Dear Loyal, Wonderful, FANTASTIC Readers,
This is my LAST chapter for this story. I can't tell you all how much I enjoyed hearing from all of you, as I posted each chapter! Even if you never reviewed, but you've been reading, I want to thank you all, just for reading along! And giving me a chance! I had so much fun! And as a reward for being such gems… NOW YOU ALL ARE A PART OF THE STORY! Wanna see what I mean, read on and see. But you don't want to hear me! Let's get down to business! Special Thanks to everyone who reviewed chapter 13…
Jedi-Lover – Your reviews have always been so much fun! I can't thank you enough! They always make me laugh! I always have believed that mothers' curse(s) are universal! I'm so glad you enjoyed that (I wasn't sure if putting that in was a dumb idea or not)! Thanks for both of you reviews, from the bottom of my heart! ((Sorry I took so long, I had the most unbelievable week!))
Galaxy3 – ANOTHER FANTASIC SHORTIE! ((That what I'm gonna call your little stories at the top of your reviews, shorties!)) Once again bad cop, you have split my sides! Your reviews have always been a joy and really helped me get through a very bad case of writers block! So… BLESS YOU! I hope you like the last chapter and I hope you don't think I'm a meanie-poo-head for taking so long! THANKS FOR ALL OF THE LAUGHS!
Sithspawned – I know, I'm excited about this posting! THE GRAND FINALLY IS HERE! I hope you like it! THANK YOU FOR YOU WONDERFUL REVIEWS FROM CHAPTER 1 ALL THE WAY UP TO NOW!
Kobe-Mac – I will definitely have to check that out! Thank you SO MUCH, for your encouragement and enthusiasm!
fluffgirl – Opps! Did I let it slip who he's picking… 'snaps fingers' darn it! I'm excited about this chapter and I REALLY hope you like it! It is quite long too! ((Sorry for taking so long! I've had a really hard time lately! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND AND FUN REVIEWS! MUCH LOVE!
Vinny and Nex – YOUR wish is my command, (I've always wanted to say that!)! I hope you enjoy the story and your appearance, you guys were the first to ever review this story and I can't thank you enough for your kind and fun reviews! THANK YOU SO MUCH! And I really hope like it!
MaraJadeSkywalkerJedi – Glad you liked the green monster comment and I hope you like the last chapter! Thank you so much for your kind reviews!
MistyRiver – THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm glad to hear your still reading, I was wondering wear you'd gone! We probably will bump into each other and not know it! It's a small world after all! I hope you like this last chapter and I hope you have fun while you're here in America! THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL OF YOUR FUN REVIEWS!
Saber Girls (Leia) – I'm so glad you liked chapter 13! ((Wow, the Bachelorette version of Romeo and Juliet! LOL! That is great!)) Don't worry; these lovers aren't going to commit suicide or anything! But hey, I think that's okay with everyone. Sorry for taking so long, I hope you like it! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR GREAT RIEVIEWS!
Sweetdeath04 – Your reviews are always a joy, and always make me laugh. Glad you liked chapter 13. Especially that quote, ((Did I let it slip… I'm so bad!))! I'm glad to review your story; you're a very talented person! YES, I am American and we probably will see one another and not even know! LoL! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and all of the fun! I REALLY hope you like this final chapter and have fun in the USA! ((You're not gonna die! You'll be fine, HAVE FUN!))
Shannon – Don't go dark on me now! Here ya go! I hope you like it!
Mara look-a-like – Oh I know, logging into this site can be challenge at times! I hope you like Calli's reaction, and the rest of the story! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REVIEWING!
Silver FireStar – You're sweet! Sorry it took me so long to post! I REALLY hope you like it!
Jedi-Master-Mouf – Sorry it took me so long to post! I hope you can forgive me and I REALLY REALLY REALLLY hope you like it! Thank you for all of your kind reviews!
Dedicated TO YOU GUYS! I never would have made it this far without you guys! THANKS AGAIN for all of the reviews and support! THIS ONE'S FOR YOU!
