Disclaimer: The characters used in this story do not belong to me; they belong to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and related companies. I am not making any money from their use in this story.

Notes: Finally I'm making an attempt at a lengthier story - feedback much appreciated. Thanks to Reinbeauchaser for helping me with some of the US terminology. Lastly, I'm not trying to place a negative value on having a good night out with some drink. (Heck no.)

What's Your Poison?


His bandana ties danced in the breeze. The silhouette of the turtle stood at the edge of the building, staring over the city coated in nightfall. He idly flipped a sai between his fingers, his mind consumed in thought.

'A wise rat once said, "Faith is knowing that something is true, even if we do not see it." But sometimes, it's not that easy,' he thought to himself. 'The scenario: It's the middle of the night, and I'm in a dark, stinking sewer when my brother is brought home, drunk as a skunk. All the facts are right there before my eyes, how can I possibly think otherwise? When your brother struggles to stand up straight and slurs his speech to try and tell his he's not drunk, what am I to believe? When he says he couldn't remember any of his actions, am I supposed to think that he didn't really go out and get drunk?

'Just maybe, once in a while, I should have faith. I should believe what I want to believe.'