"Can we leave now?" Howl asked Sophie beseechingly.

Sophie scowled, "Oh no you don't! You got yourself into this mess, you're not slithering out and leaving me to clean it up!"

Megan was still talking. "What is this about wizards? Where are we anyway? Howell what in the world are you wear…"

Calcifer looked from one indignant woman to the other. Howl stood between them turning rather pale, his green eyes searching desperately for an escape. Then, he saw it. Michael and Martha standing slightly off to the side of every body. Perfect! Ignoring Sophie and Megan's continuous onslaught. He conjured up a sprig of mistletoe. It was soaring straight for the pair when unfortunately for him, Sophie noticed.

Giving him a dirty look, She yelled "Michael! Martha! Look out!" the two glanced up, and scattered as Michael asked under his breath "Who's Martha?" She heard him and answered. (another story…that I am not writing…)

Fanny and Co., thinking the witch or Miss Angorian had returned screamed and ran for cover. Howl couldn't have planned it better himself. Wait…he did plan it! Now for the finale. Spreading his arms dramatically, he conjured a cloud (much like the one's he and the witch of the waste had fought on several weeks earlier (at least I think it was weeks. Correct me if I'm wrong.)) in the center of room. Then he wrapped one arm around Sophie's waist, leaped aboardand sped out the door yelling back toMegan,

"Sophie was under a curse by the same womanwhat came to Wales, We are in market Chipping. Ant I'm a Wizard so HA! College wasn't such a waste of time after all!" He raised his fist triumphantly,barely missing the heads of several of Lettie's suitors (much to Lettie's dismay…that they missed…)

Sophie gave a little shriek and clung to Howls arm. Seeing she was frightened, he slowed down.

"Sophie dear, I love you but that doesn't mean I want fingernails embedded in my arm."

"Sorry." She gave a nervous chuckle. Then abruptly, she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. He turned his head at the last second though and kissed her on the mouth. Thus so, they sailed off into the sunset in their loving embrace.


Sappy at the end a little, But I thought I was fitting….

Thank you to my faithful reviewers and I'm not good at ending this so goodbye!