"Take Your Pick"
Chapter 14 – Luke Takes His Pick
The main gymnasium in the Jedi Academy was already packed with beings of many different origins. Member of the press, human, humanoid, or droid peppered the crowd greatly and chatted loudly amongst themselves. Callista and Mara each stood in front of the crowd, in their designated spots… well; really it was a circle of tape on the soft mated floor… But who was complaining! There were a bunch of chairs set up behind Callista for her friends to sit in and support their friend. None of Mara's true friends showed, but even if they had, there were no chairs set up for them… Not to mention Mara's side of the gymnasium had bad lighting. . The lights flickered in an out; normally this wouldn't really bother her, but today… It just gave her a headache. Her stomach was all tied in knots, and she would like nothing more, than to run out of this force-forsaken place and blast the heck outta here!
"Look at it girls," Calli said gesturing towards Mara, "Sad looking isn't it?"
"Don't you feel the teeniest bit guilty about this, Calli?" Some random friend said.
"I would, but she brought this on herself. I leave for an extended amount of time, I come home to her and Luke playing house like I was never here!" She was so angry; she shattered the glass she'd been drinking from in her hand. Her own friends backed away just a little intimidated. Callista brushed her hands nonchalantly and continued. "Take a good look at it girls; it's going to be along time before we see her again. As soon as Luke picks me, she's going to be on the next flight outta here." Then the whole group of women busted out laughing.
Mara didn't say anything; she just stood there like a stone statue. Pride in her posture but pain in her eyes. She was trying to block out Callista's voice or any of the other voices around her, but a few names slipped through her barriers. Above all her main thoughts were, 'I'm gonna get through this,' and 'I will not cry! No matter what, I will not let Calli see me cry; I don't want to let Luke know he hurt me either!'
"I thought she was Luke's best friend?" Belinda asked.
"She was, he'll just have to find a new one now." Callista shrugged.
"And I thought she was becoming a Jedi, if you send her off, how is she going to finish up her training?" Belinda asked curiously.
"So, I don't care, she'll have to find some other pass-time!" Callista cheered toasting towards to Mara, "Goodbye tramp, nice try! But you'll never beat me." All the ladies… except for Belinda… Raised their glasses high, and then downed their green tinted champaign.
Calli was so sure she was going to win, and so sure Luke couldn't know what was going on… FOOL! Luke had called ahead and arranged for tiny-hidden vid-recorders and comlinks to be installed. So he could hear all and see all that went on while Mara and Calli were left out in the makeshift auditorium… oblivious to his watchful eye. Nothing would change his choice now, but he was curious.
While all of the airheads downed an eighth of their daily alcohol, Luke looked over at Mara. While the women weren't looking, Mara's head turned towards them and tears gathered in her eyes. She sniffled and blinked her tears back hard, and then she was the statue of stone once again. Luke hated to see her in pain, and as if in comfort, he ran his finger down her cheek on the screen. Promising himself he would be with her soon enough, and she wouldn't hurt anymore.
The large double doors opened on the right side of the gym, to reveal Han Solo and his young twin children. Calli smiled fakely and told all of the girls around her, "Oh look, even the Solos' have come to support me."
Mara was in such a daze she didn't even notice who was in the doorway… That is, until both Jacen and Jania shouted in unison, "AUNTIE MARA!" She snapped out of her trance and looked up just in time to see both children running full-speed toward her. She only had enough time to get on her knees and open her arms to the them, before both of their little bodies crashed into her full force, knocking her to the soft, plush covered ground. Han smiled as he brushed past the snooty bunch of supermodel-rejects. As soon as Mara got to her feet, she was so happy to see them; she hugged him, tight too! "What in the stars… what are you guys doing here?"
"Well, we couldn't let you stand alone!" Han said. "Not to mention, I think Luke would appreciate his family being with him… well, half of it. Leia's at home resting with Anakin, but both send their love and their watching."
While all three present members of the Solo clan were talking to Mara and cheering her up. All Luke's Jedi Students and colleagues were filed in and sat down. Great names like…Sweetdeath04, MistyRiver, Jedi-Lover, Galaxy3, Sunsoarer, ScifiCritic, fluffgirl, Sithspawned, SkyBlueSw, Princess-Aiel, Furlings are Cats, Jedi Master Hawaiian Poshi, Heaven's Reaper, Laurianne1717, Jade-Potter, Lady Hanna, Jade, jedi71, Black-Midnight-Soul, Hawaiian Poshi, Kobe-Mac, DMS, MaraJadeSkywalkerJedi, Mara Look-a-like, Saber Girls (Jania, Leia and Amidala), StarSheep3, jedi-knight-lillian-skywalker, Jedi-Master-Mouf, Amythest, Shannon, Silver FireStar, Vinny and Nex were in attendance. ((AN: Yep that's right, everyone who ever reviewed for this story is now a part of it! All of you wonderful people out there! If I used your name more than once, I apologize and well… you were thanked twice! Wink-wink!)) After everyone was seated, including Calli and Mara's supporters… Jedi Master Luke Skywalker entered the room, and the crowd went wild.
The press was screaming out questions, and The Jedi cheered for the girl they liked best… ((AN: Judging by all of those wonderful reviews, I'm guessing that's Mara!)) Belinda stepped up to the little podium between each girl and finally got the crowd to calm down. Her voice loud and clear, she said, "Ladies and gentlebeings, today is a day that will be long remembered. A lot of you have followed this story from the very beginning; today Master Skywalker will select the girl of his choice." The crowd cheered again, mostly for Luke this time. "How are you feeling Luke?"
"I'm alright," Luke smiled kindly.
"Have you already made your decision?"
"Yes, I already know who I'm going to choose."
"IT'S ABOUT TIME!" The entire Jedi section shouted in unison. Luke looked over his shoulder, while the whole section cheered, and he couldn't help but laugh.
"Alright then, I guess there is only one thing left to do. Each girl will get their chance to say one last thing to Luke before he selects the girl of his choice starting with Callista."
"Well, all I really wanted to say was… Our week together was one of the best I've had in a long time. Thank you for all of the good times, I know you'll going to pick the right girl for the job. So, in other words, thanks for picking me!"
Luke nodded, smiling kindly, on the inside he was thinking, 'Force, get over yourself! And to think, I almost chose her too!'
Belinda choked a little, ((AN: must have been all of the B.S. in the room)) then continued. "Now, Mara-" She hardly got Mara's name out before the crowd went ballistic with cheers, whistles, and clapping.
'Wow for a lost cause, they all seem to be cheering me on a lot…' Mara thought in wonder. 'They probably just feel sorry for me.' She reminded herself, but she still smiled a little, even though she didn't really feel like it. "It's been fun, Skywalker. We had some good times; the important thing is we survived. I will always be your friend, and no matter who you chose today, I'm always here when you need me."
"Alright, now both women will close their eyes and to make sure there is no peeking, Callista, you will be blind folded." Belinda explained winking at Luke; that was another one of the things he'd planned earlier. The only reason Callista didn't object was because she was so sure she was going to win and she wanted Mara to be able to see. "Now Master Skywalker will walk up to the girl of his choice and kiss her. We ask for complete and total silence, until he does that."
The gymnasium was quieter, but it wasn't completely quite, the press was the main cause of that. Luke took moment to take it all in; Calli was all puckered up waiting to be kissed, while Mara's eyes were closed and her head down. Neither women would notice and his plan would work. He gave the signal and a gentleman in the audience hopped over the railing to stand next to Luke. Standing side by side, the men were the same height with the same hair style; a blind person wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
Luke began to approach Mara as soundlessly as he could, cloaking his presence, while the other guy walked confidently over to Calli. Luke got over to Mara and stepped out of her line of sight, just as the other guy began to kiss Callista passionate. Callista sighed and reacted overdramatically.
A look of unbearable pain broke out on Mara's face, but only for a second. She slowly opened her eyes, dark with pain and looked towards the kissing couple. She took a double take and turned her entire body to look. 'Wait a minute, that's not Luke!' Was her last thought, then someone grabbed a gentle hold on her shoulders and turned her around. IT WAS LUKE! She gasped, but before she could say a word, Luke was kissing her! Hungry kisses, so passionate yet so sweet and gentle at the same time. Tears of joy leaked from Mara's closed eyes as she wrapped her arms around him tight and he picked her up, in his arms, both hanging on for their dear lives. The crowd went wild; loudest they'd been all morning! Han and both twins were just as excited and at home Leia was shouting and carrying on, just like she would if she was in the gym, with everyone… Little Anakin staring at her like she'd lost her mind, the whole time.
