade and it tried to lock the door too.
With the power of the two Keyblades on the door, it closed very easily. Just before the Heartless got to it. But the mouse and Riku were left inside.
Sora saw a slight movement beside him. When he could see what it was, he, Donald and Goofy gathered around it.
It was the second Keyblade.
Sora picked it up and looked at it. It had a Keyblade Keychain on it that looked exactly like his old Keychain.
"We have two now?" Goofy asked.
I don't know.....
"Well, how could there be two Keyblade Masters?" Donald answered Goofy.
"I guess you're right. We have another Keyblade now!" Goofy concluded.
Alright! Another Keyblade! Wait.... this doesn't feel right. I feel jittery and nervous. Shouldn't I be excited that my life can now be normal again? Shouldn't I be happy that the Heartless no longer pose a threat to the world? What IS normal for me now? Where will these Keyblades go? Where is Riku!? This can't be over. I know it.
"No Goofy...." Sora said. "This won't be my Keyblade. It will go to someone else."
"WHAT!? WHO SAID YOU COULD MAKE THAT ASSESSMENT!?" Donald screamed. Sora shrugged.
"I don't know. I just.... feel that this isn't my Keyblade to take." Sora answered. He thrust the bladed key away from him and it disappeared into darkness to find its new host, a new hero, a new adventure, a new ally, and another partner for Sora, Donald and Goofy to put up with.
I know... it's bad. But can you guess who gets the new Keyblade? I don't think you can. I promise that the next chapter will be better than this one I just had to get this going. Now click that review button! I can take flames.