A/N: Hey guys! Here is my new multiple chapter story! I hope everyone likes it! It's definitely a lot different than I Saw Sparks. It's a lot sadder, and I think, a lot deeper. But I hope you love it all the same! This first chapter is really sad, but don't worry things will get better later on! Please all you wonderful people who read I Saw Sparks, make me the happiest person ever, and review for this story too! I love you all! Enjoy!

Chapter One: Tragedy

Flaming red hair billowed out behind a petite girl of about twenty-two. She was spinning around with eyes closed, making herself dizzy and faint. But she loved the feeling. She felt alive, like she could fly. She spread her arms wider still, and twirled around like a spinning top. When she finally could take no more, she collapsed onto the sand, panting and laughing. A cool breeze blew over her and she slowly opened her eyes. She was lying on the beach of a vast glittering ocean. It stretched out before her, beautiful and unexplored. So the girl decided to do the only thing any normal person would. She was going to explore it. But before she could, she heard a familiar voice calling her name.

"Ginny! Ginny!" called a tall, thin brunette girl.

Ginny spun around to find her best friend, Ashley, facing her.

"I got us the ice cream." Said Ashley with a wide smile.

"Thanks Ash." Ginny replied, while grabbing the cone from Ashley's hand.

They both collapsed onto their beach blanket, ready to eat their cool relief from the scorching summer sun. Silence followed, but it was not an uncomfortable one. It was a serene, relaxed silence. The kind that occurs when the people experiencing it are complete at ease with one another. The two best friends glanced at each other and smiled. Ginny sank back into deep thought. So much had changed since her earlier years. She had distanced herself from the wizarding world, in favor of a more peaceful existence in the Muggle world. Ginny still felt regretful for leaving everything that she had once known behind, but she couldn't go back now. Not after her abrupt departure. Everything seemed to be going well in her life. She had a decent job, caring boyfriend, and everything she had ever wanted. Except for one thing. The thing she had wanted since she was eleven years old. But that would never happen now. Ginny shook the old memories out of her head, and began to think of the present. She began to grin girlishly as she thought of her boyfriend, Adam. She could picture his short blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. He was a complete departure from her first love. That certain messy haired, green-eyed boy. She scowled as she thought of him, and Ashley noticed.

"Gin, what's wrong?" asked Ashley softly.

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Oh nothing important." Replied Ginny.

Ginny had never told Ashley anything about her old life. Nothing. Not even about him. It was too risky. She didn't want anyone in her circle of friends to know. It wasn't that she didn't trust them, because she did. But them knowing about what she really was would just complicate things. And she didn't want anything to be complicated. Things had been complicated enough for a whole lifetime. Ginny forced herself to put those thoughts out of her mind, and decided that it was time to explore the ocean. So she grabbed Ashley's hand, yanked her off the beach, and they both went running towards the clear, cool water.

Ginny dove in, and felt the cold water run over her body. A shiver went up her spine, as she swam slowly underwater. She swam deeper and farther away, until Ashley was nowhere in sight. Ginny felt in her element. She loved the water, and all the creatures in it. She was like a mermaid with hair the color of fire, swimming among the fish. I'm like Ariel. Except I can't sing for shit, she thought goofily to herself. Ginny finally ran out of breath and swam back towards the surface. She lay on her back floating for some time, just letting the sun bake her skin. Deciding that it would probably be a good idea to find Ashley, she raised her head. But Ginny saw no one. But then, she spotted a mass of brown curls floating in the water. Ginny swam as fast as she could, screaming all the way.

"Ashley! Ashley!"

When she reached Ashley, Ginny spun her body around, and lifted her head from the water. She was deathly pale, and spots of her skin were tinged with blue. She tried to get Ashley breathing again, but to no avail. Ashley had the faintest pulse that Ginny had ever felt. So as fast as she could, Ginny began dragging Ashley out of the water. When they reached the shore, Ginny ran to her bag, and called 911. She raced back down to Ashley, and checked her pulse again. She was fading, and fast.

"Hurry Up!" she shouted in anguish, trying to will the ambulance to get there.

But for the next ten minutes, no one came. Ginny kept checking Ashley's pulse and trying to revive her, hoping for a change. Hoping that Ashley would somehow wake up. But after fifteen minutes, Ashley had no pulse at all. Ginny leaned over Ashley's chest, to try to hear a heartbeat. But there was none. She let out a scream, and collapsed. My best friend is dead. Dead. Oh god. A few minutes later the ambulance pulled up. Ginny had never been more furious in her life.

"You're too late! You're too late you bastards! If you had been here fifteen minutes ago, maybe you could have saved her! She's gone! Gone!" Ginny screamed in agony, before falling onto the ground.

Ginny looked at her best friend. They had been through so much together. Sometimes things got bad, but they always stuck together. And now this girl that she had shared so much with, was gone. Never to come back. Ginny couldn't bear it. She felt as if any minute, her heart would burst. She crawled over to Ashley, and pushed a damp lock of hair from her face. Ginny stroked Ashley's face, which only made her more heartbroken. How many times had Ashley comforted her when she was feeling sad or when she was feeling bad about herself? How many times had Ashley made her laugh and smile? In the five years that they had known each other, they had grown so close. Ashley was like Ginny's sister. She was a part of her, and now that part was lifeless.

After an hour of Ginny refusing to leave Ashley's side, they paramedic finally forced her to go. Feeling dejected and helpless, Ginny walked back to the apartment that she had shared with Ashley. Just being there hurt like hell. But Ginny had no choice but to stay. So she walked back to her room, changed into her pajamas and fell onto her bed. She was exhausted from the grief and the rivers of tears that had fallen from her eyes. Ginny soon fell into a restless sleep, just wanting it all to be dream. But knowing that it was not.

A/N: Hope everyone liked the first chapter of my story! Read and Review! Thanks!