Callista pulled away from the other guy and pulled off her blindfold. She turned to send Mara away, when she noticed someone was kissing the red-head, passionately. She looked back to see Luke's reaction to this and tell him, 'she always knew Mara was a tramp.' But what she didn't expect was the guy she was looking at wasn't Luke! Who the heck was he? And where was Luke? That's when she realized what was going on; Luke was the one kissing Mara, HE HAD PICKED HER? Mara wasn't the loser, Calli was!
"LUKE! LUKE SKYWALKER, YOU STOP THAT!" Callista demanded while the other guy held her back from running over to them. Luke and Mara, out of breath, slowly pulled apart. As he sat Mara back on her feet, Luke smiled brightly down on her and wiped her tears away, with his thumbs.
"You picked me?" Mara asked.
"Yep!" Luke smiled.
"On purpose?" She questioned further.
"Yes, of course, on purpose!" He laughed.
"But why? Why would you pick me over her? I thought you loved her?"
"I used to love her, but everything between us in the past. I picked you because," Luke took a deep breath, he was getting emotional too. Taking her hands in his he said, "All these years, you've been my friend. You have been nothing but loyal, you've always been there for me, whenever I needed you. Not only are you drop-dead gorgeous on the outside, but you're just as wonderful on the inside."
"You can't be serious." Mara said her voice very weak and hoarse on the verge of bawling.
"Mara… I love you! I've loved you for a long time now, I just wouldn't admit it to myself, because you deserve so much better… I'm so sorry for putting you through all of this; it's been you all along." Mara's tears were pouring down her face, but somehow she managed to halt his apologies.
"You love me?"
"Of course I do Mara."
"But… this is that family kinda love, right, like… you think of me as a sister or something, right?" Luke gave her another kiss on her lips.
"I don't see anything sisterly in that, do you?" Luke asked.
"I hope you don't treat your sister like that!" Han shouted from behind.
"I want to be with you, Mara …I really do… but if you don't feel the same way, I'll underst-" This time Mara grabbed him, and kissed him sweetly. As soon as they pulled apart, Mara said, "I love you too."
"You do?"
"You're sure?"
"Yes." Luke grabbed her again and just before another really cute moment could pass us by, Callista ruined it.
"STOP IT! STOP KISSING AND HOLDING EACH OTHER LIKE THAT!" She screamed her face red, scrunched and twisted. "SHE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THE WINNER, I AM!"
"No, I've got the right girl." He said brightly.
"YOU CAN'T PICK HER, IT'S NOT ALLOWED!" Calli shouted angrily, getting redder and louder by the moment.
"You asked me to choose Calli, and I did." Luke said calmly.
"Now Mara, you need to decide what we will do about Callista." Belinda said. The moment these words were spoken, something inside Callista snapped. The guy that had been kissing her was one of Luke's older students. Callista grabbed his lightsaber, and ran full speed for Luke, screaming.
In the blink of an eye, both Luke and Mara had their lightsabers drawn. They worked together, blocking her fierce attempts blow by blow. At first it looked like Luke and Mara had it covered, so none of the other Jedi were running to help them. They busied themselves with keeping all of the innocent bystanders safe. No one expected Calli to kick Mara, not once but twice, knocking the wind out of her. She dropped to her knees, gasping desperately for breath. While Callista slammed Luke against a wall, pressing her body against his.
"You're confused Luke, it's me you wanted." She said trying to kiss him but he threw her off him and held his blade alarmingly close to her.
"I'm not confused, I didn't pick you, and you lost!" Luke said firmly. "Now get up and stop making a fool of yourself in front of all of these people."
"Okay Luke," Callista said seeming to calm down, when what really made her cooperate was a plan was forming in her head. She grabbed a hand full of sand and throws it in Luke's face. She grabbed a hold of his lightsaber and struggled with him till she'd twisted it out of his hand.
"I originally planned to kill you Skywalker, so that no one would have you, but now that you've really pissed me off… I'll let you live, and I'll kill the one that'll hurt you most!" Callista said stepping over to Mara's still fallen form and raising the bright green blade high over her head.
"NOO, MARA!" Luke shouted, blindly, trying to see, or at least open his eyes. The sand was making his eyes all puffy, teary, and irritated. He heard the motion of his own blade, as it swiftly came closer and closer to Mara. "NO PLEASE!" Luke begged feeling around on the ground, as if trying to find something to throw.
His heart stopped beating, until he heard the distinct sound of Mara's lightsaber blade clashing against his own. He heard Callista try again, then over and over again. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE?"
Mara somehow managed to get to her feet, fighting Calli the whole time. Luke could only listen carefully and try to understand what was going on around him. Callista fought fiercely, while Mara was only moving enough each time to defend herself from injurer. Letting Calli think she had the upper hand. "IT ALL ENDS HERE, JADE!" Callista yelled over the noisy lightsabers. "YOU CAN'T BEAT ME… NO… MATTER… WHAT… I WILL ALWAYS BE STRONGER… PRETTIER… And I will never lose. You were merely slowing my approach down a little." Calli sneered. Mara didn't get out of the way quick enough and Calli's blade made a nice little cut on both of Mara's arms… That did it.
Mara kicked Calli hard and pinned her to the wall, holding both sabers a safe distance from them. Callista looked up at Mara still sneering, but fear darkened her eyes. All she said to the self-absorbed body snatcher was two small words. "My Turn!"
Then Mara's swordsmanship truly shined and after a few awesome maneuvers, she easily disarmed Callista. Before she could think of reaching over and retrieving Luke's saber, Mara's purple blade was almost touching her throat. Mara was holding it so close, Calli could feel the heat radiating off of the blade, and whimpered. While Mara said quietly told two Jedi trainees, Vinny Nex ((The first people to ever review this story! THANKS GUYS!)), "Take her away."
While both students grabbed her by both of her arms and dragged her out of the room. She started to laugh insanely, the horrid sounding laughs echoed, and it made the surroundings seem very eerie for a few moments. Until Vinny flipped on her sliver lightsaber, Nex flipped on her blue saber and they both held their blades threateningly close to Calli's neck, as she they carried her out of the room.
"Mara! Are you alright… ANSWER ME… I can't see!" Luke said desperately still on his knees. Mara called his lightsaber to her hand and slowly walked over to stand in front of him. Luke had been awfully sneaky earlier when he picked her. So she decided this was a perfect opportunity to even the score.
"I believe this belongs to you." Mara smiled offering him his weapon back, but instead he pushed it out of his way, hopped to his feet and crushed her in a hug. "MARA! Thank the FORCE! I was so scared!"
"It's okay." She said soothingly hugging him back, "I'm fine-" was all she managed to say before Luke was kissing her senseless. When they finally parted, Mara whispered, "I don't think she'll be bothering us for a while." Then she giggled and wiped away a lot of the sand from his face. He chucked, and leaned onto her soft hand…still unable to see. "Do your eyes hurt?"
"Not as bad as they did at first, but I still can't see, and I feel like half of Tatooine's been dumped into them!"
"Well, let's go see if we can rinse that out." Mara smiled putting an arm around him and beginning to lead him across the room. Belinda sudden popped up from her hiding place and said, "Hey, wait a minute, you never decided what we should do about Callista. You have to at least do that before you leave."
"Oh that's right, what do you think we should say, Luke?" Mara asked.
"Well I have enough evidence to have her put away for quite some time. Her attacking you, all the things she said before and after I picked… I think padded walls would do her some good." Luke said, and as serious as this situation was, Mara couldn't help but giggle to herself. Then she added, "Oh, and I think we should also demand that she take some serious anger management courses too. If she flips out like that enough, she'll be another sith lord we'll have to deal with."
"Excellent, I couldn't agree more, Calli's so unstable!" Belinda exclaimed talking to herself more than anyone.
"Now if you don't mind, Belinda, I'd like to go ahead an usher the master home." Mara said in mock seriousness.
"Wow, can we get that in writing; she called me 'the master,' and actually sounded serious." Luke smiled.
"We'll I can't help you out there, but I will make sure that Calli is put in a safer environment, and you two can go ahead home." So both Jedi said their 'thank you's and 'farewell's to Belinda and managed to escape before the mob, also known as the press, could reach them.
When they reach the hall, both Solo children once attached themselves to Mara an Luke. Cheering merrily, so happy for both their aunt and uncle.
Back at the solo residence Leia Organa Solo had tears of joy running down her face. Luke and Mara were finally together and finally, they had a chance of finding happiness together.
Later That Night… Far Away In A Safe Institution…
Callista sat in the middle of her cell, her hair was still sticking straight up on her head, from the shock-therapy. She hadn't quite adjusted to her straight jacket and was having difficulty getting along with the staff. They didn't understand that she was perfect! She didn't belong here, she wasn't a common inmate. So what if she'd had a few brushes with the darkside lately. So what if Mara won this time, she just got a few lucky shots!
While Callista was sitting there, trying to find a way out of her stylishly teal straight jacket. She began to hear voices all around her. The next thing she knew she was looking Mara Jade right, in the face. Calli got up, running full force for her! Amazingly enough, she never hit the girl; she just crashed into the soft plush wall.
She heard Luke's voice behind her telling her she was a loser. So she turned to charge towards him, and crashed into the wall again. She was hallucinating, and all of the staff was thankful they'd decided to put her in the room with padded walls. She could be heard screaming, "I'LL GET MY REVENGE, YOU'LL SEE! I'LL get outta here somehow and when I do… Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade will pay for this! YOU HEAR ME! YOU'LL BOTH PAY!"
Meanwhile…At Luke Skywalker's Apartment…
Luke happened to glace at his reflection, and was glad to see a lot of the swelling had gone down. He could see fine, but his eyes were still recovering from today's activities. He looked alright, so he quietly walked into Mara's room, but she wasn't there. He thought for sure she would have been in her room, setting it back to the way she had it before, the way she liked it. 'Where could she be?' he asked himself, then as he walked through his living area… he noticed the doors to the balcony were open. 'Ah ha!' He stepped out side and as sure as you're born, there she was. She looked radiant in the moonlight, her hair glistened, and gentlest smile on her lips. At first he didn't think she noticed him… that is until she said, "Took you long enough."
"I wasn't looking for long." He said wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and kissing her cheek.
"Sure you weren't," she teased. "You were just staring at my door trying to come up with something cleaver to say." Mara accused.
"You're reading my thoughts now!"
"Hey, it's not my fault you decided to be lazy and broadcast your thoughts to anyone within the system." Mara practically scolded, then she smiled, "but some of those images you sent were very entertaining."
Luke turned bright red, "Sorry."
"No you're not." She giggled, "Aww, I made you blush!"
"Well since you know what I was thinking, what were you thinking about out here?" Luke asked.
"I don't know, I still can't get over it. You chose me, ME!" Mara laughed, "I mean don't get me wrong, I'm happy, so happy! But… I still can't believe it."
"Why is it so hard to believe?"
"Well, you could have picked Callista, you know, someone you used to love-"
"Used to being the operative words! Mara, you have to know, I don't feel that way about her anymore. I love you!"
"I know, it's just… I don't think I ever believed I had a chance. I was so sure I'd lose and have to start all over again. I should have had more faith in you."
"I don't mind, I'm just glad you're not mad at me."
"Mad, why would I be mad, Luke?"
"For putting you through this, for taking so long to realize what we had. I never meant to hurt you, I was so stupid!"
Mara turned herself in his embrace and put her hand on his cheek saying "No Farmboy, of course I'm not mad. You weren't ready to love again, you needed time. I understand that."
"That doesn't make it right, doesn't make it fair. I always cared for you."
"I know that now, and we're together, that's all that matters." Mara said in a soothing tone of voice and kissed his cheek.
"I don't deserve you, ya know, you deserve so much better." Luke said running his fingers through her hair.
"No, I don't, and I'll give you two reasons why." Mara smiled. "No other guy could handle me. And none of those other guys are you! You're very special to me and you're the one I love."
Luke smiled and pulled her into a long sweet kiss. "I'm a very lucky guy."
"I just hope you're still saying that after you see what I did." Mara said pulling him inside.
"Oh no, what did you do?"
"Nothing bad… at least I hope it's not bad." Mara muttered.
"I heard that, what did you-" That's when he saw it, dinner sitting on the table. A deep green table cloth spread, candles lit, chairs close together and steam still rising from the wonderful smelling meal beautifully arranged on a plate for each of them. "You cooked?"
"Yes, now I know I'm not a great chef and I owe a lot to Han, who walked me through this recipe step by step. But I think it turned out okay." Mara smiled, Luke was speechless, she had gone through so much to do this. "Do you like it, I heard it was one of your favorite dishes."
"You did… all of this… for me?"
"Yes, do you like it?"
"Yes," Luke choked, "Of course, I love it… thank you." He kissed her again deeply.
"Whoa, if I had known I'd get a thanks like that, I would have been cooking a long time ago." Mara laughed.
"And I haven't even tried it yet."
"Looks like I'm gonna be trying to cook a lot more often." Mara laughed and Luke pulled out a chair for her.
"Yeah, poor Han." Luke said as he pulled his seat closer, and both of them laughed. "Have you tasted it yet?"
"I did take a bitty taste, and I liked it, but I've never actually tried this kind of Alfredo before."
"Well it is one of Tatooine's delicacies; a girl like you didn't grow up with great stuff like this!"
"Yeah, where I came from, alfredo wasn't blue!"
"What do you mean it wasn't blue? It has to be blue, there's like some rule about that!"
"No, milk is only blue on Tatooine; on Coruscant it's purple like normal."
"So on Coruscant they make lavender alfredo?"
"Yes, so I thought I had made a mistake." Luke laughed and each of them took their first fork full. "Hey, that's pretty good."
"That's really good! Excellent, Great job honey!" Luke said kissing Mara sweetly on her lips in thanks.
"You really like it?"
"Of course, it's the best I've had in years. Thank you so much!"
The meal went relatively normal, poking fun at one another and carrying on like usual. But all through the meal and even afterward, Mara could tell Luke had something on his mind. So while they were sipping their cocoa on the couch, by the fireplace, Mara finally confronted him on it. "Okay Luke, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing's wrong." He smiled, trying to be convincing, but Mara wasn't buying.
"Come on Luke, what's going on in that sandy head of yours."
"It's just, I feel like I've forced you into this. Are you sure you're okay? I don't want you to feel obligated just because I chose you."
Mara shook her head, "Is that all! Honey, I love you, no one is forcing me into anything!"
Luke looked down and said quietly, "I love you so much Mara, I always have. The reason I took so long to tell you… was because I've been hurt so many times in the past. I'm not an easy person to love."
"Neither am I, that's why I never really confessed how I felt before. I've never loved anyone or anything… before you."
"If we start this Mara, there's no turning back, I won't be able to let you go." Luke whispered.
"I feel the same way," Mara whispered back. "And I promise you here in now, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me Farmboy."
"I've never been so happily stuck in my life." Luke said tears leaking from his eyes. Mara wiped his tears away and kissed him sweetly. She meant for the kiss to be short and sweet, but Luke caught her before she could get away. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss. She made a surprised noise and opened her eyes just for a second, then she giggled and closed her eyes. Some time later Mara broke the kiss, but she didn't pull away.
"Luke," said breathlessly, "what's gotten into you."
"Making up for lost time, love." Luke said, slowly closing the gap between them again. "And we've got a long way to go." He said lowering her to lie on her back.
"I love you so much," she laughed, wrapping her arms around him tight.
"And I love you." Luke smiled, beginning to kiss his true love!
The End
There it is guys I'm so sorry it took me so long to post. I had a sever case of writers block and a migraine that lasted an entire week! The only thing that kept me writing was your reviews telling me to keep going. I hope everyone enjoyed it! Please write in and let me know what you think! If everyone likes it enough, I may do a sequel in the near future…after the Valentine's Day stories I have planned! THANKS AGAIN ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL READERS! Till next time, TTFN, Bye Bye Bye